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Not locking a thread, moving the Party, out of the house

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I'm sorry guys if my idea was a bad one or somewhat a touchy subject being I had nothing but the best of intentions without any drama of the whole rentboy.com conspiracy interjecting into the picture or the sole purpose of having Lady Coco join us again this year.


I clearly wasn't thinking of how the whole rentboy drama, and politics could arise as it didn't cross my mind at first until Tristan brought up, and glad he did along with Steven points on a political stand point of view.


Seriously don't want people flying off the handle of me being insensitive or not having consideration for others(including the host) who will be attending the party as that was not the case when the idea was brought up.


However, I understand where Tristan was coming from out of concern as my mindset was on a totally different level, and not thinking of the rentboy drama, and politics being an issue - actually I wasn't even thinking on those terms or the fact that could be of a problem as I didn't figure politics about rentboy would come up, but glad Tristan did as it makes total sense on a more political/social aspect considering what drama was all involved regarding rentboy.


I don't like drama. Rentboy should not be an issue at the party.


Trust me, Steven - I don't like drama any more than you or anyone else who'll be attending the event, and appreciate your post being as informative as it was along with Tristan's as what you both have posted of the dangers of her attending could cause possibly does makes sense.


Good points indeed, guys. :).

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It is apparent to me that JD must not have gotten any wind of this, or spoken to this other escort. Had he done so, he would have been aware how people who are less compassionate than you might be less understanding. I was not at the DC event, I had nothing to do with it, and it had nothing to do with the Rentboy matter. Maybe somebody who likes to create drama was just trying to stir up shit and using me to do so. I'd be happy to share with you privately the nasty garbage I got about my alleged crimes regarding Lady Coco and how they were apparently tried at the DC event. Maybe that was much ado about nothing, too.


Regardless, after being privately berated by an escort who acts like the nicest guy in the world, until he lashes out at you, and who apparently used the DC event to go after me for trying to help Lady Coco, I'm being proactive in publicly saying that the Palm Springs event has nothing to do with Rentboy. You won't be asked to give money or support a cause.


Yeah, something tells me, Steven there is more to the story then people realize about what was all said, and done possibly behind closed doors in DC or anywhere else for that matter.


It's amazing, Steven I too have been berated by a fellow escort who proclaimed to be extremely nice until I was lashed out and been falsely accused of misunderstood reasons or motivations for being EOY as well as my contributions towards the rentboy.com cause. Looks like we BOTH have been down that boat at one point or another of enduring such treatment for which you described in fighting for rentboy6. What a coincidence huh? You're not the only one who seems to have been "berated" and lashed out by others being your not alone when it comes to such unfortunate circumstances happening.


We all have met people, Steven during that whole dramatic experience with rentboy of people who don't see eye-to-eye when it comes to fighting for humanity, and justice as not all people are going to agree. It's nothing new under the sun as it happens unfortunately in everyday society.


As you may remember, we BOTH(along with other activist) were getting heat and backlash from clients, and some forum members who were ANTI-RENTBOY, about our involvement with the whole rentboy fiasco. Doesn't surprise me one bit what you mentioned in your post as people are gonna talk about how lowdown people the activist were for being involved, and be insulted by asking to donate to help fight for the cause.


Hell - I lost 2 friends who were fellow escorts because of my fight for the rentboy6, and felt by being involved with such a fight was gonna ruin my reputation along with theirs. These 2 friends had to disassociate themselves from me because I was an activist(along with you) for Rentboy6. I'm sure if these same people talking bad about you - they as hell are talking bad about me or any other escort who was a fellow activist at the time.


I agree, people can at times create drama, and stir up shit over the most simplest things imaginable - I agree, but you shouldn't let it affect you if you know what your doing is for the right reasons, and fighting for the rentboy6 was a great cause to fight for as you did a wonderful job in fundraising, and being a dynamic activist.


If others may have said different by talking trash in DC or anywhere else in the US about your many positive efforts - that's they're issue - not yours as you've done nothing wrong when it comes to fighting for justice.


We have to admit here - when it comes to fundraising and asking for donations - people will tend to get a little touchy about being asked to do so, but not everyone that is asked is gonna get bent out of shape about it if it's for a good cause. Especially a cause to help fight for a organization that helps support the gay community.

