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Ali Gator

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Everything posted by Ali Gator

  1. I've DVR'd the first two episodes and FF through the commercials. I must say - this is better than I thought it would be. The cast is incredible (especially Hollander, Watts and Lane), the directing fast-paced, and the writing is great (except for a few obvious falsehoods they presented as 'facts' - such as Capote referencing '60 Minutes' to Bill Palley when he first meets him in 1955 - '60 Minutes' didn't come on the air until '68; one of the characters saying 'she flew in on the Concorde from London to NY' in 1975 - the Concorde wasn't available until 1979).
  2. "How to Dance In Ohio", which has struggled to find an audience since it opened a few months ago to mostly terrible reviews, will play its final performance on February 11. When the show closes, it will have played 99 performances - the latest 'new musical' this season which never hit the 100-performance benchmark.
  3. Three-time Tony winning actor Hinton Battle died today after a "brief illness", according to his friend, actress Debbie Allen. "Today, I honor Hinton Battle, my dear friend who left us to dance and sing in God’s Ensemble last night. He fought this battle to live and be creative impacting audiences and young people across the globe. Let us always hold him high in our hearts and in our mind’s eye and forever speak his name."
  4. Heavy promotion ? She did the 'CBS Morning Show' on November 5 and 6, for a very brief interview (split into two parts; less than 10 minutes each ) with Gayle King. She did a ninety-minute interview with Howard Stern on his radio show, available on Sirius Radio (subscription only) a few days later. She did an interview with Stephen Colbert, a few weeks after the book release, in which he monopolized the whole interview and talked about himself. She did a 'virtual' meet and greet with B&N a month after the book's release, in which one had to buy the book from B&N (in person or online) to get a promo code to the 'private event'. You call that heavy promotion ? Meanwhile, a few weeks after Streisand released her memoir, politician Liz Cheney released hers. The difference ? Liz Cheney was on just about every morning talk show, every Sunday talk show, every cable TV talk show - even those by 'liberal hosts' (as they acknowledged) where nobody would think she'd ever show up ('The Rachel Maddow Show', 'The View'), to be interviewed about her book. She made herself accessible to all - didn't do subscription radio interviews, didn't do a private event. She even did a 'book tour' in between, signing copies at local bookstores. NOW THAT'S HEAVY PROMOTION. She landed at #1 and stayed there for most of the two months since her book's release.
  5. It also had one of the fastest rise to the #1 position at the time - six short weeks. It stayed in the Hot 100 for 15 weeks, achieved Gold status (1M copies sold) on February 11, 1980 and Platinum status (2M copies sold) in 1997. It was the first 12" single to top the new 'Disco / Dance Chart' where it stayed for four weeks.
  6. I just finished the first season of Fellowes' "Belgravia", from 2020 (which was the reason 'The Gilded Age' was pushed back) . Like "The Gilded Age", this is a series in which the story could've been told in half the time - three episodes instead of six. For some reason, he really likes to stretch his series out with a lot of 'filler episodes' which does nothing to move the story along. Tedious and dull.
  7. I don't know - I think what keeps the attraction going this far is the 'mystery' between the two of us.
  8. Nope. Learned it from a friend 'Anthony', and Italian kid who lived across the street from me who was two years older. It was then (around 12-13 years old) I realized I was attracted to him - when he pulled out his hard dick to show me his pubic hair. He asked me if I wanted to touch it and I did - quickly. I loved it. Nothing ever happened between the two of us, though. As we went through our teens he became cuter and cuter (with long hair) and his body developed into something sexy and muscled by the age of 18, and grew into his sexy 'bad boy' image. All the girls were in love with him, and he asked me if I was gay (I said no - I was scared). I always secretly thought he was. We parted ways when he went to a different high school. We reconnected at a funeral 10 years ago, and try to meet for dinner a couple of times a year (he has aged well for someone in his early 60s who's a jogger and a vegan). When we first went out to dinner 10 years ago, we were reminiscing about how we became friends. I reminded him he taught me about sex - he was very embarrassed, and apologized for being a 'tough guy jerk' back then. He doesn't ask about my 'love life' - he knows I'm not married, and he must know I'm gay. He's married with two adult kids, but keeps his own 'private apartment' close to where I live in the city, to be close to his work (he's very successful - has a beautiful home about an hour away). What's funny is that every time we end our 'dinner date' (it's always just the two of us) he asks if I want to 'go back' to his apartment with him, as he's staying the night. His invitation is offered in a way where it can innocently mean 'we can go back and finish our conversation over a glass of wine' or a more seductively 'we can go back and do what we didn't do when we were growing up'. I prefer the latter (I can kick it off by sitting next to him on the couch, and saying 'So teach me again about sex' )! However, I always deny his offer - tell him I have to get home for one reason or another. I always end with 'maybe next time we're together'...
