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Sex after escorting

Guest escortinSD
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>Is Rick Munroe a great

>guy? HELL YES! Is Jason

>Coxx really nice. YEP! However,

>if you get both of

>them in private and ask

>them if they would like

>to be doing something different

>and more fulfilling with their

>lives, I'm sure they would

>both say "yes"...

>We all want to

>be in a loving relationship

>and have really great sex.

>No one wants to be

>having sex with a bunch

>of people they find unattractive.


Thanks for calling me a "great guy"...I don't know how you could know this, though, when we have never met (at least, that's the impression I got from the stalker-like fan letters you've sent me in the past). However, please don't ever speak for me or assume what my response would be to some Barbara Walters-style, tear-inducing interview question. I post here regularly, openly & frankly, so if you want to know how I feel about something and I haven't already posted about it, just ask me. I already am in a loving relationship and have been for my entire adult life. I do not find the majority of my clients to be unattractive. What I do find unattractive is the ugliness of your smug assumptions. You say we should do something more fulfilling...like what, spending a lot of time and energy discussing "whores"? What else do you do besides that? Or shall I just assume what you would say?

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I can understand the point your trying to make, FFF, but I don't understand why you either feel this way or the need to voice it. I mean, u hire people too, u come to the site, so what's with the meanness of it? And if you believe this, why do you sleep with your inferiors? I am not trying to be ugly, but I really don't get the contradiction here. Do you only sleep with those that have escorted for a month or two?

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As usual, FFF's post seems to be loaded with equal measures of vitriol and excrement. I really wonder why it is necessary to demean escorts by calling them "whores". I consider several escorts dear friends and prefer their friendship and companionship over dealing with folks with attitudes like FFF, who always seem to be on the rag over one thing or another. I guess Midol must be in short supply these days, because more and more frequently we're seeing these tirades against folks who are just trying to have a civil discussion. Yes, I'm not an escort, and this thread was specifically started for escorts to deal with some issues of concern to them. But as far as I know, FFF is not an escort either, but felt the need to drop a load of shit anyway, which was clearly unnecessary and unsolicited. Prior to FFF's post, the thread was interesting and informative for escorts and clients alike. Now that the proverbial "shit hit the fan", the person who started the thread has stated an inclination not to post anymore, and that is unfortunate.


I'm usually more civil than this myself, but I'm goddamned tired and weary of those who don't even bother to see if the originator of a thread even wants the input from certain quarters, as is the case with this one. Yes, I'm a hypocrite for posting here as a client, but I certainly had no intention of doing so until I saw the cruel, insensitive FFF posting.


So best wishes to all the escorts who posted here, and feel free to tell the non-escort interlopers in this thread to take a hike.

I don't see you as "whores"; I see you as fellow human beings.



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Because of my time limitations, I scan the headings on the Message Center and only read the ones that interest me.


This was one.


However, there are certain posters whom I skip and do not read whatever they have to offer. It keeps my blood pressure down.


Same thing with email. I get my share of hate-filled email. I do not respond to it. I simply hit DELETE.


If someone writes something offensive on this board, I think the best tact is to ignore it because ignorance, stupidity or arrogance do not require a response. Monkeys can only be trained to do simple tasks. Like taking a banana up their butt.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest exFratBoy

Lost in the controversy over FFF's post is that he makes a very valid point:


The sex industry fucks a lot of people up. (No pun intended.) That for every JeffOH who goes from retail management to prostitution because he likes the money, the hours and the thrill, there are 10 Billy Brandts who go from being homeless to prostitution because they need to eat. That for many of these young guys, the affection they get from their johns is the only affection they've ever gotten and they soon become unable to distinguish between a business relationship and an emotional one. They are unsure of their sexuality, feel their self-worth is based only on how much they can please a client, etc. Some of them turn this around and try to hustle clients-- for computers, these days, it seem. But their ability to form stable relationships, to provide for themselves when their looks fade, and to have any sense of self-worth are severely damaged. Female sex workers suffer the same fate too-- most of them aren't Xaviera Hollander-- and these young girls wind up just as wounded. Those of you who seem most comfortable with being escorts seem to have gotten into it later in life (later than age 16, anyway) when your sense of who you are had already been formed. But keep in mind that for the majority, the sex industry is a brutal and damaging way to make a living, that leaves psychological scars for decades.


