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Posts posted by Gar1eth

  1. 7546529.jpg?display=1&htype=0&type=responsive-gallery

    I don't get it?.



    Seriously? When have you seen a cruise ship on a highway or an airplane?


    Well I was wondering why a cruise ship was on a highway. But I thought-that can't be the joke. Guess I was wrong.



  2. Good suggestion. I had the pleasure of hiring him quite a few years back. I just ordered the book on Amazon.


    Back when I was gainfully employed and living in Tacoma, I had the pleasure of hiring him for a dinner meeting and for some pleasant after dinner activity also. Prior to that we had had a few conversations thru the Message Center and had met briefly (I'm not sure if he actually remembered me from that) at the Chicago Dinner Spring 2011 which was coincident with the 2011 IML. David is one of those guys who has become physically more attractive thru the years. Personality-wise as long as I've been aware of him, he was always the epitome of being nice. I'm not sure if it's possible for him o improve on that.



  3. I'm a guest relations manager of a hotel so I did spot some escorts coming to my hotel from time to time. One time I saw my regular escort came to my hotel. He saw me as well but "ignored it" because he was with a client. His client was also one of my regular guests, who usually stayed during his business trip. That guest always asked for extra towels and always requested one of my specific staff to bring them up. I wonder if they do something over the limit lol ?

    Later that night my usually escort texted me and asked if i saw him lol.


    On a slightly different but related subject which your post reminded me of-I have been with two escorts who told me they liked staying at the specific hotels they were staying at because they "knew" someone in management and received upgrades.



  4. @Gar1eth


    Have you talked to a friend in person about this, or even on the phone?

    Your romantic relationship discussed in this thread

    At the moment more of just a friendship. After all we've only seen each other in person twice.


    And if there is any chance at all for something deeper to happen, he'll have to become a better communicator.


    But as for "talking" it out, I thought that's what I was doing here. I don't really have anyone In person in my life that I can talk about this with. Well there is one acquaintance. But I haven't seen him in person in months due to the virus. Plus he is only a fairly recent acquaintance and not a long term friend. And he recently lost his job due to the downturn in business. He has quite a lot on his mind right now. I also have a pen-pal that I could discuss it with. But really there's not anything to discuss yet. Two meetings with a polyamorous guy do not constitute a death do you part relationship.


    @Gar1eth hopefully you can take as a date next Passover!


    Is he Jewish?


    WHOA-I am far from taking him home to meet Mom. I couldn't even if I wanted to. She's in a retirement community (on the independent living side). I haven't been able to see her in person since the first part of March.



  5. Well not really. It's scary. If you are going to be close to someone, then it's a risk you have to take. I'm assuming if he knew he had been exposed, he would have told me. I'm sure the same thing goes for him. With the fact that asymptomatic people can spread the disease, every meeting is a crapshoot. There's just no way to know.






    I've been with bisexual escorts -Andrew Justice for example-and probably some escorts who were g4pay although as much as I could I tried to avoid those guys. And I've been with guys who came out late and were previously married. And I'm sure I've been with some true bisexuals or guys still married to women. But I won't deny it weirds me out.


    However I think the true answer on how much it will bother me is how "into him" I get. After all the majority of the people I've met on the apps to have sex with-I've known I wasn't their only partner. It's just I normally expect their other partners to be men and not women. So even if we became routine 'buds' -unless we had an agreement of exclusivity I wouldn't expect to be his one and only. If I felt I was falling deeply into like-or love, then his polyamory nature is going to bother me more.





    1. How old is he? We're roughly the same age.


    2. Not a Great Communicator? I'd say this goes beyond that to maybe being a bit too self-centered-or something. After all he said he was interested. And later events have borne that out. But to first contact someone in February, Then he doesn't follow-up until May? He's a nice guy. And I'll admit I'm not always the best at following up on things either. But unless he becomes more reliable, there's no way anything more than a casual f-buddy relationship is possible.


    3. I'm fairly sure text is not a foreign concept to him. For some reason it just doesn't seem to register that sending a text apologizing for not texting earlier. Then not responding to a reply to that is really irksome.



    Dating is only for the brave.


    Boy, did you just say (or rather write) a mouthful, @RealAvalon-esp when gig consider I'm at high risk due to age, medical conditions, and being immune suppressed from prednisone.




    Have you talked to a friend in person about this, or even on the phone?


    I'm sure I'm being overly dense here, @WilliamM, but talk about what specifically with friend?



