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Mark di Suvero and Danny Lyon, Hyde Park, Chicago, 1965: photograph by Danny Lyon

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Saul Leiter



Using his Lumix, 2007


Self-portrait, 1948


Born in Pittsburgh, the son of a well-known Talmud scholar, Saul Leiter (1923-2013) originally studied to become a rabbi. At 23, he left theology school and moved to New York to become an artist. Edward Steichen included some of Leiter's early black-and-white photographs in the exhibition Always the Young Stranger at the Museum of Modern Art in 1953. His work from the 1940s and 1950s was an important contribution to what became known as the New York School of photography, and was prominently featured in Jane Livingston's 1992 book, The New York School. Leiter also worked for many years as a fashion photographer.


"Leiter’s sensibility . . . placed him outside the visceral confrontations with urban anxiety associated with photographers such as Robert Frank or William Klein. Instead, for him the camera provided an alternate way of seeing, of framing events and interpreting reality. He sought out moments of quiet humanity in the Manhattan maelstrom, forging a unique urban pastoral from the most unlikely of circumstances."

-- Martin Harrison, editor and author of Saul Leiter Early Color (2006)


Images by Saul Leiter ...



ca. 1950



Untitled (Two Men in Hats on a Train at Night), 1950



Angelo, New York City, ca. 1952



Haircut, New York City, 1956



Walk with Soames, New York City, 1958



Mr., New York City, 1958

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Dave Heath



Dave Heath (1931-2016) died last year in Toronto on his 85th birthday. His New York Times obituary described him as "a photographer whose images expressing his sense of urban isolation and a yearning for personal connection won a fervent group of admirers despite his many years of public obscurity."


Largely self-taught, Heath's most famous work was candid street photography. He was inspired by LIFE magazine (most specifically by a 1947 article, Bad Boy's Story, by LIFE photographer Ralph Crane) and by the book Photography is a Language by John R. Whiting (1946).


Born in Philadelphia, Heath settled in New York City in the late 1950s, and emigrated to Toronto in 1970. His best known published photographic work is the monograph A Dialogue with Solitude (1965; reprinted, 2000). In 2015, a retrospective of his work was hosted by the Philadelphia Museum of Art.


Images by Dave Heath ...



7 Arts Coffee Gallery, New York City, 1959



Vengeful Sister, Chicago, 1956.



Washington Square, 1957



Al Miller, ca.1953-54



Central Park, New York City, 1962

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William Yang



William Yang, born in Queensland, Australia in 1943, lives and works in Sydney. His photography explores issues of cultural and sexual identity, integrating this practice with writing, performance and film. Starting out as a playwright, Yang turned to photographing parties and social events as a way of making money. His 1977 exhibition, Sydneyphiles, and 1984 book Sydney Diary, recorded the emergent gay community and Sydney party scene of the 1970s and 80s. Later in the 1980s, Yang began to explore his Chinese heritage, and his photographic themes expanded to include landscapes and the Chinese in Australia.


Yang began performing monologues with slide projections in theatres in 1989, integrating his skills as a writer and a visual artist. These slide shows were recognized as a unique form of performance theatre and have become his preferred way of showing his work. He has toured internationally with shows such as Sadness, Friends of Dorothy, The North, Blood Links and Shadows.

Images by William Yang ...



Alpha, Brisbane, ca. late 1960s (printed later)


Joe, 1979



Tamarama Lifesavers 1981



Allan, 1990



Allan, 1990




Darrin and Linden (part 3), 1991



Alter Ego, 2001

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Burt Glinn



Born in Pittsburgh and educated at Harvard (where he edited and photographed for the Harvard Crimson), Burt Glinn (1925-2008) photographed everything from celebrities and political leaders to the Suez Crisis, revolutionary leader Fidel Castro's entrance into Havana, Nikita Krushchev's 1959 visit to Washington, and a flotilla that called itself the Seattle Tubing Society. He worked briefly for LIFE magazine; was a member and was twice president of Magnum Photos; was a contributor to Holiday; and had his work published in Esquire, Fortune, Paris-Match and many other periodicals.