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I agree, people can at times create drama, and stir up shit over the most simplest things imaginable - but you shouldn't let it affect you if you know what your doing is for the right reasons, and fighting for the rentboy6 was a great cause to fight for as you did a wonderful job in fundraising... If others may have said different by talking trash in DC that's they're issue - not yours as you've done nothing wrong when it comes to fighting for justice.


The unnamed person who has been berating me in person, by text, by email, and by voicemail, is JD. I was trying to be polite in public. Now I will spell it out, publicly.


As far as how the Rentboy drama was used to poison the DC event, I wasn't there, so I can't say. The only thing I know for sure is that I got a series of unsolicited and undesired texts from JD, including all kinds of garbage about how people at the DC event attacked me for my Rentboy fundraising efforts.


A brief excerpt of the rant, in JD's own words:


"Just like you humiliated me making that insensitive racial statement [referring to when I voted for him and said he deserved to be the first Black Escort of the Year] that Mike Gaite called you out on, and solicitation people for donations for rentboy.com. Oh don't think for one second people weren't talking about that to me in DC. Oh and if you wanna talk about badgering and harassing try not solicitation for people to donate as in DC certain members did commit of they're discomfort in you emailing them or putting they're names on the thread about contributing as they didn't express interest in doing so. You wanna go down this path of naming faults and who shit stinks and doesn't....trust me, we can go there as I don't mind calling your ass out if need be as you ain't bullying and intimidating me as I'll set you straight and real quick as you ain't fooling me one bit with anything your saying as I'll be glad to correct your ass if I have to."


What I transcribed above, verbatim, is a very small part of an ongoing and unsolicited novella, about how greatly I caused JD to suffer, in DC and elsewhere. The latest chapter involves JD privately berating me for fundraising for Rentboy and supporting Lady Coco, who he privately trashes, even as he publicly extols us as lovers of justice. He invites Lady Coco to a party that isn't his, and that she can't attend, and that will cause a lot of guests discomfort if she does - just like the "discomfort" he blamed me for in DC. And then, helpfully, he lets us know how he just hates drama, and is all about "CARE FREE" fun!


Tristan was wrong about one thing. It's not really about Lady Coco. It's about JD.


I have not spoken a word with JD since October,, whenI told him I can't be his friend, and can't help him. It is now February. I can go on endlessly about what I consider to be unsolicited and unwanted emotional abuse. Nobody wants to hear it. The reason I have refused to speak with JD since last October, and that any communication is documented in writing, or in voicemails, is precisely for this reason: so that there is a record of the few terse things I said, in writing, asking him to leave me alone, and the endless things he said, refusing to do so. They all boil down to this: I'm a cold-blooded asshole, I wronged him, and yet I have to be his friend. And my God, is it endless, and hateful.


My poor iPhone literally broke last week, perhaps because it was full of hundreds of JD's venomous texts, calls, and voicemails. I can keep the old iPhone as documentation, which I may need if he continues to push this, while I have a new phone to communicate with people who are actually friends, and actually friendly. Having failed at every other attempt to engage me, including months of attempts to destroy my friendships and drag other people planning to attend the party into this, JD is now using his professed love for Lady Coco and Rentboy to plan the Palm Springs party to his liking and force me to repent and be his friend.


JD's rationale is simple, in his own words:


"I'm not gonna stop calling you until I get an answer. I don't care if it takes all day. [it did. Up to 100 calls a day, all unanswered, and ugly voicemails until my voicemail box was filled] You will not wrong me. I'm gonna see to it I don't stop until you make right of what you did. I sure will hate to come to Palm Springs and have us at odds as that won't be a pretty picture for the guests there to see."


No, JD. It won't be. There is nothing pretty about abuse and stalking.


JD's most recent mind fuck was to lament how unwelcome he was being made to feel at Oliver's party, and how this would spoil the fun for others who were dependent on him for fun, or transportation. So the single and only thing I have actually said to JD in months was a simple and clear message I actually sent to Oliver and Daddy and copied to him, to make sure it was incredibly clear.


EVERYBODY IS WELCOME at the party, including you, JD, especially if Oliver asks me to host it again. I am now copying this memo to the world. Please feel free to come. You are welcome. We are all grown ups. But would you please try very hard to act like a mature adult? We can and should act friendly, even if we are not friends.


