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Everything posted by Jarrod_Uncut

  1. I’ll say too: one thing that peeves me are guys who will contact on an inclement weather day (or late at night Outcall) but when told I’m not able to come out due to the time/weather: they don’t respond back and aren’t available again the next day…or ever. Until two years later out the blue. That’s just so tacky to me. How you gon ask me to meet during a time that’s relatively unsafe/inconvenient, and then go ghost when I try to set up something more reasonable and convenient? I don’t like when people make it seem like meeting them is an all or nothing proposition. Don’t hit me up like some last minute resort. Because I won’t be available. Had someone do that last week. I wasn’t about to go out and meet him when the roads were getting bad, because I would have had to drive all the way back in it. Hasn’t bothered to even reach out at all to reschedule or anything, and didn’t respond when I offered.
  2. Sometimes I feel we can never please everybody. Half are leery because of a rate too low, others pass up because the rate is too high. Why do people make our lives rocket science? A price is a price. It’s no need to be gaslit or cross examined over it every time. The only way I’ve found to fix this, long time ago: Is have more than 1 rate. And then have a menu that outlines clearly what it is. One price doesn’t fit all. I respect some clients want a $150 session, others want a $400 session. I can’t attempt to appease both by charging the same thing hoping it’s what they want to hear. On the flip side, having 1 rates exclusively will cut all the bullshit and make it very non negotiable, which I could see the appeal of that too.
  3. Bravo 🙌🏾 And this is part of the reason I really just prefer to buy my own stuff. Everything in my closet I brought it, my car and hopefully soon enough, my place. I have “too” many clothes as it is, if a client is going to gift me something: it’s given not asked or “coddled” for. I understand the whole “he doesn’t consider himself an escort” cliche but: guys like that I don’t necessarily “hate” but, if they come at me on some “I don’t whore I just have guys buy me stuff” nonsense, then that’s where I’m going to be like 🤨 I personally don’t vibe guys like that because, they’re opportunists. I’ve come across a few every now and then: always good looking, sexy, can come in any race: but they go on dates making the other person pay for everything, while they sit back and contribute little to nothing until you can “prove” yourself to them. I remember couple or so years ago: I went on a date with a guy to Landrys Seafood. It’s like our second meet, and this was his way of me needing to “prove” myself to him. I ordered fish, he ordered fish: then sent it back and got lobster. Fair enough. But a $140 bill was not something I was expecting 😂 eventually he got the point down the line: What he looking to get, he’s not going to find in someone who’s trying to get it themselves. We ended up being friends but…over time I started to feel the one sidedness was too much to deal with. It was mostly all about him. I may be hired fun but, I’m never in the Mind-frame to take advantage of someone. Some of these “non escorts” are professional scam artists in the long run. They know how to get what they want out of dudes…and more power to them. But he who giveth, taketh away. I’ve seen it more than enough. That said I don’t mean to imply this to anyone’s here particular situation. And if it’s fun and mutually consenting, by all means. It’s nothing wrong with doing nice things for others.
  4. hmm, idk about that @Rod Hagen. I currently ask between 1,100-1,200 for overnights and it’s only occasionally that I book them. The average gay dude looking to get fucked isn’t trying to drop $1,000-$2,000. Just like I said about Indian hotel owners: cheap would describe a good amount of gay dudes too. It’s not racism or homophobia, it’s facts. Hell, I’m cheap myself sometimes because it’s what I have to do to survive out here, in an economy that wants more more more from me, yet gay guys lately wanting to pay less less less. Like that song: nothing + nothing = 🤷🏾‍♂️ Even clients who live in million dollar homes, still seem to only want to pay $200 half the time. @Thelatin I would be thrilled to do a 4 day session for $3,000: long as it doesn’t require being hard the entire time 😂 But I’ve been trying to come up with $3,000 all year but most of my bookings have mainly only been up to $500. Even last week I had an overnight: I was able to do a handful of things. Even at $1,100 ($1,200 for out of state travel) I can still do a lot, and ideally I rely on overnights at least 2-3 times a year. Past year I hardly had any, and that affected my finances greatly. I can’t speak for everyone but not everyone can keep up with the joneses and charge female rates. And even for them, I often read on other forums how things are slow because they deal with like 3x the competition that we do. And it gets worse. Even though I’ma loyal RentMasseur member: many of the clients seem to be Craigslist refugees seeking very low prices. I have to tell people all the time, I can’t do stuff for $60/$80. It doesn’t even pay a bill. I’ll spend 2 hours preparing for that, and if I have to book a room: I’m essentially getting nothing. For example:
