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Escort Hires that don't respond after hiring

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I have a question to put to the members,

I am hiring an escort for a weekend and this is a month in advance . It is now 2 weeks in advance . I like to develop a rapport and to get to know the person as well as they get to know me ...my likes etc. I have emailed some nice thoughts and desires etc, as well as what I have planned for the weekend. I only received one email that said looking forward to the weekend. I have emailed twice with no follow up that engages me in what I am wanting to happen or with any acknowledgement of my email . I am used to developing a sort of rapport with the person... .and this is not happening here . I am seeing that they are online with both twitter and Rentmen so I know they are not unavailable . Should I cancel and look for someone more amenable ? I feel like I am being ignored and I have put some thought and time into our weekend as I always try to do .

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My thoughts.. if you have engaged this person for a weekend hire, you are entitled to get a little bit of prep time/pre-engagement from the escort, especially if that is important to you.


Before rushing to judgement about being ignored, or not engaging with you, I would try contacting them through some other means just to let them know how you feel.. perhaps a very short text along these lines.


"Dear Mr. Escort. I sent you an email back on April 1st and a follow up on April 8th that have both gone unacknowledged. I was wondering if you had the chance to look them over, because it is very important to me that I develop some kind of connection in advance of spending the weekend with an escort for the very first time and your acknowledgment and input in this process would go a very long way in making this happen for me."


If you still get no response or reply, then perhaps you may want to reconsider your options.


I sincerely hope it all works out for the two of you.



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From experience...have a "backup" plan. The same thing happened to me last Sept. I was headed to Ft Lauderdale for the Labor Day weekend and scheduled an overnight with an escort. I sent weekly "updates" , saying hi and checking to see if we are still set for Sunday, Sept. xx. I received a "yes, we're all set for THAT DATE. All was good, until I checked in the Wednesday before (4 days), to which he replied "Oh, I thought it was this past weekend, I'll be out of town this weekend!" FOUR times the date was sent to him...needless to say I was pissed. However, I met with another stud...TOTALLY ROCKED...BUT he was using fake pics in his listing. The upside was he was MUCH hotter than his pics with an enormous tool!! Wish he still had a listing I could pass on.....

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I know you're an experienced client, OT, but some escorts don't use email much these days.....or they don't like to reply to weekly updates from giddy (their opinion) clients.....try a to-the-point text next time, but don't barrage this guy with somewhat-pointless (to him?) communication....he may not be into rapport.....


one concern, too: are you hiring this guy for a weekend without having met before?.....if so, are you good that it'll work out?

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Well I would certainly reconsider this. If the guy's only response is "looking forward to the weekend"...and no response to your other 2 emails of what you'd like to do or what you have planned...which btw takes some effort on your part...I'd frankly be pissed. It's your cash and your time and planning. We don't know who you're hiring but if he doesn't have the decency to at least acknowledge you back...especially since you're paying for it...I'd find someone else who would greatly appreciate your business and company. Wouldn't even consider a plan B at this point.. I'd move on and find another plan A.

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I know you're an experienced client, OT, but some escorts don't use email much these days.....or they don't like to reply to weekly updates from giddy (their opinion) clients.....try a to-the-point text next time, but don't barrage this guy with somewhat-pointless (to him?) communication....he may not be into rapport.....


one concern, too: are you hiring this guy for a weekend without having met before?.....if so, are you good that it'll work out


Exactly my thoughts except for the word "giddy," I would have used a stronger word.


To the OP, please try texts instead, my guess is you will get an answer, short but pleasant.


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It sounds like you have done this before, so you must have had some good experiences, but I can't even imagine a weekend with someone I haven't met before. The last overnight I did with an unknown was a total disaster. Put me down for never ever ever again.


That said, unless the things you are putting in the email impact your decision whether to hire or not, I would think that brevity is your friend. You have a whole weekend to get to know each other. I'm not sure it's reasonable to expect a bunch of email foreplay, but if others have accommodated this, maybe you aren't a good match for this particular guy.

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It sounds like you have done this before, so you must have had some good experiences, but I can't even imagine a weekend with someone I haven't met before. The last overnight I did with an unknown was a total disaster. Put me down for never ever ever again.


That said, unless the things you are putting in the email impact your decision whether to hire or not, I would think that brevity is your friend. You have a whole weekend to get to know each other. I'm not sure it's reasonable to expect a bunch of email foreplay, but if others have accommodated this, maybe you aren't a good match for this particular guy.

Yes I have done a plane ticket so he knows that this is serious. He has not been doing this too very long so he may be unaware of what a long distance client would want . I don't live in a location where escorts travel so I have always done weekends with people I have never met and they have worked out 90% of the time . He had asked me what I wanted and then not to respond gives me pause.

