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Posts posted by MichBoyBlake

  1. How would your undressing ritual be?


    Good question! lol. Ideally it doesn't go the same way every time -- it's really more the type of thing that would get worked out without words. I just think letting undressing be a part of it adds a lot to the experience and is very fun. It doesn't have to move at a snail's pace, and of course I'm ok with it when clients just strip down really quick without a thought, but idk it can definitely add a small window of flirtation and sensuality.

  2. I hope this is an ok place to post this, it seems like it makes more sense than any of the other topics, but idk.


    I'm wondering if anyone else would be interested in seeing like a "ask a client" section on this forum, essentially the counterpart to the "ask an escort" section? I sort of want to put it out there as a suggestion, but I'd rather not let that bother mods too much without knowing whether or not enough people on here are interested.


    As a provider I feel like having a section where I could bring up questions for clients to discuss would really help me out a lot in terms of improving and getting a better understanding of viewpoints and thoughts from the guys on the other end.


    Just a thought!

  3. I heavily prefer being able to book a client in advance. In fact, I almost never do same-day appointments, and if I do, the appointment often ends up being on the opposite end of the day than the booking. This might mean I miss out on a fair amount of clients, but also I've found that at least in my area, the majority of clients that want to book "right now" or even like "within the next couple hours" tend to cum at some point before making real plans and then just go completely silent. Either that or the part of the process where you actually need to coordinate and make plans ends up turning them off and they go silent. I don't mean for any of this to come off as harsh towards clients... it just seems that a very, very high percentage of "right now" bookings are people who are never actually going to follow through anyways.


    Also, believe it or not I actually do enjoy the work and I take pride it in; often I can't meet "right now" because I'm not going to come meet you in the same condition that I'd make a quick trip to the grocery store in. Even if I'm all done up and out and about already, I'm still going to want to go home, shower, spruce up and pamper a bit before going to meet a client. Of course I'm saying this when my look in my avatar on here is a fair amount underpar from what I would actually want to look like when meeting a client lol. But I think I made my point anyhow.


    Also just another quick thought... I don't at all see hookup apps like grindr or scruff or anything as competition, and I don't use them for meeting clients because I know people on there aren't really looking for providers. But it does confuse me a bit that people would want to book "right now" when pretty much anyone can jump on those apps, regardless of how they look, how old they are, or how 'discreet' they need to be, and probably manage to find someone to hook up with "right now". At least to me, this is so much more than just a "right now" grindr-type thing, so if that's what you actually want, why bother with the bigger experience and book a provider, instead of just going the other route? I really mean no negativity or disrespect towards clients that like to book "right now", I just haven't been able to figure that one out.


    EDIT: Last paragraph

  4. Although its not smart to mix business and friendship, as it muddies the waters and may cause problems, at least from my past experience these things happen naturally overtime seeing someone. Im not against being friendly with people, and giving them extra perks as spending time for what they hired for and hanging out after the session from time to time. However what I don't like is when they try to force this friendship from the start and that is their agenda from the get go. You have no clue how many clients first meetings ask about going on dates, hanging out off the clock, basically trying to get as much time out of me, even though i try to be as nice as possible, its sometimes not good enough for some people. Sometimes you have to set boundaries and stay firm although this may make you lose clients but this is ultimately a client/escort relationship, although if you stay long enough with me you get some added on perks ;) hehe


    I've seen someone for like 3 years now and we've never hanged out off the clock and thats a reason why probably he's still booking me bc its never no drama while theirs another person who I saw for like 2 years we became friends but then we started arguing about stupid things, and things such as jealously and him getting angry at me for not answering his texts fast enough occur so our relationship soured and we stop seeing one another... so thats why i say sometimes its best to just keep things as is, although other clients I'm sure me being super friendly and the added perks keeps them from seeing me over and over again. Ultimately I want escorting to be as drama free as possible, I got enough real life problems, I want this to be always easy and fun for both of us and strive to keep this relationship for as long as possible


    I know what I said might seem like the opposite of your viewpoint, but I 100% agree with this and I think you worded it a lot better than I did.

