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Todd Jenkins

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Everything posted by Todd Jenkins

  1. NOPE. They are providing a service. If you can't find something attractive about every person, you should get into a different business. I once asked an escort – that I had hired multiple times – how he 'did it' with guys he did not find attractive and I LOVED his answer: "there is always something about a person that you can find attractive – you have to find the beauty in every person. UNLESS, they're just a jerk!"
  2. True but it's my choice to see things that way.
  3. They want to make sure they will enjoy the moment – and those that ask me this are told that this is a service and if I have to meet certain qualifications, I think they are in the wrong biz. I am not an ugly man but I don't participate in this. It only means they're going to be half-assed at their job. Do you tell your chiropractor, barista, store clerk, insert other professional service here, what you look like? HELL NO! They are providing a service. If they ONLY want to see and fuck around with 'pretty people' they should get another job. Otherwise, shut up, take the money and bend over or stick it in (whatever the customer wants).
  4. I saw this - and I think she was PRESSURED into backtracking. She said what she said in the beginning. Fucking exhausting!
  5. it's not difficult, IT IS FUCKING EXHAUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!! This expert says this, but wait, they really meant this. And this study says this while this one says this!! WE WON'T BE ABLE TO HAVE A NORMAL LIFE UNTIL 2024, but wait, NYC is very likely / possible going to open bars / nightclubs in phase 3 which may start in JULY. I AM EXHAUSTED, STRESSED, DEPRESSED and FUCKING OVER IT!!
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/08/asymptomatic-coronavirus-patients-arent-spreading-new-infections-who-says.html?fbclid=IwAR1YF9KgRIiXgZEFUqvBrein81ryHG_AAACKV9KsHHunxhZkmwxm1EGA_iE Yep, here's the article. To me, this is VERY good news!!
  7. This is me. Let's just live life. And then the moment I say that, I also think: but I don't want it and I don't want to give it to my Mom....
  8. So, how do we 'live life' if no vaccine is ever found? This is all so INCREDIBLY depressing!!!
  9. 2 family members of mine – cousins – had it. One almost died (but she is morbidly obese) and the other (skinny as can be) recovered pretty well but still had to have oxygen when he came home from the hospital. 2 friends of mine – a married couple – had it and were hospitalized but are now home and recovering. I KNOW THIS IS MORE THAN THE NORMAL FLU, and I KNOW it's easier to catch, but I think the media has over-sensationalized this to an INCREDIBLE amount, instilling fear into all of us which has crippled our world. I predict more people will DIE because of stress, depression and more than the virus. It is VERY CLEAR that most who get this show very little symptoms, get slightly sick and fully recover.
  10. This dude is NUTS! Follow his insta...and you will see.
  11. yep. that's him and he is even MORE RIPPED now!!!! The BODY is beautiful! If I had the money, I would do it in a heartbeat!
  12. I have seen this man in person - HIS BODY IS THAT RIPPED AND MUSCULAR! He was a performer in a popular Las Vegas show before the strip shut down. TRUST ME, the body is AMAZING. His english is a little sub-par as he is not from here. But, he is GORGEOUS. Not sure if the time with him is worth 3K though . . .
  13. you can no find not grinaer drsc scruff me bad long time??
  14. NO ONE can understand this @nickNYC - weird!!!!
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