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Everything posted by sydneyboy

  1. “An IQ test may reveal how smart one would been not to have taken it.” -Anonymous
  2. I can’t write from experience (unfortunately) but I found this masseur: Https://rentmasseur.com/david_mass Unbearably cute. I envy you New Yorkers!
  3. As I said in a thread on Johnny Depp’s deterioration over the years none of us are like a rich red wine that’s gets better with age.
  4. I’m always amused by comments like those expressed here. Let’s face it none of us are like a rich red wine that gets better with age including Mr Depp. In my 20’s I would not be contributing to a forum like this (if one existed then!) but hopping around Sydney’s steam baths a few times a week.
  5. “The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young.” -Oscar Wilde
  6. I read on operabase that Herr Kaufmann will be singing in a staged Tristan in Munich June/July 2021.
  7. He has some very effusive reviews on Rentmen.
  8. Australia being an island continent does help, particularly in the current pandemic.
  9. At the moment anyone coming into Australia has to quarantine for 14 days. Flights to and from the rest of the world have all but ceased. Australia has done well in handling this pandemic with 102 deaths. At the time of writing catching the disease through community contact has for all practical purposes stopped. Compare this with the US, UK, Brazil, Spain, Italy etc. Although there is a relaxation in social distancing restrictions what is feared is a second wave. I can’t see overseas travel to or from Australia opening up this year.
  10. What do you get if you cross leather with a sneeze? Ah shoo.
  11. What do you get if you cross leather with a sneeze? Ah shoo.
  12. Has any tech types here had any experience with Apple’s latest iPad? Comments welcome.
  13. Has any tech types here had any experience with Apple’s latest iPad? Comments welcome.
  14. “Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” -Mark Twain
  15. Good old Jakub Stefano, still one of the most beautiful men on the Internet.
  16. Very nice indeed. Great body and no tattoos! Sydney in August. The current quarantine will have to lifted by then.
  17. I once read Joan Sutherland saying this was her favourite opera house. Apparently the acoustics are amazing.
  18. “It is the essence of a wise social system to label certain harmless practices as “sin” but tolerate those who perform them whereby the pleasure of wickedness is obtained without harm to anyone.” -Bertrand Russell
  19. What do call a herd of happy cattle? A laughing stock.
  20. sydneyboy

    Death in Venice

    Thank you. Great eye candy. This production of course has nothing to do with Benjamin Britten or Thomas Mann. I’m reminded of a quote from the late Clive James that Germany no longer sends its armies to invade Poland but sends its producers to invade the world’s opera houses. He might have added they practice their manoeuvres on home turf particularly in Stuttgart.
  21. There was an excellent coverage of her art and life on Opera magazine.
  22. He seems to be into very little.
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