    To piggyback off your comment a bit, I personally don't mind, and in same cases actually prefer muddying the waters a bit. But I'm also not willing to go down that road with people that I don't have a clear understanding with in terms of this is still, on some level ALWAYS going to be a provider-client type of relationship. Like, I'm always willing to text with clients here and there even if they've only hired me once, simply as a way to keep in contact a bit, but without aggressively reminding them of the time they hired me. But if I were going to just hang out with a client off-the-clock, it would have to be a client that I've met with enough times to feel comfortable enough with that I know I could do that and still retain a client-provider relationship, where they would still book me sometimes rather than just asking to "hang out" all the time. Part of the reason this hasn't been a huge issue for me I think is that in my own personal life I also don't really hook up that often, so 9 times out of 10 if we've become friends through a client-provider relationship and you'd like to just hang out for a bit, I'm probably not going to want to hookup simply because it's blurring to the side of my personal life a bit and it's just not something I do much of in my personal life anymore.


    But yeah, I'm still relatively pretty new to this and I've already met way too many clients that try to move it into something it isn't way too quickly simply because they enjoy themselves and would ideally prefer to not have to actually book me. I'm also very flirty, easy-going and nice, so I'm sure inexperienced clients probably also get the wrong impression sometimes too.


    Just like [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] stated, one thing I enjoy a lot about being a provider and having these provider-client relationships is that they're generally pretty care-free, low pressure and low drama. I find that I do enjoy blurring the lines a little with the right people, but the low pressure and low drama aspects of that relationship would always have to stay the same for me even when blurring the lines into friendship.


    TL;DR: I think [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] made some really good points, and if you really think you'd like to try pushing into being friends with an escort/masseur that you feel you have a good relationship, by all means I feel like you should be able to be upfront and ask about it, but also don't be offended and stop booking them just because they don't want to go in that same direction, and you should definitely be sensitive to the idea of on-the-clock vs. off-the-clock, and don't try to pressure in a lot of off-the-clock hanging out without continuing to have on-the-clock sessions as well.

  5. Although this is about traveling in general, I promise it's actually a question for other escorts and not just me talking about travel plans, so I do feel that it fits here best. I'm sorry if it doesn't, and if asked by a mod I have no problem moving it to the travel section.


    Anyways, it's finally getting nice out, summer is starting strong, and although I love traveling and exploring new places, I haven't really had much of an excuse to make very many trips for a little while now. I'm really starting to get the itch, haha.


    I'm curious about any insights other escorts might have on how to use being a provider as a way to create an excuse to go on some trips. I've heard providers will do a thing sometimes where they list travel dates, and then cancel them if they don't drum up enough interest. I might try that a bit as a way to help, but I really don't want that to be my only tactic. For all I know it has a lot to do with my area, but I'm so used to flaky clients at this point, that I would hate to feel like I've drummed up enough interest, make the plans, go on the trip, and then end up having not enough clients follow through to justify the trip in the first place.


    Also, is there a good way to try and put out some message to potential clients along the lines of... "I really enjoy traveling and even if you're far away still contact me if you're interested because knowing enough people in your area are interested can give me enough of an excuse to make a trip to your area" ?

    I'm not so much looking for how to word that necessarily, but just a way to put out that message without making it seem like needy or aggressive or something.

  6. Is it okay to be friends with regular escorts/masseurs? Ask to hang out, texting?!!


    It's definitely completely ok! In fact I really like clients like that honestly. I just think like any human relationship it's important to be upfront and try to stay in tune with what the other person wants.

    I have a couple of clients that I would say have become friends. The main one that I'm thinking of in particular doesn't book me very often, but we text back and forth here and there and keep in touch. That one works out really well though because it's understood that booking is still booking, even if we get along great and communicate regularly outside of bookings.


    Of course everyone is different and feels different ways about different things, but for me personally, I generally wouldn't be open to making friends with clients who then stop booking and just expect to be fwb. I've had clients try to move into that territory before and I've felt bad about not being able to go that way, but I've also made sure to be upfront and respectful of the other person's feelings/time. I do like having a somewhat blurred line between my personal life and my work as an escort, but it's just very difficult for me to fully overlap the two.