  5. ugh, no reason why cars rust out prematurely up that way. I brought a vehicle from a friend in Wisconsin couple years ago, and although it’s in mint condition paint and interior wise, the underbody looks like something from 1979 lol. Each summer I try to oil it down to keep it from spreading. Damn that’s a lot of man 🐕 in one space, I’d have to wonder what it smells like 😆 Also not sure what’s up with DC. I went in September and it was dead. If it wasn’t for the couple hits I did have: I’d of been disappointed. I think it’s the costs and maybe the gentrification and crime. I was charged $9 for a cutwater in a can, paid $20 to get into a club with $12 drinks lol. Not to mention just a lot of guys advertising there. People need to realize, these big cities aren’t always where it’s at. It would be nice if ever the gay community reversed and moved out to the suburbs. Turn Reston into the next gay Mecca 😂 This has become common in many cities, and quite the hassle if you’re not aware of it. I still don’t forget that time I was visiting someone in Atlanta, and thought I was paying the parking meter. Turns out, it was for one side of the street and the other side was app only parking owned by shopping plaza (in Chicago and some other cities, you can pay a meter and park basically anywhere in the “zone” if you enter your zone or space number if I remember) I come out and I’m double booted 😂 I can laugh now but, it’s fucking robbery. And that was mild compared to last month: I was fucking a guy and watching movies and cuddling all night, even dipped off to the store for a little more alcohol. Car was fine. Asked him, “if I spend the night here, is there anything I should worry about my car parking here at all?” He’s like, “nah you should be okay” Next morning: I look out the window where I parked and car is gone 🤦🏾‍♂️ Got it back $219 later. It’s like damn, can’t a single gay man have an enjoyable time sometimes without some bullshit? Fucks sake. This is why home ownership or renting is best. Not only have to pay greedy property management companies, but then have to worry about yours and your guests cars at that. Lol when I lived in Florida: anybody getting into the pool/beach in December thru February was always from up north or Canada and would be made fun of lol Now I’m like: if it’s 80 degrees in February, I can get into the water for a “few” minutes. Floridians have no tolerance for cold, but it’s not necessarily a strong point when you have to move or travel elsewhere and 40 feels unbearable lol.
  6. Geeszus Christmas! lol I keep trying to get to Buffalo, but seems like after mid December on point: I’m going to have to take a 4WD to get there. That type of snow reminds me of what Colorado up in the 10,000’ towns would get. Just snow, snow, snow. I learned how to drive in snow fairly quick, but I just don’t like it anymore. The lack of traction and like the lady said: having to slow down. Then half people out there think it’s okay to go regular speed limit or above in those conditions. Nah… Surprisingly though: this time of year I don’t be eager to go to Florida or SoCal yet because: it’s either going to be somewhat chilly or, unless it’s full time relocation, still gotta come back to the winter. Though last year I lucked out and came back from San Diego after Easter: and by then it started warming up everywhere.
  7. Ugh 😩 that would be a situation of: “who’s currently in this hotel and willing to pay” 😂 Tried that in Louisville last winter, didn’t work so well. Just a bunch of fantasists. That courtyard Marriott felt more like a shelter than anything lol.
  8. I felt San Diego to be a bit cold last year when I stayed in March. I could catch a couple hours to run outdoors in a tank top during the day, but soon as the sun set it would feel like freezing. Their winter is like a north Florida/New Orleans weather. Not so much Key West/Wilton Manors. And just to the east is the mountains that do get snow…it just doesn’t make it to sea level.
  9. Lol I was wondering about that because: every time I looked at my iPhone weather cities, Buffalo has showed snow for like the past 5-6 days everyday. Can’t even imagine why 😯 If I was there, I’d be chillin in everyday and just doing incalls lol.
  10. lol I’m sure Kevin would agree but at 36 I’m just glad it’s RentMEN now (albeit not of the same kind).
  11. I guess using solely RentMen is okay in busy markets but, for me I have to be on at least 2-3 other platforms. I don’t particularly vibe for guys trying to book me on the hookup apps. To me that’s playing mind games. If you see my ad, just book me. Don’t try to see if you can get me for cheap or free, or discuss services where prohibited so I can get banned. Which is what I think some of them be trying to do. I had one guy do some slick shit: he hits me up on the app, then sends his number. My messages showed he hit me up before, and sorta gave me the blow off. I didn’t notice until I messaged him again, and it showed up in green. I let him know I text him, then he blocks me. It’s like dude: go somewhere with that non sense. Because that got him blacklisted.
  12. lol I thought you were some of the last remaining guys who used A4A lol.
  13. Well, it was an actual overnight visit price. Now I have done such visits without overnight price, but usually the client has a separate guest bedroom. I was almost going to get a hotel room if it wasn’t going to be an overnight. But I’m not going to sleep on a client’s couch though lol.