  6. Well not really. It's scary. If you are going to be close to someone, then it's a risk you have to take. I'm assuming if he knew he had been exposed, he would have told me. I'm sure the same thing goes for him. With the fact that asymptomatic people can spread the disease, every meeting is a crapshoot. There's just no way to know.






    I've been with bisexual escorts -Andrew Justice for example-and probably some escorts who were g4pay although as much as I could I tried to avoid those guys. And I've been with guys who came out late and were previously married. And I'm sure I've been with some true bisexuals or guys still married to women. But I won't deny it weirds me out.


    However I think the true answer on how much it will bother me is how "into him" I get. After all the majority of the people I've met on the apps to have sex with-I've known I wasn't their only partner. It's just I normally expect their other partners to be men and not women. So even if we became routine 'buds' -unless we had an agreement of exclusivity I wouldn't expect to be his one and only. If I felt I was falling deeply into like-or love, then his polyamory nature is going to bother me more.





    1. How old is he? We're roughly the same age.


    2. Not a Great Communicator? I'd say this goes beyond that to maybe being a bit too self-centered-or something. After all he said he was interested. And later events have borne that out. But to first contact someone in February, Then he doesn't follow-up until May? He's a nice guy. And I'll admit I'm not always the best at following up on things either. But unless he becomes more reliable, there's no way anything more than a casual f-buddy relationship is possible.


    3. I'm fairly sure text is not a foreign concept to him. For some reason it just doesn't seem to register that sending a text apologizing for not texting earlier. Then not responding to a reply to that is really irksome.



    Dating is only for the brave.


    Boy, did you just say (or rather write) a mouthful, @RealAvalon-esp when gig consider I'm at high risk due to age, medical conditions, and being immune suppressed from prednisone.




    Have you talked to a friend in person about this, or even on the phone?


    I'm sure I'm being overly dense here, @WilliamM, but talk about what specifically with friend?



  7. Perspective: A man’s properly-cleaned ass is certainly cleaner than ANYTHING a 4 year old kid has brought into a home. Cleaner than licking your kitchen sink. Unless the eater has pre-requested some stank, the average holes taste slightly musky at most. Some guys have body chemistry that actually adds a sweetness to their overall smell, so One Sweet Ass is actually a thing. ???


    Thanks I'm good as I don't put my tongue on things that a 4 year old brings in the house or lick the sink.


    But I'm glad you like it. I'm not trying to stop your enjoyment of it.



  8. Perspective: A man’s properly-cleaned ass is certainly cleaner than ANYTHING a 4 year old kid has brought into a home. Cleaner than licking your kitchen sink. Unless the eater has pre-requested some stank, the average holes taste slightly musky at most. Some guys have body chemistry that actually adds a sweetness to their overall smell, so One Sweet Ass is actually a thing. ???


    Thanks I'm good as I don't put my tongue on things that a 4 year old brings in the house or lick the sink.


    But I'm glad you like it. I'm not trying to stop your enjoyment of it.



  9. @Gar1eth, congratulations on the date. As I've said before, life goes on, even during a pandemic. I presume both of you discussed this extensively since you know the time you spent together, especially the necking, exchanged many droplets. If either of you were infected, the probability is high that both of you are now.


    Well not really. It's scary. If you are going to be close to someone, then it's a risk you have to take. I'm assuming if he knew he had been exposed, he would have told me. I'm sure the same thing goes for him. With the fact that asymptomatic people can spread the disease, every meeting is a crapshoot. There's just no way to know.



    You mentioned polyamory, are you okay with him having multiple lovers? That strikes me as a more complex potential area of conflict for many people. If he's into you and you're into each other, go for it! Have fun and make sure both of you communicate clearly and regularly so there are no misunderstandings. Relationships are complicated, adding layers greatly increases the complexity, so communicate and explore together.



    I've been with bisexual escorts -Andrew Justice for example-and probably some escorts who were g4pay although as much as I could I tried to avoid those guys. And I've been with guys who came out late and were previously married. And I'm sure I've been with some true bisexuals or guys still married to women. But I won't deny it weirds me out.


    However I think the true answer on how much it will bother me is how "into him" I get. After all the majority of the people I've met on the apps to have sex with-I've known I wasn't their only partner. It's just I normally expect their other partners to be men and not women. So even if we became routine 'buds' -unless we had an agreement of exclusivity I wouldn't expect to be his one and only. If I felt I was falling deeply into like-or love, then his polyamory nature is going to bother me more.