    In a perfect world, I feel like both clients and providers shouldn't feel nervous, embarrassed or anxious about discussing these types of things in a 1-on-1 manner and working out a solution that works for both of them.


    But seriously if you're asking about this as a client, you're my favorite type of client! For me that's the type of arrangement I aim for with clients.

  7. Congrats on the review! I STILL haven't been reviewed :( but I also feel weird asking for a review and I think most clients don't like to write reviews, at least where I am lol. Especially since there's also this thing where plenty of escorts prefer to not have reviews, even if they're good ones.


    You already have a great collection of pics! AND a good video! Better than the pics I currently have posted to my RM ad at the moment lol. Looking at your ad makes me feel like an amateur haha.. I've been meaning to fix my profile up for a while now and this is definitely gonna motivate me to step it up lol. It looks like you're definitely off to a great start!


    Try to learn something from every client about how you want to be perceived by clients, how you want to interact with them, how you want to handle all sorts of different situations that may come up, etc. I guess it all depends on your niche but I feel like interacting positively with clients is a lot more important than performance in the sexual part of it, although bad performance is still not great and it doesn't at all hurt to be good at a number of different things in bed ;)


    I'd also say don't worry about 'branding' so much. In a way it's similar, but think more about what niche you'd like to fill, rather than what your 'brand' looks like. One thing I really like about this work is that I don't ever feel like I'm competing with others in my area really, because most people fill a different sort of niche, and even if that difference is very slight, it still makes a world of difference to most clients.


    As for rates, it's very much dependent on your area. Some people might take it the wrong way but, if you're having trouble figuring out what your normal, standard rate should be.. I wouldn't hesitate to contact other escorts near you, explain that you're new and figuring it out, and ask them what they charge. Just don't let it bother you if anyone gets bitchy about it.


    Also, I promise I only mean this in the nicest and most flattering possible way. You're young, in great shape, and have a very nice body. You're objectively and conventionally very attractive. Don't let that go to your head. Experienced clients will smell that from a mile away, although some might be into that... (to be fair being a bit full of yourself in that way could totally be part of a niche). Just don't get the idea that you can charge significantly more than other clients purely based on looks. Everyone sorta finds and fills their own niche. No tea no shade, there are plenty of conventionally unattractive escorts that still do quite well. Idk about how things go in the huge west- and east-coast US cities that have tons of providers and clients all over the place, but from what I know experienced clients tend to expect your rate to be relatively similar to others in the same area, and having a higher rate usually has more to do with having more reviews, being more well-known, etc. Since you're just starting out I'd even suggest low-balling a bit at first, not to undercut people but to give clients a little incentive to try out the 'new guy'.


    Before this gets way too long even though it already has, the only other thing I want to add is if you haven't already, put more thought into putting up one or two face pictures. That's completely up to you though -- you'll see clients posting on here about how they would never even click on an ad if the first picture didn't have the escorts face in it, but really that's only some clients. Not having a face picture up might hurt your chances of being hired a little bit, but in general I believe it's always worth it to do whatever feels right for you, even if it's something that you're worried about hurting your chances of being hired, because in the end doing whatever feels right for you just helps you fill a more and more unique niche.

  8. I was on my phone and the first time I accidentally clicked the words privacy policy rather than the box -- which is a hyperlink to the page that shows their privacy policy. I think the terms of service is also hyperlinked. It also seemed like those hyperlinks were coded wrong and would flash the privacy policy but then quickly put me back to the page to check the boxes again. I don't mean to sound patronizing or anything but just make sure you're actually hitting the boxes, and then accept, and not hitting the hyperlinks right next to the boxes. That's just the only real problem I had, so if your problem is beyond that then I'm not sure how to help you.


    If you still can't get it to work and there are any providers in particular you remember that you wanted to try and contact, feel free to DM me with their name or whatever about them you can remember and I'd be willing to try and find the right people and give you their numbers.

  9. You can never type too much on this board. Well, maybe Steve K. :);)


    haha thanks. I tend to talk a lot too if I'm comfortable enough with people, but online like this, that level of comfort doesn't matter soo I always end up typing a lot. But I also just think it's generally good practice to be as clear as you can be and minimize the possibility for misunderstandings.

