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Daddy is PISSED!

Guy Fawkes
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x( I am tired of the racist, bigoted, political, hate filled diatribes that are outside of the scope of what the message center was created for.


The last day or two has been most repugnant. It will stop or I will take extreme actions... :-(


I've have been supporting this center to the determent of my personal and financial life. I spend an average of 30-40 hours a week supporting the site and making improvements. I have subsidized both the bandwidth and the hardware, I will not continue to do so to support this type of sick "Free Speech".


If you want to call it censorship, fine. At this point I'm willing to flip the power switch on the message center and invite Hooboy to move the forum to another venue. I will not stand for a forum that uses 50% of my bandwidth to foster such hate.

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I agree. I never knew there were so many out there who supported Israeli torture and occupation. I have always said that this Board should be about escorts, but I reserve the right to answer the on-line Zionists and/or to to give my take on the political/cultural events of the moment if others do too!

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You risk being banned completely from this forum trying to advance your Hate in this tread. You have been warned for the last time. Cease and desist or be forced out of the water.


>I agree. I never knew there were so many out there who

>supported Israeli torture and occupation. I have always said

>that this Board should be about escorts, but I reserve the

>right to answer the on-line Zionists and/or to to give my take

>on the political/cultural events of the moment if others do


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I agree with you Daddy. Too many gay forums have been ruined because political threads become vicious, hateful, name calling fights which ruin the forum for everyone.

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Guest happyguy

Hey Daddy

I was a member of the board a long time ago, but I have continued to lurk and to send Hoo the odd e-mail ever since. I guess my registration was dropped because I didn't use it. It took your message to get me to re-register.


Thank you, Daddy, for all your time and effort. We really are grateful to you for all your work.


And you are right in being pissed! You have an absolute right to take this position. The Board is being hijacked!


Bless you!



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Guest fukamarine

Well you certainly know where I stand on the subject.


I am at a complete loss to understand why so many of our gay members are afraid to call a spade a spade and hide behind the skirts of freedom of speech. Please see my comparison to gentlemen's clubs in the main post on this subject.


Kick the son-of-a-bitch off - the sooner the better - at a rate of about 12,500 miles and hour and let him experience how it feels to implode at 200,000 feet!


And if we loose any members due to the "censorship" issue, we are well off without them. It will be their loss - not ours.



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>Kick the son-of-a-bitch off - the sooner the better - at a

>rate of about 12,500 miles and hour and let him experience how

>it feels to implode at 200,000 feet!


Such hatred from a man of peace! (Am I now supposed to wish that you were targeted by one Colonel Ramon's fighter planes?) Did you learn love and peace in Israel too, or just civil liberties?:p

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It's time to kick Auntie Semitic off the board. If he re-registers under a new nickname, you'll just need to keep kicking him off. He's hijacking M4M for his own purposes, and harming the site.


There's no "free speech" issue here. The board is privately owned, and the owner can pick and choose who he wants to allow to post on his site. If I were the owner, Auntie S would have been history months ago.


In case everyone has forgotten, with the exception of "The Lounge" the message center is about the escort industry, in all of its various aspects. Auntie S goes into the most innocuous threads and hijacks them for his own hateful purposes. People (including myself) end up rising to the bait and a thread that originates with factual information or a discussion otherwise directly relevant to the topic of escorting goes straight to endless hell. Viewers come to this site looking for information about escorts and escorting. Advertisers pay to post their ads believing that they will be reaching viewers interested in this topic. If viewers come to M4M and all they find is endless, hate-filled screeds from Auntie S, instead of information about escorts, they won't return and they won't contribute. That actively hurts the site and could lead to its eventual demise. I don't want to see that happen, and I doubt most viewers/members want that to happen either.


The owner of a business has the right to kick out and ban a shoplifter. Auntie S's hijacking M4M for his own hateful agenda which is unrelated to the purpose of the site is very much akin to shoplifting. Or industrial sabotage, viewed from another angle. There's no reason to tolerate that, and particularly not if you and HooBoy want M4M to survive. Letting Auntie S go on with his campaign here on M4M would be just like an airline allowing Richard Reid to continue flying and trying to blow up its planes because he has a right to express his opinions by attacking its business. Obviously, no airline would do that, and M4M shouldn't allow Auntie S to try to blow up its business, either. And the same should hold true for any other poster who comes in and hijacks the site for purposes unrelated to the principal subject matter.

