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CBS 'Big Brother Season 25' thread

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CBS starts 'Big Brother 25' this week, on Wednesday, August 2. I'm starting a thread here so we can discuss THE HOT GUYS, our favorite players, THE HOT GUYS, strategic moves (smart ones and not-so-smart ones), THE HOT GUYS. 


Join in here - come one, come all !!!  Did I mention THE HOT GUYS ?  (They usually have some of the hottest guys for contestants, so I hope I don't jinx it this year ! LOL)

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I think I jinxed it.


Luke and Matt are THE HOT GUYS. The rest of the guys are blahhh, and all the contestants come across as insufferable - and that's just in the introductions. Once Matt and Luke are evicted, I doubt I will finish the season. 


I miss the seasons from the early 2000s when they cast 'everyday people' for the houseguests. Now they are purposely choosing 'social media influencers' which is taking the fun out of the game. 

Edited by Ali Gator
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Watched the 90 minute premiere episode which felt like I lost 3 years of my life. Incredibly slow and dull. 3 sexy guys - Mark, Luke and the psychologist. The rest of the players are cookie cutter contestants from seasons past. I don’t know if I’ll be sticking with this. Anyone else watching? 

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If anyone has been watching, this has been a horrible season. Too predictable and too dull. 

Queen Hasim has definitely made a lot of enemies, but I hope he stays since he's one sexy 45 year old. I like his dominant personality and his mid-Eastern looks. I just wish he'd be shirtless in some scenes (I don't think he has been that much).

Matt is still sexy AF, but he's rather dull. He needs a personality to match his handsome face and hot body. At least he's shirtless in most scenes.

Derek is also hot - but never shirtless. Disappointing. 

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No one on the sho does it for me.  Luke claims that it was his twin brother that used the n word.  They have had seasons where there is a twin who will come in and change places with his sibling, so this is not as bizarre as it may seem.  Even though he was the best looking of the sad group of men they have this year, he is nowhere need as spectacular as Joseph was last year. I do not understand why the casting directors do not understand that the target audience for this show is single women, teen age girls and gay men.  It seem obvious that they need to cast for the beefiness of the guys.  As a reminder.   He is the one on the right.  Click the photo to get a few more revealing, but not as revealing as you would life photos.  


Joseph Abdin reacts to Kyle's betrayal on 'Big Brother' and reveals what he would have said to the other half...


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So cute houseguest Hisam got booted 11- 0 last night in the live eviction. He stepped out of the house to talk with Julie Chen Moonves ("Love One Another") and the purses started flying out of his mouth. This has been the talk on most gay forums across the internet - what happened to the tough, straight-acting Hisam in the house ? 


Later on, the contestants participated in 'the pressure cooker' contest for HOH. It was an endurance test, in which each contestant had to stand up with their hand on a buzzer. If they let the hand off the buzzer, a light would go on - and they were out. No food breaks, no bathroom breaks, no nothing. 

About four hours in, handsome, hunky, sexy Olympic swimmer had to pee. So he told those in charge of the 'live feeds' "I have to pee, so I'm going to take IT out..."  The live feed cameras cut to the House Guests who already were eliminated and sitting in the house. A few minutes later, feeds were back on Matt and the others still in the contest. 

Oh why won't they let us see Matt's penis ? How can it be no nudes have leaked of him (or Hisam) ????

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44 minutes ago, Ali Gator said:

About four hours in, handsome, hunky, sexy Olympic swimmer had to pee. So he told those in charge of the 'live feeds' "I have to pee, so I'm going to take IT out..."  The live feed cameras cut to the House Guests who already were eliminated and sitting in the house. A few minutes later, feeds were back on Matt and the others still in the contest. 

How long did it take until there was a winner? I probably would've just pissed my pants. Not bothered to take it out. I could win that sort of thing. As long as I used my left hand. I have some minor issues with my right wrist so there's no way I could keep it on a button long at all.

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This is what I read in an online article. The previous Pressure Cooker competition was in season 6. 

This year, houseguest Cameron Hardin was named HOH after staying in the Pressure Cooker for approximately 13 hours and 50 minutes. He was the last one standing against audience favorite, America Lopez.

The pair were just minutes shy of breaking the Pressure Cooker record, which is 13 hours and 53 minutes.

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This week's "live eviction" episode had to be one of the worst episodes in its 23 year history. A ridiculous 'superpower' which erased the eviction of Jag. It's like the producers have no idea how to stretch this season to 100 days - so they'll try anything stupid.

Saving Grace - beautiful camera shots of Matt's sculpted chest. I wonder if Matt is instructed by the directors to wear his shirts unbuttoned and puff out his pecs ? 

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Last night was the Power of Eviction - a contest so easy, a blindfolded cat could do it. Jared wins the HoH, and has put up Red and Cameron (again). Cameron wins PoV, uses it on himself - so Jared puts up Jag...again. Tells Jag he's not the target - Red is, and Cameron next week. Boring.

