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Sunday Morning Rituals?

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So I'm an early bird...always been. My morning ritual is to feed the cat, walk the dogs, exercise, and have a cup of java while reading the forum. On Sundays the only difference is that I cook a hearty breakfast and eat it in the patio. I soak in the weather, the birds chirping, and whatever nature brings - including the inevitable leaf that blows onto my plate. What are your Sunday rituals?

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Sunday morning ritual - bicycle ride! I'm recovering from bronchitis, so although the temperature was nice in DC this morning, I decided to forgo the ride until I'm completely recuperated.


The bike ride is usually followed up to a trip to the farmers market.

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Sunday morning ritual - bicycle ride! I'm recovering from bronchitis, so although the temperature was nice in DC this morning, I decided to forgo the ride until I'm completely recuperated.


The bike ride is usually followed up to a trip to the farmers market.

It sounds like I need to teleport you a nice cup of tea & honey! Hope you feel better soon!

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Unfortunately, my internal alarm clock goes off at the same time every day. So, I'm always wide awake at 4:00 a.m. on Sunday. My ritual is to go on a morning walk (today it was with a very heavy fog which I love). There is a local cafe where I leisurely enjoy my Sunday fruit plate and get a cup of their wonderful coffee to go. I then head home and read the local papers on-line while the TV news is on in the background. Once the local papers are read, I continue with more on-line reading from this forum and Towleroad.


For many years I would sleep in on Sunday. But, in my older age, the body doesn't cooperate with that. I've learned to really enjoy my early morning Sunday walks whether I'm in Utah, Portland, or San Diego. Very fortunate that my 3 homes are all in safe neighborhoods.

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If you get up really early on a Sunday morning in Manhattan...don't ever miss the beauty & the stillness of The City. There is this magical moment between 5-6am where the city appears desolate and you can just take in the magnificence of the architecture, the streets, the rot & the opulence, the lack of sky & the abundance of pavement, the hidden green, the sounds that are drowned by man during the rest of the day. The dichotomy is unsurpassed

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If you get up really early on a Sunday morning in Manhattan...don't ever miss the beauty & the stillness of The City.

Canberra has an artificial lake that, especially in winter, can be mirror smooth. Seeing it, looking like glass, with wisps of fog rising from the water can be transformationally beautiful. The fact that it is surrounded by the National Gallery, National Library and the High Court and other symbols of the nation only adds to the beauty of it.

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A typical Sunday morning:


Wake up, try to remember what city I am in, try to remember what hotel I am in, try to remember what man I am in, try to remember said man's name and occupation, realize he's a priest and that he has to work Sunday mornings and that I need to go, throw on Nasty Pig jock, Nike Shorts, and For Rent shirt, head to Soul Cycle to hustle for new business among the celebrities in the back row.

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Wake up, open all the drapes, panic for a moment, make a quick assessment of where everything is. Wallet check, money in wallet check, cell phone check, car keys check, car is one piece check...Whew all good. Feed the hound, walk the hound, make coffee. Reflect on Saturday night. Vow to never go out again...great, that's settled, time for a walk on the beach and to mentally reflect for an hour or so, realize life is good, then home for a nap.

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Wake up, open all the drapes, panic for a moment, make a quick assessment of where everything is. Wallet check, money in wallet check, cell phone check, car keys check, car is one piece check...Whew all good. Feed the hound, walk the hound, make coffee. Reflect on Saturday night. Vow to never go out again...great, that's settled, time for a walk on the beach and to mentally reflect for an hour or so, then home for a nap.

I wanna go out with you on a Saturday night! You remind me of the Amazon Echo tv commercial! Of course, u get to be Alec!



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For anyone that doesn't have an Amazon Echo, it's awesome and you should consider getting one! My ritual every day is listening to the news and weather from Alexa while getting ready.

If Amazon would just wisen up and make the Echo in an Alec Andrews or Mike Gaite gift box set...sigh.

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Even though I am long time retired I still get up at 4:30 in the morning Monday through Friday, go to the gym at 5:00, workout until 6:00 and then go and have coffee with friends and solve ALL of the worlds problem unit 7:00 or 7:15.


Saturday and Sunday are my rest days. I get up at 6:00, straighten up around the house and meet friends for breakfast at 8:00. I am a total morning person and all of my family and friends have learned NOT to call me after 9:00 in the evening if they want me to be coherent. I love the quietude of the mornings

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Usually, feed the dogs and cat, walk the dogs, 45 minutes on my cycling trainer, protein shake, another dog walk. Didn't happen this AM - spending the day cleaning up after 3 dogs with a gastro virus one of them dragged home from the veterinary hospital

Clocker! My heart aches for you! My babies had a similar issue early this year - vomiting tho. It was like a chain reaction...one would start and the others would follow...I would run after them cleaning up while holding my nose to avoid my throwing up myself. Not the kind of Sunday "ritual" I would wish on anyone! :(



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I try to get all of the drudgery done on Saturday -- laundry, grocery shopping, haircut, whatever -- so that Sundays are completely open. The dog will let me sleep until about 7 a.m. and then it's coffee and the gym. Every other week or so there is the traditional homo brunch, and then it's all about a good nap in the afternoon and getting caught up on shows that I have DVR'd.

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I know my Sunday or Saturday "homo" brunch includes boys, liquid lunch, and lots laughs...what's your homo brunch like?


It's pretty much the same thing. :) We have several places that we rotate. One is extremely highend Mexican food where you can't really afford to get drunk, but the others are a different story. You've got to love a make your own Bloody Mary bar!!

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Great topic. I am impressed on how so many of the posters here have some "love life" routines on Sunday AM.

Too bad some dogs (who man essentially "invented" from wolves) are under the weather. If the majority of

humans did take a few minutes on Sunday and other days for some love live minutes, the world would be

much better. I do not have a Sunday routine, other than the Sunday Talk Shows. I need to get out more.

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