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marc anthony
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The most popular threads these days are the ones that discuss the exploitation of the down trodden. Hiring someone who is desperate and behind the "power curve" has brought emotional dissertations from both sides.


In reading all of the arguments, the moral concern is that a prostitute could be too emotionally fragile, too poor, too hungry, too uneducated, too dependent on drugs, too lacking in employable skills, or too devoid of family support to be on equal footing in negotiating with a john.


Solutions? We could eliminate poverty, hunger, and drugs from our society. We could re-solidify the American family. We could provide first class education, vocational training, and emotional counseling for every man, woman, and child in this country.


Any other solutions, everyone?


Oh, I know... we could make prostitution illegal. That should stop the exploitation of anyone!


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>Oh, I know... we could make prostitution illegal. That

>should stop the exploitation of anyone!


No way dude, then we couldn't charge a Kazillion Dollars an hour and retire, relatively young, to our villas on Lake Como.


Bye all, going to NYC for a week. Talk amongst yourselves and don't forget to be really really nasty.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>In reading all of the arguments, the moral concern is that a

>prostitute could be too emotionally fragile, too poor, too

>hungry, too uneducated, too dependent on drugs, too lacking

>in employable skills, or too devoid of family support to be

>on equal footing in negotiating with a john.


Now by using the word "prostitute" are you referring to just the street kids, or are the high class escorts also included? Because if you're not, you should be. I know of several that are extremely emotionally fragile etc, etc ;-)


>Solutions? We could eliminate poverty, hunger, and drugs

>from our society.


That would be great - good luck!


>We could re-solidify the American family.


Now your sounding like Bush and Asscroft ;-)


>We could provide first class education, vocational

>training, and emotional counseling for every man, woman, and

>child in this country.


With the $$$ coming from where?



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Guest Thunderbuns

>TB: I should run for political office, eh?


>On second thought, that would make it hard for me to hire

>any cute 20 year old boys!


Not necessarily - I'm sure it's been done before. ;-)


And if I was an American citizen, you would get my vote for sure!



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Since from what I hear, which admittedly I don't have my ear to the ground on this one, a lot of the boys on the street have been thrown out of their family units by parental units because they came, intentionally or not, out of the closet, I wanna know:

Is it possible for a child of a certain age (up to 18 or 21?) to sue his parents for child support?

I know that one parent can sue the other for child support, and it's the same child they would be supporting, etc.

If not, perhaps a law opening up parents to this kind of a suit would be one partial solution to "the problems of the streets"?

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Guest delhi

>Well, let's see . . . by giving them little alternative but

>to apply for the sort of official assistance that guyinsf

>just got through telling us is available to anyone who wants



A good answer but wasted on the mouth-breathers who hang out here. If you want a serious discussion about helping people who need help try Oxfam instead of a message board for johns.

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Guest regulation

>Solutions? We could eliminate poverty, hunger, and drugs

>from our society. We could re-solidify the American family.

> We could provide first class education, vocational

>training, and emotional counseling for every man, woman, and

>child in this country.


>Any other solutions, everyone?



Well, each of us could start by deciding that he's not going to do anything to add to the problem that already exists. Did that thought ever cross your mind?

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>Is it possible for a child of a certain age (up to 18 or

>21?) to sue his parents for child support?


Probably not, but it also probably wouldn't matter.


Sadly, the parents most likely to be sued are the parents least likely to follow through with support payments, I suspect. <sigh>

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Sometimes it is better to ask the questions...


... then know the answers. In my posts, I attempt often to merely discuss or respond in what I believe is a manner that extends the dialogue; herein, often the posts indulge in argumentative, non-responsive, rude and/or name-calling. I firmly believe in the right of everyone to be stupid, and if they cannot acknowledge the supriority of my own points, well then, they can certainly voice their clearly inferior and illogical ones.


Joke here, people. If I was right, I would be wearing a golden tiara and summoning "Ms. Law, et al." to Rome. I would also believe I could talk to God and know Her wisdom, so I could spread it to the great unwashed. Instead, I prefer to believe that communication holds the key to our future, individually and and collectively.


>>Solutions? We could eliminate poverty, hunger, and drugs

>>from our society. We could re-solidify the American family.

>> We could provide first class education, vocational

>>training, and emotional counseling for every man, woman, and

>>child in this country.


>>Any other solutions, everyone?



Unfortunately, the eliminationof poverty, hunger and drugs would not solve some of the issues at point. First of all, while I really dislike clients who show up on crystal meth, I am not anti-drugs. I am, and very much so, against addictive behavior, abuse of any substance, excessive behavior, or compulsive behavior, particularly when others chose to use these very human failings for their own personal gain and profit. I believe in harm reduction, with drugs, sex, alcohol and any other behavior which may bring harm to the individual, and thus collectively to the society and culture at large. It is neither for me nor for society to determine morality or appropriate behavior. We can only share and communicate information and belief so that each individual can make an informed choice and determine their own path.


