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Everything posted by Alex93108

  1. report back to us . just check and make sure he’s not having a G withdrawal ( that happened to me with a different provider )
  2. Works intrabank? Does it reveal names ? No sane American would use that. He was really happy to get cash , more happy than the actual sex and appointment . It did make him smile
  3. We have versions of that — Zelle from Bank of America, Venmo , hell I could make a transfer with just a swift code \ IBAN but no way in hell I’m doing that . I’m curious what’s used in the UK
  4. I was hoping @Jamie21could chime in on this or other folks from the UK. My last appointment in London with a new person asked for "a bank transfer" which I thought was odd. Is that the done thing? As someone from the states, I am accustomed to paying cash, though if I was going to do a bank transfer is this a internal UK bank thing? Is there a popular payment app used by UK / EU providers? . i personally would never use a a bank transfer for privacy purposes. Also on my last visit there since there was such a gap because of covid, I had a a bunch of paper, non polymer £20, which were not taken too well, fortunately, said provider just wanted to get paid, so I settled with a mix of US$ and €). I have even had a foreigner who was once in London not want Scottish £ but we won't get into that.
  5. PNP? Well I suppose some people are into that
  6. Very decent of you. I have a provider relationship ( in London) that I hope to similarly transition, I don't know if he's open to it, but I will suggest it. I actually enjoy talking to him more than the actual sex and appointment bit. There are some people that you just click more on a friend level than sexual level. But I have heard of this happening before we are human after all.
  7. @Jamie21i know some young pretty London boys that do travel at clients expense. Mykonos, Mallorca and Ibiza seem to be the places (and its seasonal ), I'm guessing 2-3 days. I have also seen them been taken to Dubai and India ( Delhi & Bombay/Mumbai) , for multi day trips. A few boys shared with a group of 2-3 guys. Sounds exhausting to me. The kind of hiring is do is 1-3 hours alone time with 1 guy. That to me is much more intimate.
  8. I personally would not pay a deposit for anything - not the hottest guy and consider that a red flag. I will offer to get an uber for the guy. Thats about it.
  9. I personally don’t like the look of his eyes. Looks like he’s on something ? I could be wrong. I have gotten better at making hires I personally would not hire based on his pics on rent massuer - looks like he is coming off something
  10. For those of you going to London the party to go to the the We party, which aptly is in Brixton. A provider told me about this party. Personally I would need to be high on meth to attend or appreciate it. It goes on for 3 days!
  11. I was in Brazil a few months ago, and most providers there are triple vaxed, often with a mix. 2 shots of Astra Zeneca + 1 shot of Pfizer or 2 shots of pfizer + 1 shot of moderna. I also noticed that most middle class people in Brazil are triple vaxed ( in Sao Paolo ) this was back in July! - definitely influenced me to get 3X as soon as I got back to the US and it was available.
  12. Ok thats low. Thanks, @Jarrod_Uncut for keeping it real. In an update, finally got over the bad sex in London with fantastic sex bad back in he US. I just need the memory of this bad boy erased the next time i am back in London, will be doing more dillgent hiring ( with hopefully a great provider) when I back in there in a few months otherwise I will tainted with his memory . I am sure London has a fantastic top I can find attractive ? Or even playful bottom. To be continued. Great sex cancels out bad sex. Bad appointments are costly, because that means I will need another one to correct the experience.
  13. Called my travel agent who books my travel ( I use them for more high end stuff). Had this pipe dream of going to Sydney and Auckland at the end of this year. Naturally all the flights cancelled, so I was able to get my money back ( in the thousands, these were business class tickets) I have money to spend, if the the Aussies and Kiwi's don't want it, its their loss…...
  14. And I wonder , do the providers actually get paid for the chemsex / PNP or is the drugs payment ? I would imagine in a state of high the client would forget that the meter is running and the provider would be to high to care
  15. I agree with the grass is always greener comment . - How loyal is your client base and are you prepared to start over ? - Before i started taking a risk in my life to do what i do now , I tested the landscape. What i would advise you to do is experiment - pick places where you want to live and try it out with the option of coming back Hiring requires a certain amount of disposable income , my advice would be to pick communities that are wealthy that are underserved that you like . I was in Santa Fe NM last month and was surprised how few talent there is there given the number of wealthy people that have homes there who would hire .
