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Todd Jenkins

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Everything posted by Todd Jenkins

  1. This is such a great indicator that we are ALL different – see, to me, this is a LOT. I mean, my best FRIENDS don't text me 5-6 X a day unless we are getting plans together.
  2. I live in Nashville - not sure where you got the info he is from Nashville because I did not see it in his ad when i did a quick glance – but, I have NEVER seen this guy advertise in Nashville. So.....not sure what to make of that, if anything. Just giving info. 🙂
  3. NO BODY AND NO ONE IS WORTH 1000 PER HOUR. And that is including NICK PULOS who quoted me that.
  4. We want to start on CLIMATE CHANGE?! Bahahaha! They've been saying this for how many years!?!?!?! Honey, don't try to make your argument valid by bringing up climate change. 🙄
  5. And you post propaganda. You do you. I'll do me. IF MASKS WORKED in reducing transmission, CALIFORNIA and NYC would be RID of the virus because YOU HAVE to wear a mask EVERYWHERE there. Yet, they have some of the highest rates. REAL-LIFE shows us one thing: MASKS DON'T WORK. I live in Nashville, TN. We've been OPEN with NO mask mandate since May 2021 and guess what? Our numbers are better than other places with mask mandates. And we have MILLIONS of people - 16.1 million approximate - that visit DOWNTOWN NASHVILLE every year. HMMMM??? What does THAT tell you? Ok, so wear a mask, wear a muzzle, wear a ball gag - whatever you wanna do - just know: they don't work.
  6. More Research: https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy
  7. And there is also research that says anything but an N95 is useless. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/do-masks-actually-work-the-best-studies-suggest-they-don-t/ar-AANfurl
  8. Yeah, you lost me when you quoted the CDC. . . After the past 2 years, they've lost credibility.
  9. If it makes you feel safe, great. Just know, masks don't really work.
  10. Actually, if hired workers were forced to have sex against their will, that is rape. obviously, I’m talking about the women who lived there. I did not see your comment about that. In the 5000 messages that are here, I missed one or two.
  11. TRUE RAPE is horrible. These women were not raped. They went👏to live👏with an old man👏who was the king of a pornography empire👏at a mansion👏that was KNOWN for sex. COME ON! They did not walk in blindly. Sorry, if you live with me and don't pay bills, you gonna have to earn your stay. DUH! STOP calling this RAPE. It is disgusting to TRUE survivors of ACTUAL RAPE!
  12. It bores you SO much, you decided to comment. . . LOL
  13. I don't think it's rude to inquire about the possibility of them being together but it WOULD BE RUDE to keep pushing when they say no.
  14. not sure - but they did it the night i was there ... dont ask me what night i was there, ha!
  15. So, again, any gay that does not 'toe the line' is the problem. NOT ALL GAYS ARE DEMOCRATS! Grow the F up! PEOPLE CAN THINK FOR THEMSELVES! YOU are the problem, not the men who think for themselves!!
  16. So, I am in MEDIA. I work in it EVERY SINGLE DAY. I pitch multiple FEEL GOOD, HAPPY stories a week – THE MEDIA DOES NOT WANT THEM!!! Happy and Good DON'T SELL!!! The media LOOOOOVES the horrible shit. Sad. But true. There's MORE GOOD going on in the world today, but if the media talked about it, they couldn't lie to us so much!
  17. Going to a photoshoot isn’t what we are taking about. You know this. We are talking about women MOVING INTO THE PLAYBOY MANSION.
  18. OH MY. It must be SOO hard to copy and paste that into a browser.
  19. Yea. They did. It was very well known. Stop being XXXX Administrator’s Message. You were reminded to stay on topic and avoid personal attacks.
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