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Everything posted by E.T.Bass

  1. I'm not familiar with SF Chronicle. I lean towards the LA Times but not sure I'd take time to keep up with it. Maybe I should try their Sunday edition.
  2. My guess is that Hollywood sees "the fat lady" as something funny. Can an obese woman pull off the same comedy shtick after losing weight? Perhaps the proof is in the pudding. I'm not as familiar with R.W. as I am with Melissa McCarthy who I liked before and after weight loss. Of course she has taken on significant dramatic roles. She's great. So one might conclude a woman doesn't need a perfect body to succeed in entertainment. On the other hand, being young, thin and pretty remains an advantage, right? That's entertainment!
  3. I get Vanity Fair and New Yorker delivered by USPS. Also, I have digital access. I subscribe to Washington Post, digital. I have considered LA Times and NY Times, but so far haven't.
  4. Kristin Scott Thomas as Mrs. Danvers. Sounds great.
  5. The Netflix promo compared it to American Horror Story. That didn't sound like anything I'd enjoy. The Pilot reminded me of the other Ryan Murphy Netflix productions, a lot of frosting and a great cast. I agree, it's gory. I may not continue past epi 2.
  6. the idea that everyone would care whether your baby has a penis, that the news should be framed with such drama, just like all these marriage proposals becoming polished dance productions in hope's of getting a million hits on the internet. For what? I know, I'm starting to sound like my mom when she complains about me relying on Waze to get around LA. Well that's crazy! ? But IMO people's priorities are seriously fucked up .
  7. Blaming the young has been going on since the time of Socrates. Bill Maher loves blaming millenials for their behaviors. While it is easy to fall into that trap, I try to tune it out.
  8. Those were some wild-ass times!
  9. While political, the writing and the performances were excellent. I personally found it cathartic. There is criticism of preaching to the choir which I dismiss.
  10. "You have no power here!" Bette Midler was awesome.
  11. What terrible luck 2 guys in a row flaked on you! Hopefully, you'll see more positive transactions soon. In the meantime, it makes sense you are asking what changes you might make for more effective negotiation and how to mitigate the financial damage if more flakes arise. The deposit idea makes sense. I hope you have better results soon.
  12. I'll be the underneath guy during his 2-man bobsleigh. Oh daddy!?
  13. I understand that in order to wear his Robin costume on network TV, required taping down his member to save America from seeing the size of it.
  14. Steve could have given Bucky the Big D. ;)But no..... Warning: more FanArt
  15. I know a few of you are like me and love diving into television from the prior century. It's all over the place on the internet and cable services. I also love Danny Devito a lot! Here is . Both performed on a show called Taxi, late 70s and early 80s. I believe you can stream Taxi on Hulu and CBS all access. There is another video on YouTube with Marilu Henner telling the exact same story. It is worth finding and listening to Henner retell the same incident, IMO.
  16. Non-stop is so much easier. Friends flew in to PS from Des Moines, through Denver and the connection had problems, so they lost an entire day of their visit.
  17. Although his character was Boy Wonder, Burt ward was in his 20s during the role. Man enough to endure whatever Cat Woman (or Batman) wrought.
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