  10. If I ever ask a client anything, I always caveat it with you don't have to answer if you don't want to and I'm very clear about that. I think asking a full name is definitely not a reasonable question, unless you've been talking to a client for a while and they seem a bit dodgy and difficult to work things out with. But I would much sooner just apologize and ask to schedule for a later date, than ask for a full name or 2 pictures. I honestly wouldn't even ask for 1 picture haha.


    Generally I ask what the client is looking for and why they want to book me, although usually clients answer that question close to initial contact, before I can even ask. The other question I like to ask is like, roughly what their age is, meaning just giving me a decade would be fine. But I also always make sure to add that they don't have to answer that question if they don't want to, and I personally have no issues with any ages. I just like to ask because on my end it's sorta nice to have a very rough idea of what to expect in terms of age when meeting a client for the first time.


    Full name is way too much. I might ask a first name after I've booked someone, but that's really just to have a name so that in the future I can remember the client and not constantly give off a rude, "who are you? i don't quite remember" vibe. BUT even then I also wouldn't ever expect whatever name I'm given by a client to necessarily be their real name, and I honestly don't care if it's a fake name or not. It's just much better and much more humanizing to try and remember a client by a name rather than something really dumb like "client A" or "client B", if that makes sense.


    I should note though that if I get a bad vibe from a client that can't be shaken off, I'm also not afraid of just simply telling someone something like sorry, i'm getting a bad vibe from you and you aren't helping fix that vibe so I'm not willing to book with you at this time. I do try to work with people A LOT though so that has really only happened like twice, and one of those times I was pretty convinced the guy wanted me to show up at a hotel with some drug that I couldn't figure out because I didn't understand the like code-name he was giving me for the drug and I don't do drugs at all lol.



    EDIT: added last paragraph

  11. Ah, yes, I am sure the vast multitudes hire escorts without any expectation of physical 'stuff.' They spend hundreds of dollars just to pass the time. If your response was not meant to be snarky, I apologize.


    I'm really just trying to add to the conversation so like don't think I'm coming for anyone or anything like that, but for me I actually really do think of it as just for my time. Sure, there's definitely a level of physical 'stuff' that's often expected, but I'm also ok with taking on clients that end up wanting minimal physical 'stuff', or even just no physical 'stuff' at all. The way I treat it is that both sides just have to be willing to trust the other side a bit.


    To me this largely means that any clients that book me have to be willing to trust that I actually enjoy this work and will always do my best to be professional, but also help them escape for a while, relax, and feel satisfied with their decision to book me.


    I only do outcalls, so on my end I have to trust that a client won't back out last minute after I've already done all the work to get out to them, and then I also have to trust that the agreed upon rate is honored, since I'd never ask until afterwards. It's really not the smartest idea to just throw this information out there but like also... the part of getting the agreed on rate is definitely a huge part of the trust I place in clients, because really if I were to get shorted or even stiffed.... honestly the only repercussion for the client would be that I wouldn't book with that particular client again, and I imagine this is true for at least some other providers as well. If they have an RM profile or something I might leave the client a bad review but I mean, that really isn't much of a repercussion. I'm getting off-track here though.


    My point is I would never show up for the 'time' and then just not be willing to do anything because that would be insane and horrible. BUT like, I really don't at all think of it as payment for activities.. not that I have any moral qualms with that in the slightest. I just most definitely think of it as a rate for my time.

  12. If you are naturally more of a bottom, then just state you are a bottom. I you put down you are versatile or bottom/versatile (or whatever we use nowadays) then you probably will be expected to act as a top somewhere along the way. Unless you have had an explicit conversation and you have made it known by only bottom. And in some cases, even if you list you are just a bottom someone might ask if you also top in some circumstances (like more $ or whatever). If you say "yes" then that is what is expected. However, I agree with you wholeheartedly that if something or nothing happens a discussion has to be engaged in. Hopefully an agreement can be come to as to the amount that the services that were rendered (assuming some were) were worth. In the end it is the client that holds the money.


    I totally agree! I'm also very much not shy about having honest conversations with somewhat careful wording to make sure that whatever arrangement ends up being agreed on works out for both myself and a potential client. I list myself as versatile/bottom because I am both confident and comfortable with topping, but bottom just comes to me easier and more naturally, and I ultimately enjoy bottoming much more too.


