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Everything posted by sydneyboy

  1. Very good. I’ll acknowledge style any day.
  2. I have made this point a number of times on this thread.
  3. On the music of Richard Wagner: “It’s not as bad as it sounds.” -Mark Twain I don’t agree with him but this is still funny.
  4. Referring to money: “If I can’t take it with me I’m not going.” -Ella Fitzgerald “
  5. Don’t take it too seriously.
  6. I respectfully disagree. It is an interesting and throughly worthwhile topic to discuss. The fact that there is a wide range of opinions is interesting in itself.
  7. I agree that straight men may be raised by single women. A personal friend of mine found out her new husband was a philanderer while pregnant with his child. That was the end of the marriage and she raised her son alone. She is a highly intelligent woman who raised her son with full awareness of the circumstances in which they were in. He did well at a local state school, a prefect, tertiary educated, although only about 24 has achieved good things in the world of work and is straight with a nice little girlfriend etc. My point is that a male child raised by a single woman has a much greater chance of being gay but it is not necessarily the case depending upon the woman concerned.
  8. There is another thread running on this forum where psychoanalytic explanations are offered to resolve an area of conflict. Could this be another one?
  9. I think there is a deep seated psychoanalytic explanation as to why you want this thread terminated.?
  10. A former next door neighbour of mine was a gay solicitor and an intelligent man. Over a few glasses of wine one night the issue of gay causation arose. I gave him my psychoanalytic explanation which he not have a bar of. He claimed it was “learnt” behaviour. Over the preceding years he had told me of his own family history. His mother, a single woman, conceived him at the age of about 45 as the result of a one night stand. He was raised by this middle aged single woman with no male figure in his formative years. Pure unadulterated Freud. None but the blind shall see.
  11. I have got to be extremely careful here because as I said in my post I do not want this discussion to be unseemly and over the years I have encountered people who have strong views on the issue of causation. This article is described as “scientific “ but when it comes to explaining matters of the mind one has to be careful about what is “science “ and scientists disagree. There was a very well known Sydney psychiatrist Professor Nathaniel McConaghy (now deceased) who was an early and enthusiastic practitioner of aversion therapy. I read one article he wrote years ago in which, on the question of causes, believed homosexuality was the result of a vitamin deficiency while the foetus was still in its mother’s womb. This was by no means his most bizarre theory/practice. One thing I have observed over the years is that some gay people have a blind spot when it comes to accepting that their sexuality is the result of familial circumstances. I do not.
  12. I would like to have his head examined.
  13. I don’t agree with the premise in that article. I would argue that Freud, as unfashionable as he is these days said it all about the causes of homosexuality. I accept that in the case of 2 brothers a younger brother is likely to be gay because of being the “baby” of the family. I’m an only child another classic situation. This reasoning is often dismissed as psycho babble but so be it. I hope this does not provoke an unseemly debate as some people feel strongly about the issue of causation and nature v nurture and I would agree it is a rather academic argument. We have come a very long way in my lifetime and long may it continue.
  14. ''What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.'' -Oscar Wilde
  15. “I never forget a face, but in your case I’d be glad to make an exception.” - Groucho Marx
  16. “I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.” -Groucho Marx
  17. 250 pounds an hour is very expensive, even for London.
  18. “You go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.” -Mark Twain
  19. “The only difference between a saint and a sinner is every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.” -Oscar Wilde
  20. For the moment we are just planning for the future. No harm in that.
  21. I read either here on another thread or on another site about the joys of the go go bars and the eye candy dancers. Any experience of these bars?
  22. “I can sympathise with people’s pain but not with their pleasures. There is something curiously boring about another person’s happiness.” -Unknown I read this on a desk calendar many years ago. I have applied it over the years and it contains a strong grain of truth.
  23. “I sometimes think God in creating man overestimated His ability.” -Oscar Wilde
  24. Could you please flesh out (pun intended) on the delights of Montreal? I was there as an early 20’s lad in 1974 and was very impressed with the beauty of the city. What are the joys for the over 60’s?
  25. A gay man over 60 who is prepared to pay (a modest amount) absolutely nothing compares to the Brazil rent boy saunas in Rio and São Paulo. Regrettably not at the moment as I have read on other sites they closed because of the virus.
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