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Be careful in Miami


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The ad in the link on RM H_ngTravelers is a new ad since July.  
He had an ad using a different name prior with several positive reviews based in Miami Beach  - at times working with another provider who appeared to be boyfriend/partner.  

the assumption here is that the escort ad is using real pics that identity him as the thief

the thief & escort are likely one in the same - thus, the new RM profile.  I almost hired him last Spring 

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2 hours ago, Quincy_7 said:

He looks a lot older than 29. There's the first red flag that he's not to be trusted.

He's 32 according to the news article. Shouldn't someone forward RM that article so they take down his ad? Unless they would say he's innocent until proven guilty. I'm surprised though one of his release conditions wasn't to not use any dating or hookup sites or apps.

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18 minutes ago, robberbaron4u said:

And this is one of the reasons I insist on a "lunch interview" to vet a prospective hire.

Because blackmailers, arsonists, kidnappers, pirates, thieves, graffiti artists, and their ilk always come clean over lunch -- often before the crudites are even cleared. 😉 

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5 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

I almost hired him last Spring

one more thing to consider - lots of victims of these type crimes do not report to police.  they’re embarrassed & afraid.  

I’ll bet this was not the first time this guy did this to unsuspecting clients and/or app hookups.  The crime is too brazen & methodical for the first time.  He was on RM in Miami with the old profile for at least 6-8 months before he changed it in July 23.

One more reason to be extremely careful who is hired and who enters the home.  My first scan of provider profiles when considering someone new is to take out the red flag profiles for personal safety reasons alone. This guy didn’t have any red flags & had good reviews on RM, nothing negative.  I think the the reason I didn’t hire him is because I thought he looked like a tweaker in some of the pics (the pics in the old profile were different & more conservative looking……but still there was something off in the eyes) and maybe there was drug use …..lt was just a gut feeling and now I feel like I dodged a bullet. Reality check ✔️

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4 hours ago, Walt said:

Because blackmailers, arsonists, kidnappers, pirates, thieves, graffiti artists, and their ilk always come clean over lunch -- often before the crudites are even cleared. 😉 

Au contraire mon frere, before the Bombe Glace, which I prefer with strawberries, is served, I have sounded them, deftly, as to the how and the why and the wheretofor of their lives. Yes, indeed, I is old but there ain't no dust on me; I is a wily thing at table with a stranger and cads, bounders, hustlers  and ne'er do wells are easy nuts to crack for me. 

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I almost hired him earlier this year too. We reviewed all the details and he was set to come to my place, but at the last minute he said he had car trouble and required me to send an Uber for him (from Miami to Ft Lauderdale!). That’s a red flag for me so I declined. He then made some disparaging remarks and I never heard from him again. Dodged a bullet it seems! 

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57 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:


one more thing to consider - lots of victims of these type crimes do not report to police.  they’re embarrassed & afraid.  

I’ll bet this was not the first time this guy did this to unsuspecting clients and/or app hookups.  The crime is too brazen & methodical for the first time.  He was on RM in Miami with the old profile for at least 6-8 months before he changed it in July 23.

One more reason to be extremely careful who is hired and who enters the home.  My first scan of provider profiles when considering someone new is to take out the red flag profiles for personal safety reasons alone. This guy didn’t have any red flags & had good reviews on RM, nothing negative.  I think the the reason I didn’t hire him is because I thought he looked like a tweaker in some of the pics (the pics in the old profile were different & more conservative looking……but still there was something off in the eyes) and maybe there was drug use …..lt was just a gut feeling and now I feel like I dodged a bullet. Reality check ✔️

I was also looking into hiring him months back but I too got that tweaker vibe just by his physicality and - yes eyes. It’s a risk we all take meeting strangers on any site but we must follow our instincts and use information from others on sites such as this.  You have to be careful out there! You really don’t know anyone 100%. 

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1 hour ago, jcmiami1 said:

I was also looking into hiring him months back but I too got that tweaker vibe just by his physicality and - yes eyes

thank you for posting this thread & information. excellent catch.  If this guy hadn’t posted face pics on his RM profile - he would still be doing the exact same thing without anyone knowing.  
I cannot believe they release people on bond for crimes like this. He could have killed the guy by drugging him that way. 

btw - “meeting the guy on Grindr” is the typical story given when it’s really a paid encounter.  I’m not sure it makes any difference tho.

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9 hours ago, nycman said:

Don’t ever drink out of anything you didn’t open yourself and never leave your drink unattended

I agree with you.  Especially in your own home & the guest is making the drinks as noted in this story - no way.

however - the bigger point is once someone is inside your home & is intent on doing harm, it’s gonna happen & not going to end well.  Drugging seems to be the preferred method tho in these type robberies….gives them plenty of time to thoroughly rob & hack.

I much prefer hotels where it’s my room & I can control it to a degree with everything locked in the safe. In that case, I tell the provider I have friends on same floor and limited time because meeting them for drinks/dinner.  Second choice is providers hotel room or home.  I only invite people to my home I’ve known for a long time - never strangers. 

There are a lot more of these type crimes that we never hear about - way more common than people think.  Super easy from the criminals pov - they’re being invited in. 
Also - you should never have any financial apps on phone/tablet that open with facial recognition or fingerprint. Once you’re unconscious they can get into anything 

FYI - the RM profile is still up & says AVAILABLE NOW.  unbelievable 

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12 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

I agree with you.  Especially in your own home & the guest is making the drinks as noted in this story - no way.

however - the bigger point is once someone is inside your home & is intent on doing harm, it’s gonna happen & not going to end well.  Drugging seems to be the preferred method tho in these type robberies….gives them plenty of time to thoroughly rob & hack.

I much prefer hotels where it’s my room & I can control it to a degree with everything locked in the safe. In that case, I tell the provider I have friends on same floor and limited time because meeting them for drinks/dinner.  Second choice is providers hotel room or home.  I only invite people to my home I’ve known for a long time - never strangers. 

There are a lot more of these type crimes that we never hear about - way more common than people think.  Super easy from the criminals pov - they’re being invited in. 
Also - you should never have any financial apps on phone/tablet that open with facial recognition or fingerprint. Once you’re unconscious they can get into anything 

FYI - the RM profile is still up & says AVAILABLE NOW.  unbelievable 

I agree, wholeheartedly, having a stranger in your home for a "trick" is begging for trouble. 

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