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Everything posted by sydneyboy

  1. sydneyboy


    In Australia I get the impression, not based on any quantifiable evidence, that tattoos are losing favour. I could be wrong. What is the situation in the US?
  2. This gent was the cover boy on 2 October with a first review praising him to high heaven. On 9 October there is another review claiming to be the first which is very negative. I’m confused.
  3. sydneyboy

    New York

    Here. A number of threads in the Deli have been about New York escorts.
  4. sydneyboy

    New York

    Looking at the threads from the past few days New York seems to be inundated with divine looking escorts. I hope they are genuine. It so New Yorkers are indeed fortunate.
  5. Anal, kissing and oral are now on his Rentmen profile.
  6. Opera Australia has also cancelled its entire season which included a complete new Ring cycle. They are selling off real estate they used for storage etc and retrenching musicians who have been with the company for many years. All opera companies are in the same boat in so far as forward planning is difficult if not impossible. Heartbreaking.
  7. A great artist. I saw her twice in Sydney in La Boheme and a memorable La Traviata both in the late 1970’s when she was in her prime.
  8. One correction. Richard Bonynge does not have a knighthood.
  9. I stayed in a room described as Deluxe which are 33 sq m and are a good size. The more basic rooms are 22 sq m which would be rather small. The place is very expensive but this is London in a perfect location.
  10. Considering the place is in a virtual state of civil war combined with COVID I’m not surprised.
  11. The key card for the lift is a relatively recent innovation at St Martins Lane. It was installed while I was there in the middle of last year. I agree that I can’t imagine them having problems meeting guests in the foyer. It’s a great hotel very friendly staff. Diogo the senior concierge is a cutie, but straight.
  12. I have just ordered online Oscar A Life by Matthew Sturgiss. It has received excellent reviews. Many of the reviewers have started their reviews with is there anything new to say about Oscar Wilde? The answer their own question is yes and regard this as the best so far. I choose my words carefully because despite having his life being racked over he never fails to surprise scholars and no doubt there will be a future biography with new surprises. This latest biography will occupy me for a few days on arrival.
  13. Thank you. Either way he’s got a fabulous body.
  14. With respect if he’s not “beefy” I don’t know who is. Very easy on the eye.
  15. I am a frustrated traveller too. However spare a thought for the growing army of unemployed, people who have lost businesses with the worst of the economic side of this pandemic yet to come.
  16. His 3 sisters are respected and highly educated. He was the old King’s only son but not his brightest offspring. He was partly educated in Australia, briefly at the Kings School in Sydney then at the Duntroon Military Academy. A prominent Sydney radio personality Alan Jones was one of his teachers at Kings. When he formally took the throne all Jones would say say was “many years ago I tried to teach him.”
  17. sydneyboy


    As I have written before when it comes to tattoos every cloud has a silver lining. Cosmetic surgeons and their lasers. In Australia it’s happening already. People are waking up to themselves and subjecting themselves to laser removal.
  18. Jokes aside it is a psychological barrier that can be difficult to overcome. I know people who tell me they could never “pay for it.”I vividly remember my first experience and it was not a happy one. I went to a gay massage parlour in Bangkok. The guy I chose gave me a reasonable massage then he had a look on his face which read “now I’ve got to get this over with.” He placed a condom on me, took a deep breath and proceeded to give me oral sex. The experience was uncomfortable for me and obviously torture for him. My many visits to saunas in Brazil have completely overcome the psychological barrier for me and has given me a new lease of life.
  19. A realisation that I was no longer 20 and unlikely to be so again.
  20. sydneyboy


    What has been the experience of people engaging escorts in peak season in Mykonos through Rentmen etc? This is planning for the future and not the bizarre and extraordinary times which we are currently enduring. Comments most welcome.
  21. His 16 Rentmen reviewers certainly like him.
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