When asked with which of his images he most closely identified, he replied that it was the picture of the back of Krushchev's head in front of the Lincoln Memorial: “I was late and I couldn’t get to where everybody else was, in front of Khrushchev, so I came running up and I was in the back of him. And I looked up and there it was. I got two shots of that and then it disintegrated. If I’d been on time I would have gotten a very ordinary picture of Khrushchev and Henry Cabot Lodge looking at the statue of Lincoln, but you couldn’t see the statue. The most important thing that a photographer like me can have is luck, you know."


Images by Burt Glinn ...



Seattle Tubing Society, 1953



Fidel Castro, Cuba, 1959



Sammy Davis, Jr., New York, 1959



Elizabeth Taylor on the set of Suddenly Last Summer, Spain, 1959



Agricultural workers in field beneath Mount Fuji, 1961



Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick and Chuck Wein, New York, 1965



Christopher Reeve, 1978



Nikita Khrushchev at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC, 1959

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Christopher Allen was a 26-year freelance journalist killed in South Sudan almost two months ago. He was embedded with the rebel forces in a civil war. Chris and I were good friends. At times I forget that he is gone and want to send an email to him.

I saw the other photographs of and by Christopher Allen that are posted in your thread about him in the Politics Forum, @WilliamM. I hope you won't mind if I copy the wonderful one of the boys in Pakistan playing ball and post it here. My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend.




WilliamM's thread in tribute to his friend is here: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/american-journalist-among-19-killed-in-south-sudan.127732/#post-1365958

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I saw the other photographs of and by Christopher Allen that are posted in your thread about him in the Politics Forum, @WilliamM. I hope you won't mind if I copy the wonderful one of the boys in Pakistan playing ball and post it here. My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend.

At the risk of launching onto a tangent, this image conveys something significant that photographers have helped to publicise. In their time in refugee camps in Pakistan, Afghans took to the game of cricket with alacrity, and took it home. In not much more than 20 years, Afghanistan has gone from zero to now being one of the 12 full test playing members of the International Cricket Council. (Test cricket is the incomprehensible-to-Americans version of the game played over five days that often ends in a draw.)

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Basil Clavering and John Parkhurst


Basil Arthur Scott Clavering (1910-1973) was a British post-war photographer who specialized in the development and production of a genre of photography centered on bodybuilders, the male uniform, and military discipline. Clavering established Studio Royale followed by Hussar in Pimlico and Soho, London, to promote his work commercially, albeit it with a low public profile.


Studio Royale specialized in bodybuilders and physique imagery; Hussar in military themes. Both studios produced photo sets that were advertised in specialist periodicals. Hussar developed the images into Sensational Playlets, which were then sold through magazines by mail order.


John Charles Parkhurst (1927-2000) worked alongside Clavering in the production of the photographs from the early 1950s to the mid-1960s, continuing his photographic activities on a more informal basis until the early 1990s.


The photographs were mainly produced in the basement of Clavering’s house in Chelsea, which he had converted into a well-equipped studio. The images paid great attention to detail and stylization, with Clavering and Parkhurst using authentic uniforms and props, representing Guardsmen, the Royal Horse Artillery, Royal Navy and Army.


Clavering and Parkhurst both served in the Navy, and their experience and connection to their subject matter is evident in the way clothing and partial undress was depicted, reflecting an insider’s comprehension and understanding. Many of the models were active military personnel Clavering met in public houses close to Hyde Park and the Chelsea barracks. Consequently, the images are not simply of men dressing up in uniforms, but rather men fully aware of both the purpose and symbolism of the uniform.


The original images and photo sets from Royale and Hussar Studios were produced in black and white due to cost and the technical limitations of home photographic printing. Color images have since been produced from Clavering and Parkhurst’s original color transparencies.


It is not only the evident technical prowess and mastery of lighting effects that make these images significant, but also the social and political context surrounding their production and circulation. Up to that time, no other commercial photographer had attempted to focus exclusively on this genre or produce images in such consistent volume.


Images by Basil Clavering and John Parkhurst ...