PS: In the str8 world too, "escort" is a euphamism for a high-priced hooker, usually a lady who is very attractive and classy enough to be taken out to dinner without embarassment, and then fucked, as opposed to a "call girl" who is just hired to be fucked- no dinner, no theater.

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>for every JeffOH

>who goes from retail management

>to prostitution because he likes

>the money, the hours and

>the thrill, there are 10

>Billy Brandts who go from

>being homeless to prostitution because

>they need to eat.


>for the majority,

>the sex industry is a

>brutal and damaging way to

>make a living, that leaves

>psychological scars for decades.


10 out of every 11 escorts are formerly homeless and do it for food? The majority of guys who escort become psychologically damaged? From what sources are you getting this information? Where are the published data and statistics upon which you base these "facts"? It all sounds very dramatic but also exaggerated. I know more than a few escorts of various ages and to my knowlege, not one of them does it to escape hunger and homelessness...although I suppose you could say that anyone who works at any job does it to provide food and shelter for himself. A lot of jobs are brutal & damaging...look what happened to Lucy & Ethel when they tried to work in the chocolate factory.

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Guest Joey Ciccone

RE: Sex after failure at escorting


>I'm not trying to make you guys feel bad about yourselves.<


I feel great, but what crawled up your ass?


>However, you shouldn't be deluded into thinking that being a prostitute for a living is kinda cool and glamorous. It's not. In fact, it's actually really tacky.<


Sounds like someone here failed miserably as an escort. Hope you have a legitimate career that doesn't involve personality or appearance to fall back on.

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If you think someone like FFF is hijacking a thread, ignore his post. I like this "it's worth $200 to me to fuck them into oblivion". FFF if he was a professional bottom, he probably was only barely aware you were in the room, no matter how hung you are.


Ok this WHORE is going to bring the thread back to the original subject.:


EscortinSD don't worry about it. Like any activity you just hit overload. If you snowboard too much, it feels hollow after awhile. If you eat steak everyday it tastes like hamburger until you take a break from it. In the beginninng I would see 2 or 3 clients in a night, and then go to a bathhouse and then masturbate when I got home and then call my boyfriend and tell him to come over. It was all new and exciting and I couldn't get enough. I have things in better perspective now, I play with my Hoover vacuum cleaner (see other thread) less often and sometimes I go several days without meeting with a client, largely because I want to avoid overload. If I watch porn it's just background noise. AOL McSex and stupid activites like bathhouses are done with. I'm still a sexual person, but after you get Strep Throat for like the 4th time in a year, you start to wise up.


Also, illnesses and overload do taint sex. We tend to think of sex as something spontaneous and without repercussions (as long as we play safely). But that's not true. You get intimate with enough men, and you will get colds etc, and that taints sex. You schedule enough sex partners into your dayplanner and it feels routine; sex feels tainted.


EscortinSD, take a break. Then see less clients (just charge more :-) you will or wont get back into the swing of it. Good luck.





"Sex without kissing is just


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Guest exFratBoy

Come on Rick. Take a walk down Christopher Street to the Piers. You see those boys there? They ain't college graduates turning tricks on a whim.

I mean do you really believe that most male prostitutes are working out of apartments in doorman buildings? Getting taken out to dinner at Lutece or Park on a nightly basis?

Yeah, there are some high class escorts who get top dollar. Many of whom are reviewed on here. But if you're not one of them, it's a pretty shitty life. You've been real lucky Rick. But most of these guys haven't been.

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>Come on Rick. Take a walk

>down Christopher Street to the

>Piers. You see those boys

>there? They ain't college graduates

>turning tricks on a whim.


Yes, I've seen them & there are about a handful of those street hustlers (there, and on 8th Ave in the 40's), compared to the hundreds of professional escorts in NYC reviewed here.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>Yes, I've seen them & there

>are about a handful of

>those street hustlers (there, and

>on 8th Ave in the

>40's), compared to the hundreds

>of professional escorts in NYC

>reviewed here.


Once again, we're falling back on semantics. Those kids who are selling their asses out on the piers are "street hustlers" but all you other guys are "professional escorts".


My point, once again, is that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the street hustlers on the piers and those of you who have pretty websites. You are all prostitutes - whether you LIKE to be called that or not. It is a fact.


And my OTHER point has been that PROSTITUTION has a HUGE downside in the LONG RUN (and the short run for some) and those of you who say you enjoy it know that there is a high price to pay for doing it. If Jeff in Ohio is having a great time doing it, then good for him. However, I would add that one of my concerns for you guys who see it as a long term profession is that you aren't really planning for the future. Believe it or not, you eventually WILL get too old to do this. And then what? Most guys who do this do NOT have a long term plan.


