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Abel Rey Response today (Friday 8/19)

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Abel's response is the text book correct way to respond to an unsatisfactory review.


We're all fallible and when you're in the wrong just admit it and apologize and offer to make it right.


I think Abel's hot and the care he put into his website convinces me that, like most of us, he's generally a good guy. None of us is without "sin".


I will hire Abel the next time I'm in New York or he's in Texas.


It's refreshing to read a response like Abel's.

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Abel's response is the text book correct way to respond to an unsatisfactory review.


We're all fallible and when you're in the wrong just admit it and apologize and offer to make it right.


I think Abel's hot and the care he put into his website convinces me that, like most of us, he's generally a good guy. None of us is without "sin".


I will hire Abel the next time I'm in New York or he's in Texas.


It's refreshing to read a response like Abel's.


I think during the allegedly 45 minutes of showering, kissing and nipple play the client could have told Abel what he wanted to do or at least try to get him hard. Obviously when things start in a wrong way and one of them is caught lying red handed, the trust is broken and like a mirror you can put it together but it will never be the same.


The client in this case is also responsible for things going South, as it was said before in a very long thread about an escort making himself at home and preparing coffee: escorts can't read a client's mind.


Abel is a sweet kid, maybe he got a last minute call from a regular or he was expecting a text from he client saying he was on his way. Things do get lost in translation and it's also an unpredictable business.


If he had told the client he was running late I'm sure the client's review would be a positive review encouraging others to hire him!



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Abel's response is the text book correct way to respond to an unsatisfactory review.


We're all fallible and when you're in the wrong just admit it and apologize and offer to make it right.


I think Abel's hot and the care he put into his website convinces me that, like most of us, he's generally a good guy. None of us is without "sin".


I will hire Abel the next time I'm in New York or he's in Texas.


It's refreshing to read a response like Abel's.



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I'd also add that the review is a textbook example of when not to write a review. Abel was running late and didn't message the client. That's not good behavior and Abel acknowledged that. The rest of the experience seems to be on the client. In the end, I think it served Abel well, as he had an opportunity to show how he recovers from a bad situation.

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The one he said/he said I noticed is that the reviewer stated that "We did not talk about interests, likes, "into's". I did mention I like boyfriend experience and was a bottom but that was probably about it." While in the response, the escort states "He and I had little communication before our meeting, so I was not sure what he wanted when we meet.

Whatever, things happen. It would be nice if there is a next time and things go well.

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Can't imagine why he would lie about the showering. Seems completely contrary to the impression I get from his YouTube videos. There was no reason for it. If I was the client I would have either walked away or made it a point to discuss it. "BFs" communicate.

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Rule # 23....it's not the sin....it's the cover up that kills you.




I've had similar experiences with escorts or me being late.


Nonetheless, once either side gets upset...it's pretty much impossible to recover.


I was 30 minutes late to a massage appointment with a masseur I had seen several

times before and liked a great deal. There was massive unexpected crosstown

traffic in NYC and despite leaving 30 minutes early for what should have been a

15 minute trip...I was still 30 minutes late.


I kept him updated and apologized profusely. I offered to just pay for the massage,

leave, and try another time. I also offered to cut the massage short 30 minutes and

still pay for the 90 minutes. Despite a "don't worry about it", once I arrived the

vibe was intensely cold. He reassured me and we went ahead with the massage.


That was a huge mistake. I was uncomfortable for the entire 90 minutes. That's

a long time to be naked in the same room with someone much bigger and more

muscular than you are towering over you....who is PISSED OFF.


Unfortunately, it destroyed a great relationship both ways. I understand his

being upset, but he should have accepted my offer if he was that angry about it.

In the long run, it would have worked out better for both of us.


As it ended, I lost a great maasuer...and he lost a good (albeit late) client.


Just another NYC-story.