The Lieutenant



Queen's Guard 3 (ca. 1959-60)



Queen's Guard 4 (ca. 1959-60)



Round Up





Under The Lash




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Philippe Halsman - JUMP!


Halsman with Salvador Dali

Philippe Halsman (1906-1979), born in Riga, Latvia, began his photographic career in Paris. In 1934 he opened a portrait studio in Montparnasse, where he photographed many well-known artists and writers (André Gide, Marc Chagall, Le Corbusier, and André Malraux) using an innovative twin-lens reflex camera that he designed himself.


Part of the great exodus of artists and intellectuals who fled the Nazis, Halsman arrived in the United States in 1940, having obtained an emergency visa through the intervention of Albert Einstein. His prolific career in America over the next 30 years included reportage and covers for every major American magazine. These assignments brought him face-to-face with leading statesmen, scientists, artists and entertainers. His incisive portraits appeared on 101 covers for LIFE magazine, a record no other photographer could match.


In 1941, he began a thirty-seven year collaboration with Salvador Dali resulting in a stream of unusual “photographs of ideas,” including “Dali Atomicus” and the “Dali’s Mustache” series.


This post focuses on Halsman's JUMP photographs. In the early 1950s, he began asking his subjects to jump for his camera at the conclusion of each sitting. He called his method jumpology “When you ask a person to jump, his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping, and the mask falls, so that the real person appears.” Halsman explained.


JUMPOLOGY Images by Philippe Halsman ...


Halsman holding hands with Marilyn, 1954



Jackie Gleason



Grace Kelly



Ed Sullivan



The Duke and Duchess of Windsor



William Holden



Vice President Richard Nixon, 1955


http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltuvb83GPa1qzdzbuo1_500.jpg http://img.gagdaily.com/uploads/posts/app/2013/short/00006f09_medium.jpg

Marilyn Monroe



J. Robert Oppenheimer

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Bert Hardy



Bert Hardy (1913-1995), born in London, joined the illustrated magazine Picture Post during the Second World War, and worked there as a staff photographer and then Chief Photographer from 1941 to 1957. Self-taught, he used a Leica--an unconventional choice for press photographers of that era. His images of the London Blitz are amongst the finest and closest to the action taken.


Images by Bert Hardy ...


Too Many Spivs,* Notting Hill Gate, 1942

* spiv: a man, typically characterized by flashy dress, who makes a living by disreputable dealings


Wasteland Gamblers. (A group of spivs with time on their hands play dice for money in a London wasteland area.)


Life of an East End Parson, 1940


Firefighters, London, 1941


Royal Wedding: King George VI escorting Princess Elizabeth, 1947



Cleaning the Streets, Piccadilly, London


Children in the Gorbals area of Glasgow, 1948 (The tenements of Gorbals were built quickly and cheaply in the 1840s. One hundred years later, they were considered among the worst slums in Europe. )


On D-Day, 6th June 1944, Bert Hardy travelled to Gosport to record the arrival of the first wounded back from the Normandy invasion beaches. His portrait of this wounded soldier, mug of tea in hand, made the front cover of Picture Post. Fifty years later, the man was identified as Private Ron Major of the 2nd battalion East Yorkshire Regiment. He had landed on Sword beach in the first wave on D-Day and was wounded in the hand. His comment on the photograph 50years on: "Of course I was smiling. I was one of the lucky ones. I was still alive. I was going home."


In 1951, after writing an article for amateur photographers suggesting that they didn't need expensive equipment to take good pictures, Hardy used a Box Brownie camera to take a carefully posed photograph of two young women sitting on a railing above a Blackpool promenade. The photograph became an iconic image of post-war Britain.

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Grace Kelly attended a film festival in her honor in Philadelphia about six months before she died. I regret not attending, if only to see "Rear Window" and "To Catch A Thief" again, and hear her talk about Alfred Hitchcock. Oooops forgot "Dial M for Murder."


Note: She died in a car accident in Monaco in 1982. Her family in Philadelphia was not told how seriously she was injured.

Edited by WilliamM
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