It never fails that once someone (like myself) makes a critical observation about something in the gay community, many of you start screaming about being "self-loathing". That's like saying if I criticize a politician then I must hate being an American. It's nonsense. It's like the moment someone says something critical about blacks they're called a "racist"! I'm not going to delve into the deep workings of my psyche, but trust me, self-loathing I am not.


And finally..........to Rick Munroe. I am shocked you haven't figured out who I am yet. We even chatted a few days ago and I just chuckled inside because I guess you're clueless. I thought you would have figured it out loooooooooooong ago. In case you're still confused, I have NEVER hired you. So no Rick, I'm not stalking you with emails or the like. It's kind of hard to stalk a friend. So just pull your panties out of your crack and go suck a dick - you'll feel much better.


Exasperatedly yours,



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Guest exFratBoy

>>Come on Rick. Take a walk

>>down Christopher Street to the

>>Piers. You see those boys

>>there? They ain't college graduates

>>turning tricks on a whim.


>Yes, I've seen them & there

>are about a handful of

>those street hustlers (there, and

>on 8th Ave in the

>40's), compared to the hundreds

>of professional escorts in NYC

>reviewed here.



I'm surprised Rick. You've come off as intelligent and together in other posts I've seen you make on here. But now you're just being plain thick.

Handful compared to dozens?? Do you really believe that?? Do you really believe that the vast majority of male prostitutes become successful $300/hour "escorts" who make even more money by doing solo j/o porn videos and club appearances?

Maybe you ought to talk to someone who's worked at (the now defunct) Covenant House or any of the other organizations that work with teenage runaways. I think the numbers they'll come up with are far larger than a "handful." Re-read the original post. That "professional escort" who was "reviewed on here" is not a happy camper. His job has pretty much fucked up his life. And he's together enough to know where to ask for help.

Look- I'm a lawyer for a big corporate firm. And much as many of my co-workers don't like to admit it, the cheesy ambulance chasers downtown are in the same profession we are. And, like in any profession-- prostitute as well as lawyer (Insert joke here) there are a lot more guys at the bottom of the pack than at the top. (Insert joke #2 here)

You might be at the top of your profession, but those runaway and throwaway street hustlers are in the same profession you are. The guys reviewed on here (and there are nowhere near 'hundreds' of them in NYC, Rick) are at the top of the profession. Period. You might not like âdmitting these street boys are in the same profession as you, but they are. And they probably got into it for very different reasons.

You got lucky Rick. Most guys of those guys don't.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>You might not like

>admitting these street boys are

>in the same profession as

>you, but they are. And

>they probably got into it

>for very different reasons.


I agree with everything you said (and you say it a little nicer than I) except for your final observation. The street hustlers and the "professional escorts" got into prostitution for the same reason: easy money.


Financially yours,



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You're completely twisting my words and putting words in my mouth where there were none. I merely said that there are more successful, professional escorts who choose to do it as a career (and yes, there are hundreds in the NYC section of this website...try counting them) than street hustlers who do it out of desperation. And...I asked you for evidence to the contrary, which you obviously can't produce. Everything else you've attributed to me was not what I said. And I, who have consistently referred to myself here as "just a dumb whore," have never said that street hustlers and escorts are not in the same profession. Nice try, though.

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Your analogy to lawyers is simply not true. There are not more "at the bottom of the pack." And most escorts aren't $300 an hour. If you are a bigshot lawyer, you should know that exaggeration works against your argument. Stick to the facts.

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This is stupid. Obviously most people in this world who sell their body are not well off and happy. We are the lucky few. Anybody who took the opposite away from Rick's post possibly misread what he wrote or used the clumsy technique of extending aruments.


Now, back to Sex after Escorting, ok?





"Sex without kissing is just masturbation."

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Guest exFratBoy

>Your analogy to lawyers is simply

>not true. There are not

>more "at the bottom of

>the pack." And most escorts

>aren't $300 an hour. If

>you are a bigshot lawyer,

>you should know that exaggeration

>works against your argument. Stick

>to the facts.



Huh? What's not true- that there are more lawyers in small firms or solo practice than lawyers in big firms?

And if the going rate in NYC is $250 (plus tip = $300) it's a lot less than a $50 blowjob in the back of some guys car.

