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Posts posted by Enronnja

  1. New guy showing up in Seattle, no reviews but decided to reach out and start a chat. Left me hanging after I asked for a face pic. Eventually sent me one and I have to say, I like his looks. Looks like a rugged handsome JFK Jr. The hairy chest and bubble butt are also a turn on. Rate is $350 for his time though, but open to what I want. $250 for just a body massage. Is this inflation or desperation? I've had out of towners giving it all for way less.


  2. 34 minutes ago, RamPoundAss said:

    Could be an oversight if nothing filled out. However, if part is filled out, I think you can assume you know the answer. 

    In ky experience, if nothing is filled out, there’s still a good chance the escort is answering by omission. I’ve seen several left blank that I knew through other sources to be positive, for example. 


    Why I know this, I have seen providers who up on RM without their status, but they also show up on Scruff or Sniffies and show they are positive/undetectable. But, it kinda creates a little bit of doubt at the same time. But, you have to do your part yourself too and make sure you are on prep and vaccinated. The problem is, if they are not disclosing HIV status, what else might they not be disclosing? Then again, you take your chances no matter the scenario.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Marctraveler said:

    We agreed to an incall rate that was a bit lower than his usual rate to meet at his hotel. Before I left for his place, there were signs from the universe that this was a bad idea (eg uber and lyft drivers canceled my ride requests….night started raining really hard), so I told him that I was sorry because it didn’t look like I could meet him that night. He was very persistent that I continued calling uber/lyft because he wanted to meet me. I said again I didn’t think i should meet him that night but that we could try again the next day if he’s available but he said he’s leaving for Miami early Sunday morning and not coming back to SF. I tried lyft again and the rate doubled which i took as my third sign that the universe was trying to warn me. Anyway  he was persistent and insisted that he wanted to meet. He also asked me to delay our meeting time from 8pm to 9pm because he wasn’t back at his hotel yet (this was at 8pm!)…another red flag. With the lyft ride issue, I said 9pm should work and I ended up arriving there before 9pm. He had me wait until 9pm before he let me in but when i got into his room he went straight to his phone to message other clients. The whole time with me his eyes were literally on his phone on the nightstand. He would go back to his phone to check his messages and returned calls to clients during his time with me (he did this literally every minute). I literally watched him replied to his clients’ texts about being available to meet with them “soon” while he was only 10 minutes into my session. I saw names and numbers and texts from all of his clients within that ten minutes  (there were at least 30+!!). After 16 minutes into my session (9:16pm on my phone), he told me to hurry up because he needed to see other clients. I said I thought we had an hour and his response was I would need to pay him more money. He asked for more cash or he also accepts zelle and paypal because I didn’t pay his usual rate of 400/hr.  I asked him why did he insist to meet with me when i tried to cancel 3 times that night. He could have used my time to meet other clients who were willing to pay higher rate and his response was that he had to make money and needed to meet as many clients as possible (didn’t seem like an intelligent answer at all). Now this was only 16 minutes into the session. I decided to take my loss snd leave.  I got scammed. And he had the nerve to ask me to write him a positive review; he asked me to write it right then and there during our session. He tried to trick me to do so by promising to meet with me for an hour for free on sunday (today) if i leave him a positive review! I asked him back but i thought you’re leaving tomorrow morning for Miami and he said No …business here is good! By that time, he seemed very creepy so I had to coax him like you would a child (by complimenting his good looks and reassuring him that he didn’t need a review from me. With his looks, all he needed to do was do his job well with other clients that he was meeting with that night and they would naturally leave him positive reviews). I did that because I was fearing danger to my own self!

    He was showing up in Seattle recently and I got the same vibe just like 'thebenefit'. A lot of these guys are actually part of a network of Israeli scam artist in the US on tourist visas. Remember the days of 'packs' travel to a city? I recently watched a YouTube video about the youth unemployment in Israel being very high. The US Visa refusal for Israeli citizens is very low at 3%. With good looks, lack of employment, they head North with primary intention to scam. A lot of them claim to be Colombian or some other ethnic Latin group to avoid being outed.  They like quoting $350 to 400 for their time too.

    I noticed this new one I reached out to RM started giving the same vibe:


    I'm sorry to say it and it likely comes across as broad brushing, but I am starting to distrust latin/brown guys and its based on five years of doing this.

  4. Based on my experience in 2022, three times a year. Some appointments I got a mix of cold feet and a bit of ptsd from a bad experience. My overall experience with the three meets I had in 2022 were extremely positive. I have to admit, I have become extremely selective and of course this is an expense endeavor. I am also saving and trying to diversify in other areas. An alternative for me is a local bate club; a hand job and some kissing can do wonders sometimes. Sniffies and Scruff have turned out to be dead ends. Met one guy over the summer on Scruff and thats about it.

  5. Really sorry about what happened. This happened to me with 'thebenefit' formerly Leomuscle. But I got a pleasant surprise this evening, my bank actually refunded me a year later. Maybe you can do the same if its a lot of money.

