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Ali Gator

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Everything posted by Ali Gator

  1. His RM profile says '31'. Last time I saw him (2018 ? 2019 ?) he had to be in his mid-40s. He's leaving today, so I passed on him.
  2. I know what his real job is, and that schedule makes sense. Let's just say he 'flies around' quite a bit.
  3. I said pushing 50 but yes you're right - upon closer look, I think he's in his 50s. The photo with the sunglasses on suggest he went to Barry Manilow's plastic surgeon and said "I'll have the Manilow". He has definitely had work done, and I think hair plugs.
  4. I should add I have oil heat. I'm getting a delivery tomorrow - $3.40 a gallon (100 gallons). It's the lowest its been in a while.
  5. I searched his name and MF # and nothing came up... Any info on Charley these days ? I met with him pre-pandemci and he was pretty good (very affordable) ; less massage more sex which is what I was searching for at the time. He's returned to my area but his photos seem old. Anyone have any recent info on him?? One thing I recall was he was on 'the small side' soft - and he talked about it right away (got the elephant out of the room). He handled it well (not that it mattered to me). He got pretty big though, and really knew how to use it. He was very thin, too - which is not always a turn-on for me, but it was fine for me in the end. (I prefer defined / built). https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/41764/
  6. Yes - that's the Tantric guy. Can it be those are his current pictures ? He's still sexy looking if they are (he must be pushing 50 now). Yes - he wanted to be a film-maker (and a country singer, I recall). I mistakenly said 'actor'. Thanks for finding him. If those are accurate pics, I wouldn't mind meeting up with him again.
  7. I understand what you're saying, but I know many people who have left their small environment to become an adult and it didn't work out as planned. But every individual is different...
  8. Since you've been to him a number of times now, here is how you get be nude in front of him for the appointment: "Do you mind if we do this appointment without the draping ? I must admit, I really love coming here for your massage but I don't feel as relaxed as I should with the sheet over me, and I'd like to try no draping this time." Let's face it - it's YOUR appointment and the focus should be on you and your comfort. Not his comfort - your comfort. I would be shocked if he refuses your request. If he should say he asks his clients to stay covered up, ask him why (be direct) - is it for reasons of client modesty ? Assure him you feel 100% comfortable being exposed in front of him, as you do in front of other healthcare providers (and essentially, that is what he is). Again, I'd be shocked if he refuses a male client this request (a female client is different). Once you're on the table nude and get an erection - remember, do not apologize for it. There's nothing to apologize for - you're a healthy male who gets erections. Maybe he will make a comment about it - kindly let him know you're not embarrassed by it, as a matter of fact you're more relaxed with it now, not constrained under a sheet. (Let him know that made you feel more self conscious about it). As a matter of fact, whether he acknowledges it or not, you may want to say this anyhow - let him know covering your erection with the sheet was a big reason why you felt 'less relaxed' since you were 'hiding it' (this comes across as professional). Most importantly, do not apologize. Second time you have a 'nude' appointment, and you pop an erection, then you can use the jocular attitude - 'look who woke up during this relaxing massage' with a chuckle. Then see where it leads to. (Quite honestly, if he doesn't make a move on it with the second nude appointment after your jocular comment, ask him if he minds if you 'take care of it' yourself to get rid of it...I doubt he won't pitch in). Good luck ! Remember - the appointment is about YOU, not him. Your requests, your relaxation, your comfort level. No modesty, no apologies.
  9. This one has stayed in my memory for years...I'm sure many of you know who I'm talking about. I don't know if he is still around, but years ago I hired "Johnny Tantric" in NYC. (I'm talking maybe 15- 20 years ago?). Anyhow, I can't recall how I saw his ad (I don't know if it was a 'rent' site, as I wasn't too familiar with them back then), but I liked his smile, blond hair and body. I wasn't sure what 'tantric' was, but I figured I would give it a shot. He came to my hotel room on time and looked hot (especially for a masseur), decked out in black leather. His face / body matched the photos and his blond hair was a bit longer (I liked it). I get undressed (I'm hard at this point, standing just a few feet from him in his leather) and I don't think he even notices - he's talking a mile a minute as though he has known me forever (I figured he was on something). Somehow, I find all this sexy. He undresses, and as we're both standing there (he's soft), and I'm expecting him to tell me what to do next. Instead, he lays down on my bed and asks me to get him hard by performing oral on him. WHAT? I asked him - isn't this supposed to be MY massage? He tells me it is - and this is how he starts the appointment. Fine - I dive right in and enjoy it, and so does he. Long story short, there is no 'massage' as the two of us start rolling around on the bed and 'exploring each other' and making out (again, he assures me this is part of the appointment). After about a half hour, we both cum and the physical aspect of the massage is done (I guess). We're both lying on the bed naked and he wants to 'cuddle with me' (fine, he's cute and sexy) and keeps talking about himself - he's going to be an actor and a country singer within a year, he just does massage as a 'side gig' to make money for his move to California. He starts playing with me again (I get hard again) and I do the same to him, and then we head to the shower to clean each other off and we both (lightly) cum again. He gets dressed, I pay him (I think it was $200 back then which was 'a lot') and he kisses me goodbye and tells me he hopes to see me again. I have one question before he leaves: "That was a tantric massage ? All we did was have sex." He tells me a tantric massage is anything you want it to be - its where 'the energy takes you'. And he's out the door. I was indeed tempted to call him again a few times when I returned and saw his ads, but then wondered what for ? For just sex ? For a tantric massage and hope we have the same energy ? I passed.
