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Seeking arrangements success!


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The hot Canadian was swept away by another daddy - I presume someone more wealthy or smitten than I. And as part of their arrangement he's not allowed to talk to anyone else. Sounds kind of controlling to me, but that's for him to deal with.


I've been spending more time chatting with some of these guys. Today I am getting all of the sad stories of need - rent money, books for school, etc. I wish I had an unlimited amount of money to help everyone, but I am disinclined to send money to someone I have no likelihood of actually spending any time with. The internet is full of free porn, so there's not much point to paying for a couple of photos or a video. I do have some empathy as I know there are a lot of desperate people out there these days. But there's only some much I can do.


There are at least a few more cute locals now but making plans with these guys seems way more difficult than it should be. :-)

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I am disinclined to send money to someone I have no likelihood of actually spending any time with.


LOL I’m not sure whether to applaud your restraint or to worry about you even contemplating doing this


The hot Canadian was swept away by another daddy.....as part of their arrangement he's not allowed to talk to anyone else.


Smart Daddy! You have to go exclusive with the hot ones pretty fast if you want to guarantee their availability.

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I have to admit this thing is a lot of work, but I enjoy the thrill of the hunt and am totally addicted. Burned by one scammer. I knew it the whole time but it was interesting to see where it was going. Surprised a bit by the guys who get all of way to almost arranging a meeting but then get cold feet. Supposed to meet a guy at lunchtime tomorrow who seems to be a little more together. Some of these college athletes make it too easy to find out who they are without much work.

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I think it’s generally understood that it’s allot more effort than other options but some of us enjoy the experience and results.


I’m traveling on business and have met a different guy every night Sunday thru Wednesday. The guy I was to meet tonight flaked earlier today and there’s another I’ll meet instead.

Two of them were very talented, considerate lovers and really interesting to be with; the others were pretty ordinary. None are jaded or just going thru the motions.

The best part is that these younger guys are genuinely interested in hearing my boring stories. :p

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Take That! :rolleyes:


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Take That! :rolleyes:


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Were you on Seeking as a Sugar Baby???

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did they refund your money? It is pretty ridiculous that they are saying that they aren't for what they are clearly for. They suspended my account when I logged in using a VPN. But I got reinstated fairly quickly.


I've been taking the conversation off the site to text message with guys I am most interested in. Get a Google Voice number and use that app to keep your actual number private.

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I just got back on that site a couple months ago... I've been chatting with 3 different guys recently. We switched to text messages pretty early on...


Also, two of the sugar babies here in San Diego mentioned that there's really NO SUGAR DADDIES in San Diego... Well, maybe there are a couple, but that's all. In fact, the 3rd sugar baby just told me that he only gave me his phone number because I'm located in San Diego!


Was wondering if anyone else out there has gotten similar feedback from the sugar babies? (Apologies, if this topic has already been covered somewhere in this thread... it's a LONG and POPULAR thread!)

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it's been my experience so far that if you look at a guy's profile no matter where he is and where you are he will certainly check you out and often will message you. Which I think is smart. Lots of them seem to be interested in selling photos to you or will simple start right off the bat telling you about their many problems hoping you will be moved to send them money. Or perhaps you are traveling to them or would be willing to buy them a plane ticket. So, I'm not sure most guys have cared too much about geographic issues.

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it's been my experience so far that if you look at a guy's profile no matter where he is and where you are he will certainly check you out and often will message you. Which I think is smart. Lots of them seem to be interested in selling photos to you or will simple start right off the bat telling you about their many problems hoping you will be moved to send them money. Or perhaps you are traveling to them or would be willing to buy them a plane ticket. So, I'm not sure most guys have cared too much about geographic issues.


Interesting... none of the sugar babies I've been messaging have tried to sell me pictures and such. But they've all been local to San Diego. Then again, if their profile seems suspect, I haven't bothered replying. I have plans to meet up with one tomorrow for happy hour & dinner... I wish it were tomorrow already!

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Take That! :rolleyes:


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  • Soliciting sex in exchange for compensation
    Your account has been permanently suspended as we found that you are soliciting sex in exchange for compensation. We are NOT an escort or prostitution service and soliciting sex for money is strictly prohibited. Due to the severity of the issue, you are banned from Seeking.


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I’ll bet someone (potential gentleman?) reported you.

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That has occurred to me. I’ve pissed off a fair number of people who wanted me to send them money over time.


Oh well. So it goes. I’ve gotten a few good friends - platonic and otherwise - out of the experience so it’s all good.

We have people on this very forum who “report” on Grindr or other venues where they make a (judgemental) call regarding guys looking for gen

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In the last few days I’ve come across a handful of what were likely fake photos. If something seems too good to be true it usually is.


SA continues to be a really fruitful channel for me to meet people. It hasn’t replaced RM but, on a 5-night business trip last week I met 1 guy from RM and 3 from SA. This ratio has held true for the last few months, spiking when I travel to a new city.

SA can be a wildcard and you have to deal with a lot of lunatics and waste allot of time but, on the other hand, two guys who I now consider to be close friends I met on SA over a year ago.

Congrats. Glad to hear it works for ya!

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