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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. indeed - love the idea of “trailers” - if I put all my trailers together, I’d probably have a decent feature film. And some trailers are more memorable than others.
  2. Okay, most of us have hired escorts. But is there one special one that stands out? One that you especially remember? Names are not important, but if you care to, share with us what makes that one, special guy stand out from the crowd. Here’s mine: I had hired escorts for a few years, mostly on business trips, but wasn’t able to find anyone nearby on a regular basis. And then I saw “Jeff” on a now-defunct escort site. He lived in a university town about 20 minutes away. We exchanged several emails and set a date. I always like to find out something “interesting” about my selection in advance - helps break the ice sometimes. Found out that Jeff loved chocolate ”anything“ and was a grad student working on his doctorate. Let’s just say that his area of study meshed nicely with my career, so that was a big plus. Armed with a Godiva sampler, he greeted me at his place wearing a tank top and running shorts. Of Asian and Nordic ancestry, he was drop-dead gorgeous, with cropped jet black hair and finely chiseled features - model quality. He enthusiastically accepted the candy and we shared a few pieces, as I probably slobbered all over myself, trying to stop staring at this beautiful man. After the small talk, he invited me to the bedroom, where on the dresser was a pitcher of iced tea and some glasses, and told me to relax and he’d be right back. So I had a drink, took off some clothes and sat on the end of the bed. After a good 5 minutes, I was beginning to wonder, but he did shout out a few times apologizing for the delay. And then the door opened. Jeff had asked via email what I liked in terms of attire, scene, etc. And did he ever do his homework! He had slipped on a black leather biker jacket, and was wearing a pair of tight, slightly ripped 501 jeans, and vintage leather army boots laced up to just below the knees. They were spit-polished to perfection. He cocked his head and asked if I liked what I saw. Rather than wait for an answer, he drew my face close and slid his tongue down my throat. He pulled away, turned around and slowly unzipped and removed the jacket, and turned back around. Beautifully tanned and ripped, he was stunning. He tossed the jacket to me and had me put it on. Then he came close again and invited me to undo the buttons on the jeans. As they came open, Jeff had on an old-fashioned jockstrap just like we wore in gym class. His cock was at full mast, but he made me wait. Next, we sort of traded places while I had a lot of fun unlacing and removing the boots and eventually slipped off the jeans. By this time all that was left was the jock, which I carefully removed with my teeth. And that’s how I met Jeff. We had a monthly “date” for the next year and a half, when he completed his degree and moved away. We stayed in contact for several months afterward until I got “the” email, that he’d met someone and it was getting serious. I still think about him. His cologne, his banter, the leather jacket, our fondness for chocolate. And when I see a hot guy in a biker jacket, the memories come right back.
  3. http://www.xvideos.com/video55216813/massage_table_fuck_with_cumshot Not much massage, but the “therapist” is well-endowed and there are some interesting camera angles, especially of the client when he’s first getting plowed. Something a little different.
  4. A business trip took me to the Hyatt on Gay Street (seriously) in Knoxville, TN. The Rooftop Bar wasn’t busy at all, so I mostly drank my supper with some snacks. The hunky good-old-Southern-boy bartender was cute as could be and we struck up a nice chat while watching a ballgame - this was some time ago. Anyhow, it was getting late, and I was getting more intoxicated. The bartender actually suggested I slow down a bit, and said he’d be ending his shift soon if I needed anything. Hint, hint. There was definitely some chemistry and vibes which was odd since I was old enough to be his father. Fast forward, he’s telling me goodbye and I told him I’d walk out with him. We got near the elevator and he pushes the up button. I smiled and said, huh? The door opens, we get on and he pushes the 4 button. How’d you know that? Dude, you signed the bar tab. So we made it to my room, played a little grab-ass and the rest is sort of a memorable blur. I do remember a lot of wrestling around on the bed and he woke me up when he was leaving. Had two more nights of fun and games with him before I had to go home. Nice memories. Oh yeah, I do tip very well.
  5. My “go to” guy who finally retired, was the perfect combination. He was a trained massage therapist and worked part time at a legit pain management clinic. The rest of his time was devoted to erotic massage. He had it all: good looks, killer body, amazing strength and a delicious appendage. Those who can combine therapeutics and erotic massage are hard to come by (pun fully intended) so when you find one, bingo!
  6. Just looks ridiculous? Sir, let us be the judge of that. ?
  7. Had it happen once with a guy I was seeing about every month. My guess is that he’d spent his load earlier in the day and just couldn’t keep it up. The funny part? I remember him saying that he was sorry, but that my oral foreplay had overstimulated him too much. Overstimulated? He blew me to completion and announced “no charge”.
  8. Let‘s not overlook the classic Mr. Redford, who provided many of us spank material.
  9. oh hell, yes ... but the news of more and more cancellations of my favorite sport are about to do me in
  10. Brad Pitt and black leather? Swoon ... the ultimate fantasy
  11. I was just a kid, but something about those dimples ... singer John Davidson
  12. I was just a kid, but something about John Davidson‘s clean-cut image gave me a semi, and at the time wasn’t sure why. http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/john_davidson.jpg
  13. KrisParr

