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First phone call

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I'm sure it depends on the guy (on both ends) of an initial phone call, but I'm curious about some general guidelines, if you can suggest them. On the one hand, when calling a scort for the first time, you don't want to talk-talk-talk. On the other, you should show SOME interest in THEM, to get SOME sense of the guy. How much is just right? What are fair questions?


I'd say I'm impessed with them for whatever reason, if I know something about their interests I may comment on them, then discuss their availability (times/places), limits, and what each is into.


Some guys are SO nice; they seem interested in a little bit of a friendly phone call. Others immiediately ask where you are and if you're looking for a meeting right then--otherwise they say call when you want to meet (which seems to me to be a BIG red flag! in my opinion, this suggests a guy does not want to establish ANY rapport--and probably won't if you meet either).


To me, two minutes seems cool.


Any thoughts on appropriate topics, lengths of first calls, and what it says is a scort entertains a brief conversation versus those who what their meeting NOW, or leave them alone.

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I screen out a number of clients as a result of their first email or phone call. The main reason is that it doesn't sound like a professional communication. There can be 100 subcategories of that. But generally I expect inquiries to be matter-of-fact and to involve things like dates, times, interests, price. Just like if I was calling to get a gutter fixed or a dishwasher repaired. This should only take a few minutes.


The vast majority of clients - I'd guess 95 percent - that contact me seem to be able to handle this kind of interaction smoothly. So the 5 percent that can't or won't really stick out like a sore thumb, and they are easy to screen out.


Generally, if the person on the other end of the phone sounds interesting and engaging, I'll end up talking to them longer -sometimes I've gotten into some long discussions setting up a first meeting, and it helped to set the tone for a good call. On the other hand, if they sound uninteresting, I end the call as quick as I can, and we usually don't meet.


My favorite moron question is, "So tell me something about yourself." I usually respond with, "Well, what would you like to know?" The last guy I asked this to answered, "How about a physical description." Geez, isn't that what the pictures you said you saw on the Internet are for? If people act like they are totally ignorant, they usually are. I don't enjoy having to hold up flash cards for clients. So the idea of referring to things you already know about escorts from this site makes a lot of sense, because it shows you bothered to find out something about them, and that you are serious.


Being human and vain, I love flattery. A lot of clients will start conversations with something like, "Geez, your pictures are hot" or "You get great reviews," and then after buttering me up they slide in one or two questions they really want answers to after that. I always want to meet with these guys, because they are sophisticated. Or I am vain. Or both.


And I think any question is fair, as long as I can give an evasive answer. :-)



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On the other side of the coin, there are some questions that I become a little suspicious if they are not asked. Which ones varies from time to time, I guess, because yesterday a hot little fire plug didn't ask me what I looked like before he came over and I knew he hadn't seen a picture. I let him come anyway, thinking that there was a 40% chance he either wouldn't show up or would turn back at the door. Boy, am I glad I did - hot, hot, hot. And if I'm at all suspicious and want to give you directions by landmarks instead of numbers, don't insist on knowing enough about me that you could mail me something. That really sets off my security-dar.

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Nowadays I usually make my initial contact via email, but before the internet I had a fairly routine script for a first phone call. I would give my name, explain where I found out about him, say when I wanted to get together, and ask where he was located in the city (since I always go to the escort). All of that established that I was serious about an appointment. If he was available and could entertain at his place, then I would tell him a lttle about my sexual interests and ask whether they jibed with his. If that was OK, then I would ask him to tell me more about himself, particularly if his print ad had no photo or stats. I pride myself on being able to pick up a lot about a person just from listening to his voice, and if his answers seemed appropriate, I would go ahead to make a date; sometimes his voice would be enough of a red flag for me to decline to go further. The fact that he didn't want a longer chat wasn't a negative for me, but if he obviously didn't want to answer the questions, I worried about his professionalism. One thing I always confirmed verbally was exactly what his fee was and how long an appointment I wanted.


As for guys who want to talk only about an immediate get-together, I suspect that they are not very organized businessmen, but often an immediate get-together is exactly what I want, so it's not a problem.

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The long and short of it


Typical questions I ask when we did not speak on line first are mostly ice-breakers:


What site did they find me under (no one really recalls or they mention sites I am not listed at, such as Rent Boy);


What are they looking for/interested in/when and for how long;


Like Charlie, I make up my mind about clients depending on how they come across. I have decline to pursue something when I got the feeling that the client, who wanted an immediate session, was under the influence of excessive drug use or something else which set of a warning bell. Generally, these are late hour pages, and I tell them simply it's too late for me to host or too late for me to travel. I suggest someone else or I ask them if they would like to call me another time. These guys rarely do.


I get asked any number of questions. I cannot think of anything I have ever declined to answer. Generally, they want to talk about what I like to do or what turns me on.


As for length, I tend to speak to clients for the purpose of establishing a rapport. I think they get a better feel for me and I believe I can provide them better service. I also have an excellent memory and I think it ads to the experience that I can ask them about a business deal they told me about two months, how their son's first day of college went, about their purchase of a summer home in Palm Springs, or their current golf handicap (these are all topics which have common up with my regular clients here in Palm Springs over the last few days even though I have not seen some of these clients in two or more months).


