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Todd Jenkins

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Everything posted by Todd Jenkins

  1. hey @Luv2play, is Larry Kramer delusional? You DO know who Larry Kramer is, righ? Playwright and outspoken AIDS activist? This is what he had to say: "You are responsible for all government funded AIDS treatment research. In the name of right, you make decisions that cost the lives of others. I call the decisions you are making acts of murder." - Larry Kramer "An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci" San Francisco Examiner, June 26, 1988 Read more here: https://aep.lib.rochester.edu/node/49111
  2. If you are referring to my comment, no politics were inferred or commented on. I was taking into account his HIV/AIDS work and his work funding the research that led to COVID. These are facts. So, we are delusional because we think about things differently or we read things and pay attention to things? MANY people are critical about Fauci's work with HIV/AIDS and there is massive amounts of evidence with COVID/Fauci that is concerning, to say the least. What is TRULY poisonous are statements likes yours - calling others delusional.
  3. IMO, Tony Fauci is a horrible, evil man. Most likely the reason we even HAVE COVID!
  4. How so? He was a provider, you've hired. Is that what you meant?
  5. From what I know, he did not help set him up, but he was a victim as well. Gillum hired him and he got caught up in the situation.
  6. You obviously did not watch the entire video. ok.
  7. Why did I read this in the voice of Mary Poppins? LOLOLOLOLOL
  8. And, we don't need you telling us that it's not ok for us to not be attracted to something we aren't attracted to.
  9. Thank you for sharing! This was incredibly interesting!!!
  10. Again, this is why it's great we can all choose what we like and dislike.
  11. And this is why everyone is entitled to their own tastes and likes - I LOOOOOVE TATS!!! Although, historically, tats are seen as masculine on a man. Fingernail polish is not.
  12. This is STRICTLY your opinion. To some of us – dare I say, most of us – It IS VERY different. Nail polish is historically and normally used by women so it is a BIG TURN OFF to most of us. You don't mind it? Cool. But, you cannot make an overarching statement like you did because for some, it is just not true. It is a matter of attraction and opinion.
  13. Calm your tits, henny. This is no longer an issue. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/us/politics/biden-same-sex-marriage-bill.html
  14. But, you're TOTALLY ok with your kids seeing a drag queen perform in front of them and you are not the slightest bit concerned that the unscripted parts of their performance will be sexual in nature - as most drag performers are?
  15. Hey boo, go back to school. It's obvious you can't read or comprehend what you read.
  16. Hey Einstein, THE TOPIC of the post was "Keep that filth out of our public institutions" - and then the original poster called my religion FILTH and then I replied that we know where the REAL filth is. It's FILTH to insult and belittle someone's religion. I KNOW reading and comprehension is hard, but if you are going to talk with the adults, might want to find out how to read.
  17. Hmmmm, never been to this! COULD BE FUN!!
  18. Clearly, you lack reading and comprehension skills or you did not read the entire thread. Run along.
  19. And, let me guess, you think it's TOTES OK to have dildos in a classroom. Again, we know where the FILTH truly is.
  20. Sounds like you are insulting my religion and my faith. NIce. You seem looovely. I think we know where the FILTH is....
  21. This is an OPINION. I am a gay man. I am also a Christian. The biblical values Mr. Cameron leads his life by SHOULD NOT stop him from reading a book in a library.
  22. We are talking about drag performances in this thread. So anyone (with a brain) would naturally deduce that I was speaking about drag brunches. 🙄🙄🙄
  23. MOST drag shows are at night and MOST are VERY inappropriate, sexual and grotesque - and a TON of fun. BRUNCHES are absolutely inappropriate. Not sure where you live but the VAST MAJORITY of brunches I have ever seen are sexual/inappropriate.
  24. 1. MILTON BERLE in drag is a FAR CRY from whatever the F this is in the pic. 2. MOST drag queen PERFORMANCES are inappropriate and lewd. If you have been to a performance, YOU KNOW THIS so stop acting like I am making this up - you all know it's true. THESE performances don't belong ANYWHERE near kids! Drag that is appropriate is 100% totally fine. The problem is, that's very few performances / performers.
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