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Rick M

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Posts posted by Rick M

  1. 6 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

    I wonder if he'd still want to...eventually.....talk business if you hadn't recognized him

    Seems to me that if he was truly more into sex than business that he would have "waived his usual fee." Wasn't my type, anyway.

  2. I was on a hookup website (like most, full of people not really interested in hooking up, or only interested Right Now This Instant) and I was astonished when another user messaged me with intent. We took the discussion to phone texting, and because he had only neck-down photos on the site, I requested a face pic. He sent me one, and I recognized him from RM. "Oh, are you an escort?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. "Do you want to hire me?" I passed on that option. Then he persisted: "Have any spare cash with you?" Talk about a bold approach!

  3. I don't want to mention a name, as this isn't a criticism, just an observation, and I was wondering if others had similar situations in dealing with bodybuilders. Is this the wrong category? The topic *is* a provider, albeit an anonymous one.

  4. A while back I contacted a provider on RM who had mentioned in his ad he was also looking for sponsorships. I proposed a certain amount a month and made the first transaction, but then he seemed to lose interest in the scheme. Our interactions online were pleasant, and I still would like to meet him some day (different ends of the country), but I wonder why he backed out. Guilt? Not wanting to commit? I don't mind, really, but it might have turned into something fun...

  5. Damning with mediocre praise! Do you think the advertisers who hedge their sexuality ("ask me" in this case) give a clue to their involvement level? On the other hand, I have read negative comments about some who are married to women criticizing them for that one aspect, and yet I also know at least one "traditionally" married provider who gives his all.

  6. Ahoy-hoy all ye brethren! I came late to the original announcement and suspected all along a cancellation. I've been to one of these DC gatherings in the past. If some of you do decide to go ahead with a more intimate dinner, let me know either by direct message or by posting here. I'm local (NoVa) though can't guarantee my participation, as it depends on weather and a few other factors.

  7. 6 hours ago, dbar123 said:

    Are you sure they are reviews of the client?  My guess is that they are reviews that the client made of various escorts

    They say "Review by so and so on date..." where the so and so is another user (sometimes a provider), and the profile says unequivocally "X is a rent men client," therefore...

    Maybe the title of this thread should be "Dating using rent.men"?

  8. Has anyone here with a client page on rent.men been propositioned? Not as an escort, but just hit on (by another client) for a date? I guess I'm flattered, but the user has scant info in his profile, professes to be straight, and hasn't any online pics to tease my interest. He *does* have a number of reviews, some by providers. I didn't know that was an option!

  9. I feel your pain, Jarrod. As a client I sometimes feel neglected by providers when they disappear in the middle of a discussion. But outside of this setting, in the so-called dating sphere, I get the same flak. You talk to a person, seem to discover commonalities, and then *poof*, they are gone. Perhaps because modern life involves snap judgments and about-faces, this is just the way it is... but I don't like it, either.

  10. Had a bumpy text exchange this week with him, first on RM, then via his cell. In both cases I started to inquire about his upcoming visit to DC, and in both cases he ceased communication without apparent reason. I realize these guys get busy or distracted or decide a contact isn't worth their time, but it doesn't take much effort to disengage politely, IMO.

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