  9. After just four months of performance, Barry Manilow's passion project "Harmony" has set a closing date of February 4. Despite mostly good reviews since opening on November 13, the show never caught on in finding an audience at the Barrymore Theater. Last week, the show pulled in just 77% of ticket sales (with a moderate average price of $85), not enough to keep a musical of this size going. The show never saw the theater fill more than 80% of its capacity since November. When the show closes, it will play 92 performances. Despite its struggles at the box office, "Harmony" has gotten plenty of Tony buzz this season, especially for star Chip Zien. The Barry Manilow / Bruce Sussman project has been decades in the making. The show tells the true story of 'The Comedian Harmonists' - a German vocal group which became an international sensation in the 1920s and 1930s, until the Nazis wiped away their history. At the peak of their career, the group sold millions of records, made dozens of films, and played hundreds of venues around the world.
  10. His ad is so unappealing to me. It reads as a resume - and not for the 'work' he's looking for.
  11. This they canceled - but they renewed the sleep-inducing 'Gilded Age' ???
  12. A classic case where someone who has zero business sense buys / starts a business and treats it as a 'hobby' not a real 'business'. Fails all the time.
  13. I'm the odd man out, but I really enjoyed the movie - one of the better films I saw in the past year. I thought BK was excellent in his role (especially when he went to visit his family and we saw the 'real' Oliver) - he should win an Oscar. Sure there were some 'shocking scenes' to get tongues wagging (and they have), but they played nicely into the film and the craziness of the character.
  14. I'm finding my straight female friends enjoyed this series. My gay male friends did not.
  15. I find this happening more and more with escorts from other countries. They speak the Queen's English when it comes to money and payment, but don't know a word of English when you talk about the service and decide to play dumb.
  16. I would love to hire a nude male, nice-looking, well-defined housecleaner. Never saw any ads in my area. I've offered some extra cash to a few young guys who have been to my house for repairs, etc (told them this was all 'on the side' of course, not to interfere with the work they do each day) but no one was interested. Actually, one young man named Cody (supposedly straight) was - he was 25, handsome and well-toned smooth sexy body. I hired him to clean my bathroom and kitchen 'nude' for $100 (good price for a small bathroom and small kitchen - both not that dirty). He agreed and came by one Saturday. Once he got here, he decided he'd take everything off except his underwear (bikini underwear). I told him I'd give him $75 since he went back on the deal. We negotiated back to $100 when he said I could touch him during his time here - just not his dick. I was fine with that - but by the end of his appointment (2 hours), he did pull out his dick for me and let me stroke it a bit. When he cot close to coming, he told me to stop and pulled his underwear back up. (That was fine). He agreed to come back once a month - he didn't mind 'the job'. When I called him the following month, he ghosted me.
  17. I can't understand the guys who advertise 'erotic' and want to leave their underwear on for the first half of the massage. I paid for a full hour for an erotic - not a half hour. I want to see the whole package for an hour. I admit, many times when they are in front of me in their underwear, I start rubbing their cock through their underwear (which gets them rock hard really quick). They usually drop their shorts quickly after that. If they don't, I start to reach for the waistband, and remove it myself - which they let me do. Once the cock is pointing at me, it's all mine during the massage.
  18. My tank holds a little over 200 gallons, so I only get 100 gals at a time - making it half a tank. Today, I had a delivery and my tank was 1/8 full - so now I have a half plus 1/8. It usually goes down to 1/8 in 4 weeks depending on the weather. This November - January has been unseasonably mild, so I've been stretching it a bit (my last delivery was 5 weeks ago). On average (November - May) I will get 5 - 6 deliveries. I do get my last delivery in May for the summer (which will last through October, usually) as I do need it for hot water.
  19. It shouldn't be scary unless you are afraid to be naked in front of him. If you're comfortable being nude with him, then this shouldn't be scary at all.
  20. His RM profile says '31'. Last time I saw him (2018 ? 2019 ?) he had to be in his mid-40s. He's leaving today, so I passed on him.
  21. I know what his real job is, and that schedule makes sense. Let's just say he 'flies around' quite a bit.
  22. I said pushing 50 but yes you're right - upon closer look, I think he's in his 50s. The photo with the sunglasses on suggest he went to Barry Manilow's plastic surgeon and said "I'll have the Manilow". He has definitely had work done, and I think hair plugs.
  23. I should add I have oil heat. I'm getting a delivery tomorrow - $3.40 a gallon (100 gallons). It's the lowest its been in a while.
  24. I searched his name and MF # and nothing came up... Any info on Charley these days ? I met with him pre-pandemci and he was pretty good (very affordable) ; less massage more sex which is what I was searching for at the time. He's returned to my area but his photos seem old. Anyone have any recent info on him?? One thing I recall was he was on 'the small side' soft - and he talked about it right away (got the elephant out of the room). He handled it well (not that it mattered to me). He got pretty big though, and really knew how to use it. He was very thin, too - which is not always a turn-on for me, but it was fine for me in the end. (I prefer defined / built). https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/41764/
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