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    tj_forplay got a reaction from tennisjock in JimJim Orange County   
    He was nice to be with, it doesn't matter to me what he claims to be or where from.
  2. Like
    tj_forplay got a reaction from tennisjock in JimJim Orange County   
    I suspect it's more about hiding his real identity than anything else. Maybe he's fearful of a client getting too attached or involved and it starts to impact his personal life. If I was a provider, that would be a concern of mine.
  3. Like
    tj_forplay got a reaction from + Gar1eth in JimJim Orange County   
    I suspect it's more about hiding his real identity than anything else. Maybe he's fearful of a client getting too attached or involved and it starts to impact his personal life. If I was a provider, that would be a concern of mine.
  4. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to socurious in Is old school porn better?   
    I just turned 37 and feel like gay porn from 2000's (early and mid 2000's especially) was better compared to the one we see today. Not sure if the fact that I was discovering my sexuality back then plays a role, or perhaps I'm also getting this impression because the movies were just less accessible in those years? Thoughts please.
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    tj_forplay reacted to DMICS in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    Hey @Palidod , 1st welcome. 2nd I definitely know 100% where you're coming from since I'm also a minority that is less desirable or highly-fetishized in the gay "community." It's definitely broken me at times mentally whether it's online, cruising, or sex clubs/parties. That's something I'll have to try and manage or just remove myself completely from the "community" just to have a healthy mind. People definitely have preferences, heck I have my own too.
    As a client I've been hiring for 4 years now and what I've quickly learned is the escorting business has changed a lot over time and more so the past few years. The basic "rules" and standards are being thrown out the window more and more. In general most would think a provider should offer his services no matter what the client's age, race, etc is. Thats what he/she signed up for. elyNow I'd say that's not the case as much with providers either requiring pics, stats, background etc before following through with a booking. They definitely have that right to pick and choose also.
    Personally, I always tell the provider my race and ask if he's ok with it. For the most part I've had no issues and most providers I've hired are shocked when I ask that question. In fact when it's meeting time, providers usually they'll me they're stunned when they see how young I am because more of their clients are much older men. Some are even shocked more and digusted when I tell them why a guy like myself is hiring.
    I've also came across a few bad apples. Providers I've reached out to for an upcoming session. In some cases I've been blocked on RM when they saw my photos on my profile (which I've now taken down), got slick disrespectful comments back, pretty much said they're not into my race, or come up with a lame excuse but then when I message from a 2nd RM account they're ready to go.
    Anyways hope this helps. I'd definitely suggest asking if your ethnicity is an issue before hand just to avoid any BS when you're session happens.

    Thank you! <3

    Pretty much.
  6. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to EastbayMike in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    Let me understand: race is the criterion you use to choose you sex partners , yet that isn't racist somehow? Like I said, own it.
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    tj_forplay got a reaction from tennisjock in Using Adam4Adam to find escorts   
    When I started hiring two years ago, before I found out about RM, I booked a few through pro section of a4a. I still check it on occasion, but isn't my go to place anymore.
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    tj_forplay got a reaction from Danny-Darko in JimJim Orange County   
    He was nice to be with, it doesn't matter to me what he claims to be or where from.
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    tj_forplay reacted to BaronArtz in What should I do? I need your advice...   
    You don't want him to come back to the boutique and complain to your boss that you made indecent proposals. You could get fired. No 'session' is worth that, certainly not in this economy.
  10. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to Epigonos in JimJim Orange County   
    From much of the conversation here we may surmise that because of his accent he is NOT likely American, Canadian or Australian yet he is cut. That most likely would make him Jewish or Muslim. Why, may I ask, is it important to know his exact national origin and religion? I certainly wouldn't expect to go to a church, a temple or a mosque with him.
  11. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to tenderloin in Using Adam4Adam to find escorts   
    Based in New York, and have used to pro section a few times. At the risk of generalizing, I find it a bit sketchier and less reliable than RM. I'd say my experience ran as follows: about 1/3 did what they advertised and were good. 1/3 did not quite match their pics or backed away from some of the things they said they did (ie, kissing, bottoming, etc.) but I muddled through, and 1/3 were scams (nothing like their pics, tried to get money up front, seemed high or threatening or both, etc.). So, use more than your usual caution
  12. Like
    tj_forplay got a reaction from BigAppleJay in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    While you think it's overreacting, look at why this thread was started. These kinds of "preferences" have real life implications.
    And you think it's just "sexual preferences" but really those "preferences" help decide your actions in your daily life from who you make friends with, who you pick to be in your group for class projects, who you sit next to on public transit, employees you choose to hire, who you grant bank loans to, neighborhoods you want to live in, etc.
  13. Like
    tj_forplay got a reaction from seattlebottom in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    While you think it's overreacting, look at why this thread was started. These kinds of "preferences" have real life implications.
    And you think it's just "sexual preferences" but really those "preferences" help decide your actions in your daily life from who you make friends with, who you pick to be in your group for class projects, who you sit next to on public transit, employees you choose to hire, who you grant bank loans to, neighborhoods you want to live in, etc.
