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Posts posted by TorontoDrew

  1. Four reviews in two years and two were by the same person.  Pics are fantastic which makes me think he's  TGTBT.

    Maybe one of our pic detectives can weigh in on if these pics were "borrowed" from IG.

  2. 1 hour ago, lanyc said:

    His ad says "Not Available" which is also what automatically appeared when I contacted him. Quite the change from his usually glib, fun-loving correspondance. (And he shaved 7 years off his age. I was with him on his 40th birthday over a year ago....) Dammit. He was great.

    When he parks his ad he changes a few things.  It usually says 39 which is close.  I am not sure the ad will go back to active if he is truly is retiring.  We'll  see.

  3. Three reviews in three years and all in 2021.  Potential red flag there.

    Reviews are all good though.

    Strikes me as more of a IG and OF guy who uses RM to advertise.  Who knows.  He's hot and has quite the endowment.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Gymowner said:

    He walks past a table with four old old guzzards. James walks past and all of a sudden one of the old guzzards collapses to the floor... dead as a doornail! The ambulance comes, puts a sheet over the old man on the stretcher and wheels him out! All that muscle bouncing around and the old geezer couldnt handle it!

    True as true can be guys!!

    That's how I want to die.  Old and staring at a hot man.  I'd rather be in bed with him but I'll take what I can get.

    Now back to a discussion about this provider.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Gymowner said:


    Guys his legs are just as big as his upper body. I do things out and about with James once in awhile. He LOVES wearing his clothes skin tight so everyone can stare. Looking at his arms bust out of a tight shirt and those thighs and ass want to split his pants apart is something! I have the funniest story about him you could ever believe. Its about his size and gays staring. I'll tell you all if I get a "pretty please". I'm sure he wont mind since I was there along with another friend. Lol

    Pretty please!

  6. 39 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

    If I'm not mistaken he was based at one time either in Montreal or Toronto. This was before Covid. I corresponded with him once but wasn't impressed with his response and dropped the conversation. 

    I dont remember him in Toronto but he's not really my type either.

  7. 18 minutes ago, ThroatCummer said:


    As to him specifically, he does have 7 5.0 reviews. Have you thrown up a VPN and looked at the comments from outside the USA and read about him? What do they say? 

    Articulate, strong, thick cock.  Sounds like a good time.

  8. 9 hours ago, mike carey said:

    Oh dear, further proof that I am old (or maybe that I live in an Anglophone Commonwealth country). [The George Bernard Shaw play] Pygmalion was one of my high school English texts and I'd seen the film of the musical My Fair Lady when it came out (when I wasn't old).

    Me too

  9. 3 hours ago, kingsley88 said:

    I think it may also depend on how big the bubble butt cheeks are. If htere are no butt cheeks, I'd think it's easier to hit the second hole even for the average penis.

    I don't think average is going to get there.  You need length.

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