You said you would do that a week ago, in response to the message I sent. Then you immediately proceeded to invite Lady Coco, after claiming you consulted with the hosts, which you didn't. To the extent that you can call what you did "consulting" with anyone, what you did was badgering and manipulation. This created drama, which you now say you just hate, and apologized for, yet again. Just like you claimed in one of your unsolicited and unanswered texts that you want "calm" and had "learned your lesson" and would "stay off the forum." Do you ever actually say anything that you really mean? Really? Or are they just words to get people to sympathize with you and enable the next round of abusive bullshit? This will now set up another round of unwanted texts and voicemails, and allow a few kind souls to listen to you whine about how you are being persecuted for hours, until they get sick of it.


You will come to the party. You will publicly be a class act, even as you privately trash many of us, just like you did last year, when I met you. We will comment privately on how sad this is. The wisest members of the forum will simply lament the slow motion nature of the train wreck. Juan has been the public voice of this lament, but there are many others, and they are all right. None of us can do anything to stop it.


Daddy, please leave this post up, because it confirms some important things relevant to this year's party. Everybody should know that it is completely unacceptable to be completely insincere, and to invest a huge amount of time and energy making a whole bunch of phoney public statements that completely contradict everything you are spending even more time and energy saying and doing in private.


This is largely my fault, and I apologize for making a fucked up assessment of one individual's character, who I helped promote, at his request. It has hurt some of my friends, who are respected escorts, and caring members of this forum, and who warned me. It has hurt me. I've been paying a price for this by having to resist emotional abuse by someone who has now been spent half a year trying to force me to be his friend, using everything I ever told him against me. JD is now trying to turn forum-related events into his personal psychodramas at everybody else's expense. That crosses a line.


The great thing about my iPhone 4 breaking is that my new iPhone 6 has a neat feature that blocks any unwanted communication from anybody I don't care to hear from. I plan to use it. That ends my private drama.


As far as the public drama goes, JD has just acknowledged in writing that this is, in fact, Oliver's party. So he can stop planning it for Oliver, as he has been privately - and now publicly - trying to do for the last year. All that JD needs to do is attend and be the class act he is. You are most welcome, JD, and I truly wish you have a fun and CARE FREE year. It is the kindest thing we can all do for the boys and girls attending the party, who just want to have fun.

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I was really excited about the event in PS. I booked a house for a couple of weeks around this event to spend with my own circle of friends.


I wish these two gentlemen would take their drama outside the forum, grow a pair, and resolve their sh!t without us bearing witness.


I kindly ask you both to stop the madness!


You are of course 1000 % correct. I hit the like button on your comment, and to ensure that it is heard, I'd encourage a chorus of likes.


There is a huge amount of this drama that has no place on the forum, and is actually nobody's business. It does involve more than two people. The drama as I have now experienced it started at a prior DC forum event, and involves a cast of forum members, involving betrayals and confidences and alleged crimes. Daddy is very aware of all of this, and Daddy's awareness of this is actually part of the issue. It is all better left unsaid, and certainly should be left unsaid on the forum. I apologize and will not comment on any of that garbage. That's easy, since I have been refusing to do so for 6 months.


The specific things I commented on had to do with plans related to Rentboy and this year's party. The simplest way to view this is exactly the way you are viewing it. It is Oliver's party, and people who are not invited to help him and don't have helpful things to say or do should shut the fuck up. Oliver manages to do a great job with Jason and whoever else he asks for help. You are simply, absolutely, and totally correct.

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I know I know, she's an old whore, but she is damn sexy when she's mad.


Now...on to Nevada and South Carolina. My girl might be in trouble in the South, so I'm sitting here eating cheesecake, and on pins and needles waiting for some results.


You are with the wrong girl. I am sitting here with Mom, who just enjoyed strawberry shortcake for her 93rd birthday. Stick with us old gals and you can do no wrong.


Can't wait to meet you someday too, BVB. :)


Speaking of old gals, PK is right, too. Sicilian or not, this is a family feud. We are all still family. All this shall pass.

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You are with the wrong girl. I am sitting here with Mom, who just enjoyed strawberry shortcake for her 93rd birthday. Stick with us old gals and you can do no wrong.


Can't wait to meet you someday too, BVB. :)


Well God bless you Mr. Kessler. I lost my mother at 93. I still remember sitting there on election night, she was terminal, and wanted to live long enough to see the first black man as President of the United States. She was gone a few days later. Cherish these days, however long they may be. Ciao

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I was really excited about the event in PS. I booked a house for a couple of weeks around this event to spend with my own circle of friends. Since my friends know about my hobby, I was planning to attend the dinner & pop in for the pool party - solo. However, I have to admit the last few posts by @JDXXX & @stevenkesslar leave a very bad taste in my mouth.