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Yes I have done a plane ticket so he knows that this is serious. He has not been doing this too very long so he may be unaware of what a long distance client would want . I don't live in a location where escorts travel so I have always done weekends with people I have never met and they have worked out 90% of the time . He had asked me what I wanted and then not to respond gives me pause.


Okay, I'm not asking who it is, but how old is the little rascal?


I'm not judging in any way. I love them in their late twenties, but I recognize that I have to accommodate the texting generation if I want to communicate with them successfully. ;)

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Okay, I'm not asking who it is, but how old is the little rascal?


I'm not judging in any way. I love them in their late twenties, but I recognize that I have to accommodate the texting generation if I want to communicate with them successfully. ;)

46 years old . I have been doing this a while and most men will email and keep the conversation going before the meeting . Here I have only emailed once right after the confirmation on the flight and then 2 other times after some time had passed . If he does not have time to respond then he does not have time to come here is the way I look at it .

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You've bought HIM a plane ticket? Besides a cash deposit, it doesn't get much more assured than that.


I agree with the comments above about texting him... and ask if he has a non-busy time (i.e., not Saturday night) when he'd be available to chat on the phone. I'd put very little credence into anything that happens via text and even email - some people come across as terse when that's not the intent at all.

I understand an escort not wanting to get into the business of becoming a pen pal for a month.. imagine him thinking that he's going to have to write you 3 times a day until you meet. A phone call would probably make you feel allot better that all is well.

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You've bought HIM a plane ticket? Besides a cash deposit, it doesn't get much more assured than that.


I agree with the comments above about texting him... and ask if he has a non-busy time (i.e., not Saturday night) when he'd be available to chat on the phone. I'd put very little credence into anything that happens via text and even email - some people come across as terse when that's not the intent at all.

I understand an escort not wanting to get into the business of becoming a pen pal for a month.. imagine him thinking that he's going to have to write you 3 times a day until you meet. A phone call would probably make you feel allot better that all is well.

Thanks Keith ..you are right I need to call and talk to him and then go from there . Thank You !

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I've found that the likelihood of a booking happening is inversely proportional to the amount of contact beforehand. When a client wants to chat over several emails about who's going to do what to whom, he inevitably ends up cancelling at the last minute.


This situation is a bit different in that it seems you've already sent him a plane ticket, but he may be operating under that assumption. Might I suggest asking him if he'd be available for a ten minute skype session and what his fee would be? That way he'd understand that you're not just jerking him around, and it may be worth throwing $50 at the situation to save a booking with a guy you were obviously impressed with enough to book in the first place.


Kevin Slater

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I've found that the likelihood of a booking happening is inversely proportional to the amount of contact beforehand. When a client wants to chat over several emails about who's going to do what to whom, he inevitably ends up cancelling at the last minute.


This situation is a bit different in that it seems you've already sent him a plane ticket, but he may be operating under that assumption. Might I suggest asking him if he'd be available for a ten minute skype session and what his fee would be? That way he'd understand that you're not just jerking him around, and it may be worth throwing $50 at the situation to save a booking with a guy you were obviously impressed with enough to book in the first place.


Kevin Slater

Thanks Kevin... Will see what I can do !!

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Whenever I sense that an escort is not taking my future booking seriously, and I am very excited about the pre-planned event, I will buy him a Rentmen online gift of one extra month membership in advance of our meeting. I don't know if your escort is via Rentmen or not. But it sounds like you have already laid out enough money to demonstrate that you are serious. I hope it works out!

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Whenever I sense that an escort is not taking my future booking seriously, and I am very excited about the pre-planned event, I will buy him a Rentmen online gift of one extra month membership in advance of our meeting.


I like the thought, but might I suggest an Amazon e-gift card sent to his email instead? Rentmen charges you $100 I believe for something that has between $20 and $80 worth of value to the escort.


Kevin Slater

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Nothing personal OT, but why do SO SO many men think they have a "connection" with escorts just because they have booked an appointment? These escorts aren't your friends even though you may think you are doing THEM a big favor by hiring them. Make the communications short and to the point and make the appointment and then wait till a day or two before for further communication. I know a couple clients that insist on DAILY communication they think they are entitled to just because they made an appointment. Please give the working guys a break, they have other clients to attend to in the meantime and will hopefully devote their complete attention to you when you meet.

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I agree with the poster who said he couldnt imagine an overnite with someone he hasnt met. Sometimes, overnites, or extended times in small spaces are unbearable even with freinds, family or people you know well. Add the pressure of SEX with a person you dont know you're compatible with, and the whole thing can go south really fast. We all take chances with scorts that are "newbie" to us, but having an hour long disappointment is nothing compared to a whole weekend.. I would RE-THINK Plan A

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Hey OT:


I think your questions and hesitations about the escort's lack of response are warranted. Clearly you are a trusting guy. Also, by arranging a weekend you are probably looking for more that a roll in the hay. I assume you want to spend time with a nice guy.