Finally, to the issue at point, at least in the instance of power dynamics, the elimation of poverty, hunger and drug abuse, while certainly worthy goals, would not lessen the risk of power dynamics and power inbalance in human relationships. You would also need to address, among other issues: self-esteem, sexuality, injustice, equality, and economic inequities.


>Well, each of us could start by deciding that he's not going

>to do anything to add to the problem that already exists.

>Did that thought ever cross your mind?


I am sure this thought has crossed the minds of all of us. The question is: what do we do, proactively, every day to put our thoughts into place? What responsibility do we have to ourselves and to those around us? The Dali Lama teaches that kindness only stands to reason. The logic of helping ourselves by helping one another, no matter how much sense it makes, is often not put into practice due to our own selfish behavior. So the thought remains: do we truly practice kindness in our every day lives?

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>Well, each of us could start by deciding that he's not going

>to do anything to add to the problem that already exists.

>Did that thought ever cross your mind?


Ok, reg... educate me. Please tell me what we... or I... could do to stop adding to the problem that already exists. Stop hiring prostitutes altogether? Or check some desperation factor (like income, drug dependency, degree of education) and just hire ones above a certain level? And not hiring ones that really need the money helps their situation how?


I really am curious as to what you feel has been your role in not adding to this very complex social problem.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>I really am curious as to what you feel has been your role

>in not adding to this very complex social problem.


I don't think he's had time to. He's too busy looking for brown burlap for the new living room drapes. It's SO difficult to find things that look right with desert boots!



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Guest albinorat

What amazes me about this (these) discussion(s) is how fictional and foolish many people are (I am talking mainly about the conflicted projecting idiot who has already added his counterfeit two cents nonsense to this thread.


NO ONE has mentioned girls. From every thing I know about it (more in all modesty than most of you do), the vast majority of very young street whores are genital females (as young as 12 in some cases). They hustle all over this country and in some cities come Fri or Sat night you can see armies of them. NO BOYS, just girls.


Why don't some of you try volunteering a few nights a week for six months at shelters for runaways or inner city hospitals. But then that would cut into your $300 tricks, and $2000 overnights.


In terms of street prostitution girls are far more likely to be beaten, abused, raped, brutalized, killed and their health is far more likely to be permanently and seriously affected (how many cheapie abortions accompanied by Pimp bashings can a girl survive?).


The society as a whole is largely indifferent to the girls, but boys always shock and alarm people though there are many fewer of them.


Runaway or throwaway boys are far likelier to become drug 'mules', burglars (run by adults), shoplifters, small time drug dealers, and muggers. Some do end up selling sex but not inevitably or even in large numbers. There are always tons of johns looking for some cheap action from a girl, but the population of gay men looking to pay on the street is smaller and frankly more often targeted by law enforcement.


Of course there are SOME boys, and of course there are horror stories. But you are going to find nightmares concerning girls ten or even twenty to one.


And again our discussions have not been about underaged boys by USA law; they have been about MEN 18 and older. Although this society stigmatizes prostitution period, and still condemns homosexuality in many places, it's far more accepted in many cultures within the USA for young men to 'turn tricks' for extra dough. A girl who sells is always a whore, is always put down for it, and always internalizes the contempt of the surrounding society.


Also, there is a kind of institutionalized male/male street trade where younger guys selling part time on the 'meat rack' can hang out occasionally (they learned about it from their older brothers, cousins and sometimes from their fathers -- in fact in NYC I once had a three way with a 19 year old Hispanic guy and his very hot and young looking 35 year old father -- they often worked as a team). Through them I met a fair number of 19-30 year old guys (mostly Hispanic, but some white or mixed race) NONE of who thought they were gay, criminals, whores and ALL of who worked at jobs.


Girls usually have to hit the obvious places for longer hours and generally need a pimp to protect and organize them. Girls are always cheaper (a street blow job can be as low as $10, the girl is expected to keep doing that until she's hit her target for the night -- maybe $200 if her pimp’s not too greedy). Young men always are working for themselves and rarely go under $40 and will try to get more; furthermore, girls are ALWAYS expected to perform the sex, a lot of younger guys sell their dicks to get sucked, period, or if not period, what they do is masturbate or rub against the client.


Not only in many cultures do guys not consider themselves trash for this, but they don't consider themselves gay either (even if they enjoy it, even if they reciprocate). Working class urban cultures are very open to this sort of thing (both in Philly and NYC when I started paying Irish and Italian-American guys from the 'inner city' were into it; from what I understand that's still true to some degree in Philly. But in NYC it's a more Latino, black population now.)