    At first I listed myself as bottom, and after a while, thanks to some conversations with clients, I realized it's simply better for me to list as versatile/bottom, since when I list myself as just bottom, clients are very, very rarely willing to reach out and send me a quick message asking if I'm strictly bottom or if I'm able to take on a vers or top role at all. Just as you suggested about clients reaching out, I just find that clients are generally more willing to reach out this way. I would also never ask for a higher rate in that case, as I do stand by my rate being just for time.


    As you can tell I type way too much haha. I personally just like to talk things out a little bit and make sure that both sides are in agreement and everything will work out well. I do know I probably lose a fair amount of potential clients this way since I'm generally not all that thrilled about meeting without chatting a bit first to make sure I'm a good fit for the client, and to a lesser extent vice-versa.


    I don't think versatile/bottom is a dishonest way for me to advertise myself, but if I were to advertise myself as JUST versatile, then that would certainly feel dishonest to me.

  13. There is a thread in the Deli about this and someone suggested it is better asked in this Forum. What should we, the clients, do if someone who is hired as a top cannot perform? Cannot get hard? This is what we are paying for. What do you, the escorts, think we should do. Just accept it and suck it up? Pay only a portion of the fee? It is a serious question that many of us clients have.


    Personally I try to be very clear that it's just time that's being paid for. I'm naturally more of a bottom, but I do have a vers side and I'm comfortable topping. That being said, I'm always completely upfront about any of this kind of stuff. I haven't had to think about this before really, but personally if I felt that I under-performed with a client, or a client were to tell me, in a nice, comfortable way, that they felt I had under-performed, I wouldn't think of asking for the full rate. There's still some part of it I'd probably have to ask for, but again I think this is also why it's generally best to pay afterwards and not upfront. There needs to be some level of trust on both ends. I'm sure there are also situations that could happen where I'd apologize profusely and waive the entire rate.


    I do hope that sorta helped answer your question... I just feel it's a bit difficult to give a real concise answer to this because it's soo dependent on the entire situation and the booking.


    That being said, I don't think it's ever a good idea to be rude to a provider or a client.. if things don't work out right between the provider and client you should be vocal and willing to figure out a way to resolve it, but imo anyone treating anyone else with disrespect or rudeness in this business is pretty difficult to justify and a huge red flag. There's enough hate as it is, people shouldn't be throwing it around here.


    IMO as a client you should be willing to politely end the session, walk away and never book with that person again if you don't want to. As a provider, my main goal is to have regular clients and I would think most providers feel the same way, so just not being booked again by that same person should send enough of a message of what you did wrong as a provider, and should show the provider how they can improve.


    There's just really no reason to ever get vile with anyone I think, especially when this is already looked down and despised by people as much as it is.

  14. Oh gawd no. Don’t underestimate the Adam4adam. It’s one of the longest running, most consistent sites out. The fact that i still regularly pull clients from there speaks volumes. But actually, for awhile that had dropped off and I would stop using it for a 2-3 months. But, that was in Denver...a place that’s kinda annoying when comes to business anyway. I just don’t want them to continue falling into this censor train.


    At the same time, it’s not for the faint at heart. Don’t take it personal if out of 500 messages, you get 1 or 2 real clients. Madison Wisconsin is BAD for that. Then after a week, nobody hits you up.


    I think right now it’s been slow due to April 18th. Not everyone owed, but I’m definitely noticing a drop off since coming out of March. Always some fucking holiday slowing shit up. Easter. St. Patrick’s. Oh, well there’s no holidays until Menorial Day. Let’s throw in TAX day. Tomorrow is Arbor Day, where’s the hype for it?




    I cancelled A4A because it felt soo negative, but then just recently I set it up again and now it's like, not been negative at all haha, so you're definitely right. Also I should've quoted you in my last reply too, because I'm starting to think it definitely had a lot to do with tax season or something lol. A4A does seem a bit tricky though because my normal rate is generally too high for people on there, but I've been trying to figure out a rate that works better for A4A. Guys from A4A seem way less willing to discuss the rate with me than guys from other sites, so it's been a little difficult figuring out a good rate for A4A. The thing I do feel kinda bad about is that I have to just list my ad as masseur, and although I'm comfortable with offering massage, I'm not like actually a masseur and I'd hate to think that I'm insulting others that do it seriously as a profession by listing myself that way. Then again, it's A4A so..... I probably shouldn't be worried about that lol.

