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Hottest Massage Video Ever?

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The slow and gentle release. When a masseur does this to me like this... it’s all over. The slower and gentler the touch I’m done. Gentle finish

Amazing video! Thank you for posting. This is exactly the kind of massage I love; I agree that the slow and gentle touch is what pushes me over the edge. And the guy on the table is hot!!

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Does anyone start a massage wearing their underwear? I’m intrigued by this and want to try but I’m afraid it might send a signal to a masseur to not rub my butt and elsewhere.


the reason I find it intriguing is because I like to send a signal to a spa that I’m new to massage and it makes even me think what is coming next is an unknown.

Underwear on

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Does anyone start a massage wearing their underwear? I’m intrigued by this and want to try but I’m afraid it might send a signal to a masseur to not rub my butt and elsewhere.


the reason I find it intriguing is because I like to send a signal to a spa that I’m new to massage and it makes even me think what is coming next is an unknown.

Underwear on

I might try that with a guy I'd been with before and I knew it was progressing to more, but IMHO it sends too strong a signal that you're looking for just therapeutic.

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I might try that with a guy I'd been with before and I knew it was progressing to more, but IMHO it sends too strong a signal that you're looking for just therapeutic.

What about at a spa where there really isn’t just therapeutic? I’d secretly love to have my masseur remove my underwear and see my erection flop out.

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Why not have women in gay porn if it lends to a narrative? They do exist in the world you know. LOL.


1.)In many current gay porns, the acting is terrible. I don’t need to see a “narrative” of “real life” or women in it. I live real life every day and see women every day....


2.) My original post was about women infiltrating in spaces that were dedicated to gay men in-general, extending beyond porn, and I stand firm in my opinions about it.


3.) On a larger perspective, I think that women invade gay male spaces, as a means of avoiding their straight male counterparts, or using us to make them more comfortable.


Here are some of my annoying examples:

a.) porn: Women have touted for years how exploitative to women, and degrading porn is.... for THEM. Their judgments seem to go out the window, when they can be a paid extra in a gay porn, where a man could be exploited and degraded in the exact same capacity... (HIPOCRISY)


b.) bachelorette parties in gay strip clubs: your average gay guy who goes to a strip club wants to see dancers gyrating and twerking (and whatever else), not a group of drunk bridesmaids, cackling like hens with tiaras on, groping and humping on EVERYONE, with the imaginary concept of “Vegas.” Take your butts to Chippendales and scram.


c.) The Gym: I had a coworker who said that that she loves going to my gym, because it’s loaded with gay guys and she doesn’t have to worry about any guys checking her out. Well guess what? You’re probably haphazardly in the way of guys checking each other out. This one dude was literally looking at my butt on the squat rack, getting ready to come over to flirt and then here she comes, chatting me up, blocking my action. Whatever happened to “Curves”, and that women’s only gym from the 80s called “Spa Lady”? Lol... my mom used to love that place...


And mind you.... some of my gym locations have unisex saunas and steam rooms. Guys (of all sexual orientations), immediately leave if a woman comes in and is alone with her, because of the risk of a “me too”, type of allegation. So yes, imagine sitting in the sauna, with your towel wrapped up with your legs crossed, can’t even let your nuts breathe because of making some woman “uncomfortable”.


bottom line up front... just like women want their free spaces away from men, I want my free space away from them.

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If you want a masseur to start a massage while you're wearing underwear (or draped with a towel, which is easier), and then gradually slide his hands under the towel or the underwear, JUST TELL HIM THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT HIM TO DO, and turn the session into a scripted role-play. I've done that, and we both enjoy it. I also tell him to begin the massage in his underwear, and then take it off without my knowledge, and suddenly appear, standing directly in front of me, with his junk in my face. Very sexy and lots of fun!

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What about at a spa where there really isn’t just therapeutic? I’d secretly love to have my masseur remove my underwear and see my erection flop out.


You know it’s no longer a secret, right?


And with respect @NYMassageAddict, an erection should spring out. An erection should never “flop out”.


All that said, I wonder if this would enable your fantasy:

wear your underwear (maybe tight briefs?);

as the masseur starts, tell him you‘ve only ever been treated by women but you’ve always dreamed of being massaged by a man;

add that you don't want your briefs/underwear to restrict him;

tell him you want full service and he can take off your briefs etc whenever he wants


Good Luck, and please report back when you succeed.

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If you want a masseur to start a massage while you're wearing underwear (or draped with a towel, which is easier), and then gradually slide his hands under the towel or the underwear, JUST TELL HIM THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT HIM TO DO, and turn the session into a scripted role-play. I've done that, and we both enjoy it. I also tell him to begin the massage in his underwear, and then take it off without my knowledge, and suddenly appear, standing directly in front of me, with his junk in my face. Very sexy and lots of fun!

I appreciate this advice but, my scenario is a little different.

1) I only go to spas which can mean English challenges


2) I go there because I love the spa setting that there are no discussions of extra activities. Put plainly, I dream of not knowing what is happening next. It is almost everything to me. If I’ve scripted it out, a huge piece of the turn on is over.

3) the masseurs don’t wear underwear while massaging. If one wanted to remove his, id want him to do that on his own without me scripting it.


This is why I bounce around to different spas seeking new masseurs and scenarios because as soon as something becomes scripted, it has decreased my excitement.

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That must make it impossible for you @NYMassageAddict. You have to find an erotic masseur with exceptional psychic abilities.

No. I don’t mind if I have a few “misses” from my dream scenario. The hunt is as much fun for me. I’m glad you have a different approach of asking and role play. Good for you. I just choose a different path.

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