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Todd Jenkins

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Everything posted by Todd Jenkins

  1. I DO trust doctors. But aren't you the one who was saying NO NO NO to hydroxychloroquine??? Because SOME docs said it was bad? And I wonder how influenced those Docs were!??!?!?!
  2. So, if one of your loved ones was sick and their doc prescribed hydroxychloroquine and said it would help them recover, you would not allow them to take it????
  3. IF I GET SICK, and MY DOC PRESCRIBES IT?! YOU BET!!! 6 of my friends - from the same family - were prescribed this by their doc and ALL recovered QUICKLY! YOU KNOW there is more to drugs being used than the health of Americans. Kickbacks, incentive programs and all of that happen - and you know it.
  4. FLU cases are down this year...hmmm, wonder why? Oh yeah, because EVERY THING IS NOW COVID!
  5. Oh, when did the M4M message board become a scientific website? There's many people who don't agree with all medical advice. And I am sorry, I will not STOP telling people there are many other alternatives to keep yourself well besides sticking a virus into your system.
  6. Driving a car is dangerous to others. Smoking a cigarette is dangerous to others. CRYYYYY me a river. If you are SCARED to live, stay in your house. That's the ONLY way to be truly protected.
  7. And, this is AMERICA, IT IS YOUR RIGHT to make that choice for yourself!
  8. GREAT comeback - "Hey. You who disagrees with me. STOP EATING AND DRINK" FUC* OFF!! My body, my choice - or does that only work when you want to kill a baby inside you?
  9. Cry me a river. Also, "According to a recent Johns Hopkins study, there are between 250,000 and 400,000 medical malpractice deaths per year." So, tell me again why I should absolutely, definitely put something foreign into MY body just to survive something I may or may not get? And you call me irresponsible, STFU!
  10. There is a LOT more that goes into health than just getting a flu shot, or not. You should research chiropractic care, natural medicine – tumeric, etc. – to stay healthy.
  11. Or, don't get your flu shot. It's your choice. I am 42, never gotten a flu shot, never got the flu.
  12. I doubt VEGAS producers would care...
  13. @good ol boy – he was a bottom for me ONCE and then flaked the other time he was supposed to show up for a booking. Look at my other posts.
  14. OHHHHH that was HILARIOUS!!!!! ? ? ? ?
  15. Can you give a link, please?
  16. WOW! Can we PLEASE flood the market - and his onlyfans account - with these stories? HE NEEDS TO BE OUT OF BUSINESS! Go fuck your girlfriend JAKE and leave the gay money to those who don't have a problem putting out for us!
  17. Oh, the cash WAS flowing. The first time I hired him, it was for an overnight and we had EXTENSIVE conversations about what I desired. He got halfway through dinner and a broadway show and told me that what I wanted wasn't what he had signed up for. The guy is a flake and most likely got an offer to do way less than he would have to with me and so he took it.
  18. Also, I had arranged my schedule for 2 meetings with him that week he was in my town. I lead a VERY busy professional and personal life, and I had to arrange things quite a bit to fit our time in – but I was happy to do so because he is SOOOOOOO HOT! And then, he does this. NO respect for a client, AT ALL!
  19. Our FIRST encounter was not great. But, as I said, he apologized because he was 'new' ... we discussed what I wanted, and he said he was fine with that. Then, the day of, 2 hours before our meeting, he cancelled saying he just didn't want to do what I wanted. I asked "well, you said you were ok with it on our 15 minute phone call because I was leary of hiring you again" and he just said yeah, sorry.
  20. Without going into a FULL REVIEW – because you can't here – he will fail to deliver the first time you meet, explaining he's 'new.' Then, he comes to your city, he reaches out to plan a meeting with you. You are a little concerned since he was so new, but he says - during a 15 minute phone call – that he is totally fine now and apologizes because he was new but he is TOTALLY cool now. Then, he will confirm a week or two in advance and then decide the day of to cancel because he's just not into doing what you discussed during a 15 minute phone call and subsequent text messages.
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