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Posts posted by MichBoyBlake

  1. That's true, but I would also encourage all that plan to be doing this work for at least 5 years, to create a professional website. Using Wix, it can be done over a weekend, and having you're own web presence is invaluable.


    Yeah. That's definitely great advice, and I think a smart move for most people. The issue I have is like.. I guess at this point at least, I'm not really planning on doing this at that level. I don't really want to get into self-advertising with social media or anything. I'd much, much rather pay a fee to be posted with a reputable site.

  2. Wow thanks for all the input!!! Yeah, I think I've gotten really lucky and have dealt with only clients that like, 100% know what they're doing so far haha. Amateur mistake. I've never actually had anyone book for like, a specific amount of time, but at the end it's always been like, they know my rate and they end up giving me the appropriate amount without me even having to say anything about it at all. I realize now that it's stupid of me to think that's how it works haha, I'm supposed to be the professional here. I should be the one working on booking set times and sorta paying attention to the time during bookings.. I think I'm generally pretty good at this, I just need to work on figuring out ways to mix in the sorta business aspects of it without being too blunt and ruining the fun/flirty vibe. This was actually the first client that wanted me to sorta lead and pace everything lol.

  3. Hi! So, I've always been a very polite and courteous person to a fault. I always avoid conflict as much as possible.


    I've recently had this problem with a client that took up a bit over two hours but only treated it as one hour when it was time for me to leave. For the most part he was nice, complimentary, and overall it was a pretty good experience. He also talked quite a bit about booking me again. There were some comments here and there about how like "fun and easy" this must be for me that rubbed me the wrong way a bit, but I do think that was genuinely just him trying to be nice, joke a little and relax more than anything. Anyways, when I left he had everything in cash and all wrapped up together, so I didn't say anything since it seemed like he got it all together, prepared in advance. He also made a small joke when I very quickly unraveled and counted it before pocketing it.

    So I'm not like majorly upset really. I think this is just the first booking I've had where I left actually feeling a bit disrespected, although I guess I've probably just been lucky so far, and more of that is to come eventually. If it had been like 90 minutes I probably wouldn't have minded that much, but because of those few comments he made, and that it was just over two hours it's kinda stuck with me a bit.

    Sorry that was long I think I just sorta needed to get that all off my chest haha.


    Anyways, at this point I'm just not going to bring the last booking up at all since it's in the past, but if he books me again, and the same situation arises again.. how should I like, address it without coming off as rude?

  4. My phone number still shows up under the 'contact me' thing, but I never had it written directly in the ad. BUT....


    they removed like two blocks of text from my ad that didn't even refer to rate at all. They took out the part that said I can only do out-calls, and then they also took out a less-important part that was just supposed to be like a cheerful "whether you enjoy X or Y or Z or etc., I'd be happy to join you!" where none of X Y and Z referred to anything even remotely sexual.

    It's still ok I guess but I feel like it just sucks that this is all happening, especially since I just started and haven't built up much of a reliable client-base yet lol.

    I mean I'm sure SOMETHING will pop-up to fill the void.. maybe mintboys will get more popular, even though you can't post revealing pics or vids on there. It's definitely just frustrating.

    Also frustrating not because of this particular instance, but because this could create a scary-weird precedence where websites become more and more and more responsible for how their users use the websites. I'm not freaking out because I don't think this is gonna lead to like, China-level internet censorship but... it definitely could be a slippery slope. My 'about me' text feels so empty now I don't know what else to add into it at this point haha.




    Sorry if this stuff had been said before in this thread.. it's been so long since I've used forums at all that I've lost the patience to go through the entire thread haha. I should probably start doing that again.


    On a side note... I know this is a bit off-topic but if anyone has any input on what I could write in the about me section now that like 1/2 of what I had is gone, i'd be happy to hear suggestions haha. Maybe DM so this thread doesn't get off topic.

  5. I gained quite a bit of weight over the course of my last relationship, but I've managed to take it off and I've started to get back into better shape again.

    I didn't read everything in this thread so sorry if I'm repeating something, but for me the best advice I can give is: count calories (at least at first), try to be a bit more active... but most importantly look at it as a change into a new, healthier life-style. It's a slow process, so focus more on being healthy than on losing weight. Also try to enjoy yourself and be comfortable with how you look now.

    A lot of the reason people have trouble losing weight and getting healthier is because it's generally a long-term game. You want to still be healthy too once you hit your target number. It's totally ok to indulge yourself a little bit here and there.. just generally focus on being healthier and having better self-control, but don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day or even a bad week! Just keep moving forward.

    That's the best advice I can give.

  6. Looks like a number of people near me have been able to snake their rates back into their ads but I can't seem to :( I guess it doesn't really matter. I shouldn't be fussing over this haha. If they're really taking them out of everyone's then it's only a matter of time until those people get them pulled again anyways.

  7. As a gay male I do wish I could screen clients a bit more. But oh well. There are very few clients that would be understanding and OK with that (although it seems like common sense to me), so I generally do very little screening, if any. I will be quick to either let a potential client know though if they're giving me a bad vibe, or to just choose to not meet with that client.

    I only do out-calls, so it does always kinda feel a bit unnerving at first to walk up, knock on the door and enter.. but idk I'm slowly getting over it. I still try to be careful though, pay attention and keep my eyes open on a first meet.

  8. In a perfect world I'd prefer to shower before bed.

    But unless it's just like some menial errand, I don't really like to go out without having showered and everything, so I usually end up showering earlier in the day.