  15. I actually hope it gets really, really slow.


    The market has become a bit overpriced IMO with more than a few under-performers. It may be time for a correction.


    Idk. I charge the lower-end of what's around average for my area, but honestly a large part of the reason I charge what I do is because soo much of my time ends up going towards tons of messaging back and forth with people that never end up scheduling anything. It's probably partially my location but if appointments were booked more straight-forward and less of my time went to chatting with people that never end up booking, then I could definitely see charging a significantly lower rate.

    To be fair I'm also probably a bit too nice and willing to spend a lot of my time talking with people while they figure out what they want and whether or not they'd like to hire.


    Also I JUST realized I originally posted this thread haha. As an update I think things being slow for a while probably did have something to do with tax season. It's definitely started to pick back up.

  16. At some point, my expectation of an ongoing client relationship includes at least a moderate level of trust and openness.


    Definitely! I feel like in general a client-escort relationship is a 2-way street in terms of trust, even with a first meeting. I'm not one to judge but idk if they're not comfortable giving you a simple head shot selfie for their phone contacts after 4 visits... that seems like a bit of a problem. But again I'm not trying to trash on anyone haha, I don't know him or the situation and it's totally me just putting in my random 2 cents.

    Idk if I'd necessarily be evasive, but I definitely would prefer to know about security cams at the front door ahead of time. I could see that making me a bit nervous. But yeah I totally agree there should be a level of trust and openness like that with an ongoing thing.

  17. Yeah I've only had A4A up for like, a few days now and I'm about ready to just take it down haha. It's only $30 so I don't feel like it was that big of a waste to at least try it out.

    I've gotten a lot of messages on it since I just put the ad up, they sorta fit into a few different categories, but overall the attitude from the people messaging me has just been extremely negative and rude compared to any other site I've used, and it really isn't worth it to me to bother with that at all lol. It's not that I can't take it, I just don't want to deal with it.


    I would say more but like idk, anything else I can think of to add about my short experience with A4A could really be taken the wrong way so I'll just leave it at that haha.

  18. So after waiting forever for some reason (mostly because I hate their website design), I finally put up an ad on A4A. Now I know this is just my own experience so far after like 2 days, and isn't really the best thing to go off of, but honestly this is like 1/2 a question and 1/2 a bit of a rant haha.


    I've had like tons of contact on A4A, which is probably largely due to my ad being new, and some of it has been positive and hopeful.. but a fair amount of it has just downright rude and disrespectful. My normal rate is pretty normal and competitive with everyone else in the area, not only on RM but also on A4A, and a few of these people advertise the same rate on both. However unlike RM, I've been getting a lot of people on A4A contacting me and telling me my rate is outrageous and way too much. I tell people I'm willing to negotiate a little bit if they would like, but their idea of what my rate 'should be' is definitely far too low to negotiate down to at all. I'm guessing this because they never bother throwing out a counter-offer.


    Now so far I'm guessing that this is partially because people looking at RM are just more knowledgeable and respectful clients, whereas some people use this like totally out-dated A4A site for just hooking up still -- they see the ads and then scoff at the rate, even though they don't really know what they're talking about. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves somehow.


    TL;DR: I'm just curious about everyone's opinion on here; Is A4A even worth running an ad on? Like I'm curious about what experiences people here have had with gaining clients through A4A? Thanks!

  19. That's the difference. We don't need to try to "find" clients, especially in a bar. They're finding us. That's why in my other thread, I discussed business cards as a way of moving things offline a bit. But I'm not looking to hand them out, I'm only using it as a supplement once they seem interested enough to FIND OUT about me.


    It's kind of like on adam4adam or the former gay.com. I don't go hitting up profiles looking for clients. I allow someone to hit me up. And usually it doesn't take long. Occasionally I'll send a wink if someone looks at me, but I have to be really killing time.


