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it's okay, it's okay...

Guest DevonSFescort
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Guest DevonSFescort

ROFLMAO, this is too fucking funny with regard to DCescortBOY's special thread for me. Guess it's time for true confessions...


Here's the poop, y'all. I was like a lot of people -- totally bewildered by DCescortBOY's attacks on his fellow escorts, frequently annoyed by his cyber-sprees, and yet strangely attracted by...something about him. I think I have a weakness for skinny bad boys.


Well, one day Ethan emailed to compliment me regarding one of my posts -- you know, one of the "thoughtful" ones. (I've carved out a niche market for people who like "thoughtful" escorts with big nipples. No wonder my rates are so low.) Well, if he liked my post he couldn't be all bad, and...


Well, next thing you know we're emailing back and forth (I have to say that getting to know Ethan, as distinct from his DCescortBOY persona, is really pretty cool -- he's smart, funny and knows how to flirt) and I'm finding myself wishing we were having phone sex, and I NEVER have phone sex. Well, neither does Ethan, and he doesn't do cyber either, so I created a little statement for him to copy and paste into an email to me. He resisted, saying that even that felt too ridiculous, and, well, I'm afraid I nagged him until he sent the requested email. We now joke that he's my abusive online boyfriend.


So then today he tells me to check my ratings, and he's given me a "yummy pussyboi" comment, and then I said that the only thing that could have been better was if he pasted the cybersex line I wrote for him to...well...anyway, you can probably figure out what happened next.


I am so glad I can't see the looks on your faces.


Anyway, I'm very pleased that my abusive online boyfriend made such a public declaration for me, and I'm very pleased that HooBoy rose to my defense. It's nice to know that Hoo wouldn't put up with me being the victim of a creepy attack. It just so happens that in this case I am not only the willing victim but practically the perpetrator. It's true. I'm kinkier than you all thought.


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a little quality bitchslapping time coming to me. }>

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Ethan's penultimate post was the straw that broke Hooboy's back.



"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

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I have tried to stay neutral on this topic, since that's the type of guy I am. I, have, also felt respect for the way HooBoy handled the DC situation and his never ending attacks. Got to say I liked DC tho cause he amused me but didn't like the one cruel, mean statement he made of another escort, really can't abide by knowingly trying to hurt another. But all in all HooBoy has allowed all this to occur eventho this is his site, his toy and we all know the sharing thing about toys. But if what BG says is correct and Ethan has been banned as a result of a perfectly innocent thread than it almost makes it seems as if someone was just waiting to get rid of him. I for one find this unlike what I though this site was but like BG I am that naive type that tries to see the good in all knowing full well the world is a shit place full of assholes. I know Hoo Boy will do the right thing cause that's the type of dude he is.





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Guest DevonSFescort

>I just heard from Ethan.


>Not only did HB lock the thread, he deleted Ethan's account




I have been in touch with HooBoy and while I don't want to speak for him, I can say that I have expressed to him that I would like Ethan reinstated and we are working on making that happen. I had no idea that Ethan's account had been deleted when I started this thread or I would certainly would have requested his reinstatement then. I feel terrible that an innocent cyber-flirtation between Ethan and me spun out into this bizarre situation.

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Nip It In The Bud


Before this rages out of hand, let me share with you the timeline of the events as they occurred.


1. Ethan posted his outrageous "Pussy boi devon" thread, which I interpreted as an attack or even a threat on Devon.


2. I locked the thread and requested that no one post to it.


3. Ethan began sending me vile messages via email and tried to make more posts on the subject.


4. I shut down the message center and canceled Ethan's account.


5. I reinstated the message center. A few minutes later, Devon's "It's Okay" post appeared which he explained that it was an inside joke between he and Ethan.


6. As I was preparing to quietly reinstate Ethan's account, I got an email from him as follows:


"what a freaking pompous asshole you are.


fine... i'm gone. you're the biggest cocksucking asshole i've ever had the

sorry luck to have conversed with! E t h a n"


7. Bear in mind, there was NO background on Ethan's "joke" and I was only reacting to what I saw, what I knew and what I thought was a loose cannon gone awry. A joke is not funny if no one understands it. I looked on his "joke" as a threat and the title of the thread set a bad tone for the board.


Many people have written to me asking to kick him off and I have resisted. He and I had a good phone conversation last week and his posts have been tempered of late.


