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Everything posted by deej

  1. deej


    And it is not established that he DID commit a crime earlier in the day. Even the state's governor has admitted that the video was released solely to besmirch the dead kid's reputation. We don't actually know it was him. And, come on, even if the kid did shoplift Swisher Sweets, we don't GUN DOWN suspected shoplifters!
  2. deej


    Much of this is what they call justification. You refuse to see it because nobody has presented statistics that you like. We won't know for sure how this will play out in the courts, for sure, until it actually does that. But I've seen 'testimony' from at least three witnesses saying an unarmed teenager with his hands in the air in the international signal of surrender and saying "don't shoot!" was shot and killed. That is first degree murder. From local officials I've seen nothing but deflection and noise about things unrelated to an unarmed teenager shot and killed in broad daylight. The noise machine is going to run on for a while. People will yammer on about statistics and what have you. Meanwhile, an unarmed teenager was executed for the crime of walking down the street. Emotions are running high and justifiably so. Dismiss to your own detriment.
  3. deej


    This shooting is being bungled in every way it's remotely possible to bungle. Several days after the shooting, the kid who was WITH the victim at the time of the shooting STILL had not spoken with police. He was clearly available. The networks all found him. It's not like he was on the lam or something. DAYS after a shooting and they still hadn't spoken with the ONLY witness other than the cop/shooter? Blatant incompetence, and there's nothing else about the story that gives me any more faith in local authorities.
  4. Indeed, US satellites have the thermal images of the missile launching and the explosion on contact. It hasn't been released, but with that kind of pinpointing they know (or soon will) EXACTLY where that missile launched. I PRAY it was launched from inside Ukraine, but if it was right at the border it could be a case of two steps this way or that way. If it came from within Russia, as John McCain said today "there will be hell to pay". (Thank god it is't his finger on the launch button!) A lot of the talking heads are hoping this goads western Europe into taking a more active role in the Putin issue. Time will tell.
  5. If I could fly with Steven I wouldn't mind spooning. HIS ride might not be comfortable but I'd enjoy the hell out of it.
  6. I'm not much for conspiracy theories, but... That could still be in play, even if the currently missing plane isn't involved. What better way to find out how missing planes are tracked than by disappearing one? Want to know what authorities can and can't do? Make a plane go missing under mysterious circumstances. Watch the world chase its own tail. Learn. Did YOU know that planes send a "ping" to satellites every hour? Everyone knows now. I wonder if rogue pings could cause mischief? The only thing we know for sure is that we don't know much.
  7. Yes, and that goes for everything from missing airliners to Justin Bieber's latest arrest. It's ironic that this is called the information age. It should really be called the MIS-information age because WRONG travels fast and dies hard.
  8. You can run into porn stars anywhere. Used to happen to me in Chicago a lot. The question is whether you'll recognize them, and you probably won't. It's like running into your dentist's receptionist in the grocery store. You don't recognize her at first because she isn't in uniform and isn't sitting behind the desk where you usually see her. (And with porn stars it's not all that easy to recognize them with clothes on. ) It is not unusual, though, to bump into someone in WeHo who a) MIGHT be a pornstar, b) LOOKS like a pornstar, c) MIGHT be a pornstar tomorrow, or d) might have already made porn but it hasn't been released yet. As someone around here said recently, flights land every day and pretty people keep arriving with big dreams.
  9. They do say you should keep the foot elevated.
  10. Would it be wrong to complain that my ice maker isn't working? (Sprained my ankle and that ice maker is letting me down!)
  11. I once attended a conference in Tempe, I think, during the fall when the weather took an unexpected turn to COLD. One of the evening social events was planned for outside. Attendees, teeth chattering, were walking up to bartenders who would reach into an ice-filled trough and serve up an ice cold bottle of beer. The bartenders would smile nicely and say "It's a dry cold".
  12. And we like it that way.
  13. It'll be over by then. You'll have to settle for "just" winter.
  14. Some comics rely on timing (Ellen, Seinfeld) or on a build up (Leno, Rivers, etc.) or one-liners (Take my wife, please). Buddy Hackett did it all, and he managed to wring every drop out of every minute the spotlight was on him. Every time. Brilliant.
  15. There's sugar in most bread. HTH It's far more than just educational. Availability plays a big role, too. There are areas of the country where the only food available is the unhealthy kind. It seems unthinkable to those of us who live a lifestyle comfortable enough to afford hiring male escorts, but we are living above the median. Many neighborhoods do not have a local Safeway (or equivalent), and oddly enough those are the neighborhoods where residents also can't afford cars to drive the many miles to the nearest outlet for fresh produce (or decent meat, etc.). In my own snoozy little town in southern California there are various high-end groceries and even farm stands where I routinely buy fresh produce and high quality meats. To get there I drive past the neighborhood "Fruteria y Carniceria" and see locals walking in. Those locals are at the mercy of whatever they find inside and having been inside it isn't the best quality. Kraft Mac & Cheese looks pretty good when the alternative is brown meat! So in addition to tackling education (which is hampered, by the way, by kids sitting in class unable to concentrate because they're hungry), let's tackle poverty and distribution. The problem is far too complex to pass it off with a one-and-done solution on any front.
  16. Yep. ISTR the 777 went through MUCH more than this. I've been wondering for years how long we'd be stuck with LiIon batteries. After their history of erupting in flames inside laptop computers you'd think someone would have come up with something better by now.
  17. I'll go for pairs: The Hemsworth brothers (Liam and Chris) The Evans brothers (Chris and Scott) The Franco brothers (James and Dave)
  18. I saw this happen once. During a family vacation, visiting the grandparents, the family dog hiked his leg on the electrified fence around a horse pasture. Never knew that dog could make that sound.
  19. It's a startup that's flailing wildly right now under the weight of public opinion. Just kidding. It's just a photo blogging site. It's popular, all the more so since Facebook bought it. If you don't need to share photos beyond your FB wall, don't sweat it.
  20. George Takei (yeah, that one) posted on twitter: "Two states legalize marijuana and the maker of Twinkies goes out of business. Now that's IRONY!"
  21. I've had that vibe from some of the "str8" husbands, too. Just remember that it's TV so a lot if it is staged. You know HGTV is playing to a specific audience by their promos from last fall. They were heavily advertising "the boys of Wednesday", when their prime time lineup for Wednesdays was McGillivray, the Property Brothers, and the Kitchen Cousins.
  22. HGTV has a lot of hot guys. I think they know their audience. They also feature a lot (A LOT) of gay couples on makeover/remodel shows.
  23. Oh, that's just the beginning of bacon-wonders. How about a Woven Bacon Cheese Angina Roll http://www.blogadilla.com/img/Woven%20Bacon%20Roll.jpg
  24. It's probably tasty. Savory/sweet combinations are certainly nothing new. Chocolate dipped pretzels are a holiday staple. Cupcakes often have bacon crumbles on top. Heck, bacon is often cured with maple syrup so it's already a savory/sweet blend. I'd try it, if I ever went to BK. (Un)fortunately, the nearest BK is over 20 miles away and there are places to actually eat along the way.
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