    How old is he? It sounds like he's a very relaxed communicator and you should like a high touch communicator. You'll probably want to dial it way down if you don't want to spook him off.

    He simply doesn’t seem like the Great Communicator. So, I think that allows you to be one. Text or call or both. How old is he? Perhaps text is a slightly foreign communication method for him. (I hate it but I’m 57.). So, maybe call him instead. Just keep at him!


    1. How old is he? We're roughly the same age.


    2. Not a Great Communicator? I'd say this goes beyond that to maybe being a bit too self-centered-or something. After all he said he was interested. And later events have borne that out. But to first contact someone in February, Then he doesn't follow-up until May? He's a nice guy. And I'll admit I'm not always the best at following up on things either. But unless he becomes more reliable, there's no way anything more than a casual f-buddy relationship is possible.


    3. I'm fairly sure text is not a foreign concept to him. For some reason it just doesn't seem to register that sending a text apologizing for not texting earlier. Then not responding to a reply to that is really irksome.



  10. @Gar1eth, congratulations on the date. As I've said before, life goes on, even during a pandemic. I presume both of you discussed this extensively since you know the time you spent together, especially the necking, exchanged many droplets. If either of you were infected, the probability is high that both of you are now.


    Well not really. It's scary. If you are going to be close to someone, then it's a risk you have to take. I'm assuming if he knew he had been exposed, he would have told me. I'm sure the same thing goes for him. With the fact that asymptomatic people can spread the disease, every meeting is a crapshoot. There's just no way to know.



    You mentioned polyamory, are you okay with him having multiple lovers? That strikes me as a more complex potential area of conflict for many people. If he's into you and you're into each other, go for it! Have fun and make sure both of you communicate clearly and regularly so there are no misunderstandings. Relationships are complicated, adding layers greatly increases the complexity, so communicate and explore together.



    I've been with bisexual escorts -Andrew Justice for example-and probably some escorts who were g4pay although as much as I could I tried to avoid those guys. And I've been with guys who came out late and were previously married. And I'm sure I've been with some true bisexuals or guys still married to women. But I won't deny it weirds me out.


    However I think the true answer on how much it will bother me is how "into him" I get. After all the majority of the people I've met on the apps to have sex with-I've known I wasn't their only partner. It's just I normally expect their other partners to be men and not women. So even if we became routine 'buds' -unless we had an agreement of exclusivity I wouldn't expect to be his one and only. If I felt I was falling deeply into like-or love, then his polyamory nature is going to bother me more.


    How old is he? It sounds like he's a very relaxed communicator and you should like a high touch communicator. You'll probably want to dial it way down if you don't want to spook him off.

    He simply doesn’t seem like the Great Communicator. So, I think that allows you to be one. Text or call or both. How old is he? Perhaps text is a slightly foreign communication method for him. (I hate it but I’m 57.). So, maybe call him instead. Just keep at him!


    1. How old is he? We're roughly the same age.


    2. Not a Great Communicator? I'd say this goes beyond that to maybe being a bit too self-centered-or something. After all he said he was interested. And later events have borne that out. But to first contact someone in February, Then he doesn't follow-up until May? He's a nice guy. And I'll admit I'm not always the best at following up on things either. But unless he becomes more reliable, there's no way anything more than a casual f-buddy relationship is possible.


    3. I'm fairly sure text is not a foreign concept to him. For some reason it just doesn't seem to register that sending a text apologizing for not texting earlier. Then not responding to a reply to that is really irksome.



  11. Any updates?


    Funny you should ask. I do have one.


    So to recap-this guy has never been a great communicator. I think he said he was first interested in getting together in February. He sent like two texts in February. Then basically went silent and didn't respond back to several texts I made until May. I didn't text him constantly or anything. But I probably sent him a couple of texts in March and April because I thought he was cute. And he had expressed an interest.


    So he finally answered back in May, and we met. Then again pretty much radio silence even right after the meeting when I texted him that I had a nice time.


    That's what made me think he wasn't that interested. But not being sure....



    The Day After I texted him basic "hope your having a good day"


    No response.


    2 Days After-I text another Good Day Wish.


    Yes, I know it sounds desperate. But it really irks me when I get ghosted. It may hurt to hear/read something unpleasant. But I hate things being nebulous.


    3 Days After -I for a change didn't text. And he texts me saying "Good Morning,


    I reply back. But he doesn't respond.