  10. I watched the first episode tonight. Yawn. Mathias is hot - the others...ehhh.
  11. I'm in RI. 66 when I'm at work (and my dog is home). When I get home around 5, I like to turn it up to about 68 and 'get the chill out'. When I got to bed around 10, I'll set it to 67. When I get up during the night and the air feels cool, I may bump it back up to 68 - especially closer to when I have to get up in the morning (6:30 am). On the weekends, if it's sunny and the sun is warming up the house, I leave it at 66. If it's cloudy and cold out, I keep it at 68 while I'm home.
  12. Was it more having fun with the two of them than a massage ?
  13. Next time you see him and you get hard, mention your hard-on again but in a jocular manner (not apologetic). Say something like, "Now look what you did - you woke him up" and believe me, he will go further (this never fails with me). This always gets a chuckle from the masseur, and they usually respond along the lines of 'Looks like he wants to play...'.
  14. #4 and his partner travel to my area often. I've been tempted to make an appointment with the blond (the dark haired guy does nothing for me), but then something tells me not to. I'm glad I didn't. What was so wrong with the massage ? Now I'm curious.
  15. Retton sat down for an interview with Hoda Kotb on 'Today' this past week. She didn't answer any questions on what she was diagnosed with, why she didn't have health insurance, etc. - she gave very vague, hazy answers. She claims she didn't remember much of what happened that day. She made no mention of how much money she grifted from fans on her GFM page. And Hoda - horrible journalist that she is - didn't push for any definitive answers. She just laughed and smiled like a donkey. There's something very strange about this whole situation and I think the truth will leak out eventually (and it won't be pretty).
  16. Thanks everyone for all this information. You are making my ultimate decision rather easy (drop Prime).
  17. 'Sunset Boulevard,' starring Nicole Scherzinger, will open on... NYPOST.COM Get ready, Mr. DeMille. The London revival of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical “Sunset Boulevard,” starring Nicole Scherzinger, will arrive on Broadway later this...
  18. It doesn't premiere on Amazon until January 12. How Prime Video’s Raunchy Show ‘Escort Boys’ Is Breaking New Ground in France: ‘It Strikes a Chord to See Men Talk About Sexuality and Their Feelings’ VARIETY.COM Amazon Prime Video looks to conquer new ground with its raunchy French soap 'Escort Boys,' boasting an eye-candy cast and grown-up jokes.
  19. 4 - 5 years ago ? That was pre-pandemic, which was an eternity ago in education. It has nothing to do with today's students. The pandemic changed everything. You may want to consider auditing a class today for a taste of the new reality.
  20. You give no indication of when you audited these classes, but apparently it was in the past. I'm talking of the future and the present. As I said, "the majority of this current generation who are ready to enter college or currently attending college". What you saw in the past has nothing to do with what I'm talking about today.
  21. A movie theater owner who opened ten screens independently over the past 27 years in my state, announced on New Year's Day that all ten theaters will be closing at the end of February. He can't stay in business with no one going to the movies anymore - which started during the pandemic. It's too bad - this family owned operation was top-notch. He said he did try to sell it - to quite a few people in the past two years. No one could get the financing.
  22. One major disappointment-dud is the Oprah-produced musical remake of 'The Color Purple'. Yes, it opened as the #1 movie on Christmas Day - thanks to special pricing for promotional purposes across the nation by the studio and Oprah - with a gross of $18M at the box office. As industry insiders have noted - without that 'special discounted pricing' - it would never had grossed $18 M. So since Christmas Day, it has steadily fallen at the box office, and was #1 for only a day. On New Year's Day, it dropped to 5th place at the box office. On January 2, it fell to sixth place - averaging just $452 per screen (yes, you read that correctly). It grossed $910,000 on Wednesday, cementing it in 6th place. It will probably fall out of the top 10 after this weekend.
  23. As an employee in a prestigious business university, I will answer a bit differently...it's not a question of 'whether college is still worth it' ; it's a question of whether the potential student 'is worth college'. I hate to keep saying it, but the majority of this current generation who are ready to enter college or currently attending college is not mature enough nor responsible enough to attend college. So the answer is - no, college is not 'worth it' because this generation is not capable of getting any worth out of college. I would love to invite all of you to work by my side for one day. You wouldn't believe what I - and my colleagues - have to deal with on a day to day basis. And yes, I blame the parents - for coddling them and babying them.
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