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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. Sorry... I just recall the photos and the name Brad or Bradley...
  2. I think his previous ad was under the name Brad - I remember the photos.
  3. I think this masseur is in Queens... https://rentmasseur.com/FABRONN
  4. This looks to be the same person, also based in Phoenix... https://rent.men/CochinoBlk
  5. Haha - yes! And here in Canada we have the 6-piece, but half the time they miss one and I end up with 5.
  6. I'm wondering how he figures $20 for 30 minutes but $98.50 for 60 minutes... I'm no math whiz, but something isn't converting right...lol
  7. Absolutely agree. However, to be fair, Julie also had Doc to rely upon. And Isaac's daiquiris likely had a medicinal effect as well.
  8. I think I should have majored in linguistics instead of economics...
  9. Well that really is too bad for me then, because I haven't been under 35 for more than a decade... maybe it would have been okay to meet if I hadnt screwed it up... lol
  10. That sounds really serious... make sure you take care of yourself - and really try not to beat yourself up about whatever it was that happened. You've obviously taken some steps to get past this already, so thats something to be glad about.
  11. First, you aren't a loser. Second, it looks like the profile is down...
  12. Yes, I can see how my choice of words could cause him to think that. Thats a good point I hadnt considered...
  13. Well, Im sorry to say my interactions online were not very positive... but I definitely acknowledge that I was part of the problem. As someone who only started considering meeting anyone this past December, I began requesting access to a large number of providers' private galleries in order to get a better idea of who they were and whether I felt any sort of connection (I understand this may sound ridiculous or even pathetic to some of you who have never had issues with accepting intimacy, but I've never allowed myself to even consider the possibility of intimacy in my life). Anyway, he kindly unlocked the gallery, but within a few days the gallery became locked again. When I went back to the profile some time later the photos were blurred and I immediately assumed I hadnt requested access, so I requested again. He kindly unlocked again, at which time I saw in the message history this was the second time, and I thanked him. Unfortunately over the course of 6 weeks or so this happened yet again. Understandably, he messaged to ask if I was looking to arrange something or just looking at pictures. I apologized and assured him it was not about picture-seeking (I never imagined people do that), and that I was hoping to visit NYC and trying to determine who I might meet. Well, that got a response of, 'good luck with that'. Thinking he was being sincere, I replied 'thanks' only to find out I was now blocked. Yes, I can be naive... I only wish I had reviewed my message history to recall that I had already reached out to him more than once, because it was never my intention to waste his time or tick him off. So this was a good lesson learned. I completely understand why he thought I might not be serious but I had hoped my explanation would have been received as being sincere, because that is how it was given. I almost withdrew from this board and from RM after this happened, but I can see how very kind many providers are in their posts here, so my hope - albeit somewhat diminished - goes on. Maybe this guy would not have been a good choice for someone like me to meet anyway... but it looks like I'll never know one way or another ? My advice to newbies is to be keenly aware not to take up the time of providers unnecessarily, since they likely have dozens and dozens of messages to review every day. And try to be understanding if you do not get quick responses. And to providers who may be tempted to block someone, try to understand that the guy reaching out may simply be very new to any concept of intimacy, and may be quite nervous or even a bit neurotic about the possibility of this changing. I don't really feel I have any right to be angry about being blocked, but I am disappointed. Mostly disappointed in myself for inadvertently wasting his time, especially since there is no way for me to let him know this. I do hope that sharing this experience will help other newbies in particular, and I have no doubt that HungMusclJock will continue to create the great experiences he has clearly been able to give many of you
  14. One consideration might be whether or not you'll enjoy yourself on the cruise if the corona scare remains on your mind during the vacation.
  15. https://rent.men/Neizanmen Here it is ?
  16. Never heard of body gliding, other than what those people do who jump off cliffs with those wingy-suit things. I guess that type of massage might require a helmet?
  17. And I was thinking 'Brazil eat her' ?
  18. Brevity is not my forte, so being limited to 250 words automatically means I could never be successful as a provider - and I'll just try to convince myself that's the only reason. Now, if there was a way to market self-deprecation....?
  19. Thats really good information to know - thank you ?. If 'platinum' status is something that is purchased rather than earned, it reinforces the notion the we should give the most weight to information freely shared in this forum. As much as RM is trying to get providers to succumb to their marketing tactics, RM is also implying that a client stands a greater chance of enjoying a 'platinum' experience by meeting one of the 'platinum' providers. I imagine this could lead to many disappointing experiences if their status is simply paid-for rather than merit-based.
  20. https://rentmasseur.com/DelicateHands Unfortunately links in subject lines arent clickable, so Ive added it here for you ?
  21. Bumping for any recent experiences.... Rentmasseur ad seems to be deactivated. Feel free to PM if you prefer
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