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Question about etiquette, was i right or wrong?

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I tend to get very "excited" by the idea of meeting somone new, so my time with a new escort usually does NOT last long if you get my drift :-) But I had one encounter with a new scort that threw me. (I must say, aside from a few scammers and cons I've mentioned in other furums, I have NEVER had a clock watcher or a scort who even so much as mentioned a ticking clock etc, ALL have been polite and gracious :-) And since I know the bedroom time will be brief, I always like to chat a bit first, offer some wine or water, enagage them in some light conversation without prying. Just general stuff, where they grew up, if they're in school etc, what they aspire to career wise, etc, things like that. (I am always VERY conscious of the fact that they may have other clients to see it etc, and that their time is valuable, so I make sure to keep it brief, usually after about 20 mins I suggest we move into the bedroom) One very cute 20-something I hired was from the midwest, and we chatted briefly over some wine, he was very nice and engaging and I really liked him. BUT when I casually mentoned that I happened to be IN the field that he aspired to, he lit up, and then proceeded to enthusiastically bombard me with questions etc, all of which I was happy to answer. He became animated and exited which I found cute because he was so green lol, but I did NOTHING to prolong the discussion, he did not seem to want to stop talking and asking questions. Eventually "I" became the one checking the time lol, and after almost 40 mins I even interrupted HIM suggesting we should move to the "other room". He agreed, but then CONTINUED to ask MORE questions, practically pulling me back down onto the couch as I rose lol. We eventually moved into the bedroom, it was brief as it always is with me :-) BUT when it came time to pay him, he said we were well into the SECOND HOUR, and that he would need his fee AND A HALF now. I always give a little extra regardless, but THIS really threw me. AND angered me a little. It wasn't the money it was a matter of it just not being right. I politely explained that HE was the one who seemed to want to "discuss" his career etc and that I was ready to move on after 20 minutes but HE wanted to talk and talk. HE claimed it was the OPPOSITE. (it wasn't I've no reason to lie about this and, trust me, no desire to discuss work and business when "entertaining" :0( He became increasingly miffed when I didn't just hand over what he asked for and debated it with him. I eventually threw him an extra TWENTY (far less than he asked for and LESS than I would have ordinarily tipped as well btw) and told him that was as much as I'd do and he left in a huff. Was I wrong???

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Actually I was quite happy, HE wasn't lol. To be honest I have NEVER had an escort NOT move on to the task at hand at my first suggestion. Oh and I even interrupted him and pointed out the time at one point asking if he was ok time-wise and I got a quick yes as he proceeded to talk about his career and ask my advice etc. What you seem to be saying is that I should have pointed out that I was only prepared to engage him for the hour agreed upon and that if he planned to stick to that then we needed to move on. (I admittedly have a prob with directness and discussing "business", it takes away from the experience for me, and I do have a prob w being overly polite sometimes :-) But should this happen again I will be more direct.

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If the escort was the one who continued the conversation I don't think he should have charged you for extra time. Sounds like you gave him plenty of opportunities to keep the appointment time within the hour. He may have gotten a little extra money but he lost a repeat client and a good source of info on his chosen career. "Short term gain, long term loss"!!

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Charging HIM for advice is funny lol! Overall most every guy I've hired has been wonderful to talk to and I keep it just brief enuf to "connect" and not make it feel like some anonymous encounter. (and the ones who have eaten into the alloted time by their own choice, a few have asked to shower first, one arrived early and the DVR was paused on the latest "Downton" episode which he desperately wanted to watch so we did lol, have never counted that time as "our" time) Thanks for all the advice :-) !

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I've met more than one escort who was gifted at stalling. The conversation seems nice, and I'm expecting him to move things forward but he doesn't. I make some moves toward intimacy and he doesn't take the bait. Sometimes I'll get the sense that the continued conversation is a bit forced, and the interest seems manipulative and false. When we finally get down to it two things could be going on: he's disinterested and has been dragging things out so that he doesn't have to get too deep into an M2M sex scene, or he's a capable escort who has just guaranteed a two hour session.


It wouldn't surprise me if this cute 20-something was looking for something about the conversation he could latch onto to drag out the time spent together. Maybe his career aspirations actually are in your field but it was the nugget he was looking for, or maybe it was all bullshit and just a good topic to mine. I'm not saying I know that this was his intent for sure. There are, however, many ways to be hustled.

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I think you should have paid him. You seemingly enjoyed the attention and the thought of being a role model of sorts for this young man. His attentions brought you pleasure. If you wanted him to stop, you could have merely said that you cannot keep your hands off of him and you want him NOW. A deep kiss and a firm press of body and body and off you go.

Granted it is nice when the escort wants to get down to business as much as you do, but ultimately we are all responsible for our own orgasm and if you need to take matters into your own hands, you ought to do so before you are stuck taking matters into your own hands.

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I probably would have confronted him in a playful way, like "Dude, you're kidding, right?" And if his response made it clear that he was not kidding, I would have paid him - and then immdiately put him on the list of guys I would never do a repeat with. And then I would write the review. :D:D:D


... and thrown him out on his ass?

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For the record I do NOT enjoy talking about "work" after work lol. But in fairness he did seem genuine and not like he was blowing smoke up my ass just to stretch the time. But WHO knows lol. All the opinions here are varied and valid. I now think the best route while keeping w my polite upbringing :-) would have been to interject that "I" only have an HOUR (before I must head out or before someone comes over) etc which is a nice way of saying that's all I'm prepared to pay you for :-)

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now I'M curious to talk with you about your work, too. it must be fascinating!


I agree with Nvr2Thick - it seems like perhaps you were hustled. sorry that happened!

you should write a review. that was bullshit, and I would think others should be made aware - not so much that he latched on to your scintillating work, but that he twisted it all around later to make it seem like it was you who dragged the session out - and ultimately, that he demanded payment for more time. ///arrrgh, bait and switch... grrrr///

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On my dates with a working guy, I offer a drink and make some small talk to put him at his ease.


If a topic causes the escort to become animated and turn into a "Chatty Cathy", I move closer and say "Let's get started. We can talk more afterwards".


If that (heavy) hint is ignored and the escort wants to chat further, I smile and say "Fine, as long as we both know this is 'off-the-clock'"

Unsurprisingly, I found we then get down to business quite soon.

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