  14. I did outcall visit the other night, and I think the high was only 3 that day. But since it was a late evening visit, I was able to suggest that we’d have to do an overnight if I came up because I wasn’t going to want to drive back again at night. So in that case I didn’t mind. Ordinarily I used to be ok driving in snow though. I lived in Denver, and every so often I’d get a call during or right after a big snow. But long as the person was within 10 miles of me in the city I didn’t mind. Other times I was traveling to/from a city and had no choice. I know some people have Jeeps or 4WD and don’t mind. But it’s still the factor of it taking longer to get to a destination and also the way back. I remember one year in April, I was in Milwaukee. I went in the gym and it was dry. Came out the gym and there was like 2-3 inches of snow. Then I got stuck on my way to a client’s hotel trying to go up a bridge. Looking back, I would have just rather booked a room at his hotel and stayed overnight myself.
  15. Just had a rouge storm come thru yesterday in my area that left about 2-3 inches of snow. I had a same day booking request that I was considering to take, but by the time I got the needed details and was about to schedule: the snow started coming down. I checked Google maps and even though the roads in my area were okay, closer to Kansas City I noticed a backup in both directions and an accident. KC seems to always get more snow (and worse drivers 🤢) so I ended up telling him I wouldn’t be able to meet due to the conditions. And it’s not just going there, it’s coming back too. I think if anything: people seem to reach out MORE for outcalls, when it’s snowing. It’s like, no. I’m not 911 or Superman. I know it seems warm and cozy but…it’s not fun being stressed on the way to/from a booking. Same thing with summer thunderstorms. I was on my way to a client last year, the highway turned into a river and a few cars stalled out. He’s blowing up my phone texting like, are you here? Are you close? Are you on your way still??? I didn’t even bother reading his message’s until I pulled up in the driveway. It’s like dude, you see the weather. Fucking chill out and be patient. I don’t like being rushed when the weather is already bad. If a client does want to meet in bad weather: expect to wait an additional 2 to 4 hours, and try to avoid same day booking requests. If the weather is going to bad, planning a day in advance will at least give me a chance to coordinate my timing around it.
  16. I think it’s probably moreso related to the changes over the recent years between sites and of course inflation. The other day I got a “premium” drink in Nashville: $14+1 card fee I noticed later (something the bars in the area have decided to do) and $3 tip. Basically $18. I was like, that’s the price of a whole dinner lol. And this was a weekday night at a karaoke dive bar. I felt like I was on Coronado island at the Lowes lol. What would that have been, $25? Good Lord 🤦🏾‍♂️ At this rate I may have to get an 2nd gig just to afford to go out to gay bars, or stick to mocktails. It’s just becoming too much in some cities. Add the hangovers…and it’s like paying double lol. But 2023 from what I read on other escort resources outside of this forum, have said it was a slow one. I know for me it was, but so far this January has been a decent rebound. Keeping fingers crossed to ride this wave 🌊 🏄🏾‍♂️ into February. @Kevin Slater how much of that % was from RentMen versus A4A?
  17. Thanks, well yeah that’s basically similar to the hub type of strategy. One main city with multiple other regions in close proximity. It can work out well. I haven’t tried those particular areas but, I’ve done some similar ones in other areas and it worked well. However, what I like to do is have one city as the finish line: while including others along the way. Then once I’m ready to leave the destination, I may turn back around and go thru those same areas a 2nd pass. But lot of times I’ll take an alternate and do a new route. Sometimes, but I do know changing cities/regions can really make a difference in my schedule and just overall biz improvement. Like I said a few threads earlier, if I can be in places where I can avoid those particular attributes of a market, I have the ability to do greater in one place over another.
  18. That’s definitely facts, glad you understand. And I know booking the extra night OR waiting until staff does their audit: usually after 4 a.m. is the only way to “win” to ensure not having to checkout the next morning you wake up. I’ve been doing hotels for years. I’ve done checked in at every time of night. Sometimes I’ve gotten nothing but a few hours usage after arriving at wee hour of morning and leaving the next day. Other times I’ve gotten over 24 hours of usage by staying awake until 4 or 5 a.m. to check in. However, not every hotel acknowledges that, and I usually only do that when road trips have unexpectedly landed me into a city far too late to book a room for the night, and it’s already the next day. As long as I got some dick or ass, I was usually satisfied if I only get the hotel a few hours lol.
  19. You’re too busy not minding your business, and stay in mine. Go make your own thread if you want to talk about hillbilly hotels with laundry. Get outta here. Another example of you making unnecessary comments to fuel disagreements and then turn around and claim I’m doing the same.
