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Everything posted by RJD

  1. Maybe he was looking at the centimeters side of the ruler? ??‍♂️
  2. I usually don’t go for the “daddy” types but this guy is hot. If you want to see a power-fucker, watch the videos on his RM page.
  3. In all fairness, they work as a couple and the bottom looks tanned, so it could’ve been Zac fucking Leo.
  4. Hot guy, but his “into” section is jocks and muscle. Kind of limits his client pool.
  5. Sorry, there’s a difference between raw, rough sex and assault. Hard to call it assault when the masseur is sticking his ass up in the air and then gobbling down the top’s cock at the end. Whatever you want to call it, sign me up.
  6. Happy birthday Tyler @TylerandAce. I knew there was a reason I watched “Massage Bait 15” Tuesday night. I hope you enjoyed your birthday because I sure did. ?
  7. Looks pretty muscular for 6’2” and 165lbs. ?
  8. Our bottles were the same but I remember the cream would rise to the top.....hey, wait, so that’s where that saying came from. ?
  9. Yes, in glass bottles and you placed your empties in the milk box the night before. We also had a guy with a pushcart who repaired umbrellas, another who sharpened knives, and one who sold soft pretzels. There was also the “egg man,” and the huckster who sold fresh fruits and vegetables from the bed of a pickup truck.
  10. I’m not quite old enough to remember party lines, but my mom would tell us about a neighborhood teenager whose family shared one with mine. He would be on the phone singing Elvis’ Love Me Tender to his girlfriend every time she tried to use the phone. It was challenging enough in the pre-mobile phone days to use the “house phone.” I can’t imagine having to accommodate other households.
  11. Did you ever try winning a “first to call in with the correct answer” radio station contest on a rotary phone? It never happened.
  12. OMG...Wacky Packages. I got in so much trouble for putting them on the door to my nightstand when I was young. And the guys’ dress shoes with heels, we would peel the rubber from the bottom so they made more noise when we walked down the hallways at school. My older brother had a “hi-fi” with an 8-track player. I remember listening to The Beach Boys and Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Only problem was you could only fast forward and if you overshot your mark you had to fast-forward through all the tracks again.
  13. Same here. I was going to reference UHF channels but thought most wouldn’t get it. I was thrilled when we finally got UHF so I could watch Ultra Man like my friends did. Our first color TV was from our neighbor who purchased a new one. A big console TV with the accordion doors to cover the screen when not watching.
  14. Very late Boomer here. I remember b&w television, having only 3 TV stations to watch, my father asking for $1.00 worth of gas and getting three gallons, the car windows washed, and fluids checked at a full serve station, and rotary phones.
  15. Same here. I think most people, or at least me, thought Sildenafil (Viagra) was good for a “one and done.” But, same as you, I’ve felt the effects up to two days later. I thought Cialis would be my “go-to” but I’m finding Viagra works better. I don’t know about the effects on blood tests. My doc told me one concern is that other prescription meds can enhance the effect of E.D. meds, so they tend to prescribe lower doses to see how people react. I guess it’s like Popeye eating spinach. ?
  16. This thread is the perfect companion piece to this one: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/hottest-massage-video-ever.139032/ By the way, @7829V, why can’t you be my neighbor? ?
  17. @g56whiz Curious, what about my two sentence comment qualifies as verbose?
  18. Profile created in November, 10 reviews total, all within the last month and a couple multiples on the same day. Someone’s been a busy beaver.
  19. I should have posted this yesterday and didn’t want to hijack today’s @VictorPowers Coverboy thread (congrats to Victor) so..... Congrats to our own [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] for being yesterday’s Daddy’s Review Coverboy. Absolutely the sweetest guy and well deserved. ? https://www.daddysreviews.com/cruise/2020-02-24
  20. This has been an interesting thread. My hiring experience is limited at this point, but I have been really lucky with my choices, thanks in large part to this forum. I’ve hired really sweet, kind men who don’t treat the sessions like business transactions, even though for them they are. None has ever asked for anything more than their fee. In fact, when presented with a small gift (sexy underwear) they seemed genuinely touched. The truly smart providers look beyond the current session and have enough integrity to not want to financially harm their clients or jeopardize a good relationship. All three providers I’ve hired have encouraged me to keep in touch with them even to just say hello and the most “pressure” ever exhibited was a “looking forward to our next session” comment either in person or via text. As others have said, if getting pressured for “extras,” a strong but friendly NO will stop that and honestly, will be enough to terminate my interest in future sessions.
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