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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. I didn't really push him on what happened. But I did notice that his five-star rating on RM recently dipped because of a couple of negative ratings during that Cali trip. My guess is maybe the clientele there is a bit more demanding that he's used to and maybe he got taken advantage of somewhat. We all know us men can be big time a-holes on occasion. I just hope that he finds happiness and success. He has some long-term goals outside of escorting so just hope that he is able to do what he needs to achieve them.
  2. I think we have to remember that escorts are people like any other who go through slumps in their professional or personal lives and maybe change the way they act with clients as a result. I too had a semi-regular in Denver that I had a few very positive encounters where we had a lot of fun. But during a more recent interaction he seemed like he was less into it and just not as happy-go-lucky as before. He even explained he had a recent California trip that soured him a bit on the industry with just a couple of bad encounters. I think I'll probably chill out on spending time with him for a bit, but definitely will hit him up again in the future and hopefully he will be more on an upswing and have a more positive time with him. I definitely don't count an escort out entirely just because of one time he didn't seem to be into it. But maybe if that is more the trend, then yeah I definitely would rather spend time with gentlemen that generally seem interested in spending it with me.
  3. The 86 percent effectivenes in a study was found in this article: https://www.poz.com/article/IPERGAY-CROI-26854-6956
  4. I would imagine this is something a lot of newbies have to develop. It may be that when starting out you do have to put a lot of effort into cultivating new clients and trying to make it so you have some regulars. But once you got a solid network, I'd imagine the effort can really peter off because you have regulars that make up a significant portion of your income.
  5. I did tell him of my review and I believe another member has as well. I think a lot of it honestly is how you approach him. I had a great time with him but he did say he doesn't like people who he thinks will waste his time. He has only been doing this for less than six months so a lot of this could be just trying to figure out reality vs. expectations in this business for him.
  6. Yes, there is a lot of controversy with Truvada and its maker Gilead. The US government actually paid for most of the research that found out that Truvada could be used to prevent HIV. Yet Gilead charges kind of insane amount for the drug..more than $1500 per month even though the wholesale price is only around $5-6 per month. That's actually what many pay in other countries. There are some generic versions coming but Gilead is trying to keep it higher price by introducing a slightly altered medication and recommending that one is prescribed instead of Truvada. A lot of controversy there for sure. I do take it too.
  7. Cohort and longitudinal studies are very common in medical research. Researchers acknowledge the limitations of such studies but recognize that they are the only ethical way to get information about health outcomes over time. One such longitudinal cohort study is the Framingham Heart Study that basically provides the scientific basis in the medical field for understanding how factors such as cigarette smoking, obesity, genetics, exercise, etc. play into risk factors for heart disease. This study has been going on for more than 70 years and has been used as the basis for more than 1,000 medical papers. It is true that randomized, controlled studies are the "gold standard" in medical research and must be used when you are trying to test new medications and treatments. But we are long past the time when it was considered ok to randomly give people syphilis just to see what happens. That's why this meta-analysis study of douching is pretty solid in my opinion. It takes data from 24 other studies (going all the way back to 1970) and looks at trends over time using statistical analysis that even takes into account other risk factors. If a doctor of a gay man was asked by his patient, "Does douching increase my risk of STIs?" The only ethical answer would be, yes. Just as the same doctor would use the Framingham Heart Study to tell the patient that smoking or eating fatty food, or not exercising is bad for your heart. We all get to choose what risks we want to take or not, but the evidence here is clear that douching very likely increases your risk for STIs and we do not need a randomized, controlled study for medical professionals to make that call.
  8. He may have changed a bit since I met him, but all we did was a phone call and I sent him a regular selfie type picture. I think he feels like if you put more effort into it as a client, you're less likely to flake on him. That's the sense I got anyway.