I wish these two gentlemen would take their drama outside the forum, grow a pair, and resolve their sh!t without us bearing witness. Even if they can't resolve it, please leave us out of it. I, personally, don't give a fuck whether you like each other or not, but don't you dare sour a thread and a weekend I'm working up the nerve to attend. I use this thread to bring a smile to my plans...now, I have to worry about ignoring comments on it? What gives?!


I kindly ask you both to stop the madness!


I agree with you darlin! I have zero tolerance for bullshit and bickering and seeing all this gives me anxiety about attending. I am the most relaxed person (but also emotionally sensitive) you can ever meet, it seems that you and I are similar in that manner. I hope that you'll still be there, will be nice to meet and chat in person.

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Speaking as someone who was involved from the very first PS Weekend, I can tell you that there have been "issues" behind every one of them, generally kept discreetly covered. This one seems to be bigger and harder to conceal than some, and I'm sorry that Steven feels he has been forced to open up about it, but I understand why he has. Nevertheless, I would encourage everyone who is planning to come, to continue to expect that they will enjoy themselves and not have to become embroiled in the drama (unless they want to, of course--I don't and won't).

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Gentlemen, this is much more than two individuals. I suggest that you take time and think of the number of threads that have involved Mr Daniels that have ultimately been locked by Daddy. It is time for all of us to end this drama and move on to the business of enjoying each other's company and maybe hire an escort or two.

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The unnamed person who has been berating me in person, by text, by email, and by voicemail, is JD. I was trying to be polite in public. Now I will spell it out, publicly.


As far as how the Rentboy drama was used to poison the DC event, I wasn't there, so I can't say. The only thing I know for sure is that I got a series of unsolicited and undesired texts from JD, including all kinds of garbage about how people at the DC event attacked me for my Rentboy fundraising efforts.


A brief excerpt of the rant, in JD's own words:


"Just like you humiliated me making that insensitive racial statement [referring to when I voted for him and said he deserved to be the first Black Escort of the Year] that Mike Gaite called you out on, and solicitation people for donations for rentboy.com. Oh don't think for one second people weren't talking about that to me in DC. Oh and if you wanna talk about badgering and harassing try not solicitation for people to donate as in DC certain members did commit of they're discomfort in you emailing them or putting they're names on the thread about contributing as they didn't express interest in doing so. You wanna go down this path of naming faults and who shit stinks and doesn't....trust me, we can go there as I don't mind calling your ass out if need be as you ain't bullying and intimidating me as I'll set you straight and real quick as you ain't fooling me one bit with anything your saying as I'll be glad to correct your ass if I have to."


What I transcribed above, verbatim, is a very small part of an ongoing and unsolicited novella, about how greatly I caused JD to suffer, in DC and elsewhere. The latest chapter involves JD privately berating me for fundraising for Rentboy and supporting Lady Coco, who he privately trashes, even as he publicly extols us as lovers of justice. He invites Lady Coco to a party that isn't his, and that she can't attend, and that will cause a lot of guests discomfort if she does - just like the "discomfort" he blamed me for in DC. And then, helpfully, he lets us know how he just hates drama, and is all about "CARE FREE" fun!


Tristan was wrong about one thing. It's not really about Lady Coco. It's about JD.


I have not spoken a word with JD since October,, whenI told him I can't be his friend, and can't help him. It is now February. I can go on endlessly about what I consider to be unsolicited and unwanted emotional abuse. Nobody wants to hear it. The reason I have refused to speak with JD since last October, and that any communication is documented in writing, or in voicemails, is precisely for this reason: so that there is a record of the few terse things I said, in writing, asking him to leave me alone, and the endless things he said, refusing to do so. They all boil down to this: I'm a cold-blooded asshole, I wronged him, and yet I have to be his friend. And my God, is it endless, and hateful.


My poor iPhone literally broke last week, perhaps because it was full of hundreds of JD's venomous texts, calls, and voicemails. I can keep the old iPhone as documentation, which I may need if he continues to push this, while I have a new phone to communicate with people who are actually friends, and actually friendly. Having failed at every other attempt to engage me, including months of attempts to destroy my friendships and drag other people planning to attend the party into this, JD is now using his professed love for Lady Coco and Rentboy to plan the Palm Springs party to his liking and force me to repent and be his friend.