There are no equivalents to those guys among girls from those neighborhoods. Girls do not really have the option to do it without big risks, if caught they are despised, frequently severely beaten by their fathers and brothers, thrown out. When it comes to the guys however, 'nobody knows nothin'.


The mechanism of self perpetuating poverty, bad education, limited and only low pay employment options for 'lower end' workers, single parent/wildly dysfunctional families, a Puritan yet highly sexualized society where most sex is secret, guilt ridden and thus a climate is favored that glamorizes hit and miss sex including prostitution, all contribute to the marketing of young people for sex acts, but the minors (under 18) selling are probably 85% female, and the youngest people selling (11 and 12) are ALL female.


The discussion angers me because:


1. It really does equate liking younger men (under 25) to pedophilia, that's bullshit.

1 a: the reason is that too many of the hustlers posting are older (MUCH older) and they have enabler johns.

2: it's phony, it's about people (hustlers and johns) putting each other down for different tastes, not about a real concern for the down trodden.

2 a: The few posters who have gone into detail have a TV movie/bad fiction sensibility that has nothing to do with facts.

3: All these discussions are about supporting the sky-high fees asked by the celebrity posters here who are whores, and their rich john-fans.

3:a/ In other words it's all horse shit.



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Guest Thunderbuns

>A father-son team??? Wow! I have never heard of that before.


I too found it kinda interesting. Couldn't help but wonder as I read it if there was any interaction between the father & son during the encounter ???



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Guest Thunderbuns

>TB, I'm just noticing that since late December you've posted

>328 messages. And it makes me curious as to what you did

>with your spare time before you found this board.




Ah Bluenix - you've found my Achiles heel. I did nothing - nothing at all. I sat around my dismal little condo, droolling, often cross-eyed, wanting to masturbate but fearing blindness - a totally empty life.


Then I found HooBoy and I realized there WAS something more out there!


Let's see, 328 posts in 113 days - equates to 2.9 per day. Not bad, but I suspect it's definitely not a record :-)



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Guest regulation



>>Well, each of us could start by deciding that he's not going

>>to do anything to add to the problem that already exists.

>>Did that thought ever cross your mind?


>Ok, reg... educate me. Please tell me what we... or I...

>could do to stop adding to the problem that already exists.

>Stop hiring prostitutes altogether?


That would be one solution. Are prostitutes such an important part of your life that it's a solution you wouldn't consider?



Or check some

>desperation factor (like income, drug dependency, degree of

>education) and just hire ones above a certain level?


Why not? Is that too much trouble for you?



>not hiring ones that really need the money helps their

>situation how?



Well, let's see . . . by giving them little alternative but to apply for the sort of official assistance that guyinsf just got through telling us is available to anyone who wants it?


>I really am curious as to what you feel has been your role

>in not adding to this very complex social problem.


I've already told you.

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Guest regulation

>I don't think he's had time to. He's too busy looking for

>brown burlap for the new living room drapes. It's SO

>difficult to find things that look right with desert boots!




Although you've harshly criticized the more insulting posters like TruthTeller who were lately banished from this board, it seems your ambition is to be just like them. What a pity you don't have the talent.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>>I don't think he's had time to. He's too busy looking for

>>brown burlap for the new living room drapes. It's SO

>>difficult to find things that look right with desert boots!




>Although you've harshly criticized the more insulting

>posters like TruthTeller who were lately banished from this

>board, it seems your ambition is to be just like them. What

>a pity you don't have the talent.


Twaddle twaddle twaddle



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Guest Thunderbuns



>>>Well, each of us could start by deciding that he's not going

>>>to do anything to add to the problem that already exists.

>>>Did that thought ever cross your mind?


>>Ok, reg... educate me. Please tell me what we... or I...

>>could do to stop adding to the problem that already exists.

>>Stop hiring prostitutes altogether?


>That would be one solution. Are prostitutes such an

>important part of your life that it's a solution you

>wouldn't consider?



>Or check some

>>desperation factor (like income, drug dependency, degree of

>>education) and just hire ones above a certain level?


>Why not? Is that too much trouble for you?


> And

>>not hiring ones that really need the money helps their

>>situation how?



>Well, let's see . . . by giving them little alternative but

>to apply for the sort of official assistance that guyinsf

>just got through telling us is available to anyone who wants



>>I really am curious as to what you feel has been your role

>>in not adding to this very complex social problem.


>I've already told you.


More twoddle twoddle twoddle. Boy oh boy - deej sure hit the nail right on the head re this one!



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