  9. I've started to venture into doing this mainly because it's something I enjoy and it's something I feel like I'm really good at, both naturally and learning from plenty of experience. And there's some old saying I can't remember about not doing something you're good at for free or whatever.

    I don't always know how to respond when a client asks me what I like though. I mean partially because I also slightly more enjoy giving pleasure to others than receiving it myself, but also because the list of stuff I like is long, and what I can or can't get into largely depends on the other person... so, it's not easy for me to just spit out an answer to that. Another reason is I'd rather not saying anything that sounds weird or scares anyone off, but really I could end up giving an answer that then later turns out to be false with that particular person, and I'd either have to fake it as best as I can and hope they don't catch on, or somehow go back on what I said earlier.

  10. Hi! Sorry if I'm posting threads too much haha.. I sorta recently started advertising, thinking I'd be able to figure it out on my own... and now I'm learning that there's way more of an etiquette with everything than I realized, and definitely a lot for me to learn!

    Anyways, I have no intention ever to misrepresent myself at all. I'm happy with how I look for the most part, and I guess right now I'm in a stage where I sorta see myself as a work-in-progress lol. But I'm not at all trying to hide anything or make myself appear different than I am.

    Here I go typing too much again sorry

    If a potential client wants to do a quick live thing like facetime or skype to prove I am the same person as in my pictures, and that those pictures aren't edited at all, I'm certainly willing to do that. BUT I'm also not like, sitting around all day perfectly ready to do that. I'm starting to wonder if it's actually possible, but I really want to do this as a part-time thing. I mean I've met a few clients so far, the most recent of which might turn into a regular, but it seems like I get soo many messages from people that end up resulting in nothing, and I'm starting to wonder if it's more than just "that's part of the business" and also something I'm totally doing wrong on my end.


    Anyways, my questions are:

    1) How would I go about telling a potential client "I'm willing to Facetime/Skype/Whatever but umm.. I feel like a complete mess right now so would you be willing to wait X time?"

    2) Would it even be acceptable, etiquette wise, to have that sort of response to a client? or do potential clients see that sort of thing as a 'red flag' and just quickly move on? Should I just put more effort into being ready to take pics or skype or whatever on a moments notice?

  11. I think the idea is something like, for example you could make an instagram account just for this, and then post selfies or whatever other pictures often, add a million hashtags to the pic, and then have the rentmen link either on your instagram profile, or on everything you post. I do social media promotion a decent amount for non-escort related stuff haha. Idk if there's a huge difference in how you'd do it for escort stuff or not. I would guess not.

  12. haha wow I was not expecting this much input. Thanks a lot!! I'm definitely just gonna use face pics now haha. I'll add like 1 for now and take some more to add later.

    Thanks a lot!!!

    Now I just need to take some selfies that are like, different from ones I've posted on other social media haha.

  13. Ugh they basically released it and are charging full price for it, even though the game is clearly in like alpha stage. They've said a lot of stuff about how they're "thinking about the life of the game 3+ years from now" but it's a lot of BS honestly. Some of the big publishers have been rushing titles more and more the past few years, and end up releasing them well before they're finished. They'll slowly add in more and more content over the next year or two, probably partially through patching and partially through paid DLC, and then eventually it'll be an actual, full, playable game.

    But for now it's basically just a completely empty game. This kind of behavior has been hurting those big publishers quite a bit over the past few years though. I don't know why they keep doing it... it's a terrible move. It just upsets everyone in the gaming community honestly.


    I think the joke about Mike Pence is based on the first screenshot if you open the article of someone steering the ship? It looks kinda suggestive thanks to the animation style haha.

  14. haha well mine are green ;)

    I might have to say "fuck it" and just use face pictures haha. But like, would you contact someone that doesn't have face pictures posted and ask for one? Or just sorta move on? because I wouldn't mind sending face pics to potential clients that way I guess, it's more about just having them posted if that makes sense lol.

  15. Thanks for the input! I guess although I enjoy it, I'm not so much looking at this as like, a full-time career type thing? I'm not really embarrassed or concerned so much about being recognized on like, a personal level, but idk on a professional level it could become an issue in the future? Also I have like.. idk a minor online presence separate from this as well and I imagine if either gets big enough they'd eventually end up intertwining regardless, but I'd like to at least not encourage that? haha. I probably sound like a mess.

  16. Hi! I sorta recently started. I'm openly gay, not worried about being 'discreet', and I don't find anything shameful at all about this even though a lot of people out there do. I'm not really worried about anyone I know finding out because, well A) I'm not ashamed of it and B) Anyone that manages to find an ad is likely looking for someone to hire anyways ;)

    However, I'd rather not have everything just completely out in the open and obvious? I mean I'm not afraid of being found out per say.. and I'm happy to provide a face picture if someone asks?

    That definitely got a lot longer than I intended haha.. Anyways, is it THAT big of a deal to clients if you don't have a picture showing your face anywhere in your ads? I do worry a little bit about it because most of the other guys in my area seem to have face pics all over the place. Is it something that would make someone normally completely pass you over?

  17. I just started out too! Well, actually I've gone back and forth about it for a little while but I'm ready to get more serious about it now haha.

    I'm sure Gold would definitely help! Where I am I still show up on the first page with the standard cost, but I think when the standard runs out I'll renew it with Gold.

    Thanks for mentioning Rentboy.pro , I'll definitely look into putting an ad on there as well as rentmen. I was originally going to post a thread asking about places to post ads and find interested clients haha, but I figured it'd be better to just add to this thread.

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