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Posts posted by MichBoyBlake

  1. I've never been to gold coast because I've never once heard anything good about it. Pretty much the same with every other gay bar/club/bathhouse/spa or whatever in the area. They're all pretty dreadful as far as I'm aware, although I'm not typically into either the strip club or bathhouse/spa scene personally, not that I have anything them. Although obviously you've known of gold coast much longer than me and have gone there quite a few times, so from what you've said I can gather it used to be a lot nicer. I've just never heard anything good at all about it, in the short few years I've even known about it.

    I could be totally wrong but I feel like the reason a lot of the gay spaces in the area are so terrible is because of how many people are 'discreet' or 'dl'. Like I'm not judging anyone, but sometimes I seriously feel like I'm the only comfortably out person in the whole metro area haha. Obviously I'm exaggerating, but still.

    It also doesn't help that all the places like gold coast, menjos, BZ etc. are in not-so-great areas, so they just don't get the customers that really spend money that often. Idk where people actually go though. Probably places in Ferndale or RO, haha.

  2. Yeah I mean, I feel it's very possible to have a good client/escort relationship and a real connection, even with the specifics or real identities of each other being a bit reserved. I wouldn't want to know if a client were to find out my "real identity", whatever that actually means, and if they did I would be so appreciative if they were to just kinda stuff that information away and never bring it up with me or anyone else for that matter (although I suppose I wouldn't know anyways, so I guess it'd be hard to be appreciative, but you get the point). I don't feel like I'm a fake or different person with clients. I still have very much the same personality and I'm not constantly lying or saying things I don't mean. To me at least, having it sort of separated isn't about keeping clients at arms' length or being dishonest. It's more about keeping both parts of my life separate. It's partially the same reason I don't do incalls (although not the only reason); I don't really want clients knowing exactly where I live, unless I've seen them enough to really trust them enough with that information, but even then it still sorta worries me because sometimes you really can't tell what people might do, no matter how well you think you know them. If I were to do this as a full-time job, or if it ever became prominent enough in my life to make it worth it, I'd rather rent a 2nd place for doing incalls, rather than using where I actually live.

  3. I agree with this list, but I feel like these are mostly just sorta offensive, patronizing things to say in general, regardless of the gay or "daddy" angle the article talks about them from.

    I mean if you're 30 or 40 and a 60 or 70 year old starts talking about how "you have it easier than he did" it'd still be kinda offensive I'd imagine. Except for the couple of sex ones these apply in plenty of other contexts. The worst professors are often the ones that think this way, simply because this kind of mentality blocks off a lot of communication and relatability between generations.

    Younger people are also sometimes guilty of the same sort of mentality but in the opposite direction.

  4. I have a small bag that I carry with me normally anyways, so I just take anything valuable out of it (I know it's a bit paranoid but hey you never know) and then carry lube + condoms in it just in case. The client almost always has everything though, but I feel like it'd be a bit unprofessional if I didn't have them on me. I feel like it's pretty bare minimum of what I could bring going into a booking.

  5. Just not into it I guess. However, I would love to make a video with an escort I am with so that I could look at it later. Not to see me but rather to relive the experience. I have never done it. I may find it too embarrassing once I have. Also, I wonder what percentage of escorts would go along with it.


    I think for many it'd just be a matter of offering more, but idk. I mean personally I'd probably be willing to do it but, I'd definitely have to add a decent amount onto my normal rate for it. I'd also probably want a copy of it as well ;)

  6. It’s a process. You may can start by contacting some photographers and see what they can offer, as not having pro pics already may not stand out amongst the masses.


    They’re not even an escort site, and they’ve had their fair share of changes over nude pics.


    Yeah.. it doesn't help that I get easily intimidated when I feel out of my depth. That's probably largely the issue I've had with it. After posting that though I decided to fully make the account and submit it for approval or whatever. I also don't really know anything about how a photoshoot would go, and it'd definitely be a test of my self-confidence haha. But I'll work on it. That was honestly really less a complaint about MM and more personal frustration lol. ALSO the first time I tried to set up my account on MM, it wouldn't let me submit without providing a website link, which I don't have. Of course when I tried again last night, it worked without the website link. Go figure.