Thus, I was seconds away from reinstating his account after the explanation was offered, but I don't need to be called a "freaking pompous asshole," even if it true.


I hope you understand this comedy of errors.

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RE: Nip It In The Bud


When I logged on, I saw that Ethan had been banned so I went to the locked thread and read it. I still don't get it. I agree, there was no background or set-up for it, but the use of the emoticons ALONE should have told you that it was a joke. As soon as I saw the emoticon, I knew it was.


So why did I immediately see it as a joke and you didn't? Because you were predisposed not to. You yourself said that Ethan has been behaving lately and there was no background or no set-up to indicate he was doing something wrong. You overreacted.


Ethan is not the embodiment of evil that some posters here would cast him as. He has had good reason in some cases to respond the way he does. So he sent you vile e-mails for cancelling his account. You know Ethan. Did you expect anything less?


You were about to do the right thing and reinstate him. You still should.

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next thing you know we're emailing back and forth (I

>have to say that getting to know Ethan, as distinct from his

>DCescortBOY persona, is really pretty cool -- he's smart,

>funny and knows how to flirt)


Having spent some time recently talking with Ethan over AIM, I couldn't agree more. There's a part of Ethan that most of the people on this message center will never get tos ee and he is quite different from the persona he has on the message center..even as he is very much the same.

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Guest TruthTeller

RE: Nip It In The Bud


>1. Ethan posted his outrageous "Pussy boi devon" thread,

>which I interpreted as an attack or even a threat on Devon.


You have to be fucking kidding. If you think that what Ethan wrote to Devon is "outrageous" and constitutes an "attack" or "threat on Devon," your experiences in life are very sadly and pathetically limited.


This was Ethan's post in its entirety:


<<"c'mon you motherfuckin' pussyboi i'm gonna split you

the fuck open -- C'MON! take it you fucking BITCH!"


keep biting the pillow... i'm not done yet! :p>>


You never heard anything like that before, hooboy? You think that's an outrageous threat?? On a site devoted to sex and escorting? And yeah - that smiley face he chose at the end was really threatening.


Instead of self-rigtheously pretending that your actions were motivated by the belief that Ethan's post was a "threat to devon," why don't you at least be honest and just admit that you dislike ethan because he was mean to one of your little friends, and that as a result, you locked out his account?


This conclusion is particularly inescapable given what IM Moore posted to Ethan last night. In a thread initiated by Ethan entitled "Should I be scared?," IM Moore wrote (Post #2):


<<yes be scared ethan be very scared, i got your number too, for real.


your target for faraway laughter>>


*That* was clearly intended as a threat, and it's pretty creepy. But because it -- an actual threat -- was directed AT Ethan, you did nothing.


But Ethan's self-evidently humorous post -- containing garden-variety "Take it pussy boy, bitch" sex talk - which nobody could possibly have interpreted as a "threat" - prompted you to lock the thread and delete his account.


Can you really deny that your behavior has nothing to do with fairly enforcing the rules of the forum, and everything to do with punishing someone who hurt your little friend's feelings?


You're free to lock out whoever you want, but as I've pointed out before, the Internet is littered with the dead carcasses of participation forums which died due to the conversion of the forum from an open, free exchange of discussion to a little fiefdom where people were able to participate only if they kiss the ass of - and avoid offending - the forum operator and his designated friends.


People don't do that for long, and the forum dies. The behavior you just exhibited is a pretty advanced form of that virus.

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RE: it's okay, it's okay... and he is not DCescort


Yes, I agree.


I've found Ethan to be bright and interesting.


He can be stubborn :-), but he's thought through his positions and the flip side of stubbornness is consistency.


I thought he was clearly making an attempt to get along over the last few days and I appreciated that very much.




ps: I also got a request from him to emphasize that the new poster DCescort is not him.

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Guest Mother Theresa Escort

>If Hooboy deleted Ethan's account over that post then his

>brain must be addled. Perhaps someone could explain it to

>me as I am totally lost here.



LOST, my child? At first I thought you suffered from a misfired synapse, but I can see the picture is much more grim. That must have been YOU arm-locked with Dorothy, Tin Man, and the Lion. Lobotomies, luekotomies, and Clozapine, OH MY!

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RE: Nip It In The Bud


I agree with everyone else here.


There are rules posted for the Message Center and Ethan didn't violate them. I was astonished when I saw that thread was locked and even more astonished when I saw your reaction to it.