  14. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to + Kman in JimJim Orange County   
    He is Greek, he told me he was in Greece for the last 3 months visiting family before returning to the states
  15. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to + Kman in JimJim Orange County   
    He does speak English very well...he just seems to talk softly and it's hard to understand at times with the accent
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    tj_forplay reacted to Monarchy79 in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    I’m not distorting this.... I’m examining it.
    1.) Your Asian colleagues are not your friends. They are people whom you are pleasant, polite, and “nice” to. I’m sure they might not even know you’re gay, let alone know that you scoff are the mere idea of dating one of ....”them”... lol
    2). Entertaining Asian customers is transactional, and has absolutely no relevance to this discussion.
    3.) The core group of white guys, who you let your hair down with, keep it real with, and speak freely with are your friends...
    And there’s nothing wrong with any of this......
    Just don’t try and swerve around loosely using the word “friend”, with all of these groups of people
  17. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to Monarchy79 in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    Couldn’t have stated it better...
    What’s scary isn’t the sexual preferences... what’s scary is the broadening trickle-down effect of every other aspect of life that’s impacted by these “preferences”.....It makes me think of:
    1). A qualified Asian man who was turned down for a job he was overqualified for, because he wasn’t a “fit”, among the majority white organization... “just a preference”
    2.) The many black small businesses who can’t get start up funding because someone behind the scene as a bank, turned down their loan due to a “gut feeling”. “Just a preference”
    3.) The white juror, who gave a guilty verdict to an innocent Hispanic man, with no conclusive evidence, but because of his hunch and “feelings”, about immigrants ... “just a preference”
    Racial preference, bigotry, bias, and discrimination, are rarely compartmentalized.
    And most white men, who say they don’t like Asians, blacks, or Hispanics sexually, typically live a Eurocentric life... their friends are white, the people they employ are white, their world is white. And it’s whitewashed with privilege and denial.
  18. Like
    tj_forplay got a reaction from xyz48B in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    While you think it's overreacting, look at why this thread was started. These kinds of "preferences" have real life implications.
    And you think it's just "sexual preferences" but really those "preferences" help decide your actions in your daily life from who you make friends with, who you pick to be in your group for class projects, who you sit next to on public transit, employees you choose to hire, who you grant bank loans to, neighborhoods you want to live in, etc.
  19. Like
    tj_forplay got a reaction from Monarchy79 in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    While you think it's overreacting, look at why this thread was started. These kinds of "preferences" have real life implications.
    And you think it's just "sexual preferences" but really those "preferences" help decide your actions in your daily life from who you make friends with, who you pick to be in your group for class projects, who you sit next to on public transit, employees you choose to hire, who you grant bank loans to, neighborhoods you want to live in, etc.
  20. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to xyz48B in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    Does anyone else find it somewhat disturbing how this whole conversation is about superficial characteristics. My experience has been a guy can be drop-dead gorgeous but if you get to know him and he’s an asshole, you soon find things about him physically that aren’t attractive. The reverse is true. A guy who might not normally be immediately attractive to you can become so much hotter if his personality and yours jive. For me, the personality is a big factor. Reading this thread based almost exclusively on outward appearances makes me a bit disappointed. Understandably it’s a part of the escorting experience, but I also do like to enjoy the samplings!
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    tj_forplay reacted to Monarchy79 in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    My Dear...
    There’s no difference....
  22. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to Monarchy79 in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    Interesting how you don’t like Asians, but you also don’t like hairy... Dude... Asians are the least hairy ethnic group of all humanity...?
    But I guess if you have to choose between a hairy White guy, and a hairless Asian... then like “rock, paper, scissors” of “preferences”.... it’s race over hairiness.... ?
  23. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to Palidod in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    "In May 2011, 2177 gay and bisexual men in Australia participated in an online survey that assessed how acceptably they viewed online sexual racism. Although the men sampled displayed diverse attitudes, many were remarkably tolerant of sexual racism. We conducted two multiple linear regression analyses to compare factors related to men’s attitudes toward sexual racism online and their racist attitudes more broadly. Almost every identified factor associated with men’s racist attitudes was also related to their attitudes toward sexual racism. The only differences were between men who identified as Asian or Indian. Sexual racism, therefore, is closely associated with generic racist attitudes, which challenges the idea of racial attraction as solely a matter of personal preference."
  24. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to Monarchy79 in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    The term “preference”, is just a current, “softer”, term for prejudice....
    Let’s just call “preference” what it really is.....
  25. Like
    tj_forplay reacted to Monarchy79 in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    Bless your heart....
    The preferences isn’t what makes a person racist.... the ideologies behind their preferences is what makes them racist...
    let’s examine your post:
    “Another friend likes BBC”.... You couldn’t even identify him as a man, a person or a human being, just a big black phallic... if that’s all you see when you see a black man, then you obviously wouldn’t be attracted to them...
    To minimize racial “preferences”, to the preference of a guy’s level of hairiness is Comparing apples and oranges....
    Ask yourself why you don’t like blacks and Asians sexually, and introspectively address every single assumption, stereotype, image, and belief you have about them...This will tell you far more about yourself, and your “preferences”,
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