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Everything posted by friendofsheila

  1. Goofus: DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME??? I SAID "Get on your knees!...." NOW! Gallant: I've always fantasized about getting a blow job from a hot guy while I'm standing in front of him. Could we do that now?
  2. Very nice that you found each other. Both times!
  3. Goofus: You mean these? Right here? Oh, that's a skin infection. It comes back every so often. You probably don't need to worry. Gallant: I'll schedule the appointment you want after I get better.
  4. Goofus: Just keep doing that until I TELL you to stop, bitch! Gallant: That was great. You're really good at it! Could you do it some more? I'd love it.
  5. Goofus: Stop complaining and TAKE it! Gallant: You okay?
  6. Goofus: You're doing it WRONG, you stupid piece of MEAT! Gallant: Could you do that a little differently? It would really turn me on.
  7. Goofus: No, I don't do that.... Or that.... Nope..... None of those..... Or that either..... Nope.... No, you don't want an escort who'd do that.... That? No, I won't.... Not at all..... Or any of that..... Nope. Gallant: There's just a few things I'm okay doing with clients. Let me tell you what they are so you can decide.
  8. Some folks have smiles that look awkward in photos, so I'm guessing that's why he doesn't. Similarly, we see his face from straight-on, which you'll find (from the one photo where we see a bit of profile) is that he's got a sizable nose. Which is not a bad thing, if you ask me!
  9. I like the color, looking from above down his leg shot. http://features.outinamerica.com/2010/09/02/hot-guy-brian-muldoon-gives-the-younger-boys-a-run-for-the-their-money/
  10. And although he doesn't smile at all, ever, he takes a good picture. http://www.queerty.com/photos-muldoon-buggy-20100531/ And he's gay, gay, gay! http://cometoisland.blogspot.com/2010/07/island-spotlight-there-is-something.html http://photos.modelmayhem.com/photos/100515/20/4bef63933d522.jpg
  11. Goofus: Aren't you done yet??? Gallant: What can I do to help you come?
  12. Goofus: "Get your money and go!" Gallant: "I had a wonderful time. And this is for you, of course." Goofus: "You keep eating my ass, you filthy sex pig!" Gallant: "You're sooooo good at rimming! I love it." Goofus: "Be my prison bitch and suck me 'til you gag. NOW!" Gallant: "I love getting fellated. Are you okay with doing this?" (Can you think of any more?)
  13. So maybe the reports of a wife and kids are exaggerated, too? One can only wish. Anyway, I guess I'm getting a general shrug of the shoulders from you guys about the nosejob.
  14. I recall seeing cute actor Jack Noseworthy in a small part in "Mrs. Cage" on PBS (1992). I thought he was really cute in spite of a nose that's somewhat large but is sexy in its own right. When I saw photos of him much later in "Poster Boy" I thought it looked like he'd had a nose job, and one that (like at least one other I'd seen before) made his nose TOO small. Now looking at photos on Google, I'm not so sure I'm right: http://www.google.com/search?q=jack+noseworthy+dead&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rlz=1R1GGLL_en___US399&prmd=ivnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=3NX0TaD2LZCusAPNhN26Cw&ved=0CDwQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=859 Did anybody else notice this? (I'm also surprised to learn that he's dead!)
  15. Probably Barry Van Dyke, who was one of those men, like Gregory Harrison, who rarely showed up on TV in the 1970's unless he was shirtless http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9PJZY6xZk1o/Rs3UIZi2_FI/AAAAAAAAKiM/SrX-1SMTO7A/s1600-h/PDVD_085.JPG More of same moment: http://stepoutoftheordinary.blogspot.com/2007/08/long-forgotten-but-delicious-scene-of.html
  16. I remember Harvey Fierstein commenting on gays being shown as just clownish entertainment character; he said he supported "visibility at any cost." You react strongly to such things as we're discussing here, though, which is understandable given what you describe. Thanks for being very reasonable about our difference of opinion, Leigh.
  17. I could probably debate this to a certain degree. I won't since I think it would boil down to this being an issue that really can be seen from 2 different points of view: either a glass half-full, or half-empty. It's kinda like when WILL & GRACE first started airing. Some people saw it as progress (a gay main character) and others saw it as not (just another clown with no boyfriend/husband/sex life).
  18. I do see your point about them approaching it like something to be avoided, like a front-end collision in the traditional game of chicken. I do also see it as marginal progress, like MsGuy, since I'd feel demeaned only if they spat on or humiliated the winner (the one who went further into the kiss). Since they celebrate him, it means a small measure of acceptance of gay-ness, to me.
  19. Here's the most accomplished pair I've seen so far. [video=youtube;Bybu5Tq4HAI]
  20. I'm generally about 8 years behind the curve, so don't flame me if you already know about this game.
  21. Nice to hear from all of you. Haven't seen you in a while, Deej, but then I haven't been around much myself.
  22. I remember seeing this Diana Ross concert on TV and feeling a shock of homo-voltage go through me when these male dancers came on the screen facing the camera and their booties were just oh-so-clear through their very-70's space-age jumpsuits. See 2:42 to relive it!
  23. I watched a porno scene yesterday. The father-of-the-bride was putting the moves on the groom, and was not meeting any resistance at all. I'm doing my best to forget these facts and just try to enjoy the scene when, at the the *climactic* moment, The Groom says: "Oh, Mr. Clayton, I'm think I'm going to cum!" Mr. Clayton immediately says: "Call me 'Dad'." Oh, lordy I just wanted to shoot myself, and not in a good way. ********* That reminded me of one other instance of porn dialogue that was weird. Well, it's ALL weird really, but weird in a way that stands out. Closeup of a butthole and a couple of fingers are diddling it but not penetrating. The camera pulls back and the butthole's owner is lying on his back on a couch, his legs in the air and has his pants and undies up 'round his knees. The owner of the fingers is a friend of the butthole and asks: "When am I going to get to f*** you?" Butthole Boy indignantly pulls his trousers back on and replies angrily: "I can't let you f*** me! It would complicate our friendship!!" *********** Can you think of more examples?
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