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Everything posted by RJD

  1. Put on your wife-beater, get a six-pack of Bud, and binge Tiger King. It’s trailer-park trash, but like any train wreck, you can’t look away. When you think it can’t get any stranger, the next episode proves you wrong. https://www.netflix.com/title/81115994
  2. I’ve been saying this since the lockdown started. Everyone who can is working remotely and effectively getting their work done. Corporations/senior managers are going to realize the savings that can be realized, especially in an effort to minimize expenses during this economic downturn, and be much more receptive to the idea of permanent telecommuting. Rent/lease payments can be ridiculously expensive depending on location.
  3. When you’re blocked the message says “This profile is inaccessible.” If you want to verify you’re blocked, log out and try accessing the profile without signing in. If you see it when not signed in, your user ID is blocked.
  4. Not over the counter in the U.S. The patent recently expired which is allowing generic equivalents to be sold much more cheaply, but you still need a prescription. I think someone posted once that it's available OTC in Puerto Rico, but I'm not 100% positive.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if their "check" is automated, i.e., the software can probably determine if your user ID "contacted" the masseur's user ID and either accepts or rejects it based on that.
  6. I think they’re looking for something beyond clicking on a profile as communication. I think they want to see the initial contact, i.e, message or email to the masseur through their system. That’s still no guarantee the session actually occurred, but I guess it’s the best they can do to prevent fake reviews. I think @aeikaryoko has the best solution. If you have a session, want to leave a review, but didn’t initiate contact through RM, send the masseur a quick email after your session just to show contact.
  7. I immediately thought of this Seinfeld episode...
  8. Just binged this as well. Talk about a train wreck.
  9. This guy is a trip. I visited his profile once last night when I saw this thread. Didn’t comment here nor did I contact him. Just tried his latest incarnation and I’m blocked. He can’t be serious about attracting clients.
  10. RJD


    The PornHub app is “wonky.” There’s no search capability. You choose a category and they have tabs (most recent, highest rated, etc.), but no way to search. If you don’t mind paying for a service, you can download the TLAGay app on Roku. You need to create an account at the site below, download the app on your Roku, and then stream porn until your cock falls off or this quarantine ends, whichever cums first. ? https://www.tlagay.com/
  11. No problem. It works for pics from the internet as well. I do most of my pic searches on my phone. When I find one I want to use, I save the image to my photos and choose that photo to upload. If it’s something you don’t want to remain on your phone you can always delete it. I haven’t done it on a desktop yet, but I think you right click the image, choose “copy link address,” and paste into the postimage.org site. Happy posting!
  12. Isn’t this our very own @TylerandAce Tyler Saint? Now, that’s how you kiss!
  13. I finally figured it out. Go to https://postimage.org/ Create a free account Once set up, choose the image you want to post Click upload Copy the “Direct Link” Navigate back here and choose the rectangular icon above that looks like a mountain with the sun above it Paste the “Direct Link” Click Insert
  14. No kissing is a deal breaker for me.
  15. Maybe a reasonable and responsible compromise would be for the providers to activate their “available now” status, remove their travel schedule, and change their ad to include something like “out of respect for potential clients’ and my health, I am only available for on-line entertainment until we can safely meet in person.” It allows the provider to make some income, shows they’re being responsible, and avoids any negative assumptions being made about anyone’s integrity or character. Just a thought.
  16. Happy birthday Eric. Definitely on my bucket list of guys I want to meet.
  17. Exactly. It's only a paper loss until you cash out, then it's realized. Stick with it. Keep investing. I made that mistake in 2002 when the market bottomed after 9/11. To quote Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, "Big mistake. Big. Huge." When the recession hit in 2008 I just rode it out, contributed the same amount to the same investments, gobbled up extra shares because of the lower prices and when the market rebounded it was a huge return. I'm the same age as the OP and in the same predicament, i.e., my current employer doesn't match the 401k contribution. Invest, invest, invest. I fully expect retirement age will be 69 or 70 by the time I'm ready to retire, so I have a good 13 years to make some gains.
  18. Absolutely. Companies, mine included, are already in cost-cutting mode due to this pandemic. When they see the potential savings of greatly reducing, if not eliminating lease/rent expenses, they’re going to encourage the shift.
  19. Joey Stefano was stunning. He oozed sexuality. I met him once at a gay nightclub in southern NJ in 1990 where he was performing. His smile and those eyes were enough to make you melt. Gone way too soon.
  20. Snag-It is awesome. We use it at work and I purchased a license for myself at home. The editing tools are great and you can maintain a history of your captures. Worth the $30.
  21. I agree that being reclusive and introverted are two different things, however, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a reclusive extrovert.
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