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On 9/9/2021 at 5:43 PM, Danny-Darko said:

It's not as odd as you may think, that's why the guys you requested videos from are pretty cool with it. It may not be common but it's not unheard of. Just many don't talk about their fetishes and what turns them on, so we don't hear about many things unless we move in certain kink circles. The LGBT "community" is full of subcultures within a subculture. 

My interests in public toilets stems from it's where I first noticed men's genitals and later on discovered homosexual sex. It's where I saw my first uncircumcised dick in real life peeing next to me. I knew what it was in theory and had seen diagrams and drawings in text books and library books. Till one day there it was right there next to me urinating while I snuck glances out of the corner of my eye! 

Toilet functions are a very personals and private matter in our Northern American society unlike some other cultures. In the public toilet/shower room setting the private becomes more communal and maybe even social to some degree. As a young pubescent male these things intrigued me. I might have hated Gym Class but I loved the obligatory shower afterwards. I recon this is where my voyeuristic tendencies all started.     

The two most vulnerable moments for a human male: When he’s taking a shit and when he’s cumming~ Powerful moments 

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I came out at a very early age, and at that point public toilets were the only places I knew of to meet men, so of course they became somewhat fetishized for me. The first time I was picked up and taken home for serious making out was at the men's room of the Port Authority bus terminal in NYC, but as soon as I was old enough to go to bars and found out where to cruise outdoors, I stopped cruising in men's rooms, so it's really more of a nostalgic memory than a fetish for me.

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  • 1 year later...
On 1/7/2023 at 12:16 PM, Danny-Darko said:

When roommates are close and they both gotta go! 

2 Rommies 1 BR.jpg

Also a cultural thing I see here in the states is how “quiet” guys are in the Loo… it’s like suddenly you’re not supposed to know each other or acknowledge that you’re there together all doing the same stuff even though you are. You’re not supposed to look at each other, and you’re not supposed to talk… I’m constantly reprimanded for breaking both of those rules… Haters gonna hate I guess… whatever~   
 I mean really, the more quiet you try to be the more obvious what’s going on becomes… It makes taking a dump and pissing so much more obvious~ 😂🤣😂  
  When I was in Wisconsin over Thanksgiving, I went to a Chinese buffet with my brother from another mother, and after eating I made a trip to the bathroom. I was sitting in the stall, and there was somebody in the stall next to me. They were the only two stalls there, but there were a number of urinals. Some guy walks in and says. “Jesus Christ: flush it bro~ You stink~ Jesus~!”  
 I burst out laughing… I was pretty much done with the big job and so I flush the toilet… And he says “thank you, bro”~ 😂🤣😂  I said, “I can’t take credit for all that stink brother… There’s somebody else here with us and he just grunted out a bomb”… and I knocked on the wall of the stall next to me~ The guy was silent but, the two of us were laughing~  the stall guy was pretending like he wasn’t there… 😂🤣😂. Completely silent~ 
 I came out of the stall and the guy who said it was stinky was washing his hands… We were both laughing, and he reached out to shake my hand and I said “no not really… we’re not that close~” and that was even funnier~   
 it was all very funny~  I chatted with him for bit about american toilet habits: He is an Italian guy, (from Italy… the real deal: not that Italians who are not from Italy are fake Italians but, there’s a difference). 
 Elevators the same thing~ The first thing I do when I go into an elevator is turn around so I can look everybody in the eye, and say “hello” and wish them a happy day… I Usually say something like: Men’s fashion second floor… toys on the 4th floor and you’ll find sexy lingerie on the floor…”   
 Until that happens, nobody in that fucking car is smiling or laughing… what kind of way is that to start off the day…?
  Sourpuss is no way to start the day~ It’s okay to laugh and be happy together~  (even in toilets or elevators).

Edited by Tygerscent
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5 hours ago, Tygerscent said:

Also a cultural thing I see here in the states is how “quiet” guys are in the Loo… it’s like suddenly you’re not supposed to know each other or acknowledge that you’re there together all doing the same stuff even though you are. You’re not supposed to look at each other, and you’re not supposed to talk… I’m constantly reprimanded for breaking both of those rules… Haters gonna hate I guess… whatever~   
 I mean really, the more quiet you try to be the more obvious what’s going on becomes… It makes taking a dump and pissing so much more obvious~ 😂🤣😂  
  When I was in Wisconsin over Thanksgiving, I went to a Chinese buffet with my brother from another mother, and after eating I made a trip to the bathroom. I was sitting in the stall, and there was somebody in the stall next to me. They were the only two stalls there, but there were a number of urinals. Some guy walks in and says. “Jesus Christ: flush it bro~ You stink~ Jesus~!”  
 I burst out laughing… I was pretty much done with the big job and so I flush the toilet… And he says “thank you, bro”~ 😂🤣😂  I said, “I can’t take credit for all that stink brother… There’s somebody else here with us and he just grunted out a bomb”… and I knocked on the wall of the stall next to me~ The guy was silent but, the two of us were laughing~  the stall guy was pretending like he wasn’t there… 😂🤣😂. Completely silent~ 
 I came out of the stall and the guy who said it was stinky was washing his hands… We were both laughing, and he reached out to shake my hand and I said “no not really… we’re not that close~” and that was even funnier~   
 it was all very funny~  I chatted with him for bit about american toilet habits: He is an Italian guy, (from Italy… the real deal: not that Italians who are not from Italy are fake Italians but, there’s a difference). 
 Elevators the same thing~ The first thing I do when I go into an elevator is turn around so I can look everybody in the eye, and say “hello” and wish them a happy day… I Usually say something like: Men’s fashion second floor… toys on the 4th floor and you’ll find sexy lingerie on the floor…”   
 Until that happens, nobody in that fucking car is smiling or laughing… what kind of way is that to start off the day…?
  Sourpuss is no way to start the day~ It’s okay to laugh and be happy together~  (even in toilets or elevators).

I can see myself doing the exact same thing in an elevator.  But I don't have the charm or charisma to pull it off without getting disturbed looks from the other passengers!

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I went to college in a small city in farm country, where it turned out that one of the main pick-up places for locals was the men's room in the basement of the school library. I discovered that one evening when I took a break from study to use the men's room, and found myself playing footsie with someone in the next stall. He turned out to be an alumnus about five years older than I was. So I occasionally I went there to try my luck. However, one day I realized that the guy I was playing footsie with was one of my professors! I never went back there.

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That is an eerily similar story to mine, from the college town to the cruisy mens room in the library basement, Although there were also a couple of locals who frequented there to pick up college boys.  They would sometimes leave a magazine in one of the stalls (like Blue Boy or Mandate), then watch from the study area to see who picked it up and would motion to go back into the mens room.  The one time I took the bait, the guy sucked me off like a pro and swallowed my load. I came so hard I could barely walk!  Hot times indeed! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/9/2023 at 6:29 PM, dotwla said:

Are there any sites for this fetish. Single, buddies, and groups but not scat. Just one of the most private forms of make bonding and vulnerability to be enjoyed. Would love to see videos and be a voyeur to the action or interaction

I’m with you. Not into scat but there’s something really hot about watching a handsome muscular dude sitting on the toilet, grunting their way through a power dump. I’ve requested a few guys in the past to do this on video. 

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