I'm on record in a big way here asking people to be more civil and I just laughed when I read it. It was clear to me that it was meant to be a joke.


More importantly, I agree with TT that we shouldn't be kicking people off for writing things that don't violate the rules. (And I also do agree that the "I've got your number" response definitely could be interpreted as a threat.)


I'd love to see more civility here, because I think the balance has tipped way, way, way over towards a complete lack of it. And, yes, Ethan was heavily involved in some of that.


But rather than censoring people or deleting their accounts, I'd rather see the community as a whole hold the kind of discussion we've just held, in the hopes that we'll understand each other better and maybe we'll all end up thinking a split-second longer before we post something.


This is a bad precedent. Please reinstate Ethan.




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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: it's okay, it's okay... and he is not DCescort


>I thought he was clearly making an attempt to get along over

>the last few days and I appreciated that very much.




I concur and was very pleased and happy with his contributions.


However, this is just the fruit that lack of civility brings to the community IMHO -- frayed sensitivities and sensibilities. One reason common courtesy was practiced in the past (and still is someplaces) is that lack of it could get one killed or badly maimed.


Today it just got a membership killled.


I'm not assignng fault here... in the end when the body is on the ground fault is of ilttle importance... to the body.


I hope Ethan's membership is reinstated and I hope he learns better ways to cope with those he has differences with -- whether he is in the right or not.



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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: it's okay, it's okay... and he is not DCescort


And if the lesson is lost on those acid tongued contributors around here... I don't really think they would act this way in public, at least for long, and certainly wouldn't have lasted long 75 years ago. There was a reason for common courtesy and that was self-interest. However, we are safe, for the most part, hiding behind our electronic screens.

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Guest DevonSFescort

RE: I screwed up okay?


>I guess it's done. Huzzah!


>Now that thats over,do Ethan and Devon have any more dirty

>stuff to share:P


I wish! He hasn't said one nasty thing to me since this mess kicked up... :-(

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RE: it's okay, it's okay... and he is not DCescort


>I hope Ethan's membership is reinstated


He is reinstated and he is unmoderated. Move on. It's over.


>However, this is just the fruit that lack of civility brings

>to the community IMHO -- frayed sensitivities and




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RE: it's okay, it's okay... and he is not DCescort


I find myself in the odd position to agree with almost everyone, in part.


I agree that Ethan's post, with no background, could be considered mean. Hoo is correct that an inside joke is not that funny if we aren't inside. But, as TT said, the post pales compared to IM Moore's. Considering the source, I'd be afraid if he had my telephone number.


I don't blame Hoo for kicking Ethan out, not so much for the posting, but for the follow-up email he received. It's Hoo's ball, and he can make or change the rules. Ethan has been a loose cannon recently, to the dismay of some (perhaps many). He should exercize a little restraint considering how much patience he has extracted from many of us.


In it's self, I don't think the post is the kind of stuff that get someone kicked out. If people were kicked out for such posts all the time, TT is right, the site would die.


Also, I think Devon was the classiest one in the whole party in trying to make light of it all.


BON may have a point that Hooboy was predisposed to feel anything Ethan did was out of line. I cannot really blame Hoo, if was my site, and I had to sift through all the crap about this one person, I would be testy as well.


Incidently, BON, I find it ironic you call Hooboy predisposed. With all due respect, you are relentless in your praise of Ethan. Even the most patient gentlemen have taken issue with Ethan's immature rants, yet you support everything that spews out of his mouth. To your credit, you are consistent in your intensity of support for Ethan as you are in your quest against Nick.


You said we don't know him outside the message center, no-duh... Safe to say most all of us do not know each other outside these postings, I've met only one person. The only impression we have of each other is what is seen on these threads. It is not incumbent upon us to know the other Ethan before we judge his behavior we see in his posts.


Why should Hoo give Ethan any slack? As adults we must deal with consequences of our actions. Ethan's email was not something a mature adult writes. Maybe Hoo acted implusively, and unfairly in tossing Ethan out, but Ethan's email to Hooboy was far from diplomatic.


I am not saying Hoo is 100% correct, but if some guys here excuse Ethan's actions as flip comments in the heat of passion, then Hooboy is worthy of the same slack. The only difference Hooboy has more impact than another poster, in that he can just cancel the guys's account.