  20. You answered before I even came back to the thread…the timeline speaks for itself.
  21. Bitch, he didn’t ask you he was asking me. WTF is your point? 🤦🏾‍♂️
  22. Don’t make up lies…that’s not true. I haven’t stayed in either of those hotel names in many months, and only for a day or so. There’s lots of hotel chains who have laundry facilities I was just about to answer your question and mention some options, but then you said: I can’t believe you’d say that about me. I thought we had an understanding about things, especially considering us to be “fellow” guys in the business. Guess not 🤷🏾‍♂️ You can take the devil’s advocate route, or you can be a bit more open minded and try to see the topics for what they are versus simply dubbing them as complaints. There’s no refusal to take well meaning advice, I can accept it. But similar to like you’re saying, don’t tell me: “take this advice” and then include “you’re wrong for this and that, and you need to do this and that”. What good does that do? For example like @azdr0710 said, talking about I’m selfish and unprofessional. Sooooo, a strange woman coming to my door and telling me to pack my bags and get out, 15 minutes after checkout time without even asking or acknowledging my loyalty status is not unprofessional? When SHE SHOULD KNOW earns a late checkout (and when you get it so many times, sometimes you don’t always know which hotels are going to allow or not allow it). And notice how @azdr0710 couldn’t even respond back and ACKNOWLEDGE the statement I said about I was just in the hospital the day before with the flu, and THAT was part of why I was having issues leaving the next morning. And knowing I couldn’t take any other clients until the Tamiflu course was finished, I wasn’t about to sink more money into that room. Didn’t even acknowledge it. He completely ignored that, and kept to his opinion about me, without knowing the facts. And you, have audacity to come on here, and further insult me because I’m not being subservient to people giving me backhanded advice? I don’t even trust half of some on here right now. I see too much fake, phony and 2 faced, and you’re right…why do I even waste my time posting here knowing somebody is going to come along and say some disparaging shit to steer the conversation away from its intended purpose.
  23. This is true…I know in some states like Georgia, there’s a $5/night “highway maintenance” tax. I was like, huh? Rather add it to the hotel bill than make toll booths, I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️ I mention this to someone the other day, sometimes a hotel rate sounds nice until you add the taxes and fees to it. And especially with rented apartments, they often have an advertised rate on 3rd party site, but it’s like double once factoring the fees in. It’s like, why even advertise it at $81 a night 🤦🏾‍♂️
  24. Boy please ✋🏾 Stop. Now you’re instigating and not making any difference in what you claim I’m being. I was not being racist by stating what I’ve experienced staying at SOME hotels run by Indians. Some have been cheap. Yes, there’s nothing racist about it. They were Indians, and they cut corners. I see it all the time. I remember couple months ago I checked into a hotel with stains all on the computer desk chair. I called down to ask it to be changed. The lady downstairs told me she could switch it out. But then another guy (Indian) came up and was like: no, I clean it. So he takes a White wash cloth…and scrubs down the chair in front of me. For one, it was a fabric type of material. It needed to be deep cleaned. 2nd, it didn’t hardly even remove the stain much. So I just sat on the bed the whole time instead. No need to be a known it all and debate with me about stuff I know about. If you don’t like me, that’s your fault. You don’t have to be here either, what I post about should in no way detract from your experience here, when there’s dozens of threads on a dozen different sections on the forum to read. So don’t even lie, and claim that. You just want to come here trying to put me down and tell me what I can or can’t say. And again for the 100th time; I REQUEST LATE CHECKOUT ALSO when I know I need it. For the 100th time, with your selective reading, you missed the memo where I said in the particular situation in the first post, I called down the next morning and the phone rang like 10 times and nobody picked up. If I’m trying to pack up, and tend to my own circumstance: I don’t have time to be chasing staff down by phone. The lady missed the call, nobody else picked up, then she wants to come 30 minutes later knocking on the door. Now, I’ve left that discussion already. That said, people like you are why I’m selective with a lot of gay people I deal with. I notice a lot of gay men out there who like to put off an image of being bubbly and agreeable, yet I see it all the time: they have drama of their own or they are getting over on another gay guy and not caring much about who they got over on. They’ll be there thick and thin for their cliquey party friends: But will leave someone else they know who is not in their circle, in the lurch. Yet have the audacity to put out this facade of being Mother Theresa. And that’s okay, it’s good to put out positivity. But it’s rarely genuine. Just like your advice is not, because you trying to put me down. But don’t come around with this “my life is perfect” stance just because I talk about something that is a bit difficult. You want me to book air bnbs? Well: send some money. Send me a gift for $10,000, so I can book nothing but air bnbs for the rest of the year. They’re not cheap. I’ve researched many air bnb places. There’s even another site where you can rent air bnb type places by the month. If you going to suggest me to do something, provide the resources. Talk is cheap. Or shut up.
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