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while im never happy when someone is late (and the shower thing was a bad move), it seems the client does not know WTF he wants

"i probably said i want a boyfriend experience" ... followed inthe same review with "I want a guy who's dominant and takes charge" ... bottom line ... say what you want/mean and you'll more likely get it ... be antagonistic and the escort is not likely to want to be your bf

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We can all agree that this s not the end of the world, but it is, in fact, an escort review site, and the OP should be respected for honestly and straightforwardly describing his experience in an accurate, non-hyperbolic way. Further, I am repeatedly struck by the intensity of escorts request to be taken seriously as professionals, and their intense frustration with clients wasting their time or not showing up. Yet when an escort screws up, as Abel admittedly did, there is a rush to defend them and compliment them on their willing embrace f their obvious responsibility. From what I can see, Abel did nothing but respond when caught in both inconsiderate behaviors and a subsequent lie. To compliment him for admitting it seems to be a bit of a stretch, at least for me.


I don't know Abel and have never hired him. I have heard only nice things about him and have been impressed with his posts and the little I've heard from him. That said, I thought his response was problematic, at best. His description of the "little white lie" he told makes clear the fact that he has no understanding of what his mistake really was: He wasn't on time, getting ready and primping in the shower as his "little white lie" would have you believe - instead, he was late to his own party and grossly inconsiderate in leaving a new client hanging around a strange environment, not having any idea what to do. All of us are late sometimes, but that wasn't his crime - it was not caring enough about being a professional to take a minute to simply tell the client he was going to be a few minutes late.


We can probably debate who had responsibility for the issues within the session, but again, I differ from the 'escort apologists' in that I really do see them as professionals, and as a result, espxpect them to use their experience to figure out the client's needs - especially coming off his earlier screw up. To my mind, there was only one correct response to the OP when he finally reached him, or even after the review appeared.


"Listen, I really screwed up. I was late and it was inconsiderate for me to leave you waiting without texting. I'm usually very professional and I value all of my clients and their time. Please consider coming back - this session will be on me, and I hope you'll be open to giving me another chance."


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I had a similar experience about ten years ago in NYC. Again I was left to wander about on the sidewalk waiting to see if the guy would show up since he did not answer his cell. Unluckily for me there was no bench in the area so I just meandered back and forth. Eventually he casually wandered by, but then told me to continue waiting as he would call me after he got himself together. When he finally did call and buzz me in he not only had coffee breath, but was not wearing the leather harness we had previously discussed. Incidentally the guy was a lawyer and I laced into him by asking what a judge would do to him if he did not show up in court at the appointed time.


Let's just say the the session ended with him on his knees and he literally got a mouthful in addition to an earful...


I felt that I had gotten my money's worth and that was the last time that I ever saw the guy.

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Well, crap happens.


I scheduled a 2-hr with a travelling very well known, now retired $350/hr guy. He accidentally sent me to the wrong hotel (room 6xx of the Hilton Garden Inn on X street instead of Y street). I didn't realize it until I got into the elevator and there was no 6'th floor. Oops. He was extremely apologetic for giving me the wrong address, offered to extend the session, etc., but I didn't have time. It was an honest mistake, albeit a little sloppy, and I knew he was a stand-up guy and had absolutely no intent to deceive.

Another guy scheduled to meet me at 3:00 at his hotel. I was on time and waited in the parking lot, exchanging texts with him for nearly an hour and he said he was on road X stuck in traffic. I knew that was BS because I had used that same road... in other words he was late for some other reason and made up the traffic excuse, perhaps because it was more palatable than "I overslept" or something more flaky.

Neither is a bad person and I certainly don't hold any grudges but if you're dropping $700+/- then attention to detail matters.


I'd contrast this with another guy who intentionally deceived me in booking a 2-hr then standing me up at the last minute for a more lucrative overnight. I'd never trust this guy because he was fundamentally dishonest - a very different circumstance.


Not long ago I was an hour late getting to an Incall because of a personal-business delay. I offered to pay the guy for both hours but he was very understanding and relaxed about how the whole thing and I really appreciated that.