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Guest Zach DC

Fin Fang Foom tries to justify his escort bashing. He explains, "It's like the moment someone says something critical about blacks they're called a "racist!"


FFF, you've written a weak analogy. Reread your posts. You haven't merely said something "critical" about escorts. You labeled ALL escorts.


You say ALL escorts are ASHAMED of themselves---ANY escort who says otherwise is a LIAR. ALL escorts are LAZY. ALL career escorts are FUCKED UP.



FFF, sharpen your analogy. Speak about blacks the way you speak about escorts. Say something critical about ALL blacks. Label ALL blacks.


Sorry, FFF, but that would, in fact, make you a racist.


Your analogy is weak and dumb--you have any smart retractions to work with?


Zach DC

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RE: Sex after failure at escorting


The reality of escorting/prostitution is that is has changed drastically over the years. In any major city there are more

escorts/prostitutes who are advertising in magazines/newspapers, have their own website or are listed on an escort site than are out walking the streets. More guys are CHOOSING this profession consciously than out of desperation. Here in Columbus there may be at most 1/2 a dozen guys on the streets compared to the nearly 2 dozen who advertise their services.


San Francisco does not have nearly as many street boys as it did 20 years ago...no major city does. And if anybody has seen the documentary on prostitution on MSNBC, they'd know how much the

industry has been changing for both male and female prostitutes.


The sex industry doesn't FUCK anyone up...they had issues before they got into porn or escorting. I know people who are majorly fucked up in all sorts of professions from attorneys to corporate executives. For every porn star or escort who is fucked up somehow, there are a dozen who are reasonably well-adjusted. We just hear more about the ones who are having a difficult time.



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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>You say ALL escorts are ASHAMED

>of themselves---ANY escort who says

>otherwise is a LIAR.

>ALL escorts are LAZY. ALL

>career escorts are FUCKED UP.


I don't feel like scolling up to look for my quote, but lest someone think I actually said it, I NEVER said all escorts are ashamed of themselves. I believe what I said was that none of them are proud of it.


Big difference.


Boy oh boy! A number of you are totally coming unglued.


I'm reminded of the old legal saying about how when you've got a solid case you pound the facts and when you don't, you pound the table.


There's alot of cyber-table pounding going on.


Legally yours,



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Guest exFratBoy

> I, who have consistently referred to

>myself here as "just a

>dumb whore"



And rightly so, it would seem.

So you want "evidence" that the sex industry is harmful to many of the people who work in it? It's like asking for evidence that the earth is round, but I think I can start you out. Here are some links for you Rick, about teen male prostitution. And as you read them, think about why it is that it SEEMS there are more professional "escorts" than street 'hos? Could it be that the street 'hos only stay in the business for a few months? That they don't make careers out of it?

After that, maybe you want to check out the bios of Joey Stefano (RIP) or Marilyn Chambers. I could go on Amazon for you and find dozens of titles about ravaged sex workers. You could ren Boogie Nights or Private Idaho. But start with these links:








http://www.weeklywire.com/ww/10-27-97/boston_feature_3.html (from the Boston Phoenix, a liberal alternative weekly:

>>Male prostitutes start shockingly young. The average age at which young women get involved in sreet prostitution is 16.9, according to a study conducted by the San Francisco-based Delancey Street Foundation, an organization that does outreach work with female prostitutes. Young men, however, enter into prostitution at 14 or even younger, says Sean Haley, director of adolescent services for JRI Health, in Boston -- the city's only outreach program for male commercial sex workers. )>>




And finally, a final inspirational quote for you from a study done by the University of Maryland

http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/SCHOLAR/ac/papers97/Cugini-ac1.html :


>>There are about 1.3 million prostitutes in America. Many of them, an estimated 500,000, are children. One million to 500,000 children are involved in prostitution and pornography every year. Also, an estimated 50% of streetwalkers are HIV infected.

Prostitution is a major source for the spread of a sexually transmitted diseases. One estimate in the "Free Teens" pamphlet states that two in five of all prostitutes in major cities are HIV positive. A high percentage of child prostitutes (those under18) were victims of incest, rape or sexual abuse as younger children. >>

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>That guy who takes Brooke Astor to the opera is an

>escort. You're a whore/prostitute. You have sex for money. >Plain and simple.


FFF, you are the expert on finding the correct word. Can you help me?


What is the term for someone who is so strident that he undermines his own point? Is it the same as the word for someone who is so offensive that readers get too angry to see any value in his arguments?



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