  7. Interesting. But careful, I don't think that'll work for all...and I've had people feel so embarrassed because they thought they "cleaned out", until I pull out the summer's eve.


    I douche, even though I bottom infrequently. It's good for my prostate and colon, and those cancers are prevalent. I can't just sweep off the porch, I've got to clean the gutters occasionally too. I can't just brush, without including the flossing routine.


    haha I mean, every once in a while I do it. But I think I'm pretty careful and generally aware of the situation down there ;)

  8. There is also that pesky practical issue of being cleaned out and ready to go. Douching is not particularly good for you. Certainly not douching one or more times per day. For the client, it's no big deal. It's a special occasion. But it can be a lot of work for an escort to bottom regularly, and God forbid there be the least little mess, he would get shredded for being unprofessional!


    Not to sound somehow patronizing but I like, very very rarely actually douche.

    It's all about diet, exercise, regularity and knowing your body :)


    I've only had a mishap once and that was with an ex and we were drunk and he didn't want to listen..... lol

  9. maybe I'm crazy but I haven't really ever seen like, serious "top-shaming" or "bottom-shaming" at all...

    I advertise as vers/bottom and I don't think it's false advertising, but it's definitely a lot harder for me top than it is to bottom, and I think it'd really depend on the client.


    I have the opposite of the weird intimacy thing that everyone seems to have lol. I'm generally only all that comfortable topping with guys I'm in serious, committed relationships with.

  10. In a way I agree with the protest sentiment of this idea, but where I am there's relatively low demand and low supply. There's still quite a bit of homophobia here and a lot of deeply closeted men. A lot of the potential clients here are first-timers, sometimes even first-timers with same-sex encounters completely. Raising my rate by the suggested amount would do nothing good for me or for the industry as a whole here.


    There are a lot of republicans where I am so I mean, at the best maybe I could bring up the politics a bit with clients that I might be able to trust won't get annoyed by it, but also where I am politics is kinda a taboo subject to bring up with people outside of family or close friends, so... sorry @BlakeBenz (nice name btw ;) ) but this really isn't something I could commit to at all.

  11. It still surprises me that there aren't online agencies. I'd be happy to pay a monthly fee like RM + some % of earnings in order to be listed with an agency. It seems like an escort agency could be extremely profitable. I mean I'd still be willing to fully manage my own profile/ad like on RM, even with much stricter scrutiny of what gets approved in the text.


    Where I am there are a number of nice areas and really bad areas all closely mixed together, to the point where you can be driving through a nice, safe area, and then by just crossing one street you're suddenly in a more dangerous area, and vice versa. So when I look at all the possible places to post a profile/ad, most of the free sites, like craigslist, backpage, adam4adam, etc (I can't think of more off the top of my head, but you get the idea) are filled to the brim with ads from pretty sketchy guys that you can just tell got weirdly desperate at once, thought of it as an 'easy job' even if they're actually straight and posted it, but probably haven't looked at what they posted or thought about it in months, if not longer. However when you look at RM, for the most part no one's text or pics make them look like they're desperate and trying way too hard, and they come off as way more professional.


    I think in my area both Rentboy.pro and Mintboys still haven't been swarmed yet, so the people on there seem to be serious, and often also have a RM ad as well.


    Anyways my point is at least for me, all the sites that have been taken down so far haven't bothered me, and if anything it feels almost kind of nice because it's clearing out all the sketchy, fake, unprofessional guys. I just really hope RM doesn't get taken down; I enjoy the work but as a part-time thing... I'd hate to have to make the decision of whether to just give it up entirely, or to put a lot more effort into finding clients. I would seriously love to just be listed with an agency haha.

  12. Would it be terribly awkward if a prospective client reached out to you to exchange contact info for possible future hiring? Given the uncertainty of the future existence and availability of sites, it may be the only opportunity to establish contact. I haven’t been at this long enough to establish a base of regulars, and there are several guys, both here and on RM that have sparked my interest. Most are out of my area, but I thought it would be a good idea in case they wander my way, or I wander their way.