So, sometimes things happen and its best if we're all honest with each other, flexible about hiccups and assume the best about the persons character (unless proven otherwise). I'd hire him tomorrow.

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We can all agree that this s not the end of the world, but it is, in fact, an escort review site, and the OP should be respected for honestly and straightforwardly describing his experience in an accurate, non-hyperbolic way. Further, I am repeatedly struck by the intensity of escorts request to be taken seriously as professionals, and their intense frustration with clients wasting their time or not showing up. Yet when an escort screws up, as Abel admittedly did, there is a rush to defend them and compliment them on their willing embrace f their obvious responsibility. From what I can see, Abel did nothing but respond when caught in both inconsiderate behaviors and a subsequent lie. To compliment him for admitting it seems to be a bit of a stretch, at least for me.


I don't know Abel and have never hired him. I have heard only nice things about him and have been impressed with his posts and the little I've heard from him. That said, I thought his response was problematic, at best. His description of the "little white lie" he told makes clear the fact that he has no understanding of what his mistake really was: He wasn't on time, getting ready and primping in the shower as his "little white lie" would have you believe - instead, he was late to his own party and grossly inconsiderate in leaving a new client hanging around a strange environment, not having any idea what to do. All of us are late sometimes, but that wasn't his crime - it was not caring enough about being a professional to take a minute to simply tell the client he was going to be a few minutes late.


We can probably debate who had responsibility for the issues within the session, but again, I differ from the 'escort apologists' in that I really do see them as professionals, and as a result, espxpect them to use their experience to figure out the client's needs - especially coming off his earlier screw up. To my mind, there was only one correct response to the OP when he finally reached him, or even after the review appeared.


"Listen, I really screwed up. I was late and it was inconsiderate for me to leave you waiting without texting. I'm usually very professional and I value all of my clients and their time. Please consider coming back - this session will be on me, and I hope you'll be open to giving me another chance."



Don't include me in the "escort apologist" category. Put on your thinking cap and go reread my OP. I stated that I considered his response as the proper way to respond to a negative review. I don't disagree with some of your finer points like the little white lie. But I'm more in the Dutchmuch camp who's sick of the "client smelled" responses that are far too frequent.

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BigK...point taken, and couldn't agree with you more about how shit gets turned around on clients - just don't think that his response really took responsibility for anything, and if the review wasn't written, he never would have said even the little he did. Striking that he was too embarrassed to address the problem when the OP walked in. The whole thing was a screw up - from the casual lateness to the lack of attention to client needs. He owes him a session.

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There are multitudes of thing I will tolerate: BEING LATE IS NOT ONE OF THEM. Whenever I have an appointment, any kind of appointment, I usually arrive between fifteen and twenty minutes early and then wait unseen until the designated time. I usually have escorts to my place where I have a meal prepared to serve shortly after their arrival. If he gets caught in traffic and is going to be late, a definite possibility here in the L.A. basin, I EXPECT to be updated regularly.


I was once kept waiting for an escort, at his hotel, for about forty-five minutes. He called at the exact time of the appointment, I was in the lobby of his hotel, and informed that he had let the time get away from him and that he would be about forty-five minutes late. He apologized and told me that if I wanted to cancel he would understand: I said I'd wait. When he arrived he immediately came up to me apologized again and invited me to his room. Once in the room and after a big kiss he explained that he wanted to shower and I was more than welcome to join him for some serious foreplay. By the time we got out of the shower ALL was forgotten and forgiven. The guy not only knew what he was doing he had class.


My beef with Abel is that once his lie was discovered he should, in my opinion, have offered to let the client cancel or offered to discount his fee. Unfortunately Abel wanted his cake and eat it too.

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Setting aside their interaction once they sat down, Mr. Escort advertises himself as “honest”, and “always punctual”. Mr. Client experienced neither. While it’s human nature for all of us to fail, we all can hopefully forgive. Mr. Escort should not try to put lipstick on it by saying he “told him a small white lie”

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