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Everything posted by tenderloin

  1. The performance issue is a big one for me. I have been in several situations over the years where the pro refused to cum (especially when hiring early in the day -- gotta save it up for the long night ahead!) or was drained and couldn't cum more than a micro-drop. This is frustrating, especially since I make clear that a nice splash is close to the top of my wish list.
  2. 2003. I was about 38, and in a long-term relationship that had gone sexless. Problem was that I still loved the guy. So I convinced myself that hiring a scort could help me scratch the itch without the risk of it turning into a competing relationship. My first hire was this adorable latino named Kenno from Rentboy, located in a large shared apartment in Queens. He was probably 20, with a beautiful body, smooth dark skin, and sweet demeanor - my ultimate fantasy. I was so nervous I was almost shaking. I filled three condoms that afternoon lol. Funny enough, newly-emboldened me soon found another adorable latino on rentboy and decided to give him a shag. Turns out he lived in the same apartment, in a neighboring room. I asked him if we could get kenno to join us, but he said that they were friends and didn't have sex with each other. Oh what might have been.....
  3. I can't find any substantive input on these guys. Just wondering if someone has taken a ride? https://rentmen.eu/TysonW/#platinum https://rentmen.eu/Yungkingsonn https://rentmen.eu/Caramel_Drizzle https://rentmen.eu/bXoXyL
  4. Yes, but Congress rims that ass every day
  5. This NYC guy seems to fit the bill - has been on my list for a long time. Please PM me if you give him a try https://rentmen.eu/BulgingAngel
  6. Based in New York, and have used to pro section a few times. At the risk of generalizing, I find it a bit sketchier and less reliable than RM. I'd say my experience ran as follows: about 1/3 did what they advertised and were good. 1/3 did not quite match their pics or backed away from some of the things they said they did (ie, kissing, bottoming, etc.) but I muddled through, and 1/3 were scams (nothing like their pics, tried to get money up front, seemed high or threatening or both, etc.). So, use more than your usual caution
  7. Grew up in the '70s. Robbie Benson, Donny Osmond, and Eddie Albert Jr. (see Midway, 1976) were all masturbatory obsessionshttps://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=pohqK4cW&id=3F5997DABA89039C92A0783BB3EE4659BEF22EFF&thid=OIP.pohqK4cWYe8Fs7qFBJjrJQHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2f736x%2f96%2f8b%2f57%2f968b57ecefdf17a179f37d701b09938b.jpg&exph=552&expw=736&q=robbie+benson+shirtless&simid=608032004633329965&ck=329ECA7BF457EC26622F658333AB737D&selectedIndex=8&ajaxhist=0
  8. A little goes a long way. I find a freshly-fucked, gaping pink hole to be a total turn on. Getting an inside-out view of a guy's rectum not so much.
  9. I've wondered about him, too. Almost too good to be true. Yum
  10. Very insightful, Kevin. I had a situation like that with a regular provider who asked for "an advance" that he would work off later. Those later sessions played out just the way you describe, and it ended the relationship.
  11. I had a bunch of days coming up where circumstances would have allowed me to host and I was working on a quite a line up. I had squirreled away a little pile of cash and had all sorts of decadence planned. In light of recent developments (and the incubation period of this damned thing) I am going to abstain and put the slutfest on hold. It kills me to do it, but then again I don't want to get killed doing it.....
  12. Thanks so much - that is reassuring
  13. Any experience? https://rentmen.eu/Hung_Spaniard He's verse, he kisses, has a big dick, and reasonable rates. Feels too good to be true.....
  14. Any experience? https://rentmen.eu/Hawkenhogan
  15. I searched the forum and there did not appear to be any experience, despite this guy having advertised (and used some of the same pics) for years. Any experience?: https://rentmen.eu/AliAlexander
  16. Sexual chemistry is crucial to me. Few things worse than being with a guy who isn't into it. I would rather know that in advance and not have to deal with the disappointing appointment. If he gets my pic and declines, I just think "how awful would it have been to be lying next to him watching him try to get hard....?"
  17. How nice to see folks behaving like mature adults on this site! A misunderstanding followed by an apology. It's a shame that it is so rare, but nice to see it. Good for you, Monty.
  18. I have not been a client of his, but happen coincidently to know him in a completely different setting (I don't know if he knows that I know.....). I can say that, in a non-escort setting, he is a friendly and warm person. I am surprised to see the descriptions of his behavior noted above, but perhaps he was going through a bad patch. I would actually love to hire him, but because of the existing social relationship it would be, to say the least, awkward.
  19. Sounds a little too accommodating. I would do two things - 1. Get some verification of his photos (use the old two-finger selfie approach, or skype, or something like that) so you can be sure he is who he says he is. 2. Tell him that you need him to quote you a specific amount that he would expect
  20. I've given up trying to post reviews in either place -- too much hassle on RM, and too much politics here. But if this guy's pics turn you on, by all means take the plunge. He's the real thing
  21. I have met him a few times. Truly as luscious as his pics suggest, and a very sweet and friendly guy. A little bit shy at first -- methinks he has a girlfriend and may be genuinely bi -- but he does all the m4m stuff like a champ. Heartily recommended.
  22. There is a difference between negotiation of a transaction and seeking an opinion. Given your record of posting in this forum one couldn't expect you to understand that.
  23. Don't ask for opinions if you only want to hear things you agree with.
  24. Mint. Rentmen were more responsive, but as I was outside of central Boston, the outcall rates were pretty insane. I thought I might find cheaper and more local fare on Mintboys, but like I said rarely even got a response.
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