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Posts posted by Whatsupandstuff

  1. 12 hours ago, Lazarus said:

    They allow privates at this space? What’s the deal ? 

    yes, its like a basement level..with a bar ( that was not open) 6-8 seats lined up against perimeter of the room with very very thin drape in between each chair. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Coolwave35 said:

    Sort of. We talk weekly and I’d go as far as to say we’re friends. He asks my advice on real estate, and I ask him to send nudes. We keep talking about a trip but he’s doing so well financially that I just can’t wrap my head around going with him. 

    between him and his friend/boyfriend 'SKYLAR" they both seem to have done quite well in their new businesses . I really wish I would have met Bentley ..thats a real handsome man 

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