JD's rationale is simple, in his own words:


"I'm not gonna stop calling you until I get an answer. I don't care if it takes all day. [it did. Up to 100 calls a day, all unanswered, and ugly voicemails until my voicemail box was filled] You will not wrong me. I'm gonna see to it I don't stop until you make right of what you did. I sure will hate to come to Palm Springs and have us at odds as that won't be a pretty picture for the guests there to see."


No, JD. It won't be. There is nothing pretty about abuse and stalking.


JD's most recent mind fuck was to lament how unwelcome he was being made to feel at Oliver's party, and how this would spoil the fun for others who were dependent on him for fun, or transportation. So the single and only thing I have actually said to JD in months was a simple and clear message I actually sent to Oliver and Daddy and copied to him, to make sure it was incredibly clear.


EVERYBODY IS WELCOME at the party, including you, JD, especially if Oliver asks me to host it again. I am now copying this memo to the world. Please feel free to come. You are welcome. We are all grown ups. But would you please try very hard to act like a mature adult? We can and should act friendly, even if we are not friends.


You said you would do that a week ago, in response to the message I sent. Then you immediately proceeded to invite Lady Coco, after claiming you consulted with the hosts, which you didn't. To the extent that you can call what you did "consulting" with anyone, what you did was badgering and manipulation. This created drama, which you now say you just hate, and apologized for, yet again. Just like you claimed in one of your unsolicited and unanswered texts that you want "calm" and had "learned your lesson" and would "stay off the forum." Do you ever actually say anything that you really mean? Really? Or are they just words to get people to sympathize with you and enable the next round of abusive bullshit? This will now set up another round of unwanted texts and voicemails, and allow a few kind souls to listen to you whine about how you are being persecuted for hours, until they get sick of it.


You will come to the party. You will publicly be a class act, even as you privately trash many of us, just like you did last year, when I met you. We will comment privately on how sad this is. The wisest members of the forum will simply lament the slow motion nature of the train wreck. Juan has been the public voice of this lament, but there are many others, and they are all right. None of us can do anything to stop it.


Daddy, please leave this post up, because it confirms some important things relevant to this year's party. Everybody should know that it is completely unacceptable to be completely insincere, and to invest a huge amount of time and energy making a whole bunch of phoney public statements that completely contradict everything you are spending even more time and energy saying and doing in private.


This is largely my fault, and I apologize for making a fucked up assessment of one individual's character, who I helped promote, at his request. It has hurt some of my friends, who are respected escorts, and caring members of this forum, and who warned me. It has hurt me. I've been paying a price for this by having to resist emotional abuse by someone who has now been spent half a year trying to force me to be his friend, using everything I ever told him against me. JD is now trying to turn forum-related events into his personal psychodramas at everybody else's expense. That crosses a line.


The great thing about my iPhone 4 breaking is that my new iPhone 6 has a neat feature that blocks any unwanted communication from anybody I don't care to hear from. I plan to use it. That ends my private drama.


As far as the public drama goes, JD has just acknowledged in writing that this is, in fact, Oliver's party. So he can stop planning it for Oliver, as he has been privately - and now publicly - trying to do for the last year. All that JD needs to do is attend and be the class act he is. You are most welcome, JD, and I truly wish you have a fun and CARE FREE year. It is the kindest thing we can all do for the boys and girls attending the party, who just want to have fun.


I can't believe this. Really Steven?


I have to congratulate, and applaud you, sweetie as I see you are officially and unfortunately now one of the meangirls. :D:D


Good for you!!!


A meangirl who not only burned me viciously beyond comprehension on more then one occasion who unfortunately betrayed my trust when we were friends, but one who takes pleasure in making others miserable whenever you cant be right on every point you make on a certain subject your trying to get across.


According to the exaggerated tales you've posted here on this forum on the many events that happened behind-the-scenes (between us or others you've happened to get involved in and outside of the forum), you finally have crossed the line for the last time, my dear.


There's more to the story then people realize of what led to my many upsetting moments with you that were unpleasant, and will give my side of what happend eventually.


You go down this road by airing so-called horrific dirty laundry in public about me, and not give the FULL exact story - OK Fine.


Just stay tuned. ;).