Given that he does not have the deciency to respond to your emails makes me wonder if he is the kind of guy that you would want to spend a weekend with. Decent and polite guys would have responded. How long does an email take.... five minutes?


You booked him for a weekend and sent him a ticket. He should respond to your emails.


If I were you I would think carefully and consider canceling so that you don't end up having a weekend in the same fashion as you been having with his lack of response.


Best wishes

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AmEx is completely right. top notch guys are never too busy to just write a few lines, and even if they were, they'd have the cojones to just say "thanks for your email and I promise to get back to you as soon as I free up." Even if email is not his preferred method, typically real pros would say "can we text or chat by phone instead?" AmEx has nailed the very fact that, like many of us, you are looking for a little more content in your interactions with this guy beyond the obvious. Imagine how much work you are gonna have to put in over that weekend to pry some connection with this guy? This hobby is supposed to be easy, fun, and joyful. You are putting way too much energy into it. To me, this sounds like a train wreck about to happen. Count your losses, abort, and let's get you someone else. What's your type?

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Nothing personal OT, but why do SO SO many men think they have a "connection" with escorts just because they have booked an appointment? These escorts aren't your friends even though you may think you are doing THEM a big favor by hiring them. Make the communications short and to the point and make the appointment and then wait till a day or two before for further communication. I know a couple clients that insist on DAILY communication they think they are entitled to just because they made an appointment. Please give the working guys a break, they have other clients to attend to in the meantime and will hopefully devote their complete attention to you when you meet.


Your disdain for clients is pretty unsettling. Perhaps you should consider another occupation. If you aren't an escort masquerading as a client, then whoever is complaining about their clients to you should be ashamed.

You have taken a far leap from the OP wanting to pre-discuss a weekend hire to a demand for daily acknowledgements and pre meeting sex talk. What if the OP is trying to make restaurant reservations at a difficult restaurant and needs to know if the escort is allergic to seafood or is looking to get tickets for an almost sold out rock concert but is decent enough to want to ensure it's some group that that escort can stomach before committing them both to what otherwise could be a miserable evening.


I am the first to say all the time that you don't pay people to be your friends, that this is a business relationship not a friendship, yet people jump all over my shit for that and say oh no escorts are my real friends as well as all 3000 people who follow me on twitter and friend me on facebook too. I have no desire to waste anyone's time. I have no desire to have daily conversations with an escort I choose to hire. But I damn well expect some god damn common courtesy for one to acknowledge and respond to my limited and relevant communications (if I should so send one or two) in the course of ensuring a great weekend (not a one hour)hire happens.

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Nothing personal OT, but why do SO SO many men think they have a "connection" with escorts just because they have booked an appointment? These escorts aren't your friends even though you may think you are doing THEM a big favor by hiring them. Make the communications short and to the point and make the appointment and then wait till a day or two before for further communication. I know a couple clients that insist on DAILY communication they think they are entitled to just because they made an appointment. Please give the working guys a break, they have other clients to attend to in the meantime and will hopefully devote their complete attention to you when you meet.


So, perhaps a slightly different perspective in the interest of a constructive dialogue.

A 'connection' is exactly what many of us hope to achieve during time spent with a companion. I'd never expect to be able to create any serious connection before (via text/email) but I would hope to establish an atmosphere of pleasant anticipation and understanding of preferences such that when we do meet it makes the face-to-face conversation easier and a connection blossoms much more easily.


To illustrate the point, I can call my plumber and leave a message that I need work done at 2:00 Tuesday. He shows up, says three words and goes to work. When he's finished an hour later I pay him and he leaves. Is that really the model that anyone wants? I know for a fact that the true professionals have allot more to offer than 45-minutes of pipe-laying.


As an example, I had to opportunity to meet two guy in the last two weeks: I'd made the appointments weeks in advance and both emailed and texted me a couple of times days in advance asking about my preferences, etc. (I responded with the facts and didn't belabor the conversation other than to say I was looking forward to our meeting). Their reaching out to me told me they are 1) focused on me, and, 2) committed to providing a superior experience.


I understand the concern... some clients expect or at least want the festivities to begin far in advance with text after text after text and that's unreasonable.


(If you'll allow me a moment of snarkiness on a pet-peeve: I also had 2 recent meetings with other guys who's noses were buried in their cell phones for a portion of our time together, including one well-received companion. Based on what I saw and heard, they were not "attending to" other clients. )

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I like the idea of texting for a brief phone conversation. The escort may be, like me, adverse to talking details of what each of us like in a text or email. If he doesn't have a lot of experience he may be less inclined to tell the OP to avoid details in an email. Plus, I like to hear a guys voice.

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