Over the weekend, Jared was talking to Cory (that cute one-foot-out-of-the-closet Twink) about possible noms.  During the live feeds, he referred to Cory's ally America as 'the R-word', breaking the rules of conduct in BB House (just as Luke did when he dropped the N-word on his fifth day). He later apologized to Cory for using the R-word on America.

Social media erupted -demanding Jared be removed from the house, just like Luke was. CBS said they 'investigated' the issue, and there is no proof that Jared said the word. (HE EVEN APOLOGIZED FOR USING IT - WTF CBS ?) Fans have been in an uproar all weekend - if Jared stays, then bring Luke back (they've demanded). 

Just goes to show how CBS producers are manipulating the outcome of this game. They will do anything to bring Jared, his mom Cyrie and new BFF Felicia to the 'final 3'.  Sorry - he admitted saying the R-word so it's time to boot his ass out.

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On 9/4/2023 at 7:28 PM, Ali Gator said:

Over the weekend, Jared was talking to Cory (that cute one-foot-out-of-the-closet Twink) about possible noms.  During the live feeds, he referred to Cory's ally America as 'the R-word', breaking the rules of conduct in BB House (just as Luke did when he dropped the N-word on his fifth day). He later apologized to Cory for using the R-word on America.

Social media erupted -demanding Jared be removed from the house, just like Luke was. CBS said they 'investigated' the issue, and there is no proof that Jared said the word. (HE EVEN APOLOGIZED FOR USING IT - WTF CBS ?) Fans have been in an uproar all weekend - if Jared stays, then bring Luke back (they've demanded). 

Just goes to show how CBS producers are manipulating the outcome of this game. They will do anything to bring Jared, his mom Cyrie and new BFF Felicia to the 'final 3'.  Sorry - he admitted saying the R-word so it's time to boot his ass out.

I also saw a later clip from the live feeds of Cirie repeating something Matt had said and using a voice that sounded like she was mimicking Matt's voice, which is a result of his deafness. Yeah, I'm real unhappy with the whole Cirie/Jared setup all the way.

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It is such a predictable, dull season this year. This is supposed to be a big-deal Season 25 ?  It's horrible. The cast is one of the worst I've ever seen (and I've seen most seasons of the past 25) - the most dull cast ever. The only thing keeping me tuned in each week is Matt's chest and nipples (and don't tell me production is not instructing him to be shirtless throughout the season - they know he's attracting the gay viewers). 


However, I wish production would stay out of the voting and the set-ups. They obviously want Jared and Cirie to be the final 2 - and you know it's going to happen. 

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More controversy over Big Brother - fans are saying Cory voted to evict Jag, but producers dubbed his voice and had him say 'Red'.  After looking at the feeds, it does indeed look like his mouth is saying "Jag" but his voice said "Red". It wouldn't change the outcome of the final vote, but why would CBS do that ???



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The HOH competition had to be the worst one they ever thought of in 25 seasons. They had to watch video of themselves and the others 'farting' in different colors, and then recall the order of colors to score points. One-time journalist Julie Chen Moonves has sunk to a new low when she's resorting to asking what color farts the contestants witnessed. The houseguests looked mortified to play along with this game, except for Bowie Jane - who seems to have the maturity level of a 10 year old kid in the school playground. She thought the clips were hilarious. 

Speaking of Julie Chen Moonves, when she looks into the camera each week and closes the show with "Love One Another", is she thinking of the hundreds of people who were put out of work in 1998, when her husband Les Moonves (then president of CBS) canceled the hit show 'Cybil' because the star, Cybil Shepherd, wouldn't have an affair with him ? Not showing too much love for everyone who was abruptly put out of work back then, eh Julie ? 

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MEANWHILE.... This week's HoH Cam (who is not aligned with anyone right now, since Red was evicted last week) has made a 'bold move' and as Julie Chen likes to say, "Has turned the house upside down."  He nominated Felicia and Izzy - a genius move.  Jared won Power of Veto, but is uncertain if he wants to use it. He fears if he does use it (on Felicia) , then Cam will put up his mother Cirie. If noms stay the same, Felicia fears she will be sent home. 


Cam should win this season - he's playing a great game. 

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A lot of attention has been on houseguests Cory, 21 and America, 27. The past few weeks they have become a  couple, though college student Cory has said he doesn't want a showmance. He doesn't want to have sex with her, but America keeps pressuring him (especially because they spend time together in bed relaxing most of the day). Yet, America keeps pushing herself on him, wanting him to be more intimate with her (I don't believe he has even kissed her yet). Social media is laughing this off as a 'showmance'. 


Imagine if the roles were reversed. Imagine if it was a 27 year old man in the house pressuring a 21 year old female college student into having sex - even though the 21 year old has made it very clear they don't want to have sex with him. Viewers would be up in arms over this (as they should be) demanding that the 27 year old be removed from the house for being a sexual predator. Who would be laughing this off as a 'showmance' like they are doing today ? Why would CBS allow this to go on, and make it appear to be 'cute' to audiences ? 



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