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I couldn't agree MORE with Steven...it's time to Keep Calm and PARTY ON GARTH AND PARTY ON WAYNE. (I have a Meme for this type of thing; but my skills at uploading pictures and GIF's here tend to vary. I suppose I should sit down and learn, so I can be witty and clever..punctuate some of my comments with tongue in cheek pictures to think about.


Anyhow. For anyone on the 'fence' about the Palm Springs weekend...this stuff here is not indicative at ALL of what it's like- it's one of my favorite things in this escort world...to be able to see all these personalities 'outside of work' and in their natural element is worth the plane ticket any day. Epigonos' cooking as well, but we wouldn't wanna fill his head now, would we...?


P.S. weekend has gotten progressively better each and every time I've seen it...many kudos to Oliver, Jason, Epigonos, as well as our anonymous residential host of the event for opening hearth and home and pool for us. A first class affair all across the board...and thank you Mac64 for coming forward and saying that 'you were one of those people' that came to PS, and yet didn't come to the pool party...you made me not look like a liar, by supporting what I said. Truly appreciate it. And you of ALL people, with the way you look...it certainly shouldn't be for intimidation purposes that you didn't hit the pool with us...christ you look better than most of the escorts there!


There truly are SO many variables that go into someone's comfortability with attending an event like this, glad this got punctuated...and that's exactly the reason why we as escorts need to do everything in our power to feel out what we can add or drop from the scenario, to make the most possible feel welcome and participatory. Perhaps even twist a few clients arms and FORCE them to come *cough*Mac!*cough*; although you might win that twisting contest, with the shape you were in last time.


Tristan Baldwin<--found out he'd been texting BvB's old number for the past year, with cute little things from time to time, by the way. Was WONDERING why you hadn't responded!~

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I don't know what the backstory is. I don't care. Just know that there are some who love all parties involved, who will take no one's side, and who wish all members of Daddy's dysFUNctional tribe only the best for their career, health, and happiness.


We are ALL bigger than this. Let's show it.


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OK. This is just sad. Nothing is really gained by this "he said, he said"

I don't know what the backstory is. I don't care. Just know that there are some who love all parties involved, who will take no one's side, and who wish all members of Daddy's dysFUNctional tribe only the best for their career, health, and happiness.


We are ALL bigger than this. Let's show it.


I could not agree more, beautiful lady. Hey guys, let's move on, please!


TruHart1 :cool:

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I can't believe this. Really Steven?


I have to congratulate, and applaud you, sweetie as I see you are officially and unfortunately now one of the meangirls now. :D:D


Good for you!!!


A meangirl who not only burned me viciously beyond comprehension on more then one occasion when we were friends, but one who takes pleasure in making others miserable whenever you cant be right on every point you make on a certain subject your trying to get across.


According to the exaggerated tales you've posted here on this forum on the many events that happened behind-the-scenes (between us or others you've happened to get involved in and outside of the forum), you finally have crossed the line for the last time, my dear.


There's more to the story then people realize of what led to my many upsetting moments with you that were unpleasant, and will give my side of what happend eventually.


You wanna air horrific dirty laundry in public about me, and not give the FULL exact story - OK Fine.


Just stay tuned. ;).


JD, you have responded with some class and a bit of humor. For your own sake, please stop with this message. I see no gain for you with a strong attack on Steven.

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You are of course 1000 % correct. I hit the like button on your comment, and to ensure that it is heard, I'd encourage a chorus of likes.


There is a huge amount of this drama that has no place on the forum, and is actually nobody's business. It does involve more than two people. The drama as I have now experienced it started at a prior DC forum event, and involves a cast of forum members, involving betrayals and confidences and alleged crimes. Daddy is very aware of all of this, and Daddy's awareness of this is actually part of the issue. It is all better left unsaid, and certainly should be left unsaid on the forum. I apologize and will not comment on any of that garbage. That's easy, since I have been refusing to do so for 6 months.


The specific things I commented on had to do with plans related to Rentboy and this year's party. The simplest way to view this is exactly the way you are viewing it. It is Oliver's party, and people who are not invited to help him and don't have helpful things to say or do should shut the fuck up. Oliver manages to do a great job with Jason and whoever else he asks for help. You are simply, absolutely, and totally correct.


Oh, Daddy is aware of alot of things, yes, and then again there were certain aspects of our relationship you weren't honest with him about either that will be remained unsaid at this point.

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