    I remember reaching out to this guy, but was so unimpressed with his response I just moved on. Not worth it at all. No denying, very good looking and they know it too. But they are narcissistic and only care about robbing people. These are people who will throw you under a bus and or burn bridges. Their heart is made of stone and they are just set in their ways.

    The industry has changed so much especially in the US. I am starting the process of going back to hookup apps and go to my local bate club. Its just not worth it anymore. No honor and mutual respect anymore. I believe its also a generational thing; providers from 10 or 20 years ago were raised with some moral compass that you honor an agreement. This generation doesn't think about 'hey this guy probably worked hard for his money, he's alone, needs company, isolated'. And you compound that by scamming them because you just don't care.

  6. 7 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

    When these sentimental memories threads come up about earlier adult/porn actors, I always mention meeting with Haus Weston in Las Vegas in 2003..... he was only my second-ever meeting with a provider and a huge jump from the small-time local who was my first meet... I was extremely nervous with visions of the LVPD busting down the door of my hotel room......I was so nervous that he almost cancelled the meet, fearing, I suppose, that it just wouldn't be fun for either of us.....fortunately, he came through and, with elevator security, we met in the casino where he was sitting casually at a slot.....

    he had trimmed down from an earlier bulky-look he sported in his movies and looked entirely perfect and naturally in-shape/worked-out....though only about 25 at our meet date, he was very mature and quietly confident, probably a result of his Army days......sexy slight Southern accent (Maryland Eastern Shore), 100% masculine, very easy-going......I still remember him walking to the bathroom at one point and noting his utterly perfect butt!......wow!

    unfortunately, being a newbie to this hobby at the time, I was too concerned about disease and I greatly limited our interaction....shoot!.......I know he would've accommodated any request I had, but it ended up just being some chatter, posing/showing off, and self j/o sessions......but I'll always be glad I met him in person....pretty much my ideal type......

    many here know he died about four years later (2007), somewhat mysteriously, in the Philippines......possible heart attack from supplements or ?????.....he evidently greatly trusted Ace from the once-popular now-faded Muscle Service Station website enough that Haus asked Ace to help handle some things if there was ever a problem......Ace made a public post asking for any information that might help solve lingering questions about his death and he stayed in touch with the family.......

    I followed his obituary information and found a public email link to his mother that way......without saying how I knew Haus, I wrote his mother one Mother's Day and mentioned what a good guy he was, etc.....we wrote back-and-forth a few times, got a bit friendlier, and I eventually asked discreetly if she knew about his work before his death......she said yes and ended with, "a mother's love is a mother's love".......we haven't written in several years (no real need to)......several years ago, while in DC, I went over to the Veterans National Cemetery on the Eastern Shore and visited his memorial (he was cremated)......it's only a few miles from where he was born and grew up...... 



    When I read stories like this it really touches my heart. All the material stuff that exist in the world, the human experience and touch are so deep and lasting. To know such a beautiful person once existed makes me hope maybe in another lifetime I will meet them and be there for them. Thats why I feel so sad about the recent passing of Shawn Wolfe and Fane Roberts. I didn't even know that Shawn was from Seattle. Its when I saw one of his Instagram photos he used on his A4A I realized it was him. Woofed me a couple times and I woofed him, but we just never connected. Wish  I could have been there for him as a friend, hug him  and let him know that he's loved. 

  7. Wow, well this was a pleasant surprise! Back in October 2021 I tried disputing the Zelle transaction and was denied. This evening I came home from work, checked the mail and came across what I thought was the usual junk mail from my bank. But look at that, I got my funds back! God, universe, karma! No wrong ever goes unpunished. Definitely a great way to start the new year. I learned from this.

    If he's scammed, at least try disputing it, you never know.


    Wells Fargo Dispute.jpg

  8. I’m interested in that guy BruceRichards, just don’t know what’s keeping me from setting something up.

    Overall though, the quality since the pandemic has kinda been downhill. I remember when I moved here in 2018, some mega hot quality providers often visited. 

    Even during the pandemic there were some fine ones like Eddiexxx. I missed out on some great ones during the golden years like Ian Sterling. 


  9. 8 hours ago, arnemgreeves said:

    Prices in my country have really changed in many years. I saw my first escort in 2002 and the prices then were the equivalent of $100-250 per hour. Evee we n during COVID people were still charging similar rates. 

    The unfortunate side effect is, just like every other business, even when inflation goes down, providers won’t bring down their prices. Wages are not rising at the same time, which makes me wonder, how sustainable will it be for them in the long run? Then again, most of them seem to be doing just fine thanks to OnlyFans and likely Sugar Daddy keeping them on retainer. I also notice a lot are going mainstream creating more YouTube shorts videos and semi-PG friendly content, not to mention Instagram and TikTok. That Gaybaiting video with 250k views is generating money, if it wasn’t, so many wouldn’t be doing it. 

  10. 9 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

    sorry, but I'm not clear on who any of these guys are.....can anybody say left to right is........and......and .......?     thanks

    Jason is the guy on the left (extreme) we are talking about in this thread and his bf on the right.

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