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>Viewers come to this

>site looking for information about escorts and escorting.

>Advertisers pay to post their ads believing that they will be

>reaching viewers interested in this topic. If viewers come to

>M4M and all they find is endless, hate-filled screeds from

>Auntie S, instead of information about escorts, they won't

>return and they won't contribute. That actively hurts the

>site and could lead to its eventual demise. I don't want to

>see that happen, and I doubt most viewers/members want that to

>happen either.


Our other resident Israeli civil libertarian has returned, I see, posting the same post on two separate threads. How exactly is the Space Shuttle related to escorting again? If you have some inside information, please start a thread. I am sure it would be of great interest to all of us!:+ And while you are at it please explain why opposing Israeli occupation or torture constitutes hatred?

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And LOVE IS LOVE, and PEACE IS PEACE. But neither love or peace were involved in the life of the Israeli fighter pilot cum astronaut. I think some folks here are on the verge of redefining "hate" if one cannot celebrate the death of a war criminal. It will be very interesting to see just how far you are prepared to go with that new definition.

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>Daddy please remove this worthless human being from our



While I've never found a totally worthless human being, I now also feel that we would all be better off without him and his hate mongering here.


Just do a search on his name for the last 2 months and read the stuff he has written--that was very sobering to me and I wish that I had done that before I proposed just to ignore him.



In thinking about this some more and rereading much of what he has written, we all know by now what he will say -- its always the SAME shit -- so we simply no longer need to hear it. He exhibits no cogent nor valid thought process. NOR ORIGINALITY in his posts -- just the hate that he has obviously been tormented with for a long time and now wants to torment us with.


For you to ban him, is really no different from saying to someone, "don't come to my home if you are going to espouse that shit--believe what you will, but don't pollute my presence with it." And I have done that a few times. I also have also just got up and left a few situations where it was useless to try and argue and dissuade people like this.



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This is all very interesting, but please tell me why opposing Israeli occupation and torture constitutes hatred? Why does that scare you so much?

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I think some folks here are on the verge of

>redefining "hate" if one cannot celebrate the death of a war



You sir, are a truly tormented individual who more than likely was raised thinking and believing the shit you are espousing.


I doubt in the sociological scheme of things that you are even responsible for your demented and debased thought process, yet that is not our problem--it's yours. (Well, actually it is ours as long as we continue to listen to you, which I hope will be short lived.)


I don't think that most intelligent, thinking and feeling human beings celebrate the death of ANYONE, even their enemies. You seem to think it normal. Therein may be the difference between YOU and most of us, and why we no longer want you here.


I for one, have never wanted to be where I was not wanted. Why do you?


Just FYI, I prosecuted some of the most heinous criminals in the largest jurisdiction in California for several years. Despicable people who did despicable things. Some were truly enimies of mankind. Never once, however, did I "celebrate their death."

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>I don't think that most intelligent, thinking and feeling

>human beings celebrate the death of ANYONE, even their

>enemies. You seem to think it normal. Therein may be the

>difference between YOU and most of us, and why we no longer

>want you here.


Hmmh, we'll have a very interesting chance to test your proposition once we invade Iraq. I will be very interested to see if you mount the rhtorical ramparts in defense of that beautiful sounding principle then. Let's make a date to revisit this then.


>I for one, have never wanted to be where I was not wanted.

>Why do you?


It is clear that there is a small but vocal group of on-line Zionists who don't share my view of Israeli torture or occupation. The strategy here as elsewhere is to bludgeon dissenters into submission. Some good people get scared away by such tactics. Others send me emails and IMs as I have noted before. And take a look at the "Views" column here if you have any doubts about this. You might frighten some from speaking but not from thinking. Sorry, charlie!


>Just FYI, I prosecuted some of the most heinous criminals in

>the largest jurisdiction in California for several years.

>Despicable people who did despicable things. Some were truly

>enimies of mankind. Never once, however, did I "celebrate

>their death."


I understand that may soon be interviewing for a new Pope in Rome. May I suggest you consider applying?

:-) :-)

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>This is all very interesting, but please tell me why opposing

>Israeli occupation and torture constitutes hatred? Why does

>that scare you so much?


Giving you the benefit of the doubt one last time, let me address that, first by saying, I oppose, I think, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, for instance. Not because I know all of the history nor am I an anti-Semite -- far from it. It just seems, in my simplistic point of view, an action that is guaranteed to bring a greater and more forceful reaction and escalate the hostilities in that region, and eventually world wide.