    I've had people do that before and I don't find it awkward at all. However I also don't save anyone as a contact until I've had a first meet with them, and I clear out text messages with numbers I don't have saved pretty regularly. So I guess my only advice really is don't be upset if, when you do contact them in the future, they don't know who you are because they don't have you as a contact, or they don't have the message history anymore.. and be prepared for that. However if a potential client reached from far away were to reach out to me to chat a bit and also ask me to let them know if I'm ever in their area, I'd probably save them as a contact and make a note of it.

    Personally I only do it to stay organized; I don't do it to be rude at all, and I have no issue with answering questions/talking to someone a few times before they decide to schedule something with me.


    Then again it might help that I'm generally good with awkward people, especially since I can be a bit myself sometimes. In fact I'm probably overall much less awkward and more comfortable around people that are a tad awkward, assuming that awkwardness isn't the sketchy, hiding-something type. So I might be a little biased here lol.

  13. I used LoseIt it pretty faithfully for a few months last spring and am starting it again. The bar codes are fun,and being able to find nutritional info for similar foods was very helpful given how often I go out.


    I'm considering trying the premium app to see the trends but I hesitate to pay for another subscription.


    I use MyFitnessPal. It sounds like LoseIt is about the same thing; I think I'll download LoseIt today and check it out just to see. Before MyFitnessPal I used LiveStrong, which iirc had no app: just a web version. Idk if the LiveStrong website/app/whatever is even still around or not. This was like forever ago when I was still in high school I think and didn't have a smart phone, but LiveStrong was a bit more focused on logging exercise/work-out information than on food/nutrients, although it tracked those as well.


    MyFitnessPal has a web and app version. I pay $10/mo for the like premium subscription or w/e, but I also use it to track a lot of nutritional information and to like keep track of like exercise/work outs. If you're just looking to use it for basic stuff, then you really don't need the subscription version. The subscription just lets you set specific goals for macros/micros, and lets you generate way more things like charts/graphs so you can see how you're doing with those macros/micros over a longer period of time. Basically the subscription just lets you customize and really make everything very specific to yourself, although I think if you're main goal right now is to just lose weight and get healthier.. that kind of thing isn't really going to be all that useful. For weight loss, with the free version of MyFitnessPal you just enter your: age, sex, height, weight, general level of activity, goal weight, weight you want to lose per week. With just that information it'll give you very generalized calorie, exercise, macro, and some micro goals per day. A plan that general is definitely perfect enough for working on just losing weight and getting healthy, but with nutrition past general weight loss it is important to be aware that due to genetics everyone is quite different. So once you're at your target weight or getting close to it, if you're also looking at being healthier and feeling better, it'd definitely be useful to start seeking out help with determining nutrition/diet that works best for you in the long term.


    And just to clarify, obviously the web and app version are both under the same username/pw, so you can switch between using them pretty easily. I like to use the app mostly just to log everything, and then the web version to like analyze what I've logged.


    I don't obsess over calories all THAT much, but unfortunately i'm not the type of person that can just like, roughly judge how much I'm eating/how much I've eaten today/this week/etc. However 1/2 of what I'm typing here is pretty irrelevant to general weight loss, because general weight loss is completely all about calories. Some methods like low-carb, atkins, keto, etc. work for some, but the basis behind those weight-loss methods is that you're setting yourself up with a diet that leaves you satisfied and full on fewer calories, so you don't have to worry too much about manually tracking calories... but it's still just all calories when it comes to weight loss.

    I've found I gain weight very easily if I don't keep like a food/exercise journal, and MyFitnessPal is perfect for that. There's also like a scale you can buy and some other equipment that can be synced up with your account I think, but I haven't gotten any of that stuff since it seems unnecessary to buy an expensive scale just so I don't have to manually log it in every time I weigh myself.



    +1 on the Lose It app, helped me immensely when I lost my weight. I was able to program in my protein drinks and vitamins as “custom foods” in the app, it was a great reminder of what I had to take every day


    The bar code scan of packaged foods almost makes it fun ;)


    That could be a nice way to remind yourself about protein drinks and vitamins; just remember that vitamins tend to contain a waaayyy larger amount in them than your body actually absorbs, for the purpose of getting your body to absorb as much as possible. So it'd be a good way to remind yourself, but not a good way to actually gauge how much of a specific vitamin you're getting per day... That you sorta have to decide on your own. Like I take quite a bit of vitamin D because school/work (that is to say outside of escorting) keeps me inside a lot of the time, which puts me at pretty high risk for vitamin D deficiency. BUT if I were to actually scan and enter in the supplement I take for vitamin D, the app I use at least would act like I'm getting like 1000% or 2000% or something of what I should be getting, only because it has no way of really calculating how much I'm actually absorbing, since there are soo many different variables to consider when it comes to that. It would also act like I get too much calcium because although I'm not at all close to being calcium deficient, I take a calcium supplement with the vitamin D supplement since that helps my body absorb more of the vitamin D supplement.


    The bar code thing is super nice; MyFitnessPal lets you scan bar codes as well. Of course not EVERY product's bar code is going to be in the database so sometimes you get things that don't scan, or scan but show up as something completely different, but the big advantage is just not having to manually enter all the nutrition information of what you're eating. I remember a time when I kept a nutrition journal and wrote all of that stuff down everyday! It sounds soo painful now I can't imagine not having the barcode scan haha. I think the times when I used to write it all down in a journal I just ended up have very little variety in my diet like 65% of the time or something, and then having a lot of days where I got more variety but only wrote down calories and maybe macros.


    There I go again, writing an entire essay in a forum post, lol... Sorry I can't help it; I always end up writing so much.

  14. There is a video of Michael Lucas slapping a spitting on Jake Lyons.


    At Pornhub there is a video called




    Holy fuck that's way hotter than I expected! I'm still not 100% on the spitting or not. It's hot in theory but idk if I'd be actually into it, lol.

    but WOW I wish I had a hot guy to slap me around like that while pounding me ;) and I hadn't really thought about slapping like that before lol.

  15. My theory is that a lot of guys will show you what they like done to them by what they try to do to turn you on. For example, a guy whose nipples are hotwired tends to assume his partner will like the same and at least try that out. No response, try the next thing. That theory has worked well for me.


    haha I definitely do this, although purposefully. I think it's a good trick.

  16. Yeah. I mean, everyone else in my area seems to have a face pic right as their main photo, so eh.. what the hell, might as well just use them :) It might be a little uncomfortable if people saw but, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about it. Besides, at the risk of sounding a bit arrogant, I think it's probably one of my best features haha.

    I've never been on the client side, but I would think that if I saw someone I was interested in, I would just reach out and ask for a face pic. If I were a client I don't think I would want to book anyone without seeing face first. Then again, if everyone else has face pics up, I can understand how easy it would be to just ignore the few without faces, especially since you'd have to wait for them to hear back from you, etc. I know for me, face matters a lot when it comes to who I'm physically attracted to, so I imagine if I were a client it'd matter a lot to me as well.

  17. Maybe a weird thing to post, but is anyone going to CLAW later this month? I found out about it sorta recently, and I kinda want to go, but I don't know all that much about that scene, and I don't like going to things by myself, haha.

  18. I only do out calls haha. Playlists would be a great idea if i did in calls definitely. From now on I'm just going to be a little more forthcoming with making sure that the amount of time is agreed on when booking, and I'll sorta just try to check here and there.

    I really don't mind going over with extra time, especially if I'm enjoying myself enough to forget ;) I feel like an entire hour extra is a bit much for me though, especially with this particular client.

    I feel so stupid about this haha. I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself too much but like, every booking I've had besides that one, the client set the pace, let me know when it was time to wrap things up and go, and paid for however long I was there. I thought I was doing really good at this, but I guess I was just getting good clients :p lol

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