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Everything posted by sydneyboy

  1. What do you call 2 worms in love? Soil mates.
  2. His Rentmen reviewers certainly like him, if they are to be believed.
  3. Can I ask a very basic question? When it comes to oral it is not totally clear as to who is “top”, the escort or the customer?
  4. “Alcohol increases the desire but detracts from the performance.” -William Shakespeare
  5. I despair of people who hold racist, xenophobic views. In a thoroughly perverse way you are right. They are being “honest” in their own obnoxious way. Whether an excellent site such as this where very diverse topics and issues are raised in by and large an intelligent and constructive manner is the right forum for such people is another matter.
  6. None of those links work.
  7. I thought I’d heard everything but I was wrong. Penis extensions and thickening, pectoral implants now this. What next?
  8. There was a Supreme Court case in Sydney nearly 10 years ago where it came to light that a recently divorced doctor, a specialist, met a woman through an introduction agency. He paid $200,000 to the agency and spent a weekend with the woman and fell instantly in love . She told him she had to leave the country urgently but would return. Then came the sob story requests for money for every conceivable reason. The bottom line was that he paid a total of $3.1 million over an 18 months period. As it transpired he was the only client of the agency and this woman was the only one on offer. It was a conspiracy between the woman and the owner to rip off the doctor. They purchased property, a Porsche, a Lamborghini, BMW. You name it. The doctor was left bankrupt and sued for his money back. The judge hearing the case opened his written judgement with the words ''The case was so fantastic as to strain credulity.'' He directed that all the money paid by the doctor be repaid to his bankruptcy estate except the original $200,000. What people will do or pay for ''love.''
  9. Wordsworth, Hazlitt, Coleridge, Arnold, Bronte, Browning reincarnated? PS Meant as a compliment.
  10. Beautifully written. You are obviously a very fine human being.
  11. This is an attitude that is mercifully very rare on this forum. Civility and courtesy and respect for other opinions are usually the order of the day.
  12. I think I am being realistic. I have the greatest sympathy for Brall who comes across as an honest decent man who was genuinely trying to help people who he believed were in need. The original advice he received about leaving love in the saunas is well taken. A friend of mine met a boy in one of the saunas a few years ago and agreed to meet him for a ''date'' the next day. The boy turned up at his hotel and my friend saw a different side to him. Firstly he indulged liberally in the alcohol in the mini bar then when they left the hotel this boy's idea of a ''date'' was to go on a shopping spree with my friend's credit card. My friend realised what he had got himself into, took his leave and hurried back to his hotel decidedly wiser. This is one example of ''the experience these boys have to offer.''
  13. I too have read countless stories on the internet and personal stories from acquaintances who go to countries like Brazil, Morocco, Thailand, the Philippines etc looking for "love'' or thinking the boys actually care about them. The harsh reality is that we want sex and the boys in saunas, go go bars etc want money, and as much as they can get. I have a friend who has 4 university degrees (including a PhD) who met a boy in Morocco about 15 years ago. He has paid for his education, health, rent and ad hoc amounts for every conceivable reason. Along with all his local friends I am gobsmacked at his gullibility. The individual known as Trilingual who set up the Gay Travel Brazil website I have read on BoyToy came to grief after marrying his Brazilian boyfriend and if these reports are to be believed is virtually destitute. At least one story I read on the now very quiet Cruising for Sex site some years ago was very amusing. This American met a go go boy in Pattaya, Thailand. The boy invited him to the family home in the countryside. On arrival mother announced that her refrigerator had broken down and it would cost the equivalent of a couple of hundred dollars to replace it and would he oblige. He agreed. The boy told him he would write his name in texta on the side of the refrigerator to remind him of their ''love''. He found himself alone in the house and discovered the name of a foreigner on the side of the stove, microwave, TV and every other electrical appliance and stick of furniture in the house. I sent him a PM telling I found the story delightful and he had made my day. He replied back assuring me it was true. I replied back telling him I didn't doubt it for a moment. I have been to Thailand about a dozen times and that story was pure unadulterated Thai. I must confess to being rather cynical about ''love'' but on balance I think it is better to be cynical than conned, or worse have your heart broken.
  14. On ocean cruises: “Jail with the option of drowning.” -Sir Billy Connolly
  15. This went under my radar. Mirella Freni died in early February. One of the great sopranos of the 20th century.
  16. On cricket (sources unknown): “Why did God invent cricket? To prove there was eternity.” “Baseball played by people on Valium.”
  17. “I have been rich and I have been poor. Believe me baby, being rich is better!” -Ella Fitzgerald
  18. “I like living in one room, I’ve never known what people do with the room their not in.” - Quentin Crisp
  19. “Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. It’s cheaper.” -Quentin Crisp
  20. You might be right I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day and he gave me that one. Still funny.
  21. sydneyboy


    I saw Werther in Sydney with Michael Fabiano the year before last. Sensational.
  22. Mae West showed a friend a newly acquired diamond bracelet. The friends’ response was “Goodness.” To which May replied “what do you mean goodness. Goodness has got nothing to do with it!”
  23. “You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough.” -Mae West
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