  16. And I thought I had a bad appointment. The worse appointment was when the escort could not get it up and turned out to be tired. A con job? damn and this….. Photos not accurate. Would not kiss, despite profile's "I am into" section proclaiming otherwise. Rushed me out after my completion even though we only spent about 15 min together. His ass was unclean and smelled as well.
  17. Personally I would combine this with a sex date after , to get the most from the experience
  18. @sjmuktop In an effort to help me understand this North London escort's predicament, i picked up DavidSF 's book ( David Whichman - Every Grain of Sand) which was recently released off amazon. It was a a little hard for me to read, especially the early chapters, because I had a much different upbringing.. He describes his journey. the 20 year addiction to Tina as an Escort in San Francisco, how he hit rock bottom and turned his life around. For providers in a similar problem ( or if you know of friends struggling) I recommend picking it up if you are looking for a role model. Also available on book on tape for people who don't like to read. The sense I got was that this escort in London did not want to take G or other stuff, but it was part of the job, and necessary to secure lucrative long, repeat appointments in London, and travel appointments to the continent etc, with the kind of clientele one finds in London that pays for those kind of engagements. Its almost expected, according to what this kid told me. Is it possible to be a successful provider and decline these appointments? I don't know. I typically hire 2-3 hour appointments, but I imagine the escorts in London would much prefer overnights that start at £1000 or more, not a client like me who visits London a 3-5 times a year, and hires for maybe 2-3 hours. So the lesson is : active screening of providers to see if they are druggies or high, because at best you will end up feeling lousy for a week or two, plus guilt as @sjmuktop and I have experienced. At worse, the provider could OD in your presence as happened to Andrew Gilum, former candidate for Governor of Florida, or even die, in your presence. https://www.tallahassee.com/videos/news/2020/04/22/andrew-gillum-video-police-miami-beach-hotel-room/3006051001/ No one needs that kind of drama, stress or hassle.
  19. @Jarrod_Uncut All good points. I guess i want to feel less shitty about the whole thing. The encounter left me disturbed for almost a week, which is the opposite of what an encounter should do. Talking about it here is part of my recovery from the bad appointment. The provider may have a chemsex drug problem and may not be cut out to do this line of work. I felt really sorry for him, and also guilty for hiring, because I felt like I was contributing to his misery ( though he was really happy when I paid him). The sex itself was meh, but he was very attractive, hot and handsome. The appointment turned into me counseling him ( again, opposite of what an encounter should be) I am going back to London in a few months. Maybe things got better? I don't know. This all depends if he got any new reviews and what they say, and whether on not his profiles are still alive when I back there in a few months. It also depends on what his responses are when I reach out, then I will decide. i respect everyones time. I hinted to him that I may hire him when I am back ( didn't mention that previously) in my feedback. He is already using what I told him in his RM ad, so I know he is already benefiting from my feedback. I just hope he doesn't OD on G, because it seems like he was headed in that direction. @sjmuktop I think is UK based, and knows its very bad over there, and weeding out Chem dependent providers should be part of everyones protocol when hiring especially in the UK/EU, unless thats what you are looking for ( not me). This is the first serious bad appointment I have had. The people I have hired up to now have been serious pros who take the art and profession of providing seriously and with passion so in many ways. Part of my recovery also involves meeting my regular,, who will correct this bad experience for me mentally with a for sure great appointment. I now know that bad appointments are costly - I have to pay for the bad appointment and the great one to fix it.
  20. This one just made me fall off my chair http://badboyreport.kr/2019/12/646-229-5701-646-229-5701/
  21. That was one the key points i mentioned to this boy in London last week in my feedback to him . The best escorts are great actors . I have a few other providers that are so good at this ( thankfully they don’t live in the US) I have to pinch myself and remind myself that it’s not real - I am paying them to be my lover ( by the hour ) The boy i think has a drug problem also - which is probably the downfall of a lot of providers in places like London and Berlin but that’s another topic
  22. I agree sex is the simple part . Even the worst escorts got that down . The absolute worse ones can’t perform Being a good social companion is where the talent lies - in fact i would say the best escorts can combine the two in a one hour appointment and are the best actors I agree most escorts are not very good past pleasantries - the ones that are true gold When i have hired its usually a dinner or drink after sex , or maybe one drink prior
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