    Zeb Atlas info

    Ah, Zeb ... how many boxes of tissues did I go through with him? I memorized every square inch of that incredible body. At least there are some videos out there to refresh those iconic moments.
  14. You may have already done this, but are his FB posts re-posts or original that he authored? And what groups does he follow? Are there other clues on his FB (likes, etc.) that may offer insight? Some of my friends often re-post without a lot of thought, and a few times when I’ve brought it to their attention quickly deleted them with an “oops”. The replies to your post above have been on target and I echo their sentiments - good, faithful friends are hard to come by.
  15. “Home Game” - a multi part series on really obscure sporting events around the world. Even if you’re not much of a sports fan, these are very interesting stories. My favorite is the Italian calcio storico- the first episode. Actually, some nice eye candy in that one. Very well done, entertaining, not lengthy, and certainly a change of pace.
  16. And his profile says he has a Ph.D. In psychology? Hmmmmm ...
  17. How refreshing - in so many ways!
  18. In addition to the marvelous xvideos, in no particular order, these are all free. https://www.gaymaletube.com/ https://www.pornhub.com/gayporn https://manporn.xxx/ https://www.youporngay.com/ https://www.gayfuror.com/ https://www.justusboys.com/ https://myporngay.com/
  19. And don’t be surprised to find coupons for Jergen‘s lotion, and Puffs or Kleenex tissues on your browser pages. And Tide stain-remover for your bedsheets, etc. Oh yeah, they know, just like Santa.
  20. My sister was driving and I was in the passenger seat of her car. We had just finished dinner and she was backing up, not paying any attention and hit a guardrail with a terrific thud. She yelled, “Holy Fuck!” And then said, “you know, now that I’ve started going back to church, I don’t swear any more. Before, I’d probably have really let it fly.” I said, “good for you”.
  21. For a whole bunch of reasons, Firefox is safer. Edge and Chrome, among others, have a nasty habit of secretly watching you just like a nosey neighbor, whereas Firefox could care less. And it’s free.
  22. intense regeneration? Hell, maybe I ought to get some. Thanks for the info.
  23. Okay, if you insist. At this point, I was still a little unsure of my sexuality. I had dated women (yes, screwed) however, my “bi” line was ever growing. I’d done a bit of oral with dudes, but not much else. My mentor traveled a lot and had quite a collection of fragrances, etc. and was particularly fond of La Mer face cream. One day we were about to get down to business when he asked me to massage his phallus with the cream. But of course, with pleasure, monsieur. Next, he flipped over and had me rub some of the luxurious stuff between his cheeks and on the inside. By this time I was at full mast and in return, he spread a nice little dab of it on my dick. It didn’t take a split second to figure out what was coming next (pun fully intended) as I gladly slid into him. Like dipping into a warm, velvet sleeve, he sucked me in and I never wanted to leave. But when you’re 20, and full of juice, it’s not always easy to slow down a moving train. Let’s just say it was a top-notch explosive experience that got repeated many times. Can you still buy La Mer?
  24. During the summer before my senior year in college, I worked at a large hotel in downtown Cincinnati as a night auditor at the front desk. The resident manager was in his 50s and was as handsome as he was gregarious. Right after I started working, one evening the office manager asked me to stick around because the boss wanted to have breakfast with me when my shift ended at 7. Cutting to the chase, he made it abundantly clear that he saw “special” qualities in me and hoped I realized just how helpful he could be with my future career. I was a swimmer, and so was he, which made our frequent dips in the hotel indoor pool a lot of fun. Terribly naive, I fell for his offer and we started meeting in his apartment a couple of mornings a week. Within a few days, after some arm stroking and a few lingering shoulder pats, I knew something was up. One morning, when I knocked, he invited me to come on in, as he was just stepping out of the shower, and needed a towel. (Cue the cameras, action!) I’ll spare you the sordid details, but for the remainder of the summer, let’s just say that his tutelage and mentoring opened up a whole new world. Alas, summer ended and I was back off to campus. Of course, we had a few holiday visits, but by spring, he had moved on to another city and I never heard from him again. Thank you, Leonard, wherever you are - I’ll never forget your classic Dunhill cologne and cigarettes. So did this romp qualify as escorting? Let’s just say that I had no financial issues for quite some time.
  25. KrisParr

    AAJock in DC

    Cute smile from what we can see. Of course, we will need details.
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