    4 Days After-- He again texts out of the blue -says he wants to go out once things open up. I give a suggestion or two. He says "let's talk tomorrow"


    That would have been yesterday. But I didn't hear from him.


    My interpretation-


    He likes me. He really likes me at least a little. He wants to do stuff-even outside the bedroom. But apparently is horrible at the follow-thru.



  12. The title has nothing to do with drugs or being in an airplane. The guy that I just met was 6'5". And with his height-therein lies the problem.


    Background Info:


    As I've mentioned before, I'm underendowed-or at the very low end of the normal scale at 5". As a top on meeting guys for the first time, I'm always a bit worried about how large their buttocks are. If the cheeks are too large, I can't gain access. I realize most tops may have that problem to some extent. But for us shorties, it's worse.


    Compounding my shortness are


    1). I'm on the low end of normal for height at 5'9"

    2) Due to age and my physical condition (or rather lack of), I don't have the strongest erection. And I can lose it easily.


    Considering everything; sometimes I realize I'm lucky to be about to top at all. I found even when younger (but I didn't have sex until my 40's and I'm in my 50's now-so not that long ago) and even more so now that there is really only one position where I can top successfully. That's with the guy on his back-butt at the end of the bed- me standing beside the bed, over him-with his legs either in the air or resting on my shoulders. This position affords me the best possibility of access. And to tell the truth, I'd probably like this position best anyway as I'm a face and chest guy. Plus I can stoke the guy-and hopefully lean over to kiss while I'm inside him-although frequently leaning over that far causes me to involuntarily disengage.


    Factors that work against me


    1. If the bed is too tall -or too low to the ground-ie just a mattress on the floor.


    2. If the "cheeks" are too large as I discussed above. And taller guys tend to have larger cheeks. This guy I'm talking about now was 6'5". He's probably the tallest guy I've even been with. And while I love tall guys, he unfortunately had proportionately sized cheeks.


    3. I've noticed over the years that the position of the anus can vary a bit/or maybe it's just the geometry in relation to the cheeks. Some seem to be positioned more frontwards towards the tallywacker. Some seem positioned a bit more toward the back. The forward position ones are easier for me to reach.




    I was excited to meet this guy because he was cute. And I love tall guys. I was worried about physical matters. But I decided to see how things went once I got to his place.


    Well I get there and he is every inch 6'5" and cute. But he does have big cheeks-so I'm concerned. Then we get to the bedroom. Not only is it an enormous king-sized bed. But with the frame the top of the bed is probably reaches midway between my bellybutton and my breastbone. That's way too high for me to stand next to the bed and be able to top. Possibly if he had had a big city phonebook, I could have stood on that. But those are scarcer than hen's teeth these days.


    Now I'm really worried. #1. It's embarrassing. #2. I hate disappointing my partner.




    He really liked making out. And I do too. He really wanted to bottom for me. I would have really liked that too. But I was almost positive that wasn't gong to work. SO while we were kissing I kept stroking. He liked it a lot. He did say he wanted me to cum first. But I said I was having a good time-which I was. And I stroked him until he came.


    It wasn't what either of us wanted most. But honestly with everything going against me the way it was- his height, his large cheeks, my shortcummings, and the height of the bed, I just don't see how it could have worked out.


    Luckily for me, he seemed fairly satisfied by it. And afterwards he returned the favor after he recovered a bit.



  13. Never done it. Don't really plan to. I fast forward or turn off porn when they stead spending too much time on rimming, stretching, or fingering themselves. But it's not just ani. I'm not that fond of giving head or the taste of cum either although I'm a lot more likely to give head (and have occasionally) than I am to rim.



  14. To be clear, I don’t have any doubts that he’s probably real, I would just like to have an idea what he’s like to work with. And I hate to reach out to you guys to put feelers out because they don’t always respond to that very well.

    That's actually one of the purposes of The Deli.



    @Gar1eth – yeah, well, I was criticized for just that...


    I have three possible replies


    1. Might have been a bad day on the Message Center.


    2. Unfortunately not everyone on here is particularly nice although the majority seem reasonably friendly.


    3. Not knowing the situation, it might depend on the circumstances of asking.





    To be clear, I don’t have any doubts that he’s probably real, I would just like to have an idea what he’s like to work with. And I hate to reach out to you guys to put feelers out because they don’t always respond to that very well.


    That's actually one of the purposes of The Deli.



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