I have had several long telephone conversations before meeting clients and have continued to do so. However, I think I (and escorts like me) tend to be the exception. I am a firm believe in good rapport and good service to my clients. I am very loyal to them and they to me. I do not think it implies badly on an escort if he does not want to engage in long conversations so long as his services are rendered professionally and with consideration. I do think some ground work should be established: likes, limits, fees, etc.



everyone wants sex but no one wants to pay for it.


UPDATED 09/04/2002 - http://www.gaydar.co.uk/francodisantis

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When I first started hiring escorts, a little more than a year ago, I was using an agency that had the escort call you to discuss the particulars. One was very "place, time, fee oriented; the other was incredibly personable and just from his manner I had good feelings about meeting him. Actually, I met both of these escorts, but the second one was definitely the pick of the litter.


From a marketing standpoint, I think the "purely business" approach of the first escort probably wouldn't engender much business with me these days. A friendly conversation that gives me some idea of the personality of the escort is usually the clincher (since I've most likely already seen some photos before the conversation.)

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Some of the inability to ask the "right" questions can easily be attributed to nervousness on the part of the caller. It seems to me that the escort is the "professional" and should want to set the caller at ease. Typically, there are some very basic questions that the escort should be prepared to answer, or even volunteer if the caller is not too articulate! "Tell me something about yourself" may not be the brightest question, but it does give the escort his cue to promote what he offers.

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RE: The long and short of it


>What site did they find me under (no one really recalls or

>they mention sites I am not listed at, such as Rent Boy);


Bear in mind that at least one site has republished escort

ads that have appeared elsewhere, without telling the escort

in advance. I once told an escort that I'd found him on

bigcocksociety.com (a site the escort hadn't heard of before).

To his credit, he didn't tell me I had to be mistaken.

He checked out bigcocksociety.com after we spoke, and saw

that his ad was indeed there. They had copied his ad from

another site.

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To those of us who are trying to get a real, personable conversation going on both sides so we can feel out each other's personalities, an overly broad question sometimes sounds like it should translate to, "Please launch into your prerecorded sounding spiel." :p

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Big Cock Society


>To his credit, he didn't tell me I had to be mistaken.

>He checked out bigcocksociety.com after we spoke, and saw

>that his ad was indeed there. They had copied his ad from

>another site.


Thank you for pointing this out, particularly with this site. Michael Brandon and other escort who participate in a list serv I belong to have all indicated that they were listed on this site without noitice or without permission.


I have also heard this with respect to some other sites, including one which if they were publishing pictures of me that are as old as they are publishing for certain well-known adult film performers, I would be very unhappy.


So for the clients, it is a good, cautionary note to make sure they are going to a site such as AmericanMale, which lists updated and new listings, or to this site, which recently has been taking the trouble to contact and confirm with the reviewed escorts their telephone numbers, email address, rate and other basic information (now listed in front of the reviews), to make sure the client can fine the escort of their choice who is STILL actively available and his most recent photographs, etc.

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Guest jwraustin

I agree that in the initial phone conversation a rapport needs to be established before I will book a client. I dont book take every call I get, since I want to be sure both my prospective client and I are going to be the right for each other. I really enjoy clients with whom I can make that "spark" on the phone. If I can get a good rapport with a client in a phone conversation, its going to be a good session for the client.


The calls I really dont like are the very dry ones that just want to know your rates, dick size, and just how fast they can get together. And I wont even go into the late night, drunk callers...that's another story entirely.


Jon Dean


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Whether it be personal terms or business, treating a potential client clinically is a bad idea, that is unless the client prefers it as such. I've always taken the time to really get to know my guys in hopes that things will be comfortable and go smoothly from beginning to end.


Honestly, it's what makes this profession so interesting: Listening to everyone's stories/quirks and who they really are underneath everything. When a client shares something personal with me it's much more than just regular chit-chat. It's the beginnings of trust. Trust is key in an escort-client relationship and it's a main goal with any fella i've been with.


Take the time to truly get involved with your client~ know his likes and dislikes, music tastes, background and little intricacies that makes him 'unique.' It's when you lump your clients into one huge pile that bad things tend to happen and one might be inclined to be called 'jaded.'



Too many escorts forget that their clients are bright, loving, worldly people... Never sell them short. Some of the best people i've ever met in my life have been my clients~ i consider myself pretty damn lucky in that respect ;)




Put simply: Conversate... Listen and learn!




Warmest Regards






Benjamin Nicholas



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The following phone call happened to me, again, yesterday. I can quote it nearly verbatim since I have rehearsed it with so many people.


Me: Hello.


Him: Hello. Who is this?


Me: Well, who were you calling? (Note: I know it should be 'whom' but that sounds fake, doesn't it?)


Him: Well, I don't know. This guy told me that I should call this number.


Me: Well, ask him who you were supposed to talk to. (Click.)


Can you see how he raised my distrust right from his first sentence? And how, in a business where many of us code our responses to the name asked for, refusing to ask for a name puts you into an unreal category I have no answer for? On the same afternoon, I was put into nearly the same situation by someone who called, got my answering machine and said nothing but his phone number. Since he happened to call while my Cub and I were out at lunch celebrating our fourth anniversary (And we're finally moving in together), I didn't call him back right away and when I did, he had evidently moved on as there was no answer - machine or otherwise. Since I didn't know which one of me he had called, and since I had no idea who(m) I was calling, imagine my predicament. So I was just as glad that there was no answer.


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