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RE: it's okay, it's okay... and he is not DCescort


>BON may have a point that Hooboy was predisposed to feel

>anything Ethan did was out of line. I cannot really blame

>Hoo, if was my site, and I had to sift through all the crap

>about this one person, I would be testy as well.


No one is saying Hoo doesn't have a right to be testy. I can sympathize with him, but I think much like me, up until the point where he crashed the message center down around himself and pulled Ethan's account, Hoo had a lot of understanding for the boy. I think I would be frustrated too if everyone was sending me messages to kick Ethan out and everyday was more drama, drama, drama...


>Incidently, BON, I find it ironic you call Hooboy

>predisposed. With all due respect, you are relentless in

>your praise of Ethan. Even the most patient gentlemen have

>taken issue with Ethan's immature rants, yet you support

>everything that spews out of his mouth. To your credit, you

>are consistent in your intensity of support for Ethan as you

>are in your quest against Nick.


It wasn't too long ago that I was accused of always coming down against the escorts. How the tides shift. Yes, Ethan had had some immature rants. No question. He's also been right when a lot of times too, especially when he gets upset over people like MFE/FF/JC/FFF making anti-semitic remarks. Sometimes Ethan went overboard, such as when he and Jizz had it out and jizz left us for a while. Sometimes I agreed with him 100%. Boston Guy made a great point in an earlier post. The clients are generally older and the escorts younger. Ethan, for all his intelligence and verbosity, is just out of his teens. He has a lot of fire and a lot of passion, but he has none of the wisdom and perspective that comes with a another decade or two on the planet. Maybe it's just my nature to take up for the underdog; to seek truth and justice above all else. It's why I don't pursue Nick relentlessly anymore, but i still keep track of his whereabouts.


>You said we don't know him outside the message center,

>no-duh... Safe to say most all of us do not know

>each other outside these postings, I've met only one person.

> The only impression we have of each other is what is seen

>on these threads. It is not incumbent upon us to know the

>other Ethan before we judge his behavior we see in

>his posts.


No, it's not, but it's also a very limited view. It's easy to hide behind a persona. It's much harder to deal with people as people.


>Why should Hoo give Ethan any slack? As adults we must

>deal with consequences of our actions. Ethan's email was

>not something a mature adult writes. Maybe Hoo acted

>implusively, and unfairly in tossing Ethan out, but Ethan's

>email to Hooboy was far from diplomatic.


>I am not saying Hoo is 100% correct, but if some guys here

>excuse Ethan's actions as flip comments in the heat of

>passion, then Hooboy is worthy of the same slack. The only

>difference Hooboy has more impact than another poster, in

>that he can just cancel the guys's account.


In any case, this chapter in the ongoing saga of As the Message Center Turns is over. Will Devon and Ethan's star crossed love blossom or wither? Will Mother Teresa Escort and Father Fister ever truly see each other outside of a mirror? Will CraigSF39 finally be revealed as a white man in blackface? And will Erica Kane be revealed as IM Moore's FIFTH personality?? Tune in tomorrow!!

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RE: it's okay, it's okay... and he is not DCescort


Great Caesar's Ghost! What is the message center coming to when I find myself agreeing with the likes of TruthTeller! Finding myself much more predisposed to the views of Boston Guy and Tampa Yankee and WetDream and some other folks, it scares me to even think of such a thing. (Just kidding, TT!;-)


Actually, of late, I've found myself in agreement with a number of things TruthTeller has said. Once you get past the rough stuff, he can be pretty amusing. I've never doubted his intelligence....I'm convinced he's a sharp cookie......but sometimes his posts go a bit far for my tastes.


As for Ethan, I consider him my friend. We've had some disagreements, but by and large, I think he's a good guy. I agree that it's hard to know someone purely by what they post here. We're all a bit more complex than a screenname, and some more so than others. I have found out firsthand just how quickly things can spiral out of control here, and feelings getting trampled in the process. It's one of the reasons I've chosen to post less frequently. My compassionate side rubs some the wrong way, just as the venomous side of others does the same for me. Thanks to some here, I've learned not to take things too seriously now. And if I don't like how someone responds to me, I'll just let it drop. Some feel they have "lost" if they don't get the last word in. Pray tell, what could be lost? A tiny big of ego, perhaps. When it all comes down to the nut cutting, it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


Yes, I'd love to see more civility here, but I've long since given up any delusions I had on that score. The best we can do, if we choose to continue to participate, is to try to sort the wheat from the chaff, and, as deej says, "move on".

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