  9. Such a study would likely never pass an institutional review board especially if your hypothesis is that douching is harmful to health. You can't knowingly ask someone to do something that could cause them a life-threatening illness. That is why you do these meta-analysis studies because you can get around the ethical issues that a double-blind study like this would present. So instead you try to pull several studies and their data and do statistical analysis to find out of there is an association between rectal douching and STIs and that association is significant even when you put in other potential factors in the statistical modeling. This study was published in the British Medical Journal, a peer-reviewed journal that takes less than a quarter of its submissions (https://sti.bmj.com/pages/about/). I'm pretty confident that if the data was crap, it wouldn't have been published. The data is good and suggests that douching increases your risk of getting STIs.
  10. But I think this makes sense: "The mucus lining in the rectum, which is there to protect against infection, may be injured by [douching]." We already know that HIV and other infections enter the body through micro-tears that often occur through anal sex in the rectal tissue. If douching washes away some of the mucus lining then you're more likely to get micro tears through sex and therefore infection. This is almost especially true for HIV itself which attacks the very immune cells that the body is sending to those micro-tears after injury. Getting rid of the natural mucus lining (and not using enough lube as well) means you're more likely to cause those micro-tears during sex and put yourself at higher risk. The study mentioned in the article is also a "meta-study" meaning it actually studies the results of previous studies. These meta-studies tend to be pretty legit because they are not just giving you the results of one group of men being but in this case 24 groups of men and according to their analysis, douching does put you at higher risk for STIs. It's not just a one-off study whose results could be skewed by many factors, but rather a more solid collection of data from a variety of sources that shows a strong overall trend. In many ways, this study is almost the opposite of the single, one-off study (since discredited) that did show a connection between vaccines and autism. Instead of seeing the dozens of studies that showed no connection, people latched onto the study that did.
  11. As she sang in her most famous song, "Que Sera Sera," a great scene from an underrated Hitchcock film.
  12. I hired two escorts who were actually a couple and they charged me just slightly above their normal rate for the hour ($300 instead of $250). We actually did finish in about an hour..maybe five minutes after an hour, believe it or not. But yeah definitely propose everything to your hires and ask them what they think is appropriate for such an occasion.
  13. In Denver that's pretty rare because I guess most people have their own cars...not sure. I also actually go to them 80 percent of the time, so maybe it just doesn't come up. I've only had one ask for a Lyft..and then since I actually do that one the side, I went and picked him up myself.
  14. I would think they would each get their hourly rate. You're paying them for their time not for their services remember?
  15. I believe he was once a contestant on Project Runway as well.
  16. I think it's also funny how quickly some guys will ask for dick pics. I've definitely gotten Grindr messages like: Hi, how are you? Good, can you send me a pic of your dick? I work in education so I don't keep any photos of that on my phone (and in fact am often deleting and redownloading Grindr and Scruff) and it's often an instant dealbreaker. This is true even when it's like we're trying to go out for a drink or something. It's like, why do you need to see my dick for a coffee date? But if I say I don't have one, I often get ghosted. Guys are weird.
  17. You have to give it to Ezra Miller and his makeup artist Mimi Choi: https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/shortcuts/2019/may/08/another-pair-of-eyes-how-makeup-artist-mimi-choi-created-ezra-millers-met-gala-look
  18. He's amazing...really admire his ability. And I am someone who excels at trivia.
  19. I've met with him as well. PM me for details if you want. In general..I liked him but haven't hired him since the initial meeting.
  20. I am confused by why #1 would matter. You don't actually even need to log-in or have an account on Adam4Adam to see pro profiles (or actually anyone's profiles). For example, this is one of my favorite massage therapists in Denver: NorseTouch. Shouldn't the link to that be sufficient? Chatroom is even offered as one of the options for where you found the professional.
  21. There is one in Denver that is kind of like that. He quoted me $500 for an evening or day. We once went up to the mountains and hiked, had lunch, did some hot springs and had some fun (of course I paid for everything although he insisted on paying tip for lunch). We actually spent probably more like six hours together. Although he has quoted me an hourly rate when he is busy and can't hang out for that long.
  22. You can assume that nearly anyone on a PrEp regimen is being tested every three months for most STIs.
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