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Everything posted by amused1

  1. Hmm, gonna have to say Kris Parkes from NYC. His verbal skills had me shivering. Yes, verbal not oral skills. Also he's stunning handsome.
  2. Years ago a friend of mine explained that he shaved his pubes because he was tired of getting them caught in condoms. That made sense to me.
  3. Since it's all make believe I'd pay $500.00 for any of the following: Andrew Stark Calvin from Sean Cody Colby Taylor former Falcon Studios star All 3 are handsome, bright, and seem to have humorous sides. I like guys who are hot, smart, and fun.
  4. Hmm, had tea with the Irish singer Enya once. Charmingly shy and unassuming. Sang a duet with Judy Collins during a luncheon. As lovely as I had always imagined. Dinner with Anne Rice. A sharply subtle interviewer. Had cocktails with Aretha Franklin and Eartha Kitt. Train wrecks. Played a quintet with Michael Tilson Thomas. Very early in his career. Coffee with Rosie Clooney and Michael Feinstein. They told the funniest, raciest stories. Bill T. Jones at a librarians' gathering where he remembered me from a master class he'd taught, I was by far the oldest dancer in that class. He was daunting. Many others in my decades working in the arts.
  5. Loathe Bobby Flay. Giada reminds me of an extra from a vampire TV show. Rachel? Wretched. Arron, annoyingly biased. I admit to occasionally enjoying Chopped until the sob stories come out before the appetizer round is done. Oh, and the rather elastic application of standards and rules applied by the judges. I do like the actual cooking challenge aspect of the show.
  6. Going back in time... Drew Damon and Mike Conway. Drew was nice, funny, stoned and fucked me like a champ. Mike was also nice and delivered a great experience. Must be the Canadian upbringing. Haha
  7. amused1


    I too have found Hanes to have dropped in quality recently. Very disappointing as they were my go to for years.
  8. Rula hijacks sareen thread! Hair, oops, I mean film at 11.
  9. Hmm, after immorality and hair like Rula Lenska, the genie must have been out of wishes.
  10. Past: Drew Damon Current: Mark Long Slim/Shrug guys with big dicks are my thing.
  11. amused1


  12. Yup, healthy as a horse. Ate a very proper diet (ice cream is a food group isn't it?) I was a test subject for researchers studying body mass indexing and the outlayer results caused by extreme athletes. It was the first time I'd ever experienced dancers grouped with athletes. Our results were similar to gymnasts and divers. No shock to me.
  13. When I was a dancer my bmi stats said I should weigh 35 lbs more than I did. After retiring from dance I did gain about 30 lbs over a 5 year period. 10 years latwr, I'm still between 15-20 lbs over my dancing weight, putting myself in the zone of my proper bmi weight. Weirdly, my Dr wants me to lose 10 lbs. I do a decent amount of activity, biking (slow roll) and hard core manual labor from may-sept. Heart rate, BP, and sugar are good. So are my triglycerides. I eats what I eat, knowing what's healthy and figure a donut is worth losing 10 minutes of drooling time when I'm 79.
  14. Good lord, is it 1993? I have to wonder if he uses wax or jello to keep his dreads in place.
  15. As a service provider right of refusal is a given. Why a provider sets limits is his domain. May it lose him income, maybe. Better to be up front rather than lose potential income by booking and then refusing. JMO
  16. Patty O'Furniture has always been a fav of mine.
  17. If history is anything to go by he has always been client focused.
  18. I loved Dancing on Tisha B'av by Lev Raphael. Then I met him and never enjoyed any of his other works. Sometimes it's best not to meet our heroes.
  19. She was very much a "wommin". When I was assigned her account everyone snickered assuming she'd chew me up. "A man placing orders with her? She'll hate you." Our initial contacts were rather, um, strained shall we say? But she grew to accept my genuine interest and enthusiasm for bringing the gay/lesbian canon to the attention of the reading audience. A lesbian took over the account from me and said that Barbara would ask about me. I considered that high praise indeed.
  20. Barbara was quite a character and could be tough as nails. I remember placing orders with her on the phone way back in the day when I worked for a small regional book chain. During that period I read pretty much every gay novel we carried, the good the bad and the ugly. That helped warm her up to me as she would quiz me on what I'd read and suggest what I should read. I read well over 300 gay works during that 2 year period. So many of the books posters are mentioning are distant, pleasant reminders of days gone by.
  21. In the early 80s I read "The Movie Lover", a nicely written, romanic-ish, escapist novel with some lol dialog. Still remember a line "... whose voice on warm summer nights could call bats from miles around." I doubt its in print any more.
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