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Posts posted by bnm73

  1. If I am paying for an escort services involving a threesome, I want to partipate. He is basically asking someone to pay for escorts services for him. An intetesting concept, I bet someone will do it just not me. He sure is cute though.


    Meh. Not my taste. In several ways. More power to him, though.

  2. I texted a well-reviewed masseur about 10 hours ago, politely asking if he was available for a session this coming weekend, and haven't received a reply. He's not local and will be travel here later this week, but from what I can tell he's still in his home city. His website says that texting to set up an appointment is OK, and I double-checked to make sure I texted to the correct phone # (I did).


    Should I text a second time this evening or give it a few more hours? He also has a secure booking form that I could use, especially since it's the first time I've tried to schedule with him.


    Thoughts and opinions?


    He may have a day job and not reply to messages during his other job.


    Maybe he was sleeping or otherwise busy.


    Maybe he's getting a lot of messages and is trying to figure out how many people he can book.


    Maybe he's traveling today, but won't be available in your area until the end of the week.


    Since the potential appointment is a few days in the future, I wouldn't text again today. That would give him a chance to take care of what ever is going on today. If you want to touch base tomorrow, that would probably be o.k. If he doesn't respond at all (even with a "I'm booked" or "No, thanks"), then I could consider that unprofessional and would not utilize his services.


    Sure, living in Puerto Rico is cheaper than Manhattan or DC, but not cheaper than most SA countries.


    Perhaps, but in a SA country you still have to pay the IRS income taxes (even on foreign income, if I remember correctly) if you don't renounce your citizenship. And you have to keep in mind that banks will eat at least some of your money any time you have to convert from US dollars to a different currency. There are advantages and disadvantages to most possibilities.

  4. I am not looking for a vacation spot. I am looking for a place to move in. I adore Boricuas, but I do not think the prices there can compete to the ones in Colombia, Brazil or Mexico.


    It think you may have misunderstood me....I was trying to say that I have first-hand knowledge of Puerto Rico, including recent knowledge (was there about a month ago).


    I'll be moving to Puerto Rico next year, actually. Land, houses, and rent are cheap. You can find big houses (some with casitas for rental, etc.) right on the beach for less than $200k. Or 4 beds, 4 baths with a pool for under $150k. No federal income taxes. There are several things to recommend it if one is open to it.


    And most people there can understand and converse in English (contrary to popular belief). Spanish is the "every day" language, of course.

  5. I do not mind at all about expatriating. I am just looking for places where the few dollars of my retirement will worth more than in US territory, populated by men of my favorite ethnicities.

    I vacation in Puerto Rico regularly....it seems the only ugly people are the tourists...

  6. Friendboy.pro is gaining ground it seems


    I checked out rentboy.pro and liked what I saw....then I went on vacation, came back, and it's "friendboy.pro." And I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would use it in its current form.

  7. I'm a big fan of the new series but have not seen much of the classic stuff. What lore does it screw with?


    Until last year, for example, there were "Time Lords" -- like The Doctor -- and "Time Ladies" -- like his former companion Romana. Genders did not change just because of a regeneration.

  8. Of course I can’t prove it so I will let it go.

    I hear you, it sounds very weird. But I don’t understand your statement “I am not convinced”....

    I don’t see a motive either (apart from a possible one) and it sounds quite bizarre that he did it for the reason I think he did it.

    Nevertheless, the alternative is that I have (still!) by accident ALL the symptoms of Ecstasy’s side effects coincidentally at the right time when they should have happened because?....

    After 20 hours I still have high heart beats, high blood pressure (and I am perfectly healthy), I feel restless, edgy, confused, total loss of appetite (me of all people!) without feeling nauseous or stomach sick and I didn’t sleep one minute since yesterday morning.

    And the only thing out of ordinary I did yesterday was drinking those sips of tequila.

    And believe me, it’s not my first tequila in my life.

    Don’t know what to say.


    Well, is sounds like you MIGHT have been slipped the old Mickey Finn.


    You COULD go to the hospital or your doctor for a blood test to try to identify what you may have been given. (If you're still having issues like that after a day, it might not be a bad idea just to rule out anything else. You don't want to end up with a heart attack or stroke.) At least some of your other symptoms -- restlessness, edginess, etc -- might be explained by the tachycardia -- fast heart beat.


    Once/if something is identified, you could theoretically press charges, since giving giving someone drugs that they don't know about is illegal in most (if not all) jurisdictions.


    However, you then open yourself up to solicitation charges yourself.


    You could get in touch with the escort and say "i've been feeling weird since that tequila shot....did you put anything in it, by chance?"


    You could leave a review on daddy's, etc., specifying what has happened to warn other people...but I would wait until I was sure what happened.

  9. This is the one with a female Doctor Who? I'll pass. I don't like when they change the gender or ethnicity of a well-known character.


    I'm willing to give her a chance. Jodie Whitakker is a pretty damned fine actress. And she can't be less likable than the last Doctor (Peter Capaldi).


    The Doctor changes fairly frequently, though. There have been 5 in the 11 seasons of the "new Who." I agree that I was taken aback when the show runner started making Time Lords' genders fluid when regenerating (screws with all sorts of lore from the classic series), but it's science fiction. Besides, the last show runner was a douche and a half and just HAD to make changes for change's sake.

  10. Overnights are common, and weekends are fairly common. Entire weeks aren't unheard of, but I'm curious, and so I ask our current working men....


    ...what's the longest amount of time you've been hired by (and spent time with) a client?


    I'm not asking about how long have you had a person hiring you consistently. I mean that you quoted them a price for X amount of days/weeks/months and things progressed from there.

  11. Just for comparison:




    It is said that Judas is supposed to be the only disciple looking away (third from the right, in the blue). And there was an apocryphal figure to Jesus's right side, which was a female and subsequently overpainted. Thus the funny looking gap.


    From my understanding, Judas is the 4th head from the left. The one spilling the salt and the one with the money bag.


    If you look directly behind that figure, you see a hand holding a knife....that belongs to no one.

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