I have argued and discussed it with my Jewish friends many times over coffee or a beer on occasion, but we never called names and we left as friends. Nor did we talk about it when and where it made others uncomfortable nor where it was inappropriate, SUCH AS A SITE LIKE THIS.


Most people here don't want to debate these issues with you. First, you don't debate--you simply get in everyone's face with simplistic, hateful rhetoric. Second, and more important, that's NOT WHY WE COME TO THIS SITE. Take your message to the many BB where there are other's like you, thta want to talk about it and may be just as simplistic about their views as you--but it's NOT HERE. It's not a question of the subject scaring me or anyone else here--it's inappropriate HERE -- we want to play other games--not yours!


YOU, on the other hand, have no bounds of courtesy or decency. You are not wanting to discuss and educate or be educated--the real purpose of intellectual discourse, but rather, you simply call names and attack without shame, somehow thinking you are furthering your "cause."


No one here really wants to put up with ANYONE who comes here only for their own agenda and nothing else. That is the perception given by your actions and statements. Hate is raw emotion untempered by rational thought. You express no rational thought--just hate, and I for one am fed up with it.

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>I have argued and discussed it with my Jewish friends many

>times over coffee or a beer on occasion, but we never called

>names and we left as friends. Nor did we talk about it when

>and where it made others uncomfortable nor where it was

>inappropriate, SUCH AS A SITE LIKE THIS.


As have I, but from what I see here is that there are 3-4 regulars who have made it their mission to say that there can be no critique of Israel or of Jews individually or collectively here. It appears that this is the only group over whom some want to throw a giant condom. I disagree. Those who find those critiques inappropriate or uncomfortable can ignore what I write or try to refute it with logoc or facts. Sadly, the latter is a road not taken, instead I get targeted with venom to which I reply. I don't believe in unilateral disarmerment, in fact, I never have.


>Most people here don't want to debate these issues with you.

>First, you don't debate--you simply get in everyone's face

>with simplistic, hateful rhetoric.


Funny, you seem to be debating me now? And also, if I say I oppose Israeli torture and occupation, I get accused of promoting hatred. Who was it that uses the simplistic, hateful rhetoric again?


>Second, and more

>important, that's NOT WHY WE COME TO THIS SITE.


Agreed, I repeat let's keep politics out of the lounge and talk only about sex or escorts. Can you get your on-line Zionist friends to agree to that rule? Perhaps you can surprise me!


>You, on the other hand, have no bounds of courtesy or decency.


And my critics do?


>You are not wanting to discuss and educate or be

>educated--the real purpose of intellectual discourse, but

>rather, you simply call names and attack without shame,

>somehow thinking you are furthering your "cause."


I would be surprised if you could find a single instance here where I have engaged in name calling without first being called a name.


>You express no

>rational thought--just hate,


I have explained my view on Israeli torture and occupation with logics and fact in numerous colloquies on various threads even when attacked by the name-calling on-line Zionists. Even now, I await your explanation of how that constitutes hatred. I guess, I'll just have to continue to wait in vain.

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I'd like to suggest creating a new forum for political debate. After 9/11, HooBoy created that other forum (I forget what it was called) for people to discuss the attack, etc. Currently, threads are moved if they're in the wrong forum (e.g. a thread about the new software will get moved to "Daddy's Place"). Wouldn't it make sense to create a separate place for political threads to either originate or be moved to? (sorry to end with a preposition; "just a whore").


I think we should try to find a way to make this work, and avoid putting all of your & HooBoy's hard work (which we all appreciate) to waste.



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There is nothing wrong with political debate here...just not a place for bigotry and hate. We as Gay men should understand this more than most people.I personally enjoy the give and take on the Fedaral Judge issues but hopefully you would not celebrate if something horrible happened to "W" just because you do not like his policies.


As I've said before this place is not a Democracy so if the powers to be make a decision concerning a certain person filled with hate we will just have to live with it if we wish to keep visiting with each other.


I started visiting this site for enjoyment... and have received much from the Reviews(met some great guys and had good times with them), the message center(realizing I have much in common with many and that all gay men do not think alike)and have made a few friends. This is the ONLY computer site I chat or post on. Hopefully the Hate can go and, with your help of course, we can start talking about SEX again.


Let's see, I think I'll start a new Thread that mixes Politics and Sex. Maybe...Whose the Sexiest member of The Supreme Court?

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