    Drawing clients attention is not a 1 and done answer process. What works for one, may not work for another. What worked last year may not work this year. Theres always room for improvement.


    Yeah, I mean that's largely what I prefer.. it just seems like it's slowed down, idk. Maybe I'm just new and haven't fully experienced really slow weeks yet haha. I haven't tried A4A yet though, partially because the site design just looks horrible and I don't want to deal with it lol. Maybe I'll try adding A4A as well though.

  20. I would agree with everyone here. There are some amateur photographers on Grindr et al.


    You can also play around with self timers and angles (all the Instagram models have given me ideas for sure).


    It’s harder now, but when I was starting out, I used craigslist to connect with photographers (and get comfortable being naked in front of a stranger). It can be like pulling teeth to find ones that will film naked dudes but they do exist. And many photographers are looking to expand their male boudoir portfolios right now since that’s in.


    Since the personals ads no longer exist, look in the gig section. Search “male” and “erotic” and other terms together, and search “-women” to weed out dudes with cameras trying to creep on girls.


    Push comes to shove, post an ad and see whom responds. That’s how I got connected with my most recent photographer, Shawn Moorman in Little Rock.


    I’ve been there. If you need I could try to help more.


    Thanks! I do know I definitely need more, and better, photos lol. I can't help feeling weird about it, but I guess it's something I just need to get used to. Like I'd be more comfortable I think if I somehow found a photographer that also found me attractive but, that really shouldn't be necessary haha. I'm just new to all of this, and really used to like professional or even amateur photographers if that makes sense.

  21. Get outside. Just go to the local park.

    You may have to make more than one park visit to get some variety.

    It should be ok to wear a muscle t-shirt and gym shorts in the park.

    Or suit and tie.

    Put yourself in a “G rated” position with a nice background.

    Then either:

    Ask a passerby to snap a photo with your smartphone.

    Or just use smartphone’s timer delay.


    And smile!


    lol idk why I hadn't thought of using a timer.. I guess I've like, never done that haha. Thanks! I'll try it. And yeah, hopefully the weather will get good enough soon for outdoor shots!

  22. So I think this has been discussed a bit before here and there, but I don't believe I've seen thread purely about this topic, so sorry if this is a repost. If there's another thread dedicated to this I'd very much appreciate a link to that thread.


    When I first started really doing this about a month ago, I was meeting with maybe like 2-3 clients per week, which for me is an ideal pace since I don't see this as a full-time gig for myself. I was also being contacted by roughly 1-3 people a day that would end up not scheduling anything, which tbh doesn't really bother me at all, as I do just see it as part of the gig.


    However recently that number has seemingly started to decline a bit. Again this is a side, part-time thing for me so it's not really a huge issue and I'm really not all that upset about it, perhaps just mildly disappointed. I've gotten slightly more out-of-shape since my last LTR, although I wouldn't say that I'm "out of shape". I've been working diligently on getting back into even better shape than I was before. Although I've overcome some insecurities here and there and I'm now in a place where I do feel that I look good, as conceited as that might sound, I can't help but feel a little bit worried that this decline in appointments has to do with clients not finding me physically attractive enough (I know, it's stupid and it probably looks like I'm fishing for compliments but I feel like I can just ramble out whatever on here so why not).


    My entire approach thus far has been just waiting to be contacted. I have profiles/ads up on a couple different sites, i.e. RM, friendboy.pro, and mintboys. I've looked into getting better pictures and maybe even videos done as a possible way to attract more potential clients, but I've had trouble finding photographers, especially since MM won't approve my account, given that all my photos are selfies and MM doesn't allow profiles to have selfies. Of course the reason I want a MM account is so that all of my photos don't have to be selfies... sigh


    I like the idea of keeping everything very professional, legal, and providing quality service so I'm not all that interested in trying to find clients out at like bars or anything, (which is a suggestion I've seen in a different thread somewhere on here) although I could be convinced of it if you really think it's a good, mostly safe method and you have a good argument for it.


    TL;DR How can I put myself out there more than I already have, in order to draw the attention of more potential clients? Is there anything I'm doing wrong in my approach, or should I just keep at it the same way I have been, and be patient?

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