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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. It's also tricky I think when they are only around a few days during the week. I work late many nights so when I see they are only here Monday through Wednesday it's basically a lost cause for me because I know I won't have the energy/time to meet up with someone after working for 11 hours or whatever. I do have a half-day on Friday though so sometimes I luck out by being able to do an afternoon session with someone. One thing I do appreciate is when my regulars let me know ahead of time when they are coming. I have a few that let me know the days and often let me choose the time that works best for me. One in particular I enjoy hanging out with because we often do little dates going to cultural events in town. He lives in a rural area so enjoys being able to see theater or having some kind of ethnic cuisine not available in his area. I love being able to do a longer session/boyfriend experience. I do have a feeling though that I am part of the problem with lack of availability for other clients since I basically am taking up an entire night of the escort's time and he is often only in town for 3-4 days at a time. So I will complain on one side of it and benefit from another.
  2. I think you got the gist of it. When you see someone is only going to be in town for a short time, you often think it'll be hard to meet up with them because they have so many clients. I also kinda (though not always) am looking for a bit more of a BFE and sometimes if someone is staying for a short time, I might think that they wouldn't be available for the longer session I might be interested in.
  3. I had a great evening with Daniel. Be aware that PNP (or as they call it Chem Sex) is really common there. When I was trying to find an escort there this summer, quite a few of them indicated that they did that. No judgments either way, just something to be aware of.
  4. If you ever come to Denver, I definitely will take you up on that.
  5. I think your interview answers are great. I would bring some of that personality into the main profile. I love the detail that you play Smash Bros with your friends. Believe it or not, I have actually done that with some of the escorts I have hired. Maybe put something like. We can play a round of Smash Bros and then smash like bros or something. I think the whole being a college kid is your main angle and you should do more to emphasize that.
  6. Boyfriend Experience can sometimes be a good keyword to look for in ads though a lot of guys put that down and don't really know how to provide it...haha. Definitely communication is key and tell the escorts that you're looking for someone that can provide a more sensual experience that makes you feel wanted. Sometimes it could be a good idea to add an extra hour to the session if you can afford it just to build more chemistry with the escort. For some escorts an hour is just a wham-bam thank you m'am situation. Looking for those kind of men on DaddyReviews might be a good idea too. Good luck!
  7. I agree from the client side. I much prefer the motel-type places with doors on the outside for the exact reason you state and also because sometimes the nicer hotels require hotel card-keys to use the elevators. It's very awkward to try and rush into an elevator after another guest. I try to suggest to the escort to meet me in the lobby or hotel bar so it feels more natural but maybe a lot of them are doing the "turn and burn" and would prefer to have every moment to set up the room for the appointment or something. I once had to demand the escort come down because I went on a quiet Sunday evening and there were literally no guests using the elevators for like 15 minutes. He seemed kinda annoyed with me, but was fine once we got going. But yeah, if you can just knock on an outside door and be in...that's perfect!
  8. Damn..I just looked up his pics as a young man. He was a straight up hottie.
  9. I'm kinda interested too because he is coming to Denver after he is in Chicago and he is very hot. But not sure...he says he charges more for bottoming, which I think is interesting as he has bottomed often in his movies. There are a few bad reviews that makes me wonder if he is one of those pornstar guys that almost thinks he's too good for escorting.
  10. Good choice! Oliver Sacks is an amazing doctor and writer. I think my favorite is Anthropologist on Mars, particularly the title essay which is such an empathetic and compelling portrait of what it's like to be autistic by profiling the world-renowned animal sciences professor Temple Grandin. But all of his essays are so interesting, writing about strange medical conditions not simply to gawk but to provide actual solutions and empathy towards the people who have them.
  11. My moniker is from an incident when I burned down the backyard shed at age 13 or so...about the time I got my first e-mail account on yahoo. Used it ever since.
  12. While always good to be on the side of privacy, using this forum and Daddy Reviews is a good resource to know which escorts are going to be legit professionals before contacting them. That actually is my number one rule, especially as I was starting this hobby. I know that Mike Gaite, James Stevens, and Benjamin Nicholas, etc. are great guys who keep their clients privacy a top priority. In general, these guys travel quite a lot and host in their own hotel rooms, which is a great way to see any escort especially when you are starting out. There are likely 3-4 (or often more in larger cities) in most cities with several stellar Daddy Reviews that provide a good place to start looking. Though of course once you get into it a bit and you see a hot guy that doesn't have as many reviews, go ahead and contact him. Just maybe be a bit more cautious with your privacy and use things like Google Voice, What's App, etc. If you decide you want to start to host, just be a bit careful and put away your computer and phone (or put up a strong password), hide you bills in your name, etc. Now I have several "regulars" who I know their real names and they know mine. We can keep it pretty casual and in some ways have become friends beyond the client-escort relationship. Though of course remember that even when get to that point with an escort, you must keep it professional. Never do anything to invade their privacy and don't ask or expect any discounts or extra perks, though sometimes they may be offered. It's also actually with my regulars that I often do tip, especially those that allow longer times at lower cost or give me special scheduling considerations. Just have fun with it. It's a great hobby and as long as you're smart, it's fairly low risk as well.
  13. I am not making any comment on the escort's intelligence and even acknowledge that it's likely because he is a non-native speaker. I have hired many escorts with grammatical errors in their ads. It's no big deal to me. I am just a former journalist and copy editor so I notice errors, even while making them in my own writing. I have actually copy-edited a few ads of a couple of my regulars and they appreciated it. I do think that having several noticeable errors in an ad could be a bit of red flag for some people who are hiring, especially when you are advertising your conversation skills. You might wonder if the escort will be able to speak well in English, although of course often many people can speak a language better than they can write it.
  14. They have a new thing called X-ennials, which are basically people who saw the transition to the digital age. I definitely lump myself in this. My family was more working class so we had an old black-and-white MacBook classic that barely connected to the Internet and didn't have a cell phones at all although some wealthier friends had them. We didn't get a CD player until I was in high school and never had cable television. But by the time I got to college, I had a iMac and fast Internet and AIM, Livejournal and MySpace accounts. I'm the same age as Mark Zuckerburg and actually was visiting a friend who went to Harvard over Thanksgiving and read in the Crimson about how these Winklevoss twins were pissed of that Mark took their idea for a company. I didn't actually get a Facebook account until the next spring. But for people born a few years later, social media was a huge thing even during high school and everyone had cell phones connected to the Internet. That's the big difference between Millenials and Generation X/Y/Xennials.
  15. I think the latter tactic is going to be more successful. Don't specifically ask for a date, but you could ask him some recommendations for bars or restaurants. Maybe Google a gay bar and ask if he likes that one in particular to let him know you're gay. Suggest doing a happy hour with other co-workers at a nearby bar. If there is chemistry, then you can act on it. In most cases, there are no specific rules about dating a co-worker unless one person is a subordinate to the other and then there could be questions of sexual harassment and favoritism involved. But do realize that if it doesn't work out it can be awkward in the workplace. And you might want to ask HR about the specific policies if you're concerned. You should just start with trying to see if he wants to be friends...definitely in the vein of you're new to the city and would like to check out the scene a little bit. He may not want to pursue anything with a co-worker either but if that's the case you may still have a new friend who might have some hot friends that he can introduce you to.
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