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Hans Namuth


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Born in Essen, Germany, Hans Namuth (1915 - 1990) was arrested and briefly jailed for distributing anti-Nazi materials in July 1933. His father intervened and arranged for him to leave Germany for Paris. There he met many German expatriates, including photographer George Reisner, who, in 1935, introduced the 20-year-old Namuth to photography.


Years later, living in the United States, and at that time supporting himself primarily with fashion photography, Namuth approached Jackson Pollock and asked to photograph the artist working in his studio. Pollock agreed, encouraged by his wife, Lee Krasner. The resulting images helped to demystify Pollock's famous "drip" technique of painting, revealing it to be a deliberative process rather than a random splashing of paint. They "helped transform Pollock from a talented, cranky loner into the first media-driven superstar of American contemporary art," according to critic Ferdinand Protzman. Not satisfied with black and white stills, Namuth wanted to create a film that focused simultaneously on Pollock and his painting. To do this, he arranged to have Pollock paint on a large sheet of glass as he filmed from underneath it.


In November 1950, Namuth and Pollock's relationship came to an abrupt end after an argument in which each called the other a phony. From then on, Pollock reverted to a more figure-oriented style of painting, leading some to say that his sessions with Namuth robbed Pollock of his rawness and made him feel disingenuous about doing things for the camera that he had originally done spontaneously. Nevertheless, Namuth's photographs of Pollock at work heightened Pollock's fame and led to a greater appreciation of his work.


Namuth also photographed many other painters (de Kooning, Rauschenberg, Rothko) and architects (Wright, Johnson Kahn), and got some particularly reclusive figures such as Clyfford Still to agree to be photographed.


Images by Hans Namuth ...


Jackson Pollock, 1950



Jackson Pollock, 1950



Jackson Pollock, 1950



Jackson Pollock, 1950



Anthony Quinn



Jasper Johns in his studio, Stony Point, NY



Bobby Fischer

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Nikolas Muray


Nickolas Muray and Frida Kahlo, 1939


Born Miklós Mandl in Szeged, Hungary, Nikolas Muray (1892-1965) studied lithography, photoengraving and photography at a graphic arts school in Budapest before emigrating to the United States in 1913. Arriving in New York, he initially worked as a color printer in Brooklyn. By 1920, he had opened a portrait studio at 129 MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village, where he lived in one room and worked in the other. Soon after, his photographs were appearing monthly in Harper's Bazaar.


In 1930, he created the first natural color commercial photograph to appear in a U.S. magazine. The following year, he travelled to Mexico and met Frida Kahlo. The two began an on and off romance that lasted ten years and a lifelong friendship. Muray photographed Kahlo more than any of his other subjects and his portraits of her are among the most iconic images of the artist other than her own self-portraits. Muray highlighted her Mexican heritage and style, qualities enhanced by his mastery of color photography, and these images are integral to the world’s understanding of Frida Kahlo.


Famous for his celebrity portraits, Muray also did extensive advertisement photography and was a regular contributor to McCall’s food and home pages, and to many other popular magazines. Even charging $1,000 for a color page during the Depression years, he couldn’t fill incoming orders fast enough.


A recognized pioneer in color photography -- specifically of the three-color carbon process* -- Muray's lifetime body of work consists of over 10,000 images.


Somehow, he also had time to be a fencing champion. He was the U.S. Saber Champion in 1928 and '29, and represented the U.S. in the 1928 and 1932 Olympics. Hailed as “one of the twenty greatest fencers in American history," Muray won over sixty medals in his sport. He died while fencing in New York City in 1965.


* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_print


Images by Nikolas Muray ...



Mikhail Mordkin, Diaghilev Ballet Russes. 1922



Claude Monet At Giverny, 1926



Paul Robeson, 1926



Babe Ruth, 1927



Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and Joan Crawford (married 1929-33), ca. 1930



Photograph for a Lucky Strike cigarette advertisement, 1936



Frida Kahlo, 1939



Frida Kahlo



Marilyn Monroe, 1952

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Crawford Barton



Crawford Barton (1943 - 1993) was a Georgia-born American photographer who moved to California in the late 1960s. He is best known for documenting the gay culture in San Francisco from the late 1960s into the 1980s. By the early 1970s he was established as a leading photographer of the “golden age of gay awakening” in San Francisco. He was as much a participant as a chronicler of this extraordinary time and place.


It was Barton's friends and acquaintances who inspired his most intimate erotic photography, especially his lover of 22 years, Larry Lara. Barton described Lara as the “perfect specimen, as crazy and wonderful and spontaneous and free as Kerouac...” Considered as a single body of work, Barton's photographs of Larry Lara dancing in the hallway of their flat on Dorland Street, a bearded hippie in the door of a cabin in Marin, a sensual nude in the hills of Land’s End, suggest the fullness, richness and complexity of the man he loved most.


In addition to his fine art photography, Crawford Barton worked on assignment for The Advocate and The Bay Area Reporter, as well as The Examiner, Newsday, and The Los Angeles Times. In 1974, the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum featured Barton's prints in a show entitled "New Photography: San Francisco and the Bay Area." His work was praised by The New York Times reviewer; other critics called it “shocking” and “vulgar.”


“I tried to serve as a chronicler, as a watcher of beautiful people - to feed back an image of a positive, likable lifestyle― to offer pleasure as well as pride.” -- Crawford Barton

Images by Crawford Barton ...



A Castro Street Scene, 1977












Larry Lara



Phone Sex Finale: John and Harold meet in person for the first time after talking on a phone sex hotline for a year, 1978



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What Is Shooting Raw? The raw format is an alternative to shooting in the JPEG format (which is a processed and highly compressed image format) – though it is possible to shoot in both raw + JPEG capturing both formats simultaneously.



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Jean-Baptiste Gustave Le Gray



Self-portrait, 1848


Jean-Baptiste Gustave Le Gray (1820 - 1884) has been called "the most important French photographer of the nineteenth century" because of his technical innovations in the still new medium, his role as the teacher of other noted photographers and the imagination he brought to picture-making. Originally trained as a painter, he crossed over to photography in the early years of its development, making his first daguerreotypes in 1847. As a portrait photographer, he captured figures such as Napoleon III and Edward VII, and also became famous for his seascapes.


Despite artistic success, his photography business was a poorly-managed financial failure. Ultimately, he closed the studio he had opened in 1855, abandoned his wife and children and fled the country to escape his creditors. He spent 20 years in Cairo, earning a modest living as a professor of drawing while maintaining a small photography shop. From this late period, only about 50 images are known.


Images by Gustave Le Gray ...






Cavalry Maneuvers at Camp de Châlons, 1857



The Beech Tree, 1856



Ramparts at Carcassonne, 1